《Magic of the Extinct》Chapter 8


They tried to find an entrance but to no avail. At the old caverns Carmen used to use as a child there were green-suited soldiers much to Carmen's surprise. Carlotta tried to fly around looking for other entrances with Patricia but Magnemite drones zoomed through the area and Sean observed the patrol routes of the soldiers, trying to find any weaknesses in their shifts or any off times but to no avail.

They met at the cafeteria defeated and tired.

"God this pisses me off!" Carmen growled.

"Keep it down Carmen," Sean said, his voice hushed. "What did I tell you about causing a panic?"

"Those drones are very annoying," Carlotta said. "Can't even spread my wings without them buzzing around me."

"I-I tried asking around," Patricia said. "But everybody said they didn't know anything."

"Their patrol routes are tight," Sean said. "I noted down the times. They have all entrances covered 24/7."

Carmen pounded the table. "And not a single one of my people have made it out yet. What the hell is going on up there? We have to get up there!"

"I understand your worry, Carmen," Sean said. "But if we do anything rash, we'll be risking our lives and I'm not sure about you guys but I don't want to die."

They sat there in silence, Carmen tapping his feet down impatiently and drumming his fingers against the table. Carlotta and Patricia tried making small talk but both Carmen and Sean were all in their own worlds, Sean biting his thumb and Carmen tapping his feet against the floor.

When the cafeteria emptied, somebody cleared their throat.

Carmen and Sean didn't hear him. He cleared his throat again but Carmen and Sean still didn't care.

"Is anyone going to acknowledge me?" asked the man who cleared his throat.

Sean turned to see a man sitting on the opposite table with a newspaper in hand.

"I'm sorry," Sean said. "What is it you want?'

The man put the newspaper down and walked toward them. He was pretty old, almost forty with dry curly hair littered with white strands like salt. He had a hooked nose and wore a white cape and leather armor with baggy pants. Attached to a belt by his hip was a wooden stick with three pongs.

"I couldn't help but overhear you guys talking about the cave," the man said.

"Oh, it's nothing for you to worry about old man," Carlotta said.

"Hey I'm 35," the man said. "I resent that."

"Either way it's nothing for you to concern yourself with," Sean said. "Let's head back to our rooms."

The gang was about to head out of the cafeteria when the man said something that stopped them in their tracks.

"I know about the Paras," the man said. "And I know the Charmander over there wants to see his family."

"What is it you want?" Sean asked.

The man smirked. "I can show you all a way inside if you let me join your team."

"You're lying," Carmen said. "I've known these mountains since I was a kid, there's no way you know it better than I do."


"And why do you want to join us Old man?" Carlotta asked. "We're just a bunch of kids."

"First and foremost, call me Martin," said the man. "Second I saw your match down at Pewter. You and the antennae girl had a serious disadvantage but still won. I want in."

"That doesn't answer how you know about an entrance that Carmen doesn't know about," Sean said.

"Do you know Team Rocket?" Martin asked.

"The mercenary group," Sean said. "What about them?"

"A few days ago, I saw them drilling an entrance down into the mountain," Martin said. "Far away from the military's reach. I have reason to believe they're the ones who released the Paras."

"Those bastards," Carmen growled. "Where's the entrance?"

"It's just an assumption," Martin said.

"But what would Team Rocket want with Mount Moon?" Sean asked. "I thought they only wanted money."

"Apparently they want power over Kanto," Martin shrugged. "And rumor has it Mount Moon has two of the sixteen Ancient weapons."

"But why release the Paras?" Sean asked.

Martin shrugged. "I'm as confused as all of you."

"Can all of you shut up?" Carmen said. "And you, show me the place you're talking about?"

"Ah, ah," Martin said. "We have a deal, remember. Let me join you..."

"What can you do?" Sean asked.

"Who the hell cares?" Carmen interjected. "Welcome to the team, Martin."

Martin smiled. "Thank you, Carmen."

Martin pushed forward and turned his face to the rest of the party. "Follow me, I'll show you where the entrance is."

Martin made sure not to let them see the sigh of relief on his face. He was glad the Charmander mage was so impatient and let him join without asking him to show them what he was capable of. If that was the case, he'd be shot down immediately.

You see, Martin had bought a stick from some sleezy salesman offering him unlimited power for 500 bucks. As soon as Martin accepted the offer the salesman disappeared leaving Martin with a useless wand that could only flop around uselessly on the ground.

A wand of the Magikarp disciple.


Hitokage launched a fire blast but Giovanni quickly raised the earth beneath him upwards causing a craggy pillar that exploded into a shower of rocks. Meanwhile Aylin started evacuating all of her people. The other two Rockets that Giovanni bought with him were bleeding on the ground.

Meanwhile Hitokage was soaring in the air, his wings spread like a demon and dived.

Hitokage tried raising pillars of earth to skewer him but Hitokage dodged. Giovanni was inches away from being squashed like a fly when Hitokage crashed into the ground like a meteor, causing a crater in the ground.

Giovanni opened up in his coat and in it was a bunch of poisonous daggers. Dad always told young Giovanni to be prepared for everything.

Giovanni threw the dagger at Hitokage but Hitokage surrounded himself in flames melting the daggers before they hit him.

Hitokage turned to Giovanni, his eyes still burning with rage but Giovanni noticed his breathing was heavier. There was sweat pouring down his old body.


Giovanni smirked. He may be one of the most powerful mages in Kanto but he was still an old man.

All he had to do was endure.

And Giovanni was good at enduring.


"CARMYYYYY," a voice echoed through the mountains.

"What's this now?" Sean said, his voice exasperated.

Running towards them with the speed of a cheetah was a girl. The girl leaped in the air like a kangaroo and tackled Carmen into the ground.

"You're still alive," the girl said, her voice revealed.

Carlotta snickered. On top of Carmen was a girl wearing a long white skirt that reached her ankles and a short white blouse that exposed her belly. She had pink curly hair that reached her waist and bright green eyes.

"Get off me," Carmen mumbled.

The mysterious girl got off Carmen and yanked him upwards dusting off his clothes.

"Who're all these people?" the girl asked, pointing at Sean and the rest of the party.

Carmen groaned. "My party." Carmen introduced each of them to Jenna. "Guys this is Jenna, my childhood friend."

Jenna waved at them. "Hi. Carmy put together a pretty strong team, huh?"

Carmen scratched his head. "Can you stop calling me that?"

Jenna elbowed him in the shoulder. "Oh, come on Carmy. I know you like it."

Sean sighed. He noted a sword sheathed at her right side and a gun holstered on her left. "Guys we don't have time to waste. We'll do introductions on our way there."

Jenna puffed her cheeks. "What a party pooper. I don't see my Carmy for..."

"Carmen please shut her up," Sean said.

"I would if I could," Carmen groaned.

"Why don't you shut up?" Jenna said. "Mr. Sharp nose..."

"My nose isn't that sharp," Sean argued.

"It is!"

"It isn't."

"It issss..."

Sean and Jenna argued as Carlotta rolled on the floor laughing and Carmen groaned and facepalmed.


Carmen and Sean took turns explaining where they were headed.

Jenna had a sudden serious look on her face. "I was headed for the Center to get some supplies when the evacuation was announced. The rest of my tribe and the Clefairy are still up in the mountains."

"What about my tribe?" Carmen asked. "Are they okay?"

Jenna shook her head. "They were still up there before I entered the caves."

"Dammit," Carmen growled.

Jenna pat his back. "I know how much they mean to you."

"How far are we?" Carmen asked Martin.

"We're pretty close," Martin said. "I know I only just joined you but I would suggest patience. Nothing good comes out of rushing into things."

"Easy for you to say," Carmen said. "Your tribe isn't in danger."

"Yes, true, " Martin said. "But I don't want our leader leading us into our deaths because he couldn't control his emotions."

Martin raised his eyebrows. "Assuming Carmen here is the leader."

Carmen was about to point to Sean being the leader but Sean spoke up before him.

"Yes," Sean said. "He's our leader."

Martin smirked. "My point proven."

Carlotta slapped his back. "Here that Carmy, don't be an idiot."

Carmen groaned. "Not you too."

"C'mon it's fun," Carlotta said with a grin. "Shorty was getting old anyway."

Carmen grumbled.

Martin raised a hand. "Stop here."

The party stopped behind Martin. Below him was a giant crater littered with rocks washed over with sand. The crater carved inwards into a dark hole that seemed to suck all the light around it like a black hole.

"This," Martin said. "Is the entrance. Hope you guys are prepared because it’s going to be a long trek."


Their battle raged on till night.

Giovanni's blazer was reduced to shreds, revealing only a battered white shirt underneath. Scratches line his face and dust painted a brown stain on his pants and shirt.

Hitokage was also not doing very well. Poisonous daggers were stuck on his body, blood staining his clothes. His veins had turned black, venom running through his body like a cold dagger.

Hitokage was as good as gone. Whilst he was a more experienced mage, Giovanni had the advantage of age. All he had to do was tire him out and the battle would be as good as his.

But alas things wouldn't be so easy. Hitokage had an ace up his sleeve.

"For ages," Hitokage said. "A stone was passed down from Chief to Chief. A stone that granted unlimited power but at the cost of your life."

Hitokage placed a hand in his chest and pulled out a pure white stone with a blue swirl in the middle.

Giovanni threw a dagger at Hitokage's palm, might as well stop him from using it.

But Hitokage still clutched onto it, his bloodied hands staining the pure white marble.

Hitokage keeled over. The poison was doing wonders on his body, his face was a pale shade of violet. His veins were as black as night.

"I underestimated you," Hitokage said. "I underestimated my age."

Hitokage lit the stone with his flames. The stone glowed an intense blue and from the stone, blue fire swirled around Hitokage.

"But if I stop a fiend like you from ascending to the throne," Hitokage said. "My sacrifice will not be in vain."

As the blue flames shrouded Hitokage's body he thought about Carmen. He wondered where he was right now, how his gym challenge was going.

Hitokage never had a son. He could never love another besides Aylin. But if there was anyone, he could ever call a son, it would be Carmen.

A bright blue circle of flame shrouded Hitokage. It grew and grew and suddenly erupted upwards like a volcano.

The crater of Mount Moon lit up like a bonfire. And if you asked anyone that was awake that night, they would tell you of the blue flames atop Mount Moon seen all the way to Fuchsia City, casting a mighty blue glow, stronger than the moon itself.

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