《I was reincarnated into a yandere otome game as a side character》Display of cruelty


Hundreds of lasers came from the multiple eyes that open up all at once, they slice through the flesh of multiple aquatic species that were mutated due to the leakage of ether and prana.

But soon as the first hundred, die-off thousands more come along, but soon as they come too close, Gilgamesh dodge with great elegance.

To be honest from the enemy's point of view they see him as an untouchable force or unreachable wall, reason why is because no matter what they attack him with, even those who are bypassing and avoiding the dangerous lasers he keeps on firing.

He avoids it as if knows when and how he was getting attacked, they ran into him from all directions but he maneuvers his body perfectly to avoid them.

Why won't he just die they all thought, those with sharp claws strike him, but he evades all of them, those who were blest with immense speed fail to reach him, those who were shooting projectile and magic were getting their attack redirected.

But dodging wasn't this monster's only forte because as he dodge he take out several of their men with his mere fist all at once.

"Kill him already.... he is just a child, thou art is truly annoying thee to no ends."

The voice of the Abaia rang loud and clear in all their heads but instead of the godamn Abaia coming and fighting his own battle, he force them against their wills to do it for him, touching this smiling and the terrifying monster wasn't as easy as it looks.

They were an army of approximately 6,232 strong, they are strong enough together to destroy an entire kingdom with their immense number and prowess, some of these monsters that were attacking Gilgamesh were easily over forty meters, the largest being the Abaia.

But yet even the oldest and strongest monster that was on top of the food chain was struggling to even touch him, it was as if he was the embodiment of war, carnage, and madness itself.

At this point and time, Gilgamesh has easily taken care of more than half of their numbers, the entire place was filled with monster blood, intestine, and molten organs as the corpse sank to the lower structure of the pool.

But the share amount that was left, was enough to make even a part of the most elite of Knights kill themselves in fear.

Gilgamesh watched as a giant monster that was at least 70 meters in size, it look like a giant sea hour's cross with a squid, its pitch-black eyes could drive anyone to despair.

Gilgamesh instantly circles it as he landed on its back and stomps down with a greater force which causes all of its internal organs to rupture due to the shock wave that travels through its entire body, while another one came from behind but at the same, he punches toward its eyes, basically impaling it with his entire arm, causing blood to gush out from it.

It died instantly as Gilgamesh peirce its brains, more continue to come from all directions, he decided to finish it, and take them all out once.

The approaching monsters were continuously attacking Gilgamesh giving him no break to rest, but as they come they fall with zero mercy given.

Even in death, they would never forget the traumatizing laugh and smile that was plastered on the face of the very thing they label of what a monster is to them.

But as they all approach him to take him out, he began to laugh with great madness and ecstasy in his voice.


"Hahaha...Ahaha.... now that's what I'm talking about, Die...burn....perish.... and begone from existence."

With those words said Gilgamesh began to use the power of his new racial skill "Anti void cloak" And when the sea monster, the horror of the monster pool were a moment away from Gilgamesh all that could be heard from his point of view was the clicking sound of a clock slowing down drastically.

Tic-toc tic-toc tic-toc tic-toccccc!

0.0000001 seconds

And when Gilgamesh look before him, the entire world around him was put to a drastic halt, because before him everything was frozen in place.

But the real truth of the matter was the fact that the area's current time within a 10km radius was slowed down to the point it looks like it stops.

Gilgamesh began looking at the surrounding area, as his already devious smile turn into one of pure joy and appreciation as the only words that escape his mouth to treasure this moment were.



All that was heard right after was the sound of Gilgamesh's traveling at a fast speed, as he began to take advantage of the sudden slow down in time, as he began ripping and slicing apart every monster and fish that was here.

Eventually, after about 5 minutes of ripping, and slicing the enemies to pieces, he then looks at the Abaia who also slows down in time, as he smirks with a sinister and evil smile.

He then swam slowly towards the Abaia till he reach right in front of his eyes, he then sharpens his claws while making them longer, as he proceed to carve out the Xenosaur symbol in his right eye.

Of course, he wraps his hair and drains the blood on his fingertips, while he slowly carves his masterpiece on the monster's right eye, this was a clear act of domination and also major flex to put the Abaia in its place.

Gilgamesh wanted but one thing and that was to make this inferior as weaker creature suffer, as it regrets every last moment of its worthless life, so much so, it would wish that it has never been born.

He didn't know why but drawing this symbol on the lesser eyes brought him great joy, it was as if to say that this was his prey.

But after drawing the leviathan cross on the Abaia's right eye, he began to swim towards its mouth, as he created a spear from his dark red maroon colored hair, of course, hip dips his blood on it be by cutting his wrist.

He then swam inside the Abaia's mouth and dive down the beast's throat, and when he reach the inside, he began stabbing, cutting, tearing, hitting, and writing his signature within the beast's bowel.

As he began to pierce its organs, smash its flesh, and break bones whenever he sees one, and when he reaches the beast's heart he left 3,422 hair needles within its heart, he then slices apart its intestine, leaving small cuts to make it suffer even worse.

Of course diving into stomach acid to kill its prey even quicker as It poison it from the inside, did melt him partially of course adaptation kicked in right on cue.

And right after Solomon's voice rang in his crazy mind, he smile so sinisterly to the point it wasn't even humanoid anymore.

With this, he began to manipulate the flesh of the Abaia's internal structure, twisting and connecting them into all kinds of positions, he made huge and painful blistering warts on the intestines of the Abaia, meanwhile, inflating parts of him, he made complicated and knots with his organs.


And to end things off, he took both his family jewels and pump them up like a balloon, if one would look at the Abaia's most sacred place, they would question if a sea monster could have a hernia, truly a deplorable question of nature.

But after Gilgamesh was satisfied with what was to come, he came out of the Abaia's mouth, and look at its looks at it ugly face once more, truly he can't wait to see the horrified, confused, and painful expression on the Abaia's face when he return time to its normal state.

But just as he was about to do that the voice of an all too familiar woman rang in his head, and honestly speaking he wasn't excited about the distraction one bit.


But just as Solomon was about to tell her master to calm down, Gilgamesh spoke up distracting her from completing her statement.

"Did you just tell me what to do?"

"I demand silence this instance."

Gilgamesh said in a calm and cold voice.

Instantly Solomon shut her trap, completely bewildered about the situation that just happened, she knew the bitch Rose was to blame for such harsh treatment from her beloved master.

But due to her master command, she didn't talk back instead she shut up, although she would be lying if she said she doesn't feel the urge to rip Rose in two, right now right here, but apart from that it was safe to say that she is a submissive sadist.

"Good, don't disturb me when I'm hunting."

With those words said, Solomon didn't say anything afterward instead, she began looking at the mayhem and carnage that was before her.

The sight made her quiver in excitement, after all, fatality and brutality are a work of art only some people like herself can appreciate, although to think that Rose manage to awaken an ability that completely Voids the meaning of the flow of time.

This means he can slow down time to the point it looks like it stops, although why did he get such an ability, well it is most likely due to the unique ability of that little fish over there.

Stated Solomon as it watch a small little fish who was hiding behind a rock to avoid the slaughter, and even in this slowed world, it was the only thing moving.

Solomon then proceed to watch the small creature who was trembling in fear because of the sight, of the pure carnage mayhem it was witnessing.

Solomon then analyzes it, and wonders what she should do with it, should she let it go, in hopes that it will grow and seek vengeance upon its master, or should she destroy it now and be over with it.



Name: Celis// Age: 78// Race: Rarest Unholy Divine Carp// Rank:??? // Existence value: ???// LVL: 13//


Yandere// Lover of the Abaia// Envious// 1,245th daughter of Medusa// Vengeance seeker>new//


Hp: [45,000/45,000]> Mp: [12,000/12,000]

Str: 28// Spd: 92// Vit: 34// Int: 99// Dxt: 12// Def: 12//


Ultimate grade time stop Immunity// Ultimate grade Miasma immunity// Lowest grade Authority immunity//


Medusa knowledge// Play dead while moving// Shape manipulation //


Illusion creation//




Halt lord: Chronus// Limitless growth


Upon seeing this status she smiled maybe the Abaia yandere bitch could be useful for her master growth, it was obvious that she change her appearance to that young sea snake to escape but due to the lack of not owning an actual attack ability, she is forced to watch as her lover gets destroyed by her beloved master.

Every attack that was been unleashed by her master is enraging her further but the reason why the master unlocks the "Anti Void Coat" which is a protective exo-micro-armor that gives him absolute immunity to time stop and also the ability to void the meaning of time around him.

Was because she tried to stop time around him so the monsters could kill him.

If this wasn't enough to show you how overpowered his adaptability truly is, then without a doubt your stupidity is beyond the point of saving.

She wonders to herself if her master can even adapt to erasure as well, if that's the case then truly this mother fucker was built differently.

But the one Called Celis can also freeze time and also have absolute immunity to time interference thanks to her unique skill and immunity.

But with this, she will see how things will play out because right after she looks towards her master who was about to return the flow of time to normal.

Gilgamesh then began to summon a giant butcher knife from his hair, as he return the flow of time to normal.

Toccccc tic-toc tic-toc tic-toc

"Kill him already you useless fodde...


But before the Abaia could even finish commanding what he wanted to say, a sudden influx of a tremendous amount of immeasurable and unexplainable amount of pain hit him from every direction.

Its face distort into one of pure agony, its eyes felt like it was burning, its intestine felt like it was twisting, its heart felt like it was been stabbed by thousands of needles, while parts of its body, felt like they were lost, but overall his family jewels felt like it got hit by a speeding boulder.

Instantly he began to lose consciousness, and the last thing he saw before his sight left him was the horrible demise of the army he was leading to destroy him in the first place as they were brutally brutalized as they were either cut to pieces or straight-up torn apart, but overall the evil and a wicked smile plastered on the face of the enemy.

And all of this happens in less than one heartbeat or a blink of an eye, hence the Abaia passes out unconscious due to the pain, and the only thing keeping him alive was the weak healing factor that was still trying to heal his body.

But Gilgamesh would not allow it to fall asleep, instead, he took the giant butcher knife and stab him in the face with it, instantly woke up, and screamed an agonizing roar that shake the entire pool.


Of course, this annoyed the hell out of Gilgamesh he grab his lips and said.

"Agh... shut up your fucking fish get used to it."

And with that he began to use flesh manipulation to close his mouth, as both the upper and lower lip of the Abaia began to fuse and distort together, not only was it in pain, he couldn't even vent out his pain by shouting in agony, because breathing hurt, thinking hurts, everything hurts.

But he had to know what the hell happen to his great self, what the hell happened for him to be in so much pain, and overall what the hell happen to his regeneration.

So he uses his telepathy to reach the mind of the enemy, but sadly something was blocking his connection, so seven in death he will never get his answer, truly this is a cruel and confusing end.

All it could do was pray for a miracle, and listen to Gilgamesh speak.

"Hahaha... this was so much fun... although your cowardice is gross, to make your men fight and protect your sorry ass was equally hilarious and disgusting... hahaha ahahaha... you already bore me, so satisfied me with your life, because starting now I will dismantle you alive, Solomon!"

"Begin the dismantling process make it slow."

Solomon said to herself, as she began to use her dismantling skill on the Abaia while It was still alive.

And when she did that, the entire Abaia body start to slowly be sliced apart, as valuable blood, organs, and even skin were being processed.

Although she carefully processed the ability it possesses as well, meanwhile, the face of the Abaia was shifting into a horrendous expression due to the immense pain.

And after about 30 minutes of slow and careful processing, these words could be heard in Gilgamesh's head.

Upon those words all the madness and overwhelming bloodlust that Gilgamesh was experiencing suddenly disappeared as he returns to his original humanoid sea monster form.

As all the memories of the prior events that happen when he was torturing his enemies all came back down to him as he said with great fear in his soul.

"W...W...What the hell happened to me, Solomon?"

And Solomon being the great manipulator she is, instantly came up with a believable excuse.

"I see, Fuck that feeling just now it was very addicting."

"Although I did a number on these guys, don't you think so too?"

Stated Solomon who has confirmed the successful escape of Celis, who she has transferred somewhere in the world using the transport relic that was gifted to her by "The emotional damage hero".

But she was snapped out of her thoughts as Gilgamesh said.

"Sigh... I just want to go home and try out my new store and group chat, let's collect everything here along with the dragon vein, I also want to shop for some artifacts within the store."

With that said, Gilgamesh began to open his mouth as he sucked up everything that was there, even the dragon stones and mutated water nothing was left behind.

And after eating everything up here, a notification came before him.

"Sweet new ability gained, I wonder what a useful yandere would smell like."

But just as he was thinking this, while being upside down on a now partly wet cave that was drained, he heard and felt the voice of someone behind him.

"Oh so this is where you've been hiding, well then if you can kindly surrender yourself to me that would be much appreciated."

And when Gilgamesh looked behind him, all he saw was a tiny kashira looking at him with swirling red void eyes along with indifference present on her face.

She was just standing there upside down on the wall as well, just starting at Gilgamesh holding a chain and lock.

"If you would be so kind, please let me tie you up."

"Awww Fuck."

    people are reading<I was reincarnated into a yandere otome game as a side character>
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