《Door to Nowhere (On hold for a remake)》Chapter 28 (NSFW)


“That’s excellent. Do you have somewhere to stay?” Pan asked

“Yes, I’m staying at the Lapping Kitten,” I replied

“Good, that’s an excellent inn, one of the best inns on that end of town.” Pan said, “It’s a safe inn too, the son of the proprietor is one of our biggest allies, he and some of his men are currently trying to figure out the details of Lady Whyn’s whereabouts.”

“Frederik? Frederik is working for you?”

“Working with us would be a closer way to put it. He keeps the bulk of the guards away from our activities; we make sure to have regular meetings with him so we can keep him in the loop of our activities. Real smart, like his father.”

“So the accusations were true then?”

“Yes, his father was a great man, a man who did not deserve what he was given. Anyhow, I’ll send a man with you and the fairy. I believe she said her name was Rosary?”


“Next time you come back we’re going to have to wrestle again, I’ll make you remember our score.” She said with a cheery grin. The thought of wrestling her both intrigued me and scared the living shit out of me; I could feel how monstrous her strength had been. Was there seriously a record of us wrestling?

“Um, I’m not sure if that would be a good idea,” I said nervously.

“Hey just because you’ve gotten older don’t think that you’re suddenly too strong for me to handle.” She said irritated.

“Wait a sec! That’s not what I mean at all!” I tried replying, quickly seeing how this misunderstanding could go out of control. This seemed more like the girl I remembered in my dreams. But she ignored me, her tail flicking around as if trying to swat the air, though before exiting she turned around and smiled at me, a predatory smile. Was that a mischievous ‘haha I tricked you,’ smile or was that an ‘I’m going to eat your face for that’ kind? If that girl was anything she was fantastic at leaving an impression and I found myself staring at that flap which still fluttered from her leaving wondering what the hell to think of her.


“Huh?” I turned back to Pan.

“Did you hear what I said?”

“No sorry.”

“I said that you need to make sure that you tell nobody about your connection to us. Even Frederik has left his mother in the dark about us. It is imperative you remember this, even if you trust them completely.”

I nodded, not thinking much of the warning, I don’t know anyone in Nowhere anyway so that would be an easy one to follow.

After that, Pan left, Rosary returned refusing to explain what had gotten over her. A woman appeared, a human girl that looked like she had been raised on the streets, couldn’t have been older than 15. The girl was going to be my contact with the resistance, and called herself Umma, though that name was a name that she had gotten off the streets. After some back and forth arguing between her and Rosary; Umma trying to tell Rosary that she should stay down here where it’s safe for Demi-Humans and Rosary telling her that she would not stay here and would instead go back with Daniel, we left.


Umma held my portable torch in her hands during the trip, as one side was busy organizing a crutch she told me that it would be easier for her to keep it in case we needed to put it out. The place was a maze; she explained that I should not try to find the camp alone, Panzer, once a subordinate to the former ruler of this land was given the ability to in a minor degree rule over those lands that had been hers. And through this ability, the maze underground would constantly re-shift itself.

It wasn’t long before we made our way out, the entrance we used though was a different one than the one that I had used before, this one barely large enough for me to fit out of, it was more a hole than anything. Umma hid the hole with a few pieces of rubbish. We went to the Lapping Kitten and separated ways, Rosary and I heading back to my room for some sleep and her to have a conversation with Frederik.

The inn was quiet; everyone seemed to be fast asleep. The sound of the occasional snore accentuated that feeling. Rosary and I fell fast asleep collapsing into my bed.

Darkness surrounded me, the sound of clicking, screeching, and growling neared me. I ran, trying to distance myself from it. But they got ever closer, their mad whispering filling my ears.

“Let us free.”

“Save us.”


The whispering, so intense, so direct, their voices wallowing in misery, I felt equal parts pity and terror. I could feel hands grasping at me; I could feel myself being pulled down as if being dragged through quicksand. I tried to pull myself back up, but I could find no purchase. The world was black, and I descended, my body feeling as if hundreds of beasts were grabbing, pulling, and whispering into my ears.

Then it all stopped. All of it, a light appeared before me, violet and red light, a woman, stood before me at the center of that light seemingly the source of that light, a woman of untold beauty, hair deep red, almost a blood red. This woman reminded me of another woman, the woman in my first dream, the one that had left the scar on my chest. But this woman seemed gentle, and instead of terror, this woman left a feeling of relief, a taste of peace. Her body was the very epitome of womanliness, she was neither young nor old instead seeming timeless, and she stood here naked to me, her eyes seemed to glow as they watched me, violet eyes that seemed to suck you in.

All around her the darkness took shape, her light just barely revealing our surrounding. Though the forms should have been terrifying, monster-like creatures, people with hallowed out eyes that still walked, and other monstrosities I felt calm. Something akin to kinship for the poor things.

Their moaning and whispering had stopped when she appeared. “Ah, my love.” She said drawing closer, her smile creating a feeling so intense inside me that I could barely take it, but her very presence filled me with such awe that I couldn’t move, nor speak.

“You have returned my love.” She was a whisper's breath away from me; her scent almost overwhelming me. The world around me shifted, the darkness all around taking shape, I realized now that we stood inside of a garden. Lillies and Black Roses surrounded us, their vines twisting into the form of a small outdoor building. Their walls covered in the contrasting white and blacks of these two flowers, and from these flowers, I could see the trickle of blood.


She touched my face, a gentle, loving motion, the touch which lasted only for a moment left me feeling breathless, it’s electric sensation leaving me dizzy. “Who are you?” I asked, barely able to think, my mind a blurred mess and though I asked I almost felt like I should know her.

Her response; a kiss, the touch of her lip pressed into my own — the taste of her mouth destroying every last vestige of sanity and self-restraint left. I found myself not caring at that moment who she was, nor did I care where we were. Something about her felt so right, so perfect.


We pressed our lips together; our frenzied kisses were separating long enough only to breathe, she pressing her body against my own, I wrapping my arms around her and pulling her in, her breasts pressed against my chest, the feeling of her erect nipples rubbing against me only strengthening the intensity of our kissing. Her waist rubbed against my member as if stroking it, our passionate embrace making my mind both cloudy and energized.

This woman, she made every woman before seem like a shadowy impostor. Something about the way she touched me, the way we kissed, the very scent of her made me feel like we belonged. Not only did I feel that I wanted to be inside her, but I felt that it was wrong to not be, her very body by extension belonging to me and my body belonging to her

As we kissed, our tongues explored one another; her tongue rubbing my cheek, my tongue brushing her teeth in its search, then the two met each other. Wrapping around each other our tongues batted against one another, pushing each other until one would relent and allow the other back inside an endless playful battle, the faint taste of blood mixing with the flavor of each other's saliva.

It felt like we embraced each other for hours, I wanted more, needed more, her hands grabbed my ass cupping it pulling my hip into her own, they moved upwards tracing the contours of my back with the faintest of touches, just to then reverse course back towards my ass. God, I couldn’t take it anymore. I wanted her, I didn’t even know why I wanted her, but my body reacted to this woman in a way that I had never felt before.

My left hand raked down her back, desire releasing a lust filled rage inside me. A delighted moan escaped from her as we roughly kissed, the sound of it further strengthening my desire. I felt like I was on fire, my whole body burning up, my hand reached for her ass, I grasped it, and my other hand blindly explored her pale white skin, searching for the proof of her femininity. Wet and hot I could feel her pussy, the delicate petals of it protruding out, dripping, sopping wet affirming the desire she felt.

I plunged a finger inside of her, the walls of her pussy sucking it in greedily, eagerly taking most of it inside. A desperate moan left her mouth as we kissed, her back arched, our kiss momentarily broken; she gave me a look of pure carnal desire her eyes staring into mine in a crazy passion.

Locking our mouths together again, her hand fondled my dick, stroking it, roughly rubbing it with manic determination, her hips pressing against mine as if asking for more. Rubbing my finger against her tight walls, her pussy clamped on to it pulsing, desperately trying to suck it in deeper. Our kissing became even more desperate, so desperate that we dropped to the ground, our minds so muddled in an intense passion that I barely noticed the nip to my lips as she sucked on my tongue the taste of blood tasting more sweet than honey.

I put another finger inside her in a desperate attempt to heighten our pleasure; going as deep as they could go, stopped only by a thick membrane, her pussy quivered at the feeling of the now two fingers rubbing her inner walls. Her hand stroked harder, bringing me treacherously bringing me closer to release.

Her pussy swallowed another finger, so tight now I could barely move my fingers. My thumb rubbed her the lips of her pussy, searching for that tiny bump, her body contracting in pleasure as I brushed against its hood.

“Oh god yes!” She moaned out loud, pressing her sopping wet hips against me her fluid drenching my hips. Her hand now covered in her juices; the feeling so enrapturing so dizzying that only a brief moment of willpower stopped me from cumming.

It became a competition, a competition of pleasure, we raced each other, her pussy spasmed sucking in my hand, as if telling me that it needed something longer, something harder, her fluids drenching my lower half covering it in her aphrodisiac juices the scent of her womanhood driving me to an animal like craze, I couldn’t stop, I could feel it coming, our kissing became so deep that I didn’t breathe; The jerking of her hand being pounded back by the frenzied thrust of my hips one last push, hardest yet, my sticky liquid splattering all over her.

We lay there for a moment, dazed, I wanted more, we kissed again, her violet eyes locking with my own. “We are meant to be together,” She whispered, her voice so mesmerizing that at that moment I would have killed had she even suggested that.

“Find me, my love.” She said to me, her voice so sweet so nubile that I felt heart flipping, my heart aching to hear more. The darkness became even more shaped, scarlet light from above bathing it in an eerie yet beautiful glow of red, the light originating from a deep blood red moon, its crescent barely showing the bulk of it imprisoned unable to come out and light our way. “Remember your blood moon, Daniel. Find me, release me, become one with me,” she smiled and gave me another kiss, “I love you,” she whispered, her face shyly averting away from my gaze, and then I awoke.

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