《Universe Dysphoria》Knowledge: Defenses


February 11, 2559 C.E.

Hascypso - Royal Chambers

She sat upon her throne. Her horns shimmered in her anger. “What do you mean you can’t get through?” She jumped to her feet and spread her clawed white wings. The large male demon she was talking to jumped backward. He stammered slightly. “I — It’s Just that’s we can’t get though.” Her small planet orbited the binary system of 61 Cygni.

“You’re nine years old. Your life is ending naturally. You have no time left; you have failed me.” She closed the distance between them in a split second and twisted around him. The claws on her wings left bloody streaks covering his body as he collapsed onto the ground. She stood over his lifeless body. “Yet another five years of failure. I should go check up on the war front.” She sighed deeply.

The throne room was empty now. She walked out onto the balcony and looked down upon her failure. She had to remind herself that backups exist for a reason, however it upsets her to ever use them. The sky overhead was dark. She loved the darkness, and so did all her children. Rumil Undrata had seen many generations of her followers. She trained them to love everything she loved, however there was one thing she could not train. She couldn’t get them to be strong enough to defeat the Crysix. She spread her wings and took to the air. The city below was dank and cobbled together using materials with no quality. Her genetics did not offer any thoughtfulness, just action.

She looked down at a planet covered in clouds. Her home. It’s too bad the population were completely worthless. Above her a wall. A spherical silver metal bubble encircled the planet. She phased though the wall; even though no door opened. As she flew into a place where most lifeforms would die instantly, she shivered slightly but was otherwise unaffected. She saw a series of white spaceships of all shapes and sizes trying to breach the wall. The space was nothing to her. The universe powered her and protected her. She happily returned the favor to the universe. The ships were falling back. Many ships limped back almost inoperable. They had been in orbit around Hascypso trying to get in for millennia. They could not break through the physical barrier. As the sleek craft which remained collected their small life pods, they exited the star system defeated.


She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes, she was in the orbit of another planet. This planet had no clear protections. But when the metal coagulated ships tried to reach the planet, they reached a point in orbit and suddenly, the ships flew off in random directions away from the planet. The ships were functional, but they could not approach the planet to attack it. It was clear they were reaching a barrier of some kind but Undrata had no idea what. She looked down upon her people in orbit around the planet. They kept attacking but with no productive results. There was no barrier why could they not attack this puny planet?

She floated down to one of her subordinates and phased into their chaotic metal crafts. When she looked at the bulbous demonic forms of her subordinates it was clear that it was no longer in control of its body. The mass of flesh and body parts no longer had control of the ship, or itself, as a quivering mass. She tried to question him briefly but got no response. She changed to a slightly redder color on the skin and yelled. Anger boiled over and the ship around her blew to tiny metallic shreds and bits of flesh. The explosion radiated out from her and incinerated many of her own attack ships. She sighed and muttered to herself ‘I feel better.’

She closed her eyes took a deep breath and when she opened her eyes, she was back around the planet she knew as home. Hascypso had been all she wanted to protect for all these years. She just wanted to exist with her race. It was a shame that the Crysix brought a war to her doorstep.

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