《The Forgotten Light》Chapter 10: Training


“I have been at this for hours can I stop now? Clearly I’m doing something wrong.”

“No you must keep practicing, that’s the only way you’ll get better. Here try again, aim your hand at the wall and try to look at the markings I’ve created on the wall for you. Only your magic will allow you to read the hidden words.”

One more time I close my eyes, raise my left hand up to the wall and imagine energy flowing through my body. But I can’t feel anything.

“Clear your mind, imagine you’re somewhere else, calm your body and your mind will follow.”

‘That’s a load of crap’ but I convince myself to try one final time. I close my eyes, and I imagine the energy flowing through me, but when I open my eyes my hand is normal. “I give up, if it hasn’t worked now it’s never going to work.”

“Don’t be so hard on yourself. You can do it. But you’re right your brain is exhausted why don’t we stop for now and find somewhere to sleep for the night.”

Linley and I walk through the area, looking for a safe place to sleep, when we found an indent that both of us could fit in we instantly fell asleep.

During the night I kept tossing and turning because I couldn’t wrap my head around my so called magical power. It was making me too frustrated to go back to sleep. There were a couple of times throughout the night that I accidently hit Linley.

I decided that since I wasn’t going back to sleep anytime soon I mind as well practice my magic. So I quietly crawled out of the hole and went back to the place where I was practicing before. I found the spot on the wall that I was focusing on before. I shut everything out of my vision and imagined that I was somewhere peaceful. My entire body instantly went calm, it was as if I was floating- while still being on the ground.


Suddenly I could feel heat rising up and filling up my entire body, this was the energy that I’ve been trying to grab a hold of all day. ‘Okay now that I have it, it’s time to practice aiming it.’ I carefully guided the energy throughout my body, eventually leading to my left hand. With excitement I watched my hand as it was magically covered in a white light. I raise my hand, walked over to the wall where the words “Congratulations, now turn around” were displayed.

I cautiously turned around with my left hand raised, Linley was standing there nearly scaring my half to death. I hit my right hand to my chest and said, after a deep breath, “Oh my goodness, you scared me. I almost released my magic at you.”

“Haha don’t be silly you can’t do that, but I can see that you can now control your magic without being in a fight.”

“How did you know I was here?”

“I felt you leave so I followed you and watch you quietly to see if you could control your magic with a little push.”

“You call making me so frustrated that I can’t sleep a little push?”

“Yes, just like everyone with this ability your frustration is the key to allowing you to clear your mind completely.”

I really wanted to slap Linley across the face as hard as I could, but I resisted. Instead I focused on my hand and allowed the light to escape from my hand instead. I turned around to the wall and tried to repeat the same process. I cleared my head and felt the energy fill my body up once more; however, this time I attempted to make the energy flow into my right hand. It made it as far as my elbow before I was too exhausted to guide it any further. I tried again and again, but with every time I tired the energy got further and further away from my right hand.


Linley finally grabbed my shoulder and said, “Common let’s go back to sleep, you took tired. A goodnight sleep will make you stronger.”

Giving up I sighed and followed Linley back to the place where we were sleeping before. Linley laid flat on his back and once he was comfortable I placed my head on his chest and was peaceful for the rest of the night.

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