《Door to Nowhere (On hold for a remake)》Chapter 27


“Bell dear be careful, the boy has a sprain.” Panzer tried to say with some authority, but with all the sniffling he was doing it came out as anything but authoritative. “Bell?” I asked she had changed so much from what little I could remember of the dreams, but so had Panzer or at least the impression that those two dreams had given me of them. Bell hugged me even tighter flashing me a smile that would make any mans’ heart skip a beat; at the least, it had mine in a flutter. Reluctantly Bell let go of me, and even though her grip had been tight as a vice I still found myself craving it; maybe I was developing a bit of a masochistic tendency. Immediately after Bell let go, I was once again assaulted, this time by a small little fairy as she clung to my neck. Bell looked at me then suspiciously. “Where did the fairy come from?” She asked. Rosary looked over at Bell and gave a mischievous smile; a smile that reminded me of another time back in my dorm. “I found her when I discovered this world for the first time,” I said quickly and put a finger up to her mouth to try to stop her from saying something that would result in misunderstandings. Thankfully she took the hint and didn’t say anything. “So what’s this about you not remembering anything?” Panzer said, the sniffling he had been doing finally stopping. Bell cocked her head, one ear twitching. “What do you mean he doesn’t remember anything?” She asked Panzer. The old man shrugged, I want to know as well. I got some of the details from Regar.” “You don’t remember anything Daniel?” Bell asked. “Nothing about Nowhere, the only things I can even say I know of came from some recent dreams I had." “I… I see,” Bell responded, her face tearing up as if I had just told her that I wanted nothing to do with her. “I came down to these ruins in the hopes of finding answers.” Panzer nodded, Bell regained her composure something akin to hope. “The only clues I have were two dreams I’ve had. Both of them had a group of people in them; I think I remember, you two, a girl named Clair, Lady Whyn and a boy named Seb?” The last name that I mentioned was met with looks of anger. As if saying that name reminded them of something horrible. “I remember how close you all were,” Panzer said distantly. “Daniel, the boy, named Seb… He betrayed us all.” “What did he do?” I asked. “He tricked Lady Whyn into letting her guard down, the reason that Lord Mage Sabbath has taken most of the lands that were once Lady Whyn's was because of Seb.” “Why would he do that?” “I don’t know, you kids were attacked, you, Clair, and Bell. Bell was able to escape, but you were captured, and we still don’t know what happened to Clair. When we tried to rescue you we found out that you were gone, we were told that you had been killed. All this lead to a piling of questions. But I stopped myself, remembering Regar, the criminal, a man who apparently took orders from Sir Panzer. “So what is all this?” I asked. “All this?” Bell asked though Panzer seemed to understand what it was I was talking about. “The Resistance. I don’t know how long you’ve been here, but I’m sure that you have probably seen how they treat demi-humans.” I did remember it haunted me, the chants, the hangings, the deaths. All of it still whispered in my memories. “Our true goal is to rescue our lady Whyn.” Rosary piped up, “Didn’t Lady Whyn die in the invasion?” “That’s what he wants them to think but no.” She was taken to a dungeon and is hidden on a special level. We are still trying to find out where exactly she is located.” “Daniel, I know you don’t remember our past together, but I’m hoping that you can join us. I’ve always loved you like a son of mine. I was ecstatic to find out that you and my little Bell had talked of marrying.” “Wait a sec!” My eyes quickly looked back to Bell, as Panzer talked a blush forming on her cheeks. “Dad I told you before that we were joking around back then.” Shyly she looked back at me, her face growing ever darker shades of red. “Besides I’m sure he wouldn’t be interested in a girl as boyish as me.” “That’s not true!” I blurted out without really thinking. Four reactions came out of that, a father who seemed to outright beam in delight, the daughter who hid, me just realizing what I said also trying to hide, and a fairy who growled and bit my neck. “Owww what was that for?” I complained at Rosary whom at this time had decided to jump off me and fly around on her own. “Nothing,” she said dismissively before flying off, leaving me very confused. “What did I do?” The two others that having seen this exchange had very mixed reactions, “That part of you hasn’t changed.” Muttered Bell now looking a slight bit annoyed. Panzer, on the other hand, seemed mildly amused. “You’ll figure it out I’m sure,” Pan said. “Back to the matter at hand Daniel, I hope that you can help us. The abilities that you have would be indispensable in helping to free Lady Whyn from that tyrant.” “We all would be happy to have you again.” Bell chimed in. “What would happen to me if I refused?” I asked tentatively. “I would ask that you pretend that you know nothing about us.” It seemed very tempting, not only would I be able to be with people who could tell me more about the me I didn’t know, but I could also be with people who seem to care, but one thing still bothered me. I could still remember the poster about Regar; they had criminals working with their cause, did he know about that? “Pan when I first saw Regar it was on a roster full of criminals. Did you know that he was a criminal?” Pam sighed, “Yes I do know, he was wrongly accused unfortunately for the most part.” “For the most part?” “Yes the accusation of crimes against the crown is correct, many of the men under me have been accused of it, Sabbath knows about this faction and is trying his best to rid himself of us. The other crime though is a fabrication, the Government here has decided that we demi-humans are nothing more than second citizens and that’s at best, most of our kind are slaves. Regar was one of those slaves, a bodyguard for a wealthy family that grew to prominence with their support of the Mage King. He fell in love with one of the daughters of the family and she with her. Her parents wanted nothing to do with him and so tried to have him put to the gallows. So the two of them ran away, and he now works under me. Her parents announced her as having been kidnapped after they ran away.” “I see, that’s quite the story. Now that I knew that side of the story Regar didn’t seem at all like a bad guy, a bit rough on the edges but so was Frederick, and in fact, I’d bet the two would get along great were they ever to meet. Honestly, I didn’t have much connection to this rebellion emotionally, but I’d seen the atrocities that had happened in this city, I knew it was wrong. Plus this could be the place where I belonged. At least I hoped. “You don’t need to decide now; you could think on it if you want Daniel. Go to wherever you’re staying, or if you don’t have a place to stay we could make arrangements for you here and rest on it I could send somebody to get your reply later.” I shook my head no; I already knew what I wanted. “That’s ok Pan, I’ve made my decision. I want to help you and Bell.”

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