《The Legend of Fanaura : Journey》Chapter 16 - Hot Spring


The first orange hued rays of sunrise kissed the sky. Its hue ambitiously illuminated each crevice of the land. The trees shone as if they were wearing golden crowns. The tides on the sea were racing among each other to reach the horizon. Yurika took a deep breath in, the morning breeze that should have filled with the new day's fresh air was tainted with the stench of beast's blood that was covering them. Yurika scrunched her nose, regretting that she took that deep breath in. She watched the sunrise quietly as they were moving at a high speed toward Marama.

Marc who was sitting next to the girl looked exhausted. His eyelids drooped every now and then, there was a slight lolling to his head, drunk with fatigue after last night session of cave crawling and monsters rampage. His head suddenly jolted upward, surprising Yurika. He blinked, widened his eyes, and shook his head; trying to send away his drowsiness.

Yurika in other hands wasn't that sleepy despite she had the same rough night. She wondered was it due to the fact that she had been unconscious for a few hours, or because of Lughna presence. His original form made her feel a little disoriented. It wasn't his good-looking that caused her befuddled. Every Zanj was known to be perfectly moulded by the Goddesses. They were created like arts, beautiful and flawless. So it wasn't that surprising to see a very good looking Lughna. It was more of how she was used to his other appearance, the little girl; Lucia.

Another abrupt jolt from Marc made Yurika's turned her head worriedly. They must stop somewhere to take a quick rest. Especially Lughna, that hasn't got his proper sleep for the past two days. To have someone that hasn't been sleeping for two days in the steering wheel of their uncanny mount wasn't the brightest thing to do.

"We should take a quick stop," suggested Yurika finally breaking the silence, "you and Marc required the sleep and I need to wash myself of this ... gruesomeness."

Lughna's dark eyes glanced at her over his shoulder, "that might be a good idea. Marama is still six hours away. We also probably need the strength to face whatever that's attacking it."

"How about the monsters?" Marc asked while rubbing his eyes, "stopping somewhere at this point, would drag us to the same situation as last night. I don't think we have the energy to face that kind of plight again."


"Simple, I will rest on top of my 'Dreirada the first'. The barrier should keep my curse from attracting the beasts," Lughna tapped the vehicle proudly, "one of the best creation I ever made, I even managed to make a special glasses for Marc."

Yurika scowled at the bragging tone, "yeah-yeah, now find us a spot to take a break."

"Why do I sense hostility?" The man in front of Yurika glanced at her, "don't tell me you are still angry at me about that?"

"I am not angry!" Yurika riled. She averted her gaze to the sea. Her cheeks were puffed and red.

Lughna chortled at Yurika expression, "how many time should I say sorry for hitting your head?"

"I said I am not angry!"

"You are such a kid," teased Lughan, without even glancing at the girl behind him.

"So what! You could have just told me that you are Lucia, but no~ you have to resort on violence," Yurika exploded, "you- you- narcissistic Zanj!"

Lughna's laughter exploded. It was a brief outburst that quickly brought under control. He glanced over at the girl once more. His lips quivered, fighting the urge to laugh at her angry face.

He decided to say nothing back and focused on finding a resting spot. They continued their journey in another silent atmosphere. After around fifteen minutes ride, they started to leave the beach area and entering a forest.

Its canopy was so dense despite it was the start of winter. The leaves were still pretty thick, decorated with silvery-white of snow. It was eerily quiet, bird-song and roaming animals were nowhere to be seen or heard. The forest was lulled by the cold weather. Lughna decreased the speed of their mount, due to the compactness of the trees. He tilted his head to a side before he suddenly made a quick turn.

"Wha-- what happened?" Marc alerted.

"Nothing to worry about. Just finding a good spot to take a break," The silver-haired guy shrugged, "a place that might make the sulky girl feel better."

Yurika was ready to protest. Her mouth gaped open with the desire to squabble and snarl at the Zanj. But, on last seconds she decided to not. A loud annoying snort was the only thing she gave.


After another twenty minutes zooming between the trees, they started to see a small clearing. The air became cooler the further they went. A thin layer of fog blanketed the small forest path. Lughna took another left turn before they came to a large border of grey and black rocks. It circled a natural emerald pool with steam rose from the water, mixing with the cool air. Its almost ethereal haze settled around the unoccupied spring. The water beckoned to them, bubbling its comforting promises.

The Zanj decreased the mount speed to a full stop near one of the largest boulder. He then turned his body to the back facing Yurika and Marc. Another proud smile decorated his beautiful face.

"Isn't this a great place to rest?"

Yurika didn't reply. She nodded slightly, mounted off the ride and walked closer to the hot spring. Marc smiled gratefully at Lughna and followed her lead.

"I am going to take a dip, no peeking please," Yurika finally spoke up. Her tone of voice couldn't hide her excitement.

Lughna snorted softly, "such a child... Can't believe the world's fate lies on her tiny shoulders."

"Sure, take your time. Meanwhile, I'll sleep, I think it's pretty safe here," The silver-haired man moved toward the passenger seat and laid himself comfortably, "Marc, you should relax too. Take a dip or something. I'll warn you guys if I sense any danger."

"I'll just wash up."

"Suit yourself," Lughna yawned. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep.


The early midday sun shone above Yurika. She had found a secluded place with thick bushes that were covered by a thin layer of snow. Standing in front of the water, she removed her boots, the leather pants were sticky with blood and grime. She undid the clasp and wiggled her hips out of them. Next, her finger grasped at the button of Lughna's red jerkin's buttons. Popping them off one by one. Shrugging it off from her shoulders. She carefully laid it on one of the rocks. She took a deep breath and took off her tattered cloak and tunic.

"I can't wear this anymore," she thought, looking at the massive hole. She tossed the rag.

Inhaling a shaky breath, she stepped into the hot pool. Wincing at the heat and the tenderness of her back, she trod carefully as she went deeper. She scrubbed off the dirt, dried blood on her body, touching her wounded shoulder carefully and finally she dipped her whole head under the bubbling water. The water around her started to change colors as the dried blood untangling from her platinum hair. By the time she rose her head out from the water, a satisfied smile plastered on her face. Leaning back against the solid wall, she relaxed for the first time after a hectic couple of days.

"Think, this is the right time to make contact with Zeke. I hope everyone is okay."

Yurika closed her eyes and concentrated on Zeke's image. The weight of his true name settled on her mind as the link coiling and intertwining in the space of souls. It was her first time using True Name connections as Yurika. She felt like she was slipping through a long dark tunnel. It felt almost forever before she finally saw a light at the end of the tunnel. The first feelings that hit her when she embraced the light was 'anger, worry and panic'.


"Yurika?!!" His voice was so loud that her mind was ringing. She yelped at the severity, her face scrunched in pain.

"Oh, my Goddess! It's you! Finally you reached out. I was worry sick! Is everyone okay?" He bombarded her with questions, "Do you manage to meet with Lucia?"

"Everyone is okay, I am with Lucia and Marc. How about on your side? Have you reached Marama? Is Wen okay?"

There was a long pause from Zeke and dread crept over her like an icy rope. Strangling her mind, numbing it despite the warmth of the hot spring enveloping her like a mother to her child. She shivered. And she immediately knew even without Zeke saying anything, that something had happened to Wenona, something that tasted bitter and poisonous called 'Scry'.

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