《Evil Cultivator》Chapter 9


Vlad was extremely interested in the final one, although there was a disadvantage that you couldn't be the one to initiate an attack, you also can't sneak attack, but for Vlad the spear technique, he chose made up for these disadvantages, so after thinking for a while Vlad chose the basic sword arts.

As he was content with both of his choices, Vlad looked at the section describing muscle tempering level.

Muscle tempering level is the first level of body forging. In this stage, you temper your body muscles, simple training is the best method to reach this stage, but you can greatly reduce your time by using a breathing technique, getting a good diet, or eating some muscle enhancement pills.

There was even a breathing technique in the book, as Vlad read the book and tried to replicate this breathing style, Vlad found it quite easy to perform, but he was getting an extremely hard time maintaining this.

As Vlad read a small description of breathing techniques, these were techniques to intake oxygen more optimally, so more blood reaches your heart, mind, and lungs. This enhances your basic bodily actions, plus it was the most important requirement to break through the blood tempering level.

Vlad tried to practice this breathing style until he finally fell asleep, although it was extremely uncomfortable for Vlad to practice as it was his first time, he was still adamant about practicing it and held on.

As Vlad fell into a deep sleep, he saw a bizarre dream, Vlad saw 5 wired translucent balls of energy revolving around a large throne, each of the balls gave a terrifying aura and were of different colors.

The first ball was a golden color, it gave a heavenly yet sharp aura.

The second ball was sky blue, it gave a relaxing aura similar to a calm sky.


The third ball was snow-white, it gave a chilling aura Vlad felt his whole being started to freeze as he looked at this ball.

The fourth one was a purple ball, it gave a bizarre and mysterious aura, but Vlad felt extreme danger as he looked at it.

The last one was a pitch-black ball, Vlad was horrified as he looked at this ball, this ball seems to be like the devil incarnate as Vlad felt every bad emotion as he looked at the ball.

Suddenly it seems like all of the balls noticed his presence, as they looked at Vlad and released their aura, which caused Vlad to fly back a couple of dozens of kilometers, Vlad suddenly woke up as sweat covered his body, his mind in confusion and his whole body shaking.

"What happened.....What was that dream and why is my whole body and mind acting like this?" Vlad muttered to himself.

Vlad tried to calm himself as he sat on his bed, although he was confused, Vlad sat on his bed for a while after that he calmed down and dismissed his previous thoughts as a nightmare.

"Alice told me to meet Ria in the morning, so I should probably get ready, plus I can also practice the breathing technique." Vlad thought as he again tried to practice the breathing technique.

Vlad quickly washed his face and quickly wore some clothes that Alice had already prepared for him, it was a black kimono with white strips.

As Vlad went out of his room, he noticed that no one was there, the whole courtyard was empty, but he could already feel the lively aura around the castle.

"Maybe I got up a little late." Vlad thought as he headed for Ria's room.


Unknown to Vlad was, the supreme leaders of this world were in an uproar, as 5 figures stood up and all of them together said.

"Seems like the world is changing......."

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