《The Legend of Fanaura : Journey》Chapter 9 - Moving out!


A dust storm shook inside the tunnel, a blast of rocks and pebbles flew and scattered like a rain of bullets. Yet Yurika stood there, unruffled by the dashing sharp pellets. Her loose long hair fluttered, tousled by the wind, and gave her a wild look, like her soul was untamed.

Brown and gray dust drifted across the passage, a vortex into the stagnant air. The ray from the miniature light of cloud reflected in the dusty particles made it look glittering. Like pixie dust rather than a dull grey sheen over the jagged wall.

Yurika then bent over to gather Marc's staff. She carefully inspected it, making sure that it was in good condition. A relieved smile grew on her lips as she turned her face to Marc.

"Your staff, it's in a perfect condition," she said while waving the staff on the air. She then walked toward the young man and gave him back the staff.

'Thank you,' he took the staff with his left hand and gently brushed away the dust, 'what was that magic? I've never seen anything like that. Even with my Magnitude Blast, I won't be able to eradicate the blockage as you did.'

Yurika was kneeling next to his right side, her face looked serious as she carefully put both of her hands over his shoulder. His shoulders were broad, she could feel the muscle despite him being slender. His slim body was taunt and lean but not bulky.

'What are you doing?'

"Shushhh, let me concentrate," Yurika hushed him. Then her eyes glowed once more, there's a soft whistling noise came from nowhere. It was really soft and only because they were in complete silence they could faintly hear it. Then Marc felt it, a warm gust of air circling his right side, it was gentle almost to the point of soothing.

'Air healing magic...?' his eyes widened.

"No, it's just helping me to check your real condition, since I am not really well-trained in this type of injuries," Yurika moved away her hands from his shoulder and carefully took out his right arm that was in sling, "thankfully it's not as worse as I thought it would be. Just a fracture. Let me see if I can make you feel a bit better."

Marc groaned slightly because of the movement but he didn't protest. Yurika using her left hand kept his arm close to his body with his hand raised higher than his elbow while her right palm was on the ground. She closed her eyes and mumbling something incoherently.


Then from the ground, the earth gathered on her right hand, almost like a slithering dark brown snake, circling her right arm and moved passed her shoulder towards her left hand that was holding on Marc's arm. Then it found it's way to Marc's arm and started to cover his right arm and shoulder. It was cold to his skin but comforting for his feverish body. When it was finished in covering his right shoulder and arm, in mere seconds it hardened and secured his arm in the position. Yurika put back the sling on his arm to add extra safety.

"Are you comfortable? How are you feeling?" Yurika asked, "could you move your body better now?"

Marc looked at his arm, then rose carefully and slowly. Worried if any sudden move would inflict great pain to his body. But it didn't take him too long before he was already standing on his feet and looking more at ease.

"What did you do? I can still feel the pain, but it is lighter and I can actually move," Marc asked; amazed.

"Well, I just put some cast on your shoulder. It won't really heal your directly but it will help you to move," Yurika stood and faced the opening. Her brows gathered in the middle of her forehead, looked annoyed, "because we need to start to move now and find Lucia. That blast I made before is inviting those Rufas back."

"I think if we can create a distraction and leave quietly, we should be fine," Marc tried to move his staff with his left hand awkwardly, "the question is where to?"

"... think I can lead us to the way out, as well as where is Lucia," she said under her breath, "let's just create the distraction and get out of this dead-end tunnel."

"What did you say?"

"I said, let's create the distraction and ---"

"No, before that, I think you said something," Marc gazed at her curiously, "something about... you know the way out?"

"Urgh... yeah I guess," she bit her inner cheek nervously, "I'll explain while we are on the move. Any idea on what should we do to create a distraction? They are coming in very fast and we need to decide now."

His dark eyes were on the girl for a few seconds before finally said, "I am sorry, without my glasses I can't really see well. But if you don't mind in being my eyes in the dark, I think I have an idea on how to create the distraction."


A sudden touch on Marc's left arm startled him, Yurika had carefully wrapped her hand on it. Her hand was shaking gently as it held on his arm and he could feel the caution feeling from her touch. With her eyes avoiding direct contact with the man next to him, she tugged him to follow her.

"W-what do you need?" she cleared her throat

"N-need?" his mind was still focused on her hand. It was soft and delicate on his skin.

"Marc?" Yurika dared herself to glance at the boy and she saw how his pointy ears were red with his dark eyes were staring at her hand that was on his arm. She quickly let go of her hand and laughed nervously, "so-- sorry, I thought that's the only way to help you move in the dark. I won't do that if you don't like it. Tell me what you need to create the distraction, we are running out of time."

"O-oh yeah, could you tell me the direction you are planning to go and also the direction of the Rufas," he cleared his throat, "I am going to blow up one of the holes, since I think they don't really see with their eyes, more to the sound and vibration."

Yurika closed her eyes for a few seconds and when she opened her eyes, there's a green glint on them, "we need to go to northeast from our place, the Rufas are coming from the west, and I think we are safe to blow up one of the holes in the northwest."

"Okay, how far is the farthest pit on the north-west?"

"Around five hundred feet more or less," Yurika looked unsure.

"That's pretty far... I am not sure if my fireballs will reach that far," Marc rubbed the tip of his staff on his chin.

"Don't worry, I'll help, You just need to focus, aim and shoot it."

Marc glanced at the girl who stood next to him, her face was blurry and the dim light made it even worse. He then unsurely nudged the girl with his staff, "Could you... uhm help me aim?"

It took a second for Yurika to actually put her hand on his left hand and aimed it toward the pit she mentioned, "there, let's do it fast they are really close now."

With her hands clasped around his, Marc blinked once then twice trying to refocus to the important. He then channels his elements and whispers the spell. It didn't take long for the flickery balls of flame to form in the tip of the staff and he didn't wait to shoot it at the area.

Noises of flying hot balls cut through the quiet air, there was silence before Marc sense a push of air from behind him. It didn't really push him forward, as if it was purposely avoided him and just touched him lightly.

Then there were a few enormous explosions. It was as though the fists of orange flames had decided to punch the wall. It shook and vibrated, along with the loud noise of stones and rocks rainfall.

'Did it work?' Marc asked.

'Yes, they've changed their direction. Let's move now before they notice us.' Yurika while still holding his hand started to pull him towards northeast area of the dome.

The light from the miniature cloud of lights flicker, casting an ominous glow throughout the tunnel. Yurika dragged Marc behind her while her other hand shuffled through the wall, picking up dust and grime. She then yanked Marc towards one of the pits on her right.

'Ouch, could you please slow down a bit,' protested Marc.

Yurika stopped and turned her head towards Marc, 'sorry, I was just trying to catch up with Lucia, she moves too fast.' She then picked up the pace again, but this time a bit slower than the previous.

'Lucia? Does she have your True Name? How did you know where is she?'

Wind streamed through the tunnel they just got in, it wasn't as high as the previous passage they had been before. But it was like a great grey snake, curving under the masses, and it was difficult to measure how far away they need to walk.

'No, the air spirit is the one telling me... everything.'

Their steps echoed like a ghostly cry ahead and behind. Yurika halted when she felt there something stuck on her right foot, she had learned her lesson to not rush and be careless like before. She was about to bow down to take whatever thing that stuck on her feet, when from up ahead came an unnatural blitz of white light, moving at the speed no normal human would ever able to do.

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