《Legacy of U.L.T.R.A (dropped)》Chapter 9: Conquering?


We had walked for 2 days before we stopped to get some rest... we've only encountered Goblins so far... and they looked exactly like the ones from the stories I used to read back on Earth...

There were 10 of them... each about 5ft (154 cm) tall and with dry green colored skin.. They didn't notice us watching them from various positions around them.. We decided to wait before making contact.. It was a really good chance to see how the other sentient life forms worked with each other...too great of an opportunity too miss... We watched them interact we each other for about 10 minutes...


Passive Skill Learned!

Language Comprehension - S

Able to understand any language.


It can't be that easy right?.... When I looked towards my brothers, one had a confused expression... while the other had a conflicted expression..

"kiwi.. what's up?"

"the goblins... they don't look like they are just wandering around.. it's as if they are looking for something..."

hmm.. he's right...

We signal our parents to move back to camp while we continued to watch the goblins...

I want to [Identify] the leader.. but I don't know which one that is..

They seem to only talk in one word sentences.. but they also use their hands to point in different directions.. I guess they are rather simple..

let's just chose at random then..


Status Name: n/a Race: Goblin Level: 15 Class: Goblin Fighter Age: n/a HP: 160 MP: 40 STR: 16 INT: 4 DEX: 15 VIT: 16 Rank: E Skills: Power Swing - E, Bite - E Passive Skills: n/a Titles: n/a

How did it reach level 15 with such poor stats?...

Hint: Party System allows XP to be shared among party members.

...That was a rhetorical question.. but thanks anyways.. even though you never mention how to use these features..

Hint: Just say [Party]..

...weird hint...


Party Name: n/a


Party Level: lvl 4

Party Members:

#1 - Rallo, lvl 4 #4 - #2 - #5 - #3 - #6 - Party Passive Skills: Limit Break - SSS, Tremendous Growth - SS

Well this changes alot.. Lets invite the others first..


"huh..party invite?"

"hey.. did you just send me something?"

"yeah.. accept it"

What about the name... maybe U.L.T.R.A?.. but wouldn't that be to inconspicuous... well it doesn't really matter until I we come in contact with other humans.. let's just go with it..

~Party Settings

Party Name: U.L.T.R.A

Party Level: lvl 7

Party Members:

#1 - Rallo, lvl 4 #4 - #2 - Conker, lvl 9 #5 - #3 - Kiwi, lvl 7 #6 - Party Passive Skills: Limit Break - SSS, Tremendous Growth - SS

Now we can don't have to compete for kills... although it will be a competition still..

We have been following the goblins for about 10 minutes.. and they seem to have found what they were looking for.. a goblin settlement the size of a large village.. with an army of goblins waiting in front of it...

The 2 of the 10 goblins we followed walked to the front of the troops and started talking with a strange looking goblin.. It had a head full of hair and looked more human than everything surrounding it.. It was about 5'9ft (179cm) tall with olive colored skin..

The two goblins pointed in our direction and said '3 adult humans'.. I assumed they were talking about my parents..

Let's use [Identify] on the big one..


Status Name: n/a Race: Hobgoblin Level: 28 Class: Goblin Leader Age: n/a HP: 380 MP: 150 STR: 36 INT: 15 DEX: 14 VIT: 38 Rank: C Skills: Slam - C, Bite - C Passive Skills: Ki Control - E Titles: Goblin King - A

Level 28!?... but his stats are very unbalanced.. he has to be somewhat intelligent to learn [Ki Control].. we should make contact with them before they head toward our parents..


"Conker... lets go.. Kiwi.. prepare to attack if needed.."


"got it.."

Conker and I jumped from our position in the tree... He fell straight down causing a crater to be formed.. I used my telekinesis to float down and land in front of the crater..

"ugh.. what was that?.."

"hello.. hobgoblin-sama.."

"tch.. just a tiny human.. kill him.."

Already?... that's was rather quick.. maybe we should just kill them after all..

I throw a fist up to signal Kiwi not to attack..

6 goblins run towards us yelling random words like 'kill' and 'eat'.. they are really stupid..


"wah" "gah"

Level Up! x11Reached level 15. Player features unlocked.

umm.. 11 levels?.. fuck it I'm just rolling with it.. is it the effect of the party?.. I should just get used to the nonsense..

"Kiwi.. attack from the rear... Conker... don't hit Kiwi.. also leave the big one alone.."

I used [Telekineses] to float about 6ft off the ground.. this allowed me to get a better view of the situation..

Conker used [Blaze] and swung his wooden sword.. This strike wiped 15 goblins out of existence.. only ashes were left and they blew away with the wind..

The goblins in front of Conker were shocked.. they tried to run away from him but were met with another devastating scene..

Kiwi who was using [Boost]... was killing goblins at a obsence rate.. he only used his 3 year old body to wipe out any gobllin that ran away from the fight ahead of them..

A ruthless plan.. but it's efficient for killing, so whatever works..

I cast [Fireball] while adding 120 MP... 3 boulder sized fireballs formed in front of me.. I was stunned honestly.. they were at least twice as big as myself.. I floated over the group of goblins and drop the fireballs as if they were bombs.. they killed like 10 goblins each..

I let my brothers finish the rest while I float over to the terrified goblin king..

"you wish to speak now?"

"ye-yes, my lord.."

"well if you call me that... you might as well swear fealty to me"

"I am willing my lord.. if you would let my keep my title.. I could continue to run this village in your ste-.."

"yeah.. yeah.. you can do that.. but my family is going to move into this village today.. so go tell your goblin friends to get ready.."

"yes, my lord.."

"also.. what is the center of this village?"

"a small forest, my lord.. it has been there since the beginning of our village..."

"is that so... well that forest is now my property.. remove any goblins in it and tell all of them never to enter unless given permission.. if they do enter however.. I can not guarantee their lives.."

"y-y-yes, my lord.."

I call for Conker and Kiwi to stop their massacre.. there are only 40ish goblins left out of the hundreds that were there before..

Most were to scared to move.. but a few including the king bowed to show their respects..

I asked Kiwi to go get our parents since he was the fastest.. He agreed and took off.. Conker and I then made our way towards the center of the village.. Along the way we were met with the grieving faces of several goblins... or they could have been angry.. but none approached us as we walked through them...

We were actually on a road that lead to this ancient forest... It branched off to other roads the connected the entire village... all surrounding my new property.. sweet..

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