《Reincarnation of A Regretful Soul》Chapter 3 : Heading East


"Whine.... Awo...."

Feng woke up at the sound of the wolf at dawn as the sky was starting to brighten up in day colors, he was scared and kept looking everywhere for any kind of danger once he opened his eyes then sighed in relief when he saw the clear horizons on all fronts.

"That scared the daylight out of me, oy! Don't scare me like that again. Are you trying to give me a heart attack or something?" Feng got up and patted his racing heart to calm and started glaring at the helpless wolf while pulling the blanket over his body while shouting that in frustration.

Taking some of his rations from the bundle and munching on them, he didn't like their taste or hardness but he swallowed them anyway.

After drinking some water, Feng got up with the water gourd and headed for the whimpering wolf.

"You're a she-wolf huh! And you choose this time give birth? Are you fucking kidding me? Sigh."

Feng saw water pouring out from the female wolf's body and a small furry pup was being squeezed out, and her tongue stretched outside her completely dry mouth.

Feng sighed and carefully got behind her head and stood at an angle where she couldn't bite him and take him by surprise, opening his water gourd, Feng gave her some water by pouring it bit by bit in her opened mouth.

After drinking, the female wolf seemed a lot more energetic and lively.

After squeezing the first black and dark as night sky puppy out, the next three pups were pushed out a lot easier.

Maybe, it's because they're a bit smaller than the black pup.

Maybe, it's the normal, Feng didn't care and raised them from the liquid mess after severing their fetus attachments to their mother's, then carefully delivered them to her belly under her dangerous motherly eyes.

"Whatcha looking at, keep glaring and I'll stomp your whole family. Bitch, you tried to eat me first remember, nobody will blame me if I did it anyway."

After he delivered the four pups to her udders, Feng got away from the mother wolf and started looking down at her family with disdain and kept pointing a threatening finger at her as he spoke.

Yet, he maintained a safe distance from her all the time!

It seemed like the wolf was reluctant to give the man anymore of her attention, or she felt how empty his threats were.

She turned her attention to her pups and awkwardly tried to reach her tongue to clean them, the difference between the gaze she gave Feng and the gaze she gave her pups were obvious to Feng.

Somehow he felt envious of these pups for having been blessed with maternal love and care, unlike his neighbors and classmates he was a lonely child to a father constantly busy with his office job, work or business travels.

His mother died giving birth to him and his father finally left him to live alone when Feng was at the age of seven.

Both father and son lived alone from that time onwards, whenever the father looked at Feng he'll secretly blame him for the death of his wife, he took care of his son like he promised his wife but he never loved him.

Not a single bit, and this truth was very obvious to Feng's eyes ever since he can remember.

Every now and then he'll visit to restock Feng's food supplies, check how he's doing in his school for his grades, then when Feng reached the age of twelve things changed.


The beating started, before that he was constantly bullied in school and whenever he went out, when his father started to lay down his stifled rage upon Feng he took it in silence.

Little Feng as an introvert by nature and felt shunned by the world from tender age, he started to hate his life early on then it grew to encompass everything within it as he grew older.

Pain became a joke to him as he accumulated years, he never cared for his looks, prestige or social rank in the community which he utterly despise.

Just get over with it, wanna beat me up? Then hurry, I didn't even eat my breakfast yet!

He regretted living and every breath entering his chest, yet, he disdained these stupid suicidal fellows who couldn't withstand the pain and pressure resulting from living.

So what? She left you? Hah, so what?

Deal with it, it's a fucked up planet with messed up people living on it.

Now that you get it, can we move on to the beating? As I said it before, I still didn't eat my breakfast.

Tearing his eyes off the sight of beastly love, Feng went towards the thing that he's most curious about.

The giant scorpion or as the general called it the "demonic beast"

He walked towards the split body and frowned at the smell of the remains of the charred corpses, Feng never saw a dead body with his eyes in his previous life and now he stands amidst almost five hundred of these.

The smell was nauseating and made his intestines twist, yesterday he didn't have the capacity or luxury to think about anything other than survival with his mind.

Now that he's thinking straight, Feng really felt like vomiting his brains out.

Doing his best to stop it from actually happening, Feng turned his attention towards the giant scorpion's shell.

Black with a touch of burble was the color of the shell.

"Tink... Tink...."

Using one bone to hit the shell Feng felt like hitting fiberglass or some kind of metal alloy.

"How hard is it's exoskeleton exactly?"

Feng went inside it's shell and noticed that the inside was smooth to the touch unlike the rough, jugged, and uneven outer side, the remnant of the delicious smell was still lingering in the air.

As the sun rose up Feng got a better look inside, the legs still had a few chunks of meat in them, scooping them out with the intention of feeding them to mother wolf later he smiled at how foolish that might seem to others.

Feng wasn't mad at the animal for following it's basic instincts at all really, he wasn't mad at humans for bullying him before, what's the harm of adding another animal to the list of "Animals", at least this one was honest enough and wouldn't smile in his face if it was angry with him.

The pincers had the largest chunks as well as the tail, but, the piece of meat that was nearby the stinger was completely purple.

Feng left it and wasn't planning on feeding it to mother wolf, it looked terribly poisonous and he was afraid to even touch it.

It took Feng two trips from the demonic beast to mother wolf to deliver all the white juicy meat chunks, she looked hungry even though she ate just a few hours ago.

Her pups were mischievously pushing deeper in her belly and wrestling each other for her nipples, the black pup was crushing the competition left and right and stomped all over his siblings if he had to when he aimed for another udder and found any of them blocking his path.


Feeling bad for the bones exposed to the elements, Feng took it upon himself to bury them.

The hole he used to hide from the wolfpack was suitable for mass burial, he started gathering the bones and dump them in the hole tirelessly.

The only thing Feng had in mind right now was to get water, his current supply of water is only half gourd left.

By noon the area was completely clear from human remains, Feng shredded the blanket and tied the pieces around his body to cover himself up from the cold wind which started to cut at his skin whenever the sun was blocked by some cloud.

He made an ugly looking leash, collar and muzzle for mother wolf with the rest of the blanket shreds, Feng really wanted to release her and go on his way.

But, if she turned back and hunted him then Feng might not be that lucky the next time to avoid her attack or force her into submission without suffering grievously to accomplish that.

Finally Feng tried to see if he could remove any parts of that scorpion's body, he needed to be able to protect himself and that scorpion's hairy exoskeleton was the best solution around him.

The legs were the smallest part of the scorpion's body, after struggling for almost an hour he finally separated a segment of the thinnest leg.

Feng could slide his body inside and use it as armor to his upper body, it looked hideous and repulsive but he didn't mind ugliness if it equaled protection.

The area around him was a clearing consisting of sand as far as Feng could see, there was a chain of mountains to the far west with a few of them having their tops covered in snow from the middle and their peaks hidden above the clouds from his sight.

Returning and sitting near mother wolf and her pups, Feng started to use stones to clear the ugly hairs off his new armor's exterior.

He choose to do that next to the wolf because he once saw a documentary about taming beasts, they need to get used to your existence first before you interact with them.

He decided to head east, after all, the wolfpack went west yesterday and Feng has no interest in offering himself to the wolves as a light snack.


As he was trying to remove one of the hairs at the edge, Feng's stone hit the edge from above and the round, cylindrical and hollow shell had a long straight crack going from top to bottom.

"It broke that easily!"

Feng tried to hit the flat surface previous ly with the biggest stone he could lift in his weakened state and it didn't leave a dent or scratch on the shell, yet now a light hit cracked the shell completely?

"Is this why that general Lian or asshole captain Li and his men didn't take the remains of that demonic beast earlier?"

Feng was thinking about that matter since he found out about the hardness of that shell, even in his previous life where technology was advanced, people still collected every material no matter how worthless it was.

Even if that general Lian had no intention of collecting such material, that doesn't mean captain Li would be the same, or captain Li's men.

Now that he found such a weakness, Feng had to do some experimenting.

"Ka.... Ka.... Crack...."

In 30 seconds, in front of Feng there was a pile of shattered material looking a lot like black glass fragments and shards

"Hiss..... I almost used that thing as armor! Thank god I found out about that weakness early on, otherwise I would've come to regret it in the future."

Feng wiped some imaginary sweat off his forehead and started examining the glass-like shards in his hand for a while, looking up he noticed that the sun looked to be only one hour away from setting in the west.

It was really a lot like glass but sturdier and very resistant to frontal hits and heat since the shell endured that large fire without being affected, even the hairs jutting out from the exoskeleton were resistant to heat as it appears and none of them were burned at all.

Feng tried hard to remove these hairs from the surface of the shell before discovering that weakness earlier, cutting one from the shell required Feng to keep hitting with a stone for almost a minute to separate one hair!

Looking at the ugly leash, collar and muzzle that he wasted a blanket to make earlier made Feng smile ruefully at his idiocy.

He grabbed a palm sized stone and started demolishing the shell and gather the long hairs easily from the shattered glass-like remains, by dusk Feng had already collected a large pile of them and returned to mother wolf's side.

Feng mostly spent his time learning from the internet about new things, knitting or stitching started in the dark ages when cavemen used hay straws to spend time.

They even had their language made from knots, now he wasn't trying to send anyone any messages or anything of the sort, Feng was making a replacement for the shameful creations he made with the blanket shreds earlier from these thick scorpion hairs which he collected.

As for mother wolf, she had the human under her watch all the time and seemed to never drop her vigilance once when he neared her.

Soon Feng created another sturdy leash from scorpion hairs as thick as his fingers, he was sure that this leash can't be cut even if he tied it to two tanks moving in opposite directions it still won't snap.

Then he made a collar that would tighten up if mother wolf tried to drag him, he even added something to the collar to keep himself safe on both situations, that thing he once saw in a commercial.

It was about animal control.

Once it tries to surprise the one holding the leash by running away the collar tightens and it was understandable.

Then, what if it tries to attack the one holding the leash when it fails to run? lines of rope linking the four limbs of the animal to the leash grip in the owner's hand.

As long as the one holding the leash is placing his finger in a hole that prevents these ropes from entangling, then the animal can walk normally without finding it's limbs bundled up like spaghetti.

If it tried to misbehave then the owner can let it taste the despair of human intelligence.

Feng was extremely excited after doing these two creations, they'll make his next days safer and he can leave tomorrow or the day after if he's slow in making preparations.

Next he started making the muzzle that will protect him from the most dangerous weapon on mother wolf's body, her canines.

Until now he still limp slightly on his left foot after wrestling with her while his back never stopped sending waves of pain on each move he made, he feels fortunate for hitting her nose with the bone on his first attempt then reacting fast by covering her with the blanket.

One bite from her would've made Feng's life miserable at least for a few weeks it it was on a non-vital part, if it was in a vital part of the body? then multiply that a dozen times if he even managed to survive the day!

After making the muzzle, Feng gave mother wolf the blanket shreds which were the previous ugly collar, leash and muzzle for her to use as a soft bed for her pups instead.

Then returned to his nearby bed and took away the only blanket and rolled his almost naked body in it then slept until dawn after eating some of his rations and finishing all the dried meat which was chewy and hard to cut with his teeth.

When he woke up he found signs of struggle from mother wolf, the hind-limb's restraints were almost removed completely.

The forelimbs restrains had signs of bites on them and his clothes were mangled from what she did with her teeth in her attempt to escape, Feng sweated bullets at the thought of this wolf snapping her jaws shut on his neck while he's asleep.

"You've been bad."

Feng ran and brought the new leash, collar and muzzle as he shouted at mother wolf.

Quickly and carefully installing his new safety net on her body after covering her with the second blanket, Feng enjoyed watching her trying to remove the new muzzle off her face with her claws after he was finished.

His trouser and shirt which was already torn and missing a sleeve would make homeless people fell sorry for him if they saw him in that pathetically torn attire, not to mention that they smelled awefully bad after mother wolf's birthing fluids had dried out on them plus Feng's long rest on his piss and the touch of ash before that.

"Hehe, wanna remove it? Dream on! This muzzle was researched by people with brains, specifically made to prevent your kind and many other species from being able to remove it. Now behave yourself or i'll take your pups and leave you tied to a tree."

Feng slapped mother wolf's back of the head and snatched the black pup by the scruff of the neck and smirked evilly at the mixed color wolf.


She seemed to fear for her pup more than her own safety, she nudged Feng's leg once as if to apologise.

"Humph, that's more like it. Here, drink some water and eat the rest of your meat. After I finish gathering some of that shell fragments and hairs, we'll go east."

Placing her pup underneath her, Feng let go of the hole in the leash and walked towards what remains of the scorpion's shell.


"Hehe.... Dare to try and sneak attack me! Stay there for a while as punishment for trying in the first place."

Feng felt good as he watched the comical sight of mother wolf behind his back, he gave her the no no gesture with his finger as he spoke confidently.

In three hours the large shell of the scorpion was turned into a human sized mountain of broken fragments similar to glass and glowing black or purple under the sunlight, only the stinger was unbreakable and was the only part of the scorpion's exoskeleton that managed to remain intact after Feng tried for half an hour to break it to no avail, finally he gave up and kept it to the side.

After spreading the intact blanket on the ground, Feng loaded it with a small mountain of that glass material and tried lifting it up.

"It really is very lightweight material."

He noticed it earlier with the armor before it broke, now after filling the blanket with a quarter of the shell, it was only about thirty kilograms in his estimations.

Then Feng knitted a sheath for the dangerous looking purple stinger from the hairs and placed it inside.

The hairs were a lot and a bundle taller than Feng weighed less than one kilogram, he made a basket for the small pups quickly and after placing them inside in front of their nervous mother's eyes.

Feng held her leash, patted her back and ruffled her fur to calm her agitation and worry for her pups, he even gave her neck a hug while her claws were still entangled by the effect of his creation!

He always wanted to have a pet, but, with those gangsters living around him, that pet was destined to be either shot, stabbed or taken away.

"Let's go."

Feng dragged the blanket with mother wolf's help and held the one kilogram bundle of hairs and the four pups on each shoulder then walked ahead.

She followed behind her pups and limped slightly as she dragged the blanket tied to her collar, Feng walked moderately and kept searching for water and even pathways as they headed east.

Thankfully the earth was leveled and had few foliage to block his sight or his cargo, that also didn't tire out mother wolf more than it should.

From noon until dusk Feng didn't stop once, right now, his legs were screaming for a break.

Mother wolf was panting loudly and her tongue resting at the muzzle as she hoped for water, as he was looking around for a place to camp for the night Feng's arm holding the leash got snatched suddenly towards the left.

After getting forcefully spun in place by the sudden action of mother wolf running forward, Feng didn't pull her back and followed after her curiously.

He was planning to head that way because of the small hill, camping in a high area gave perfect view to the surrounding which makes reacting to sudden danger much easier.


Mother wolf didn't climb the hill and circled to the left again and he followed, once Feng saw the small creek he felt relieved from a small mental burden.

Lacking water was never the same as lacking food.

3 minutes for air, 3 days for water, 30 days for food.

You can't exceed any of these limits, at least for normal human beings like Feng you can't.

Feng patted mother wolf and removed the blanket ties from her collar then walked hurriedly towards the water creek after removing his load from his shoulders, both man and animal stuffed their faces in the water to drink.

His water supply was exhausted this morning and Feng was feeling the thirst just the same as mother wolf.

"Heh, take that."


"You don't like it? Then, have some more!"


"Tsk... You're no fun, tomorrow morning I'll be giving you and your pups a nice bath. My partners aren't allowed to be smelly, I probably need it more than you guys. Eww. How can you live with yourself Feng? You stink of ass-fuck!"

Feng saw that the mother wolf didn't like the game of splashing water, after telling her that he took his stinky clothes off and started to wash them in the moving waters.

Mother wolf offered her lively pups her belly to feed and rested her head on the ground to rest.

Feng washed his torn clothes to the best of his abilities then left them to dry as he started to create another pair of pants from the large stack of hairs that he got, he wasn't satisfied with the fabrics his clothes were made off anyway.

After it became completely dark and with him trying to finish the project in his hands until his eyes hurt, Feng led mother wolf up hill and used the light-weight stack of hairs as bed and covered himself with the blanket.

When he woke up at dawn, Feng found the face of mother wolf in front of him when he opened his eyes.

The sight of her snout covered in the muzzle and these dangerous eyes almost gave Feng a heart attack.

"Hueck.... F.... fuck! You're definitely doing that on purpose."

Feng got up from bed as if electrocuted and pointing his finger at mother wolf, he spoke while feeling his heart almost jumping from his chest.

After calming his racing heart he sat down and ate some of his rations and drank some water.

Feng finished the first trouser leg then took the pups for the creek to give them their first bath, mother wolf followed unwillingly with a lowered head.

"Yelp.... Bark... Whine.... Growl...."

When Feng placed the four pups in the shallow creek waters they all sounded different from each other, the first born black pup growled at Feng and showed him his tiny teeth.

The brown pup lowered his head and whined, the mixed color pup which was the only female barked and wagged it's tail as she wrestled with the sad brown pup.

The grey pup yelped in fear once he touched the water and acted like he was in some boiling oil instead of cold water!

Mother wolf's hair stood on end when she heard these calls from her pups and entered the waters willingly and started to nudge or try to stick her tongue out to lick their fur through the muzzle.

"Whine.... Whine...."

When Feng saw her trying again to remove the muzzle he knew what she wanted right now.

"Stop or you'll really hurt yourself, I'll remove it. But, if you misbehave I won't be removing it ever again, understand?"

Feng rubbed her fur roughly and scooped water to wash the dark spots off her fur as he spoke.


"Alright then, no sudden movements now. Or you'll be tangled up in the water for the rest of the day."

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