《Survival Story Of A Swordsman In A Post-Apocalyptic World》Chapter 2


It charges at him as soon as it sets its sight onto him.

"Then this is not the fucking heaven!"

He dashed at great speed around it and in the blink of an eye. He's back onto the same place he was recently standing on as if nothing had happened. At the same time. It already lost its head.

Purple-colored blood sprayed all over the dirt and some even got onto his kimono. Since his sword is stained from it. He then removed those by swinging it above ground before sheathing it back.

"What the fuck is that? That's the first time I met such a thing. Whatever that is. I hope there's no more than one of it. Where the hell am I exactly? Goddammit, I should get going."

He walked for a while. Unable to process anything but suddenly remembers his pendant.

"My pen–"

He grabbed his chest and it is there. Reminiscent of the past. He remembers when he first got it. The time before they were deployed into the battlefield.

In a small room lit by candles. Full of things they don't know. The seven kids stood there while listening to an alchemist.

"A'ight kiddos. These right here will save you, kids, from dying. These are special pendants made by me you know!?" The alchemist said to the kids pridefully. "These are very special just like the weapons we made you individually!"

Surprisingly. Even when they are in a harsh environment. There are still people good enough to help them and have fun with.

A boy with jet-black and spiky hair named Sora then replied with a dubious tone. "Eh? What's even special about it? It's not as special as our weapons."

"Oh. Okay. I guess you need to learn it. Your weapons and these pendants are made from materials gathered from ancient demons, ya know?"


A white-haired girl on the other hand also joins in. "Mister. I thought those are merely folklores?"

"Oh, little Mafuyu. They are real. They're in front of you." The alchemist replied as he held the pendants in front of them made from different gemstones and containing some unknown fluids within. "Okay, then. Take these. These will be my parting gift with you seven. Take care out there." He then handed out the pendants to them

"Yes!" They replied in unison.

As they're leaving. Souji let out his appreciation in a low voice to which the alchemist simply nod.

Back into reality. Souji's walking still when he encountered another three monstrous insects. A mantis, grasshopper, and a spider. Each as tall as the trees that are tens of times above him.

The monsters began roaring towards him and the mantis cleaved him and the surrounding trees using one of its extraordinary blades to which he dodges simply by jumping. He noticed a weird symbol on its head that he didn't know the meaning of. The same symbols appeared at the back of the spider and the side of the grasshopper. "What are these?" Souji returned the favor by unsheathing his katana so fast and cutting one of the mantis' forelegs that the monster couldn't react at all due to it being lightning fast.

A net made of silk then appeared above him but he simply sliced it to countless pieces before it hits him, however. The grasshopper had launched itself towards him ready to munch him.

Silently. He disappeared from the air and on the ground. He sheaths his katana and then just like from the centipede. He disappeared so fast and within three seconds when he appeared just a little far from the monsters. Their heads had been missing.


He let out a sigh and mumbles. "Won't those leave me alone?" Then continued walking as if nothing happened.

The sun sets and it was currently the middle of the night. With the moon high above and stars twinkling from beyond. Unable to find civilization or any presence of humanity at all. He looked up as he sat down under a tree.

"I'm a little hungry. But I'm sure I can't eat those monsters. What should I do? Damn it. I'll just sleep." Slowly, his head lowers, and later fell into a deep sleep. Even though it was risky sleeping in such a place. He's fine since even if the enemy is a mile away. He would immediately take notice of it.

As his head slowly rises and opened up his eyes. He saw the same sun again. Everything has been there again. And those monstrosities are out there somewhere, again.

"What a nice sleep." He slowly gets up and puts his katana beside him. Later, he began walking once again. Hoping that today. Maybe he'll meet anyone.

*Well. Even if I were to meet anyone. It's not like I'll understand them, right?*

Continuing for a while. He heard something.

*Something's moving fast.*

He looked into the far distance and saw something flying while lit in flames. It was scorching fiercely but he couldn't see what exactly it is. It was fast but he's confident he could catch up easily.

Souji then saw that it was being chased by ten monsters. The flying object flew above the trees and faced the monsters.

As soon as he got a clear view of what it was he had his hopes rise tremendously. It was a boy around his age with burning metallic blade wings strapped onto his back with a fit black suit covering his entire body. He's red haired paired with beautiful green eyes and very average build. The boy then let out a barrage of tens of fireballs raining down below that decimated a few monsters.

"Damn! Not enough! I should've been able to take care of this group composed of mostly level one monsters with this divine catalyst! Ahh! I shouldn't let others be involved here! I can do this! I won't let the village be harmed!"

He continued flying away since some monsters started jumping to reach him but he can't rise up or else he'll consume more magic to maintain altitude.

But then. When he looked back. All of those remaining monsters have all been killed.

"What the? They're dead? What the hell happened? This is merely an insignificant group of the horde that had strayed from it, but there's no way they could be killed easily in an instant even though they're level one!"

He looked at the center of the corpses and saw Souji standing motionlessly. He flew just above him to be safe and started conversing with Souji.

"O-oi. Did you do this?"

As soon as Souji heard his words. He's bewildered. *We could understand each other?*

"Yeah. I did it."

"W-what level are you!? I'm level three!"


"Look behind your left hand! It should be there! See mine!"

The boy showed his and it is indeed three inscribed behind his hand but Souji doesn't know about numbers at all.

"There's none, look."

"There's… no level? By the way! I'm Alexander!"

"Souji. Just Souji."

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