《Reincarnation of A Regretful Soul》Chapter 4 : Shopping Time
After removing the muzzle Feng took four steps back and was fully prepared to let go of the leash once mother wolf tries to attack him, after a staring contest that lasted five seconds with the wolf licking her lips and opening her jaws to stretch them after being unable to do that simple gesture for a while now.
"Yelp... Whimper..."
The sound of her pups distracted her from the thought of attacking this prey, the wounds on his body and the smell of his blood were tickling her primal instincts after all.
But, her motherhood won in the end and she started to play with her healthy pups in the water.
Feng sighed in relief when the tension in the air dissolved between him and the animal, he didn't want to fight and never liked to.
Quite honestly, most of the times he got bullied by the gangsters he could minimize his damage if he evaded the hits coming at him, he saw them moving in slow motion and only the hits from his blindspots surprised him.
Even those he learned to anticipate and expect them with time, but right now he's wounded at two places, tired physically and exhausted mentally.
His back and left leg are not fully healed yet and he can't maneuver his body without relying on these muscles, every step he took on the way by leaning or placing his weight on his left leg hurt him and the things he carried on his shoulders made his back hurt more than it already did, yet he had to endure until he reaches the safety of being among other humans or he might really die if he stayed in this area.
After the pups played with their mother for a while in the water mother wolf did her best to lick them clean then raised them up and was planning on leaving them on the dirt to dry.
"No, leave them on this hair stack. Go, there. You dumb? Follow me, come on!"
Feng didn't want the pups to get muddy and kept pulling mother wolf by the leash to follow him as he spoke, finally mother wolf followed his instructions after 5 minutes of raising and lowering her ears and tilting her head to the sides in confusion while pulling against his leash.
The only one happy by the extended raise was the mixed color mischievous female pup, barking and playing with her forelimbs in the air.
When her mother dropped her on the hair bed she laid on her back and showed her belly, Feng couldn't resist tickling her for a few seconds under her mother's wary eyes.
After grabbing all the pups from the creek Feng placed the muzzle back on mother wolf, she wasn't satisfied with it being put back on but Feng didn't second-guess his decision.
"Good job.... You're a good girl.... Come let's keep going."
Feng patted her back and head because she didn't attack him while saying that and he was satisfied with her obedience and regretting that he doesn't have anything currently to reward her, he dried the small pups with his clothes then placed them on their basket.
After hooking the glass blanket to the mother's collar he collected his things and kept going east.
It took Feng two days of walking at daylight and camping at night until he saw signs of civilisation, during these two days he made himself one trouser, one long sleeve shirt and a pair of crude boots from these scorpion hairs.
He could've made them better looking and finer quality but he was in a hurry to wear something that can protect him in case of emergency, these hairs could protect him from being cut by a sword as for getting pierced they could prevent that if he could fuse them with these glass shards from the scorpion's shell.
Feng wasn't an expert in anything, but he has watched lots of different things in his free time and knows that humans are indeed successful because they tried in the first place not because they knew the results beforehand.
After a couple of peaceful days with him wishing for this nightmare to end, he realized that he was naively thinking with a loser's mentality.
Nobody cares, just the same as before on his shitty earth.
As for how he came here in the first place? Who knows! Feng can't go on asking people about it, this isn't the same as asking for directions after all.
Mother wolf was currently starving and exhausted, last time she ate something was 2 days ago when they left the water creek.
Their luck was good and Feng notice a fat rat scurrying between two bushes, he didn't hesitate on removing the blanket strand from her collar then the muzzle and directing the predator to the helpless rodent, he kept helping her distract the mouse by throwing stones to block it from escaping and finally the wolf caught it and shredded it mercilessly with her jaws and swallowed it after crunching it's bones.
Feng trembled at the sight of blood trickling from her mouth and felt thankful for the existence of the leash in his hand, the look she gave him that time birthed fear in his bones.
Her wound on the hind leg was healing and her limp was disappearing, after giving birth and eating a considerable amount of meat from the scorpion afterwards she seemed a lot more intimidating and scary in comparison to when he first saw her.
If Feng met her in this current state a few days ago he wouldn't be able to put her into submission even at the cost of being mortally wounded, mother wolf was unlike the regular wolves in the wolfpack.
The regular wolves were a size bigger than wolves in his previous life, mother wolf on the other hand was the size of the large wolves of the wolfpack but a bit skinny and malnourished.
Only the alpha was larger than her and the others, still, she was already larger than a tiger and reaching about one and half meters tall at shoulder level.
After seeing the demonic beast (scorpion's) size Feng wasn't surprised by how exaggerated this wolf was, he's happy that she isn't targeting him right now that's all.
Stopping about one kilometer away from the tall walls, Feng watched as people entered through the iron gates slowly after standing in a long line outside the walls for sometime.
He counted the bronze coins he have on him and wasn't sure if they'll be enough to buy him some food inside this place, and the problem of his possessions of mother wolf and her pups was another nagging matter that he didn't know it's answer.
The stack of hairs was bundled properly into some kind of a rough mattress and rolled like a carpet it won't be as glaring as the blanket full of glass shards or sticking out like a sore thumb which is the wolf family.
Since it was almost dusk, Feng decided to camp for the night and enter that place early in the morning, as for his things he'll leave them with mother wolf and her pups as he hurries in and out of that place as fast as he can after buying some food, supplies and hopefully some information.
The foliage in this area is much more expansive than the place Feng found himself in when he came to realize he's no longer on shitty earth.
After finding a proper hidden area to camp for the night, Feng hid all his belongings then spread the mattress and sat to think as he tickled little Mischievous female pup's belly.
Mother wolf drank some water and rested next to Feng on the mattress, after 5 days she wasn't annoyed with his presence anymore she even sharpened her claws on his clothes when she was bored.
He didn't bully her pups and played with them always, since her pups liked him she had no problem.
Only the black pup was daring enough to challenge Feng, he liked to bite on the hem of his clothes with his small jaws and pull it left and right while making cute growling sounds.
"Heh, Daring. You're at it again? Stop or you'll hurt your gums! Are you jealous of Mischievous? She's the only female after all, I need to pamper her some more. Oy, no biting. See how docile Timid is? No, Loud stop barking. Fuck this isn't going to end well, shut up. Quiet, what is it? Why do you keep making loud noise all the time? Huh, I swear to god you're like one of these famous people in the commercial sectors who never stop talking. Go feed, maybe that will calm you down."
Feng was extremely busy every night with these four, they started to get stronger and their curiosity grew by the day.
The only one who kept incurring his displeasure was that grey pup, when it gets excited it never stops being a source of annoyance to Feng be that with it's barking, yelping, whining, whimpering and the worst when it starts to squeal like a pig in the slaughterhouse.
"It's your pup, you're responsible for feeding it."
Shrugging his shoulders at the grumbling mother wolf, Feng said as he pushed her grey pup deeper into her belly to shut him up.
Squinting her brown eyes slightly, mother wolf gave Feng one last look then rested her head back down to sleep.
"I only have 45 bronze coins and lodging can be delayed for now, most urgent is some meat for her then I can gather information about that place and this world before deciding on my next move."
After making up his mind, Feng placed the pups in their basket and pushed them near their mother's and after eating what remained of his rations he rested to sleep.
At dawn Feng woke up and took his bronze coins then hurried to the iron gates, when he reached the walls the iron gates were already opened and one squadron worth of gate guards manned the gates.
Walls reaching almost fifty meters tall or more and the archers standing there in their leather armors kept close look at everything happening outside the walls be that far or close, the guards at the gates wearing the same standard iron light armor and their leader wearing the same bronze heavy-armor like previous asshole captain Li, two others following behind the leader wore the same standard armor but it was of different color it was black and covered more vitals while the normal soldiers wore armor that seemed to be about to rust and only covered the chest, back and shoulders plus the funny looking helmet on their head which looked like an inverted metal bowl.
In front of Feng there was only fifteen people and two farm carriages loaded with vegetables, he hurried to stand in line before the others hurrying from afar and carrying sacks on their backs or dragging mules, horses, ox wagons or pushing wheelbarrows loaded with various products.
"The fees for entrance today is one bronze coin, pay up or get lost."
The man in heavy bronze armor opened his helmet's cover and shouted at the people standing in front of the gate then went to the side to sit, one of the black armored soldiers following him started leading the soldiers to collect fees from the people and the other one started to arrange a table full of food for the captain then brewed some tea.
Feng was unaffected by the man's words, but, the people in the line waiting to enter the gate seemed to have their faces darken at the captain's announcement.
Nobody said anything and they paid their entrance fees then entered while looking at the ground, but Feng noticed more than one clinched fist in the crowd.
When it was his turn he gave the arranged coin in his hand to the soldier and entered, even though the soldier was finding his clothes funny and weird he didn't find anything illegal when he searched with his eyes.
There was only a strange purple dagger at the man's side in a cloth sheath! But weapons were not forbidden from being carried in this border city, if he caused trouble inside he'll be doomed for death or slavery.
"Go in. Hurry! Don't waste my time loitering around like a fool, scram."
The soldier pulled Feng by the collar to enter rudely when he saw Feng standing in place, actually Feng was waiting for a confirmation that his bronze coin was valid and some hint of permission to enter and the soldier just took him for a dawdling fool.
Feng almost stumbled and fall face first from the soldier's rough treatment.
He didn't waste time with such petty moves that he was used to and entered the long tunnel underneath the walls towards the light at the exit, after moving for more than a hundred meters he exited the tunnel and there was another squadron of soldiers here too.
They didn't give Feng any mind and the soldiers merely snickered at his funny clothes.
Inside the walls he saw an empty and clear space of about another hundred meters left and right behind the walls which stretched beyond his eyesight's ability to see how far these walls go north and south, many stone steps reaching the wall's top and one squad of soldiers standing there at each staircase.
'I guess that vacant space is for times of war, they can place the soldiers near the walls to ascend the walls or prevent others from entering the city' Feng knew why there was no buildings near the walls with a single look.
Without stopping he moved towards the largest street right in front of the tunnel exit.
"Excuse me, can you please point me to the market. I wish to buy some raw meat."
Feng stopped a middle-aged woman and kept his distance then asked politely.
"What kind of meat?"
The woman with a few wrinkles on her face and a couple white strands asked instead of answering.
"Well, I really don't care any kind of meat will do. As long as it's good quality and not pricy, I don't mind buying dry meat as long as it's fresh and not about to become well-worn."
Feng looked at this somewhat short woman in clean but overly washed clothes as he spoke, her gaze was kind and her pose was proud.
"En, then come with me. My store is right over there in the south I promise you my products are amongst the top ten in Rock city, my prices aren't the cheapest but they're reasonably worth what you're buying."
The woman said to Feng then walked through a side street towards the south, she didn't care if Feng would follow or not and didn't give him any other options to choose from.
Her tune almost disdained the other businesses.
'Interesting' Feng thought as he supported his chin while watching the middle-aged woman walk further away.
She didn't side glance or become shifty eyed like those thugs or scammers, her motion and steps were steady and nonchalant.
She really didn't care for Feng's decision after hearing what she said.
"It's just meat.... What am I hesitating about? And it isn't even my hard earned money!"
Feng smiled and followed after the woman.
"Auntie I didn't properly introduce myself, I'm Zhu Feng nice to meet you."
Feng maintained one meter distance between him and the middle-aged woman and spoke with a smile, he wanted to use this chance to gather some information about the area and see if he can build a place outside this "Rock city"
"Little Feng is polite, just call me auntie Qing. You're new to Rock city I suppose?"
Auntie Qing nodded and gave Feng a slight smile of approval to his attitude of maintaining distance and politeness as he talked with the elderly, then she asked him after giving a speedy dropping look at his strange clothes and shoes.
"Heh. Auntie Qing is very observant and sharp, It's my first time here and I don't know anything about the area or it's rules. Outside the walls, does the land belong to anyone? Like if someone wanted to build a house for himself, whom should I contact and how much is a small plot of land worth?"
Feng complimented her then threw a few questions at her about his most urgent matter.
"Huh! You want to build your house out there in the plains? Little Feng I won't advice you to do that, monsters and demonic beasts often attack Rock city or roam the area outside. Even though the land doesn't belong to anyone only a few farmlands to the southwest and northwest are out there, the owners get warned before every large attack by the army if they paid the price every year. I know that because some of them are my suppliers, I often hear them complain about how damaged their land become after every wave of monster or beast attacks and how high the cost for the army to give them earlier warnings."
Auntie Qing looked at Feng as if he's a suicidal moron and shook her head as she spoke about how dangerous it is to live outside the safety of the city walls.
"Hrmmm, then what is the cost for renting a small house in Rock city per month?"
Feng didn't argue on the matter any further and asked.
"If it's in the central area of the city then one gold coin will be enough I guess, at the outskirts lets say about ten silver will do for you to rent a small house for a month."
After thinking for a few seconds auntie Qing gave Feng the price she thought will be enough.
Feng was feeling awkward, he didn't know what is the worth of bronze, silver, gold.
"How can I forget to ask auntie Qing about your products? Hehe, what kind of meat do you have in your store auntie and what's the prices? I only have little money on me so don't expect much expenditure from me."
Changing topic, Feng asked as he looked at the buildings around.
The largest was a five story building, and the average was two or three floors.
These buildings had all kinds of stores opened and these businesses sold fabrics, furniture, carpets, food be that vegetables or fruits, seeds or meat, processed products or raw ingredients, livestock of all kinds and some of them were species new to Feng's eyes, weapons and armors.
"Mostly meat from livestock or bird meat from our farms in the east away from the borders, we rear them ourselves and take proper care of our animals. The rest is gathered meat by the hunters who venture outside the walls west, some of them lay traps and catch these animals alive. Others gather meat and sells it in our store, but we don't buy all of it because we emphasis on quality above all."
Auntie Qing didn't look down on Feng when he told her about his financial situation and explained to him how her store works, she still cunningly avoided the matter of prices.
'She's a store owner alright, I'll watch your store power with my own eyes then' Feng thought as he looked around.
"Ting.... Tak.... Ka...."
Looking at the source of the sound, Feng noticed a store to the left with open doors and a sign of hammer and anvil.
"Auntie Qing, how much a blacksmith earns per month?"
Feng asked as he watched the man inside the workshop standing topless in front of the fire and hammering a sword.
"Eh! How would I know that? Little Feng asks strange questions, not all blacksmiths are the same after all."
Auntie Qing looked at the blacksmith then looked helplessly at this polite and possible customer then answered, she had a vague idea about how much they can earn each month but she didn't say.
After all, she doesn't know Feng and if her words reached these blacksmiths her store might get implicated in needless matters, right now her store had it's hands full in the competition with other competitors over the control of Rock city's market.
"No auntie Qing misunderstood, I meant if I work as a blacksmith in one of the stores. How much should I expect to earn as an apprentice?"
Feng smiled helplessly at this merchant as he explained to her.
"So that's what you meant, then I have the answer to that one. A blacksmith apprentice can earn one silver per month in one of my friend's workshops."
Auntie Qing seemed relieved for answering and slightly annoyed with Feng for not being specific enough with his questions from the beginning.
Feng nodded and stopped asking anymore as he felt no need to keep pestering the kind woman with his questions, turning his attention to the surrounding he watched the streets get livelier as the sun rose up.
"This over there is our store, we sell livestock alive or butchered and lots of different materials and products as well as a wide variety of meat."
Auntie Qing pointed at a four story building to the right and said to Feng.
Looking towards it Feng was inwardly disappointed, the building wasn't taking the whole space of the land and only seemed to occupy about a quarter and there was a five meter yellow wall surrounding the land.
To a human who saw the various large and unique skyscrapers, would he be amazed by a four story building?
Auntie Qing walked ahead and entered the gate, two guards in shabby armor greeted her with a nod and looked curiously at Feng's clothes as he followed her inside.
'So that's why their building is taking less space' Feng thought as he watched the open area inside with small stalls.
They turned half their land into a small market with each partition of stalls selling a different kind of meat, all the right side area was selling fresh meat and the left side area dealt with selling live animals and birds.
The building seemed to be selling seeds, flour, and spices in the first floor as for the other floors he couldn't get a clear look through the small windows all he saw was the ceilings of each respective floor.
"Little Feng can go ahead and walk on your own in our stalls, don't worry about the prices they'll give the same price they agreed with my store previously, but don't bargain with them if you don't like the price leave quietly. Some of the hunters have quite the temper so don't try provoking them, even this old lady will be denied face sometimes. Afterwards come take a look in my store, alright."
Auntie Qing smiled at Feng then told him how it works in this store then left after waving her hand.
"I'll, thanks auntie Qing."
Feng right now wasn't idle enough to be picky, mother wolf hasn't eaten for three days and her pups seemed to be wrestling each other for her dwindling milk.
Daring was getting his full meals, Loud and Mischievous got half a belly each, poor Timid was getting a few drops for a day now and Zhu Feng was worried about him the most.
Pups are very fragile and can die because of a slight drop or rise in temperature, lack of nutritions, or if one of their siblings nipple-blocked them.
Daring did that a lot to the three younger siblings and Timid had it worse than the other two because they loud pup and the naughty pup did that to him too.
"Hello, how much are you selling your chickens for?"
He went towards a man selling live animals and asked, he wanted to buy a dozen and keep them in his travels so that mother wolf would have enough food for a while until he gets settled and figure out his next move.
"Chicken? You mean this flightless bird? It's 10 iron coins."
The man looked at Feng's clothes and frowned then he answered him.
"How much is a bronze coin worth?"
Feng ignored the difference in naming between him and the man then asked as he brought a bronze coin.
"Are you messing with me? Everybody knows that it's worth 100 iron coins! Are you buying or not? If not then please don't crowd my stall."
The man frowned at Feng and tightened his hands around the stall beam as he spoke with a vein popping up on his forehead, Feng saw it throbbing twice as the man glared at him obviously extremely annoyed by this weird customer.
"Of course I'm buying I want 50 of them, can you wait for me to buy some seeds and other provisions from the store?"
Feng was pleased with his financial capabilities for now.
"No problem, I'll prepare the boxes for you while you finish your business."
The man started to place chickens in wooden boxes which looked like miniature cages from wood and ignored Feng.
"Oh by the way, do you happen to know how much is a horse and if it's being sold around here in this store?"
Feng calculated the weight of the things he's planning to buy in his head and was sure he wouldn't be able to return without wasting hours or breaking his wounded back in the process.
"Warhorses or normal horses? Which are you looking for?"
The man glanced at Feng with a slight smile then continued to stack the boxes as he asked.
"I don't know if I can even buy the seeds for the birds to eat for ten days before I get enough eggs to sell for profit, I'm just curious and wish to be a hero someday."
Feng felt the man being strange, his eyes were sneaky and his regular question as he avoided eye contact seemed troubling to the young man who was used to dealing with thugs and could smell their scent from miles out.
"Huh!... Snort, it's three silvers for a warhorse and twenty bronze coins for a normal horse. They sell some horses behind the store, warhorses are sold at the city lord stables. Hurry up and get your seeds already, you can be a hero some other day."
The man gawked slightly then after giving Feng's clothes a second look he told him the answer to his question, he gave the no gesture behind his back to another stall owner.
"Three silver coins and twenty bronze coins! That much money can buy two hundred of this bird and that's only the worth of a normal horse, whoah! I better stick to carrying my own grocery then."
Feng was inwardly happy but he kept shaking his head as he spoke in a regretful tune and acted as he's amazed by the figures.
When the other stall owner at the back heard this dialogue he clicked his tongue in disdain then turned his attention towards other customers entering the store area, he and that chicken seller were part of a local gang.
They would target those living outside Rock city in the farms and rob them outside the walls on their way back to their lands, when they saw Feng they thought he was here loaded with money and thought of targeting him, yet his words and actions convinced them that he only owns six or seven bronze coins at best probably less from his reactions.
When he turned away from the stall owner to go deeper in the market Feng's face was expressionless but he was feeling inwardly scared because he almost caused needless trouble for himself just now, this chicken's stall owner was in cahoots with someone else in the vicinity and if it wasn't for Feng not wanting to look to the side to find out who in fear of being discovered in turn and his little act could be sensed, he would've found out who with a single look.
'Sigh, I wanted to buy some meat but it seems now I'll only buy a little, if I bought much I'll definitely be targeted' Feng thought as he went to buy two kilos of beef.
One sack of wheat, some spices, salt, milk.
Feng paid six bronze coins and ninty iron coins for all these essentials after including the five bronze coins for the fifty chickens.
"Auntie Qing, I'm leaving now. Thank you for your hospitality."
Feng went up to say goodbye to the kind middle-aged woman.
She sat in the fourth floor at a quiet corner in front of a desk, flipping through the account books and comparing them with other documents.
"Hrmm... Little Feng is too polite, tell me, how did you find our store?"
Auntie Qing smiled kindly and asked, a few other workers in the fourth floor were bringing some items to fill the empty shelves on the lower floors and stopped to look at this strange young man.
The fourth floor was a large storage and only manager Qing had her desk there to supervise the store, there was four guards situated all the time to prevent people from causing trouble to the manager and to keep a close watch on the store staff as they restock the shelves.
The four guards were puzzled by this situation as well.
"I'm not the right person to ask for opinions, auntie Qing is giving me undeserved credit by asking for my opinion."
Feng dragged his words and waited for the workers to go down as he went closer to the middle-aged woman's desk and sat down on a nearby chair.
As an expert in deals and trading, veteran business-woman Qing Qiuyue knew there's something the young man didn't want to say in public.
"Little Feng can speak now, nobody will interrupt us."
Auntie Qing gave the gesture for the guards to prevent others from coming up to the fourth floor for now and they stood at the stairs.
"First there's people targeting your customers suspiciously, I don't know why and how many are there, but I can point you to one of them and you can follow the lead from there. It's this man selling birds and I'm sure there's an accomplice in the stalls behind him one or maybe more, auntie can believe me or choose to ignore me. Second, I heard you sell horses I'm here to buy one, but, after getting targeted by these wicked people I don't dare buy it openly in fear of getting myself intercepted by them later. Can I buy it directly from auntie Qing instead? I'll wait outside your store with my merchandise, all I want is for you to send me my horse with someone you trust."
Feng told Qing Qiuyue his reasons directly and waited for her answer.
"Don't worry I believe you, for the past year we received more than one hundred complaints from people who got intercepted after buying from my store. We do have warhorses if you want to buy one."
Sighing slightly auntie Qing glared daggers at the chicken seller then smiled apologetically at Feng and offered him to sell him a warhorse.
"No need to be polite with me auntie, all I have is 37 bronze coins. The most I can pay for a horse is 30 coins and keep the 7 for emergencies."
Feng blushed slightly when he saw the woman offer him something he can't buy.
"Hehe, alright give me the money and I'll take care of that matter. You previously mentioned working as a blacksmith apprentice if you want to start I'll recommend you to one of my friends, now go get your things and keep heading north in the street towards where we originally met each other. I'll send my niece to deliver you the horse, she's quite the beauty so don't fall for her."
Auntie Qing smiled widely when she saw Feng's blush and even teased him at the end.
"Cough... Here's the money auntie, I'll be on my way then. Good day to you."
Feng took out 30 bronze coins with shivering hands and bowed slightly then left under the giggling laughter from the veteran business-woman.
He suffered with his merchandise, dragging the chicken boxes with one arm and the wheat sack on his shoulder almost killed him, between his teeth he was biting hard on the bundle containing the meat and his other arm holding the small milk container under the armpit and the spices gripped with his hand.
His sight drew laughter from all those who saw him, but, who was Zhu Feng? He never cared about other's opinion about him.
No at all, absolutely!
Thickening his skin and enduring the pain on his back and left leg, he continued to move at a snail's pace from the store towards the north.
"You're Feng?"
When Feng heard that sound he knew that it was auntie Qing's niece, but, that sound was too sweet for his ears right now.
Turning around he saw the same girl from a few days ago, she even wore the same faint blue clothes and kept her ponytail hairstyle.
Riding a tall black horse and looking at him from above with obvious interest on her face.
"It's you from back then."
Feng blurted it out in his daze and the meat bundle that was being held between his teeth fell to the ground, but he didn't seem to notice at all and was thinking : 'what are the odds?'
"Hrmmm..... Here's your horse, it's called little Shadow."
The girl frowned at this strange man who didn't answer her question and gave him a glare that felt like swords piercing at Feng's body, she patted the horse's neck gently then dismounted and offered Feng the reins while speaking.
"Thanks for saving me back then and sorry for troubling you with this small matter, please give auntie Qing my thanks."
Feng knew he incurred her ire and didn't beat around the bush, after bowing deeply to thank her he started loading his items on the horse then he used hairs from his sleeves to tie the boxes and hauled them on both sides of the horse's waist then walked next to it as he led towards the gates by the reins.
"Dummy, why did you buy a horse if all you're going to do is walk next to it?"
After feeling better for not having to carry his stuff back, Feng felt a bucket of ice cold water being unloaded on his self-esteem when the girl asked that question.
"You see.... I don't know how to ride a horse."
Scratching his head in embarrassment Feng turned and said to the girl while fiercely blushing at the face.
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