《Legacy of U.L.T.R.A (dropped)》Chapter 8: 5 Years



Passive Skill Learned!Voiceless Casting - S

huh.... I only thought about it for a second.. but learned it just like that.. wow

~later that day~

"Hey everyone.."

"What is it son?"

"I believe we should go out and level diligently for 5 years.. and since this is really a fantasy world.. there should be other races besides humans right.. and I'm pretty sure my brothers and I can learn any language through the..*whispers* player system... "

"why did you whisper that..?"

"im not sure.. i just felt like I had to.. but we could possibly convince the different races to side with us.. of course if they don't realize their places and chose to attack, we could slaughter their entire race... but that's only if "

"he's making that smile again... fuck this..."

"-ah..... all you had to say was stop... why a book?"

I might sound evil.. but I would never throw a book at someone...

"and if we convince them to join us then what?... what do you plan to do after that.."

"... do you really need ask that.. I plan to build a kingdom of course..isn't everyones dream to be a king.."

Of course I didn't tell him my real plans.. that is just the beginning...

"Young Master, how do you plan to train us?"

... really she must have [Stealth] or something.. she just disappears from time to time.. maybe it's just me...


Status Name: June Age: 20 Level: 10 Class: Assassin HP: 130 MP: 100 STR: 13 INT: 10 DEX: 16 VIT: 13 Rank: E Skills: Burst - E Passive Skills: Throwing Arts - E Titles: n/a

woah.. her stats are pretty good for a side character..she could have fought me once upon a time.. definitly would have loss though..


....well now that I got a good idea of everyone strength.. we should head out..

"If agree with this come with me.. if not.. you can stay.."

"Who made you in charge?"

If he wasn't my father I would have killed him on the spot.. I should be the leader of my own plan idiot..

"well he did kinda make the plan.."

"yeah... he has probably been waiting on this moment for years.. might aswell let him lead.."

... It's good to have OP 3 year olds on your side..

"I-i guess.."

"pack all the food and put it on the table... then we'll do the rest.."

"What are you boys gonna do?"

"nothing bad.. just wait and see.."


After they finished putting the food on the table.. My brothers and I each stored a third of the food into our [Inventory]..

"!?!?...where did the food go??"


Instead if standing there.. I walked towards the door..

"Let's go"

"Wh-what?...which way are we going?"

I honestly don't know which we are going.... but how can I just admit that?... so I just keep walking..

When everyone got outside.. I put the house into my inventory aswell.. All the adult's eyes were bulging out after witnessing such a spectacle.. We then picked a direction and began walking...

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