《The Tattoo》Chapter 10 - Hatred


** this is thinking

( ) if has mine or Jay's name in it, we're just giving our honest opinions at the time

And.......I don’t exist in this story but merely doing a fourth wall commentary chatting with Jay and maybe a few others as I go along

Chapter 10 - Hatred

Sei momentarily stopped when she heard the voice. She was conflicted between staying and watch over Jay or go to the Hall. As if reading her mind the voice answered

*Bring the boy*

She happily complied and vanished along with Jay’s body from the mess room. Yan watching this snapped out of her trance and followed suit


In the Hall, seated in the chair is not the Head that Mars, Drai and Yan were kneeling down to before. It was a different old man that looked exactly like ‘Grant’ that Jay and his brothers hated to their very bones. The ‘Grant’ look-a-like is seated wearing the same grey robe that everyone in front of him is wearing, he is actually the first and current head known as the ‘Father’ due to him founding the house.

He is the main reason for this mysterious school possessing a powerful history; it boasts a strong reputation of being one of the most powerful schools in the plane. Fearing that his school would get too complacence, made a change which eventually split the school into 4 houses, Tortoise of the North, Dragon of the East, Phoenix of the South and Kirin of the West. Each ruled by a Head with the unnamed Head from before representing the Kirin House. This change helped cultivate future prospects by creating a subtle rivalry and to curb the warmongers that made their way into the school by holding the competition every 100 years called ‘The Blood Competition’

In front of this ‘Father’ is 4 Heads kneeling in front of him with the old lazy man being one of them (the old man from chapter 2) behind them is 10 elders under each Head. Each elder works on the domestic levels of administration inside their respective House. Sei is an Elder as well; her job is food management (and the unofficial guardian for woman) so her being an Elder she had to heed the call.

The young man, looking no older than 40 was standing next to the ‘Father’ who watched as Head after Head, Elder after Elder arriving one by one with only Sei being the only one not here as of yet. The man raised an eyebrow when Sei, who was the last to arrive brought along a boy who looked dirty (from the blood spraying from his arm onto his clothes when Yan chopped it off). He was about to question her until the ‘Father’ next to him spoke


“You’ve arrived Sei, along with the boy too”

“Yes, ‘Father’”

Sei replied as she walked down to join her House with Jay floating close by as she knelt

“Good, I’ll will talk to you about that boy in a moment..”

Suddenly the Hall exploded with whispers about the ‘Father’ interest in this boy.


The loud booming voice shook the very souls of everyone present, which brought an end to the gossip. Not daring to further anger him further, everyone was seen shaking a little with the exception of Sei who appeared fine from the sudden outburst

‘Father’ glared at the people present before him, seeing how everyone was silent went on to continue before he got rudely interrupted

“I know some of you already have a slight inkling about this summon”

Watching as everyone nods in denial, except Sei who is staring at the boy. The ‘Father’ couldn’t help but sigh because he knows the reason for Sei’s fixation on the boy.

“Very well, since no-one wants to wager a guess. I have reason to believe we have……a spy”

Knowing everyone is probably confused, he sees one person raised his hand to as why this is important because everyone knows the spies placed stationed inside the school. He gestured the man to put his hand down and slowly revealed who the spies were from until the Hall once again exploded with everyone in rage




As more comments spilled out from his subordinates’ mouths in hatred to them. He was amused to say the least until his sight landed on Sei. He sighed again *I’ll need to make sure the boy is safe, for Sei’s sake* before he put his hand up

Seeing the gesture, everyone tried their best to curb the anger they unleashed when they heard the news and await his next words

“This is not the main reason I called you here…

He lowered his voice but made it deeper as he spoke, while sending magic out at the same time

…the main reason is…

As he builds up the tension

….the spy is…..

…one of you”

As immediate as he said that, he saw two people attempt ‘Spatial Rift’. He laughed at their futile attempt at escaping because he sent out his magic throughout the Hall destabilizing the space by shaking its very core til he frowned


Looking at where the ‘Father’ was looking at, everyone turned around and saw two people lying on the ground because of the failed ‘Spatial Rift’ which resulted in getting their bodies split in half but still living. Confused as everyone was watching until they all registered his words of ‘one of you’ then immediately they all made a dash to slaughter the spies and to finally vent their ancient grudge against the spies of ‘Sleeping Beast’ school

The reason for everyone’s hatred against this particular school is because of an incident dubbed ‘The Kiss of Death’ that happened 8,000 years ago. The two schools were on a very intimate relationship. Until one day, during the annual 100 year ‘The Blood Competition’ between both schools. The ‘Sleeping Beast’ turned around and started to slaughter every single person sparing not even the babies.

This enraged the ‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’ school (finally the name of the school. I stole it from the movie tehe – sushi)

After a fierce and bloody fight, they managed to wipe out the last of the school but at an enormous cost of life. Supposedly the deaths rate of this bloody affair amounted in the range of 10 million due to involving other schools during the war.


Having given his order to hold back his subordinates, he quickly gave them the reason for stopping because he knows even if he is the leader of the school. He knows he cannot stop them from having their vengeance if he doesn’t give them the ‘why’

“We need to find out if there are others as well……

Revealing a devilish grin

….we can always have a ‘niiiiccccceee’ long talk with them. What say you?”

Hearing this, everyone immediately felt ELATED at this reasoning. After all, what is the point of giving your killer a quick death when you can torture them, making them feel the same pain you have been through. This was the underlying message everyone saw when ‘Father’ pointed it out



The Hall burst into laughter


Meanwhile, Jay slowly opened his eyes up because of the loud laughing

“urrggh, shit”

He tried to get up until his arm gave out, freefalling until he felt something soft catching him. Opening his eyes he saw Sei delicate face plastered with worry heard her soft whisper amongst the loud laughter that was starting to irritate him

*Sister don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe*

Confused, Jay was about to tell her, he is a man and not a woman or her sister until he saw an old man sitting down on a chair from the side of his eyes. He immediately snapped away from Sei’s face and gave the old man an intense stare as he whispered laced with hatred

*Yo-you bastard*


Sei hearing this was confused, why is Jay angry at ‘Father’. Shouldn’t he be happy that he is finally back at school? Noticing that Jay was trying to get up even though he lost much blood, she attempted to pull his head back into her lap until he is fully back to normal


Feeling the slight resistance from Sei, Jay looked at Sei and asked her what she was doing

“You’ve lost a lot of blood sister, so relax”

Sister? What the hell? Are you alright Sei, I better get this straight with her

“Sei I’m not a woman, I’m a man. Understand?”

Nodding her head

“Yes I do sis”

Wah? That just freakin contradict what you’re doing, nodding to my answer yet still calling me your sister

“No I don’t think you understand Sei, I am a man. Not your sister”

Watching as Sei still smiled while rubbing my hair

*Ok I give up, clearly this woman knocked her head too hard for her to mistake me for her sister*

I was about to ask if she understand. Until I saw ‘Grant’ stand up with that portal-like rainbow thing appearing behind him. Realising what he was about to do I tried to stand up and stop him. Before I could fully stand up I was choked back to Sei’s lap, her right hand clutching my neck which stopped my breathing and looking at me with a ‘What-the-fuck-do-you-think-your-doing’ look

I was angered at her action, after she stopped choking me letting me eat up the air my body needed before I asked her

“The hell is your problem Sei, even if your scary as shit. I still got a grudge to finish” as I rubbed my neck

“You call me ‘shit’ one more time Jay, even if your my sister I will not tolerate your behaviour” she threatened me as her face was twitching

I laughed a little, she should probably rename herself the ‘twitching lady’. Anyways I need to get that……FUCK! He’s gone!


“Don’t you yell at me mister”

Pissed off because ‘Grant’ left and Sei stopped me I swore at her





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