《The Legend of Fanaura : Journey》Chapter 10 - Monster Tag


'Watch out!'

Marc moved in a blink of an eye, he stepped in front of Yurika and pulled her in with only one hand, he wrapped her closer protectively with his back facing the incoming light. In his embrace, the world stopped on its axis. There was no time, no wind, nothing, Yurika's mind was blank, and she was frozen inside his protective hug.

"What are you guys doing?" Lucia's voice came to their ears, she tilted her head while standing next to Yurika and Marc, a teasing chuckle slipped from her lips, "am I interrupting something? I can leave and let you have --"

"Nothing!! You are not interrupting anything!" Yurika exclaimed while at the same time pushing Marc away. She pushed him hard enough till he fell on the ground and grunted in pain. Yurika face was hot and red as a beet. Marc brushed out the dust on him while keeping his face as poker as he could manage, but his ears were super red.

Lucia snickered teasingly, "nothing, eh? Sure~~ if you say so."

"I did not know that was you, Lucia," he cleared his throat awkwardly, "I just saw a blurry light moved at a fast pace, so I--"

"Jump in to protect our Yurika?" Lucia continued mocking them, "my, I don't know you two have become so close, saving each other so many times."

"She is my comrade, so it is normal to protect her and I am sure she would do the same for me too," Marc started to lose his composure, the redness on his ears spread wider toward his face.

"Uh-huh, yep! Comrade is just the starting point, then it can grow more to--"

"LUCIA!" Yurika yelled at the Zanj, startling everyone, "we don't have time for this. Let's go to Marama, now!"

Lucia blinked and then pouted, "Pooey Yuu, boring~~, why can't I have a little fun for once."

Yurika glared at her without saying anything back. The raven-haired girl sighed, "Sorry, the way out just this way."

She pointed at the tunnel in front of them, "it is a little far, but I think we can leave this place in less than 1 hour if nothing jumps at us."

"Might need longer, since I don't have my glasses, I need to walk slower and I will be depending on you guys," said Marc.

Lucia widened her eyes and her lips formed an 'O', "That is why I feel there's something different with you. You look more adorable without it."

"Eh?!" Marc face became red again, "adorable?"


"Yep, and I think I am in love!" exclaimed Lucia as she jumped at Marc, planning on hugging him. But her movement was stopped by Yurika who was pulling Lucia by her ear.

"Ouw ouch, be gentle," complained the Zanj as she tapped on Yurika hand asking for release.

Giving a death glare, Yurika let go the Zanj's ear

Lucia pouted and rubbed her redden ears "okay, let's go. I think we need to camp later. Since by the time we left this place, it should be sundown."

"No! We need to go to Marama as soon as possible," protested Yurika.

Lucia faced Yurika with a serious look, "I know you are worried, but I am sorry. It is best for us to not go in the dark. Especially not tonight."

"What's wrong with tonight?"

"There are a few reasons why we shouldn't. One, Marc doesn't have his glasses, to force ourselves in walking passing the dark valley ahead is risky and unwise," Lucia signalled them to move.

Yurika offered her hand to Marc, but he hesitated. She then grabbed his other end of the staff and softly nudge him to follow her.

"Second, you both don't have your mount anymore and my mount won't be strong enough to carry all of us," Lucia then sighed heavily, "and third..., tonight is the full moon."

"What's wrong with the full moon?" Marc asked.

"It's the time of the month for me. Lughna's time..."

Yurika then remembered Lucia's explanation at the adventure guild a few days ago, about how she could have her old body once a month.

"Please do remind me, what is Lughna's time?" Marc uttered.

"Well, for now, the most important thing is for us to leave this tunnel before sundown," replied Lucia, there's a hint of urgency in her tone, "because trust me, you won't like the idea of being inside this place when it happened."

"Understood, less talking more walking," Marc nodded.

"Fine, but once we are out. You have some explaining to do."

Yurika then hastened her pace but it didn't last very long. The closer they reached the opening the slower their steps became. As the ground became wetter than the previous and the stones were more slippery. The sloshing sound became louder, and soon they were not only walking on a damp wet soil anymore. It started to form a small creek that ran inside the cave. The smell of salt was stagnant in the air.

"Why do I smell the sea?"

Lucia glanced at the girl, "because this exit is leading us to the west border of Stilla region."


"You've got to be joking! Isn't that put us further from Marama?"

"Well not necessarily, we should be closer to the northwest of Marama. Which means it is closer to your hometown but we are definitely further away from our group. Since they will be on the east side of Marama."

"Wen...," mumbled Yurika worriedly

"Look at the bright side," Marc blurted out, "you could save your friends faster."

"On that part, I agree, but I am worried about Wen."

"You don't have too, she is with Jace and the others."

"That is what I am worried about. Her being with Jace and especially... Scry," a scowl formed on her face.

"Don't worry, there's also Z and Lyall. Z will keep her save and Lyall... well pretty sure he kind of like that little ball of fire," assured Lucia, "for now let's just focus on getting out of here. The exit just right there."

'Zeke, how did I forget about him? I should message him as soon as I leave this place,' with that in her mind, Yurika trudged as fast she could while dragging Marc.

The young man felt the pull and he tried his best to follow. Which was not an easy job for him, with only one capable hand that was holding the very thing that helped him to walk in the dark. The slippery and wet creek under his feet required his balance and it was hard to stay in balance with one hand being dragged and the other being in a sling.

Then he lost his footing and started to slide forward

"No no no!' he cried out and tried to catch himself from tumbling down to no avail. Someone caught him before he actually kissed the ground and hurt himself more.

"I am sorry," Yurika had saved him at the nick of time, "it's my fault for rushing. Are you okay?"

"Don't worry," Marc just shook his head, "thanks, you've saved me again."

Yurika looked remorseful, she bowed her head a bit, and then grabbed Marc left arm, "I think this way is better than holding the tip of your staff. I am more conscious of your well-being this way."

"Okay...," he mumbled and they walked hand in hand toward the exit that wasn't that far anymore. Meanwhile, Lucia was standing at the mouth of the opening and stared at them.

The orange-gold ray stretched far and wide, the color of fire hearths and tangerines lapped the exit. As they were finally at the surface, the slippery rocks started to be replaced by the gentle hue of golden sand. The air was gentle despite the fact it was the early start of the winter season.

Yurika watched the sea, lost in the rhythmic percussion of waves on sand. Her eyes were steady to the horizon, her face was glowing with the orange rays, and for the first few minutes she had forgotten things that had made her worried; lost in the beauty of the sunset

"Hate to bother your moment of bliss. But we don't really have time, we need to set up a camp quick," Lucia nudged her, she then pointed on a random spot onshore not too far away from their place, "Marc can just sit there for now."

Yurika helped him to find the spot and she went to Lucia who had called out her mount.

"You haven't explained to us why we need to worry about your time of the month," asked Yurika as she was helping the Zanj setting up the tent.

"Monsters," Lucia shrugged as she secured the rope and stared directly at Yurika eyes, "do you still remember why Queen Aine decided to change my appearance to what I am now?"

"Yes, hiding you away from Cailea."

"Yep, that's because Cailea had cursed me the moment she knew Gentar's death and I am the cause of it," Lucia then started to make the campfire with the woods they've gathered from around the beach.

The sun had set for a while, the wind was starting to bite with its icy tongue.


The heat from the campfire seemed to be sucked into the frigid air before ever reaching their frozen hands. Lucia added more wood and poked it with a long stick. The fire licked the new logs like a nervous kitten and sent feeble sparks to die in the air. However, it didn't require that long time before it finally found its confidence and grew until the heat warmed them. The light cast by the flames danced and reflected on Lucia's silver eyes.

"In a few hours from now," Lucia grimly spoke up, "when I turned to my old self. You will not only meet the real Lughna the master of craft Zanj... but also a monster beacon."

"Monster beacon?" Yurika gasped.

"Like fire to moths, I will attract monsters and beasts whether I like it or not."

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