《Magic of the Extinct》Chapter 9


Despite Carmen's objections they all set up camp outside the caved in entrance. They ate leftovers from what they ordered at the cafeteria though Carmen refused to eat anything and soon after they sat around the campfire.

Carmen was pacing around the camp, restless and agitated. Carlotta and Jenna tried calming him down but he dismissed them and continued his agitated pacing.

Meanwhile Martin was sitting on a log, palms spread wide across the fire. Sean was sitting across him. He noticed a golden glint on his ring finger.

"You married?" Sean asked.

Martin nodded, not elaborating any further.

"I'm not surprised," Sean said. "You are pretty old."

Martin nodded.

"How long have you been married?"

Martin smiled. "I'm old but not stupid. I know you're trying to get me to open up..."

He gestured his hand.


Martin nodded. "Sean. You're unusually observant for your age."

Sean shrugged.

"It's a good trait," Martin said. "Just learn how to mind your own business."

He said that in his own easygoing voice but there was a tightness in his voice. He noticed a sad glint in his eyes as if he was hiding something painful and in the shadow of the flames, he looked much older than he originally inferred.

On the other side of camp Carlotta cast a worried glance at Shorty. He looked very distant. His eyes cast at the distant peek of Mount Moon. He just stared ahead. His eyes vacant like a corpse.

Jenna was also worried. She was pacing around their side of the camp like Carmen, mumbling to herself on how to make Carmen better. She sat down, exhausted from all the walking but still looking at Carmen with concern in her eyes.

Patricia meanwhile was busy mixing herbs and making potions. She was surprisingly on edge too because whenever Carlotta tried to get her to eat, she would immediately panic and herbs would go flying everywhere.

Carmen, despite being the biggest idiot Carlotta had ever seen had made wormed his way into everybody's hearts.

"So how did you and Shorty over there meet?" Carlotta asked Jenna.

Jenna smiled. "When we were kids. I think were both six years old when we met."

"That long, huh?" Carlotta said.

Jenna nodded. "Yep. He was busy kicking rocks away from the other Charmander boys. He was so lonely and he needed a friend."

Jenna smiled, tucking a pink strand of her behind her ear. "At first I took pity on him. He was always bullied and alone but then Dad died and..."

"Carmy was the only one who was there for me," Jenna said. "Giving me sweets to cheer me up and trying his best to make me laugh."

Carlotta smiled. "Sounds like him."

"I think that was when I first..."

All of a sudden, the top of Mount Moon erupted in a flash of blue. Atop the mountain a blue spiral of flame swirled around the top like a planet, casting a bright blue glow all around it.

Carlotta turned to Carmen whose eyes were wide with recognition and...


The flash of blue subsided as quickly as it came and before long Carmen was rushing into the cave.

"Carmen where the hell are you going?" Sean asked as Carmen slid down the rubble.

"To Mount Moon," Carmen said. "I have to get up there, now."

"What did I say about..." Martin said.

"Shut the hell up old man!" Carmen growled. "My father is in danger and I can't just sit here."


"But they're Paras down there..." Sean said, trying to calm him down.

"To hell with them," Carmen said, sliding down the rubble.

Carlotta fluttered in front of Carmen. "Don't be an idiot Shorty."

"Don't call me that!" Carmen shouted.

Carlotta tried placing a calming hand on Carmen but Carmen shrugged it aside.

"Get off me," Carmen said.

"I can't have you die, Shorty," Carlotta said.

"Well I don't care," Carmen said.

Carlotta fluttered in front of him again. "I know you're concerned. I had a tribe too..."

Then Carmen said something. Something he would never take back.

Something he would never be able to.

"Unlike you I still have a tribe," Carmen said.

Carlotta's stared at him dumbfounded, hurt. She flew away from Carmen, trying her best to stop herself from crying.

"Carmen you fucking idiot," Sean growled. "Get back here and apologize."

Jenna seeing what was happening slid down the rocks and ran towards Carmen.

Carmen launched a fireball inside the cave lighting up the walls. The fireball lit up the mushrooms that dotted the walls and craggy surface of the cave walls.

Carmen was about to enter when Jenna stood in front of him.

"You too," Carmen said. "I thought you were my friend."

"I am your friend," Jenna said. "Which is why I have to do this."

Sean was behind Carmen when he heard Jenna sing.

Her voice was like the honey, sweet and subtle. Carmen tried pushing past her but her voice was like being wrapped around in a blanket, slowly he felt his body weaken. His shoulders felt heavy and his legs buckled underneath him. He stifled out a huge yawn and collapsed on the floor.

Sean had also dozed off so when Jenna slapped him awake it was like a thunderbolt to his face.

"Get him to his tent," Jenna said. "I'll watch him to make sure he doesn't rush ahead."

"Yes," Sean said. "I'll do that."

"Make sure he doesn't get hurt," Jenna said. "If I see so much as a scratch on his body, this sword is going in your gut."

Jenna said that with the brightest smile on her face. Sean was convinced she wasn't exaggerating.

"Yes," Sean said.

"Yes what?"

Sean groaned internally. "Yes ma'am."


After putting Carmen in his tent (and tucking him in to avoid Jenna's wrath) he headed to Carlotta's tent to check up on her.

"You awake?" Sean asked. "It's me, Sean."

"Yeah," Carlotta mumbled. "I'm awake."

Sean opened the tent to see Carlotta curled up, she got up as soon as Sean entered. He noticed her eyes were red, probably from crying. Sean could have sworn he heard her sniffle.

"Here to laugh at me," Carlotta said.

Sean shook his head. "Quite the contrary. I'm here to see if you're doing okay."

Carlotta shrugged. "I'm fine."

"I doubt that," Sean said.

"What do you know, Dork?" Carlotta said with venom.

"I know you like him," Sean said. "Carmen."

Carlotta looked like she was about to interject but she let out a sigh. "Yeah I do."

"I know what he said must've hurt," Sean said. "I'm here to say he probably didn't mean it."

"I'm not stupid Dork," Carlotta said. "I know he didn't mean it. I... Just."

Sean motioned at her to continue.

"I miss them," Carlotta said. "My mum, my brother. I miss my tribe."


"They're still alive," Sean said.

"But they're not my mum and brother," Carlotta said. She looked down and sighed. "I just miss them so much Sean, you have no idea."

Sean offered a sympathetic nod. "You'll be alright."

Sean got up and was by the tent flap. "Rest up. Tomorrow Carmen is going to be pissed and we're going to need you to talk some sense to him."

Carlotta nodded. "I will."

"I'll see you tomorrow."

Sean was about to leave when Carlotta spoke.

"You're a softy, you know?" Carlotta said.

"What do you mean?" Sean asked.

"You act all cold and aloof," Carlotta said. "Like an asshole basically but deep down you care about us, don't you?”

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Sean said, a little too quickly.

"C'mon Dork," Carlotta said, grinning. "Loosen up a little."

"If you're gonna waste my time, I'm leaving," Sean said, hastening out of the tent.

"Hey Dork."

"What?" Sean said, his face red like his shirt.

"Thank you," Carlotta said. And she meant it.

Sean paused before saying.

"You're welcome."

Sean left, trying his best to regain his composure. That compliment made his heart feel all soft and his body feel all warm.

He hated that.


When the blue fire fader, Giovanni stood face to face with Hitokage.

Or what was left of him.

Blue flames steamed out of his mouth. His eyes were no more the warm orange but a cold blue. His wings and tail were as black as the night, the flaps of his wings jagged like the mountains around them. Hitokage was no longer standing in front of him, but a monster.

His nails elongated into claws that looked like they were made out of steel.

And he smiled.

With the speed of a bullet Hitokage flew across the battlefield. Giovanni attempted to dodge. He managed to dodge but the sleeves of his white shirt were reduced to shreds.

Hitokage or the monster stopped, realizing it did not hit its target it turned.


Its mouth opened and a volley of blue flames flew towards him like meteors.

Giovanni avoided them, one of the flames melting through the spire of earth he raised like it was ice. One whizzed past him and for a split-second Giovanni felt like he was under the sun on a hot summer’s day.

Avoiding those blue flames, he only noticed too late the monster headed towards him like a black comet.

Giovanni raised his hand to block but suddenly the monster stopped, keeled over. He didn't approach the beast lest it maul him but he did notice something wrong.

For one, the blue fire on its tail was flickering. Its wings looked like they were shriveling, with orange spots dotting the pitch blackness. And the color of the beast's eyes was flashing between orange and blue, almost as if Hitokage was fighting for control.







The beast set its eyes on him again, the grin retuning on his face.

Giovanni took up a battle stance.

Like dad always said.



The caves were dark and musty. The cave walls were blanketed with red mushrooms that spread across them like acne. The floor crunched underneath their feet and the only light they had was a fireball that Carmen had conjured.

Carmen was in front of the entire group, sulking. Everybody tried talking to him but he ignored or dismissed them, especially Jenna. Jenna stared at him with a sad look on her face.

"You did the right thing," Carlotta said, a reaffirming hand on her shoulder. "If we didn't do anything he could've died."

Jenna nodded. "I know but... I haven't seen him this quite."

Martin and Sean were especially weary. Martin more jumpy than weary. Cold wind blew through the caves, sounding like agonized moans. Insects scurried across the walls and the smell of rotten meat stained the air with their stench.

And so, they walked and walked. The orange glow of Carmen's tail their only guiding light. Walked and walked, the mushrooms underneath them crunching. Walked and walked, water spilling down from the vivid red mushrooms on the walls.

Walked and walked.

Walked and walked.

And suddenly a loud screech and a flurry of wings. The entire party had their weapons drawn, Carmen's claws poking out of his fingers, Martin hid behind Sean who stared at him. Martin grinned and waved his wand in an attempt to look intimidating.

Standing in front of them was a man with huge wings. He turned and waved his hands in a gesture of peace.

"Hold," he said. "Put your weapons down, I come in peace." The man was large with huge muscles that ripped through his white tunic. He wore a navy-blue cape over his wings and pitch-black pants.

"Who are you?" Sean asked, still wary.

"My name is Zubair," said the man. When he opened his mouth, it revealed a pair of two large fangs. "I am from the Zubat tribe. I come in peace."

"What are you doing here?" Carmen asked. "Didn't you all evacuate?"

Zubair nodded. "I'm looking for my companion. Me and my companion thought it best to deal with this problem alongside some of our other tribe members. We split up and navigated the caves, dealing with any Paras we might have run into. My companion got lost. That screech you heard is her calling for help."

"Then let's go look for her then," Sean said.

"But what about my tribe?" Carmen asked. "We don't..."

Sean raised a hand to shut Carmen up. "If we help Zubair here find his friend, maybe he can help us find your tribe."

Zubair nodded. "Yes. I noticed your tail, you're of the Charmander tribe correct?"

Carmen nodded. "Yes. Do you know what happened to them?"

Zubair nodded. "My companion and I saw them headed down the mountains, it seems they're evacuating."

Carmen let out a sigh of relief. "And what about my Mas... I mean the Chief."

Zubair shook his head solemnly. "It seems your Chief is still up in the mountains, locked in battle with the leader of the Rockets."

"And the Charizards?" Carmen asked. "What about them?"

"They're battling against the Rocket grunts but they're unfortunately outnumbered," Zubair explained.

Carmen clenched his fists. "Well let's go find your companion and get to them quick."

Zubair nodded. "Agreed."


The Charizard were locked in battle with various Team Rocket members. Up in the air, the Zubat and Golbat that defected to Team Rocket were locked in battle with the Charizard. The Zubat and Golbat sending waves of sound to disorient them. Meanwhile from the ground, huge muscled Rocket goons of the Machop and Machoke disciple were hurling large rocks at the Charizard from below. Things were not going well for the Charmander tribe.

Seth, one of the Charizards was flying around, seeing his companions plummet to the ground like insects and even as he killed one of those Rocket goons, two more took their place and it seemed he was stuck in an endless battle against these mercenaries.

Flying across the battlefield, he helped whoever he could only to see them get mowed down by the next wave of Rockets. To make matters worse, their Master had performed the mega surge last night when the fighting had started and there was no telling what was happening to him.

Seth zoomed across the battlefield, to their huts reduced to shreds. To the corpses of innocent men, women and children who all lost their lives when the fighting started.

He tore through some of the Machop and Machoke Mages with his wings, blowing them aside. He slashed another that tried to put their arms around him, his crimson blood staining his face.

But as he was soon to learn, hope comes in the weirdest of forms and his hope came running towards him in a white cape.

Rune, master Hitokage's advisor ran towards Seth. A mere Charmeleon, he was soon surrounded by two Machop Mages but Rune slipped through them, slashing one across the throat and stabbing one through the chest with his crimson horn.

"Rune," Seth said. "What the hell are you doing here? Shouldn't you be evacuating our people."

"They're by the Mage Center," Rune said. "As soon as I saw the blue flames I came running."

Good old Rune. His loyalty to Hitokage was unpararreled. His entire family was loyal to the Chief of the Charmander tribe. When Rune's father died in the war, he had to take up the mantle of the Chief's Royal advisor.

"We have to get up there, Seth," Rune said. "There's no telling what the mega stone did, especially at his age."

"You think I'm not worried either, Rune," Seth said. "But these Rocket bastards have the whole mountains covered. There's no way in hell we can get to him."

As if to prove his point, one of their own came plummeting to the ground with bloody holes in his body, his wings reduced to almost nothing.

"There's no way to get up there," Seth said.

Rune smirked.

"Wipe that grin off your face," Seth growled. "This is a serious matter."

"I'm well aware," Rune said. "But you Charizard rely too much on your wings."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Seth growled. "This is no time to criticize us, Rune."

"Let me handle the ones on the mountain," Rune said.

"Are you insane?" Seth growled. "You're just a Charmeleon, they'll kill you."

"Your wings make your presence way too obvious," Rune said. "I can sneak through their ranks and kill them from there clearing a path for us."

"And what if they spot you?" Seth asked. "What happens then?"

"They won't," Rune said. "They never can."

With blood dripping down from his horns and the grin on his face, Rune looked scary. Almost like a monster.

Rune unlike many of the Charmander was crafty. Unlike the rest of the Charmeleon in battle he used his horns and tail to his advantage, even going so far as to bite opponents. And while that craftiness made him useful in battle, which was something any Charizard respected, it also made him dangerous.

Very, very dangerous.


"You're very quiet for a leader," Zubair said to Carmen. "Assuming you are their leader."

Carmen nodded. "I am their leader."

"Are you the strong and silent type?" Zubair asked.

Carmen smiled. "No, my fath... I mean Master always tells me I don't know when to shut up."

Carmen cast a quick look at Carlotta who laughing with Jenna and Patricia to ease the tension. "So does that Butterfree over there. The one with the dagger is always keeping me in check."

"Then why aren't you talking to them?" Zubair asked. "Easing their tension? We are in dangerous territory over here."

Carmen sighed. "We had a disagreement."

"So why don't you apologize?" Zubair said.

"Because they stopped me," Carmen said. "I wanted to go rescue my Master but they put me to sleep and kept me from entering the cave. My master could be dead for all I know and they kept me from rescuing him."

"Do you think you could've braved this cave alone?"

Carmen hesitated. "Yes, I'm strong enough."

Zubair smiled. "No man is an island, my friend. People in my tribe are born blind. We have to stumble and fall and only with the help of our parents do we learn to hunt and fight."

Zubair continued. "Some of us remain blind for the rest of our lives and while we may use the sound to guide us, there's only so much we can do alone. My companion, Zinnia. Whilst she is a capable fighter is hindered by her blindness. I am her eyes and she is my ears and together we fight."

Carmen rolled his eyes." Your point being?"

"You can't do everything on your own Carmen," Zubair explained. "People are stronger together. We're all weak in some ways, and only through the strength of others can we make up for that weakness."

Carmen stared at him, clearly impatient.

Zubair laughed. "Apologize to your friends Carmen, you can't hold on to pride and anger any longer. If you keep on doing that it will only make you bitter."

"I'll think about it."

There was another screech.

"That sounds like Zinnia," Zubair said.

They ran towards the sound and ran into another winged person with a cape. This time, however it was a girl with short black hair and bandages around her eyes. She had blood running down her shin and limped towards them.

"Took you long enough," Zinnia said.

Zubair ran towards her. "Your leg? Are you alright?"

"No need to worry," Zinnia said. "I smell others."

Zubair nodded. He introduced the party to Zinnia who touched their faces getting a feel for them. They also introduced themselves by voice so Zinnia knew who was who.

"I- I can help with your leg," Patricia offered.

Zinnia smiled. "That would be wonderful."

"How did you get injured?" Zubair asked as he propped Zinnia up on a rock sticking up from the mushrooms.

"Wandering through the caves I ran into some men," Zinnia said. "There was talk amongst them about ancient weapons."

"So, the rumors are true?" Martin asked.

Zinnia nodded. "It would seem so... Martin?"

Martin smiled. "Yep. Right on the spot."

Patricia opened up the clumsy bandage that Zinnia had wrapped around her leg and winced. The wound cut really deep.

"Do you have Oran berries?" Patricia asked. "I have some in my satchel but they're not enough."

Zubair shook his head. "Unfortunately, no."

Patricia winced. "I'm sorry but we'll have to use a potion."

Zinnia smiled. "No problem."

Patricia rummaged through her satchel until she found a potion. She opened it up, placed it on a swab and started rubbing the wound. Zinnia let out a moan of pain.

"I-I'm sorry," Patricia said, wincing.

After cleaning the wound, Patricia found some clean bandages in her satchel and wrapped them around her leg.

"It's going to sting for a while because of the chemicals they put in potions," Patricia explained. "But otherwise you'll be fine."

"Thank you... Patricia?"

"Y-yes," Patricia stammered.

Zinnia nodded. "I am in your debt."

"Now that we're done here," Carmen said. "Can we head to the peak?"

"Patience my dear friend," Zubair said. "We shall be your guide."

"No, I think we'd better hurry," Sean said. "I find it very suspicious that we haven't run into those Paras yet."

Martin nodded solemnly. "You're right. I've read somewhere that they're attracted to sound and our friend over there..."

Martin pointed at Zinnia. "Was making a lot of noise."

As if answering their worries, they heard the ground crunching beneath them.

But neither of them had moved an inch.

Everybody was on guard, Sean drew his dagger, Carmen summoned a fireball, Jenna drew her sword, purple light enveloped Carlotta's hands and Martin hid behind Zubair.

From the shadows came a Paras. A hollow husk of a man with withered skin, tattered clothes from an old age and bright red mushrooms dotting his body like blisters eating away at him.

From around them more and more came, more of these remnants of human life. Some with mushrooms growing from where their eyes used to be, others with molted skin that looked like it was peeling off. And much to Carmen's horror he saw a charmander amongst the horde that filled the narrow hallways of the cave, it's tail swelling with mushrooms with its fire snubbed out.

From the narrow hallways of the cave they walked in, slow like a snail but hungry.

"We're surrounded," Zubair said.

Carmen summoned two fireballs.

"We'll just have to fight our way through."

And in a flurry of fire and wind they fought as the horde of Paras filled in the narrow passages of the cave. Hundreds, no thousands of them clogged the passageways leaving no means of escape.

No means of escape at all.

To be continued...

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