《Kueng Ning》Book 1: Meridians. Chapter 2: Who are you?


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“Scarlett, immediately let your father know. I will be going there with my team shortly” the woman said as she hung up in the other line, not giving any time for the girl to reply.

However, the girl did not mind this, she started to shake in fear and unconsciously loosening the grip on her phone causing it to fall and break upon impact. The name Meng Li, was definitely not new to her. She recalled a certain history lesson in class, which perked her interest.

It began with the war with the Beast and Demon’s. In one point, humanity was on the losing point that was until a party of heroes appeared and slowly started to lead humanity and push back the Demons and Beast.

One of these, heroes was a woman named Meng Li, with a whip at hand, and the flowers at her command. She led countless expeditions to eradicate the Demons and Beast. However, one day on the battlefield, she disappeared.

This caused humanity to curse her as a traitor, deemed her unworthy as a hero and leader. In an instant all of her heroic deeds we’re forgotten. No one truly knows why, she abandoned one of the most important fights of humanity. Due to her abandonment, humanity had lost a frontier base in the front lines, making the Demon’s advancement much easier.

However, that was not the most shocking and surprising fact. A few years later, people started to see a woman with black wings, by herself, killing and destroying bases of humanity. As well as even infiltrating, five of the most prestigious clan’s, and absolutely destroying it, it mere seconds. Everyone, knew who this woman was, it wasn’t hard to guess since not a lot of people use whips and flowers as weapons.

Unconsciously, Scarlett took a few steps back, and gazed at the gravestone with fear. She slapped her face numerous times before regaining back her confidence. Slowly taking out her blade from scabbard, revealed a new polished, sharp, silver, single edge blade.


Before, she could do anything with her blade, from the corner of her eye, she saw the ground started to crack and emit large amount of heat, which only lasted a second and disappeared afterwards. Stopping in her tracks, and her vigilance is now on full alert, her unblinking eyes never left the crack, as it grew bigger every second.

A total of twenty seconds have passed, and a shock expression was shown on her face. A hand. A hand was seen coming out of the crack. Slowly, the upper body of a youth could be seen, followed up by the lower body getting out of the ground, with a bit of trouble.

Scarlett, seeing the naked youth in front of her, screamed unintentionally while shielding her eyes. The youth, who just awoke from his sleep was staring at the girl, with a curious gaze. Before, the youth the girl screamed at him to get dress.

“I can’t my clothes got destroyed”

“Then, wear this” a set of clean red robes appeared in the girl’s hand and threw it to the youth. Which, the youth wore without restraint, due to his small stature, yet lean, muscular physique, the red robe fitted him well.

Seeing as the youth, have already changed into the red robes. The girl started to question the boy, and of course, it all starts with an introduction.

“Little Brother, what’s your name?”

“Kueng Ning. What’s yours sister?”

“My name is Scarlett Phoenix. Little Brother, how can you speak English so well?”

“My mom taught me a lot of languages, since birth. She said I would need it in the future, if I decided to leave this place”

“Then, where is your mom? You do know this is a very dangerous place”

“I know sister, but don’t worry I’m strong enough to protect myself. My mom…died a year ago” as he said that, a tear drop to the ground and he started to wipe his eyes, so more tears won’t fall.


“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked”

“It’s okay”

“By the way Little Ning, what’s the name of your mom?”

“My mom name’s is Meng Li”

As soon as the boy named Kueng Ning said his mom was Meng Li, Scarlett immediately rushed at him, with her blade. In an instant the blade was about to slash at Kueng Ning’s neck, but was easily caught and broken by the child.

Scarlett, was amazed at the fast reflexes and strength of the child in front of her, but she soon realized that it was only natural since he was raised by one of the traitors. Moving a few meters back and throwing away the scabbard and half-blade, she started to gather Qi and made it surround her.

Now being surrounded in flames, Scarlett once again rushed at the child. Seeing as the girl was coming towards him, Kueng Ning was not sure at what to do since, this was his first battle against another person.

The girl, now a few meters away from the boy, immediately took off into the sky. Kueng Ning looked at the girl in the sky and couldn’t help but mutter the word phoenix. Looking down on the child with cold eyes, she descended down at high speeds.

Once she impacted on the child, the ground was immediately set ablaze, and the boy was now screaming in pain while, being devoured by the girl’s Phoenix Flames. Retreating a few steps back, the girl was now sweating heavily and blood was flowing down her mouth.

After a while, the intensity of flames lessened and the girl saw Kueng Ning, laid down on the ground unconscious, with burnt skin. Grabbing her broken katana, she steadily approached the body of the boy, wanting to finish him off.

However, before she could, the mountain as well as the ground started to shake violently. She wondered what was happening, until she heard a cold voice that made her body freeze in fear.

“Detestable humans! Leave this place at once!” a demon, having black hair, red eyes, a pair of ominous black wings and wearing black and gold clothing that made him look royalty.

“That’s a funny thing to say demon!” the middle aged man said as he appeared a few meters in front of the demon.

“Human, since I am in a good mood, I’ll leave you alive, if you leave an arm”

“Let us see about that!” the middle aged man was about to rush towards the demon, however immediately stopped, when large amounts of demons appeared, holding almost all of his Clan’s disciples by the head.

“What would be your choice? You, humans are stupid, do you really think, we would wonder alone in your territory and allow our kind to be trapped and hunted like a beast!”

The man, now in a predicament, forcefully ripped his right arm off and threw it to the ground, and produced a flame to stop the bleeding. As, he looked at each of the disciples faces, he looked at the royal demon and said, in a very clam yet angry tone.

“Demon, where is my daughter?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about human”

When the demon said that, his anger exploded and rushed at the demon. In which the demon responded the same. As their fist collided, the demon had smile on his face, while the middle-aged man turned paled and started to cough up blood.

The demon moved back to his original spot and said.

“I never thought the Phoenix Clan would be so weak. The 1st and 2nd generation guardians, will truly be saddened, as they even wasted their blood in helping you mortals”

Wiping the blood from his mouth. As he was about to say something, a familiar voice resounded, getting the attention of both the demon and the middle-aged man.

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