《The Legend of Fanaura : Journey》Chapter 17 - To Marama


"Say something...." She could hear her inner voice trembling. "ZEKE!"

Yurika’s whole body grew tenser with each second that passed. Despite the high temperature of the hot spring, all she could feel was ice-cold dread spreading through every part of her mind and body. An image of Scry flashed in her head, laughing with sinister intent. Planning something cold and cruel. The next thing she knew, she was on the forest floor, dirty and bruised.

"Mom!" a voice that wasn't hers called out desperately. She wasn't even sure if it was directed to her either.

The image then distorted and suddenly herself visage was replaced with Eireen's teary face staring at something Yurika couldn't see. Despair was written all over her face and it was clawing its way to Yurika like a contagious sickness. The notion of hope became meaningless as it drained away from her.

"No..., no, NO!" Yurika’s trembling lips mumbled the words. She shook her head furiously as the desperation and anger grew. What happened next was something beyond her control. Her mind, like a bony paw, reached out for Zeke's soul. Its claws wrapped around his essence and she could literally hear Zeke desperately trying to break free.

"Yu-Yurika?! Wha-What are you doing?! S-ST-STOP!!"

The claw slowly clenched around Zeke as he writhed in pain. Her desire to push through and break the last defence in his mind was so strong. She wanted to know the truth so much that she almost didn't care if she hurt her best friend. But, at the last second, she stopped. Her mind throbbed with a sharp pain as she struggled with her desire and common sense. What she was about to do to her best friend was something that would not only damage their friendship, but also her own values. Her whole body shook as she tried her best to take hold of herself. To use his True Name and betray his trust was something she would regret for the rest of her life. So she stopped.

"Then answer me! say something...," a harsh, breathy and cracked voice came from the claw. She couldn't believe that was her mind talking. It sounded ancient and fragile at the same time.


"Is... is she dead?" Her desperation trickled out like tears on her cheeks as her mind slowly let go of Zeke's soul. She prepared her heart for the worst.

"We don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?!"

"She vanished with Scry last night and ... to be honest, with their history I can't help thinking the worst." Zeke sounded so gloomy, "I am sorry, Yuu. I should have protected her. I am so--"

"Wait, so... no blood, no dead body, nothing?"

"No, nothing."

Like a ray of light in the darkness, Zeke's words pulled her out from her well of despair. She didn't care if he didn't even realize it. Confidence bloomed inside of her. Knowing Wen’s determined character gave her hope. Wen would never let him go unscathed if she had to go down in any way. So no blood and no dead body were good signs for Yurika.

"She's alive! She's definitely still alive."

"Are you sure?"

Yurika's eyebrow instinctively raised at the strange tone of his question. It was almost as if he wasn't thrilled to hear that Wen might still be alive. But..., why would he not be happy about it?

"I am sure. I can feel it in my gut." She didn't ask the question. She knew that Zeke and Wen weren't on the best of terms, and Wen strongly questioned Zeke’s trustworthiness. But, she still couldn't think of any reason for Zeke to want something bad to happen to her best friend.

"If she is still alive... where is she?"

"I don't know. The only thing I am sure of is that she would use any means to get herself to Marama. When her family needs her, Wen is not someone who will ignore that."

"I hope your gut is right, Yuu," Zeke finally said after a few seconds of silence. "How far are you from Marama? Our party will arrive around sunset. We would have arrived sooner if Wen and Scry hadn’t disappeared."

"We’ll probably arrive around sunset too. But, from the other side of Marama. I don't think we can meet up by the end of today."


"Okay, let's talk again when we are in Marama."

"Zeke...," Yurika took a deep breath, "I am sorry for what I almost did."

Zeke didn't respond for a while, "Be safe, Yuu. I'll see you soon."

"He is angry. I guess that's a given. I'll apologize again later when we are face to face." thought Yurika.

"You too. Stay safe!" with that Yurika cut her connection with Zeke. Her eyes slowly opened and she was back at the hot spring. All of her senses returned one by one. The noon sun lazily seeped between the trees. It was quite bright for her fuchsia eyes as if she had been in a dark place way too long. The heat of the bubbling water started to overwhelm her. She must have been inside longer than she realized. Her mind went to Wenona, "No time to waste, we must go now. Wen, wait for us. We will save you and everyone else!"

Yurika rushed to get out from the hot spring. She grabbed the pants and the red jerkin and walked out of her safe hideout. Her mind was full of many possibilities regarding Wen’s disappearance. Knowing how impatient Wen could be, Yurika thought it was likely she created that magical mount to speed her to Marama. However, Yurika couldn’t imagine Scry’s participation in any positive way. She struggled with these thoughts as she kept on walking, paying no attention to where her feet were taking her.


She heard someone calling her name. She looked up to see the reddest face ever. Marc stood there frozen stiff with his face like an over boiled crab. His mouth gaped open, and he struggled to form words. His finger rose pointing shakily at her. Yurika tilted her head to the right, confused. Her mind still felt like a mess after that soul linking with Zeke and with the whole scenario about Wen and Scry. She blinked and stared at Marc. As she was about to ask what was going on, Marc violently ripped his cape off and threw it at her.

"WEAR SOME CLOTHES!! WHAT ARE YOU?!! A NUDIST?" That was the first time she heard Marc shouting so loud. He whirled his body and walked away with huge steps.

Yurika finally realized that she had only grabbed her clothes, but was not actually wearing them. Her face was now as red as Marc’s. She took the cape and ran back to the bushes, cursing her stupidity repeatedly.


"So..., is she sexy?" Lughna glanced curiously at Marc that huddling down near the mount.

"Shut up!" Marc scowled. His face was still red. He had been trying to arrange types of monsters and their weakness in alphabetical order but to no avail. Her image was so strong in his head and he couldn't seem to make it go away, no matter what.

"She is flat, I see... that's why you look so disappoi--"

"She is not!" He cut the Zanj off but quickly regretted it as the image grew stronger. "Shut it! I don't want to talk about it!"

"Aww come on.... share~" teased the Zanj.

A ball of rags flew at Lughna’s face. It landed perfectly and stopped him from continuing his teasing. Yurika stood there fully clothed and with her hands on her hips. Her face was still like a ripe tomato.

"If you’re fully rested, we should go to Marama and meet with the others now."

"Aw... now?" Lughna made a disappointed face.

"Yes now. Wen is missing and what makes this worse is that Scry also can't be found."

Yurika's news almost made Lughna jump from his mount. "Are you sure? Did they both vanish at the same time?"

A nod from Yurika settled a bile taste on his tongue. All his playfulness was gone, replaced by rage that escalated with every second that passed. His face grew dark as he placed himself back in the driver’s seat.

"If he touches her, even just a small scratch... I promise he will regret ever been born." The Zanj hissed and his black eyes glowed vindictively.

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