《Evil Cultivator》Chapter 6


"Cultivation theory" These words immediately attracted Vlads attention, as he tried to open it, but was immediately interrupted by the young lady.

"Well well, let's not hurry and get carried away, if you want that book and some other benefits, you have to sign this contract." She said as she took out a contract from her spatial ring.

"According to the contract, you will serve your whole life as my right hand and I will provide you lots of cultivation resources and status equal to that of a Nobel, Do you accept?" She said.

'There it is, no one is stupid enough to give me that book for free, but these conditions are way too one-sided, I need to negotiate, but I also can't overestimate my worth.' Vlad thought.

"No way in hell, what do you mean by lots of cultivation resources, and the max time I can do is 50 years." Vlad tried to negotiate.

"Hmm...I will provide you resources until you reach a sky rank cultivator, I doubt you even know about the cultivation levels, the first level is body forging, the next is core creation after is earth rank, and then sky rank, and 60 years is the best I can do." She said.

Vlad thought for a second was finally agreed to her deal, Vlad was thinking about how this unfortunate event turned into a blessing for him.

'I need to be overly cautious, although 60 years is a long time, I doubt I can't break this contract before that, but before that, I need to understand her strength level and get a decent foothold in the cultivation world.' Vlad thought.

Unknown to her, who thought she could make this pawn loyal to her in 60 years, whilst he was already thinking of breaking the contract.


"My name is Ria, and you should probably call me Mrs. Ria," Ria spoke to Vlad.

"Ok Mrs. Ria, my name is Vlad," Vlad said as he thought to use his previous life name.

"Ok, Vlad comes after me we have a lot of things to do," Ria said as she started walking out of the street.

Vlad quite followed her, as after 10 minutes they finally reached a large castle, as they approached the mansion, Vlad noticed 2 huge men were guarding the large silver steel gate.

Ria approached the guards and shows them a token that she took out from her spatial ring, the guards quickly bowed and opened the huge gate.

As Vlad and Ria entered the gate, although Vlad couldn't Ria could hear the guards whispering with her enhanced senses.


"Seems like it was true, that the young lady was attacked." One of them whispered.

"Shut up, she isn't far away she could hear you." The other guard said shutting him up.


Ria had already figured out what was going on, it seems Abigail is trying to use this opportunity to ruin her reputation.

As both Ria and Vlad entered the castle, Vlad was surprised to see such a beautiful interior, the whole palace was illuminated by a white light, beautiful, this looked exactly like one of those Japanese castles, although Vlad had never visited Japan, he had seen it online on multiple social networks, there was even a Japanese themes park in his city.

There was a large training ground, besides it was a large garden, the showcase of the garden was a large bonsai tree in the middle with a small lake, where you could see multiple types of koi fish, there was even a small outdoor seating area, where you could see a lady relaxing.


As Vlad went inside the castle, it was separated by thin wooden walls, as they both were walking, Vlad was quick to notice that servents were giving Ria some sad looks, while Ria just ignored them.

'Hmm, seems like they already know about the event, well from that I can already judge that someone inside of the castle plotted against her, how sad.' Vlad was quick to come up to this conclusion, initially, he thought it might be some artifact that alerted them, but then he thought why wouldn't they help her if that was the case.

As both Ria and Vlad approached a large room, Ria was quick to enter it she bought Vlad along, entering the room Vlad saw two young girls dressed in maid outfits as they bowed to Ria.

"Young miss, are you alright, I heard the rumors, they say that you were attacked by members of the So clan.... and they also say, that the members of the So clan tried to impregnate you, if that is true we should immediately inform your uncle." One of the maids said.

"Even though young miss Ria always had a good relationship with the So clan, I can't imagine they did that, as Alice says we should immediately inform your uncle." The other maid also supported Alice.

"I doubt the So clan did any of this, it is probably that bitch Abigail, She is even trying to ruin my relationship with the So clan, don't inform uncle yet, I will personally send him a letter, and before that can you ask the bitch Abigail to come to my room and also lastly this is Vlad, he is our newest member, although he is just a commoner, he has talent comparable to a Nobel, so get along and also can you give him a tour of the castle Alice, and Alice plz give him a shower, he smells, like shit," Ria said.

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