《Downfall of the Nanite-Hero》Chapter 11 Which Path should I choose


Nano was out doing her part of the mission while Kai himself stayed back in the city.

Before nano left she gave Kai additional nanite so he could control them in emergency cases.

Kai:I hope she find something. I will make them regret harming so many people.

Kai was in thought how he should tackle the problem with the many sick people.

He had multiple ideas in head but everyone of it was risk.

Kai started to get scared suddenly and had a panic attack.

Kai started to talk to himself to keep himself under control. He is doing a conversation with himself and started to remind himself.

His fear came from the past experience he had. His unconsciousness warned of the risked and even trying to stop him.

[True Knowledge(no fiction)]

Psychology researched showed that person which happened to have bad experience with something will subconsciously hesitate when the same or similar cases appears.

Example if he saw for an example an alien who massacred people without mercy the person would automatically put the other aliens in the same category even if its not true.

Unconsciously People will do it there are no expectations.

This also can happen if you make a decision and starting to fear the decision because of your past experience.

This can escalate to the point where people get panic attacks or even unable to make life decisions.

Kai right now trying to undermine his unconscious with emotions to suppress it.

(note:Kai/Kai2 are the same person just Kai= personality Kai 2= subconscious personality.)

Kai:I will not chick out!

Kai2: I want to run, I don't want this.

Kai:You want to run away where? They took my family , they took my pride and honor , they broke me multiple times and made desperate to the point killing myself.


Kai:You weren't scared when you tortured eliz why now?

Kai2:because I......


Kai2:we can still stop its not our fault.

Kai:Yeah its not our fault. It wasn't the people fault either when our sister got killed in front of there eyes not saying any word to the judge.


With strong emotions and panting voice he somehow regained his sense.

Kai:This panic attack getting better. Normally I would haven't been able to even talk.... now I can at least argue with myself.

With him regaining bit by bit he started to think about the problem again.

There are a city full of sick people who don't even know that they are sick.

The Doctors wouldn't be able to find a cure in this short time and even if we manage to get ride of the reason for the multi-resistance virus the body which are infected won't be able to make a comeback.

Kai started to laught bitterly.

Its a virus with no side-effect at all and it took them years to get to the point of dying......

the only solution is that the nanites save them but there are to many.

2 people won't be able to heal them.

Kai.Which path should I take? What should I do?

….... Hours over hours passing by Kai searching for a path while lying on the bed.

Kai:I could try to create a chemical formula since I have the nano's but to spread them will be impossible because the sickness itself isn't known by the people.


I couldn't produce enough and it would cost to much money to put it in the river.

Kai started to draw plans in his brain just to quite after 1 hour.

Kai:FUCK, this don't work it won't work even if I manage everything.

Kai took a deep breath and sit on his bed instead of lying.

Kaikey focus so I can't use the chemicals.

Kai: It would take to long to find the cure and even if I manage to get it in the first try , the ammount of everyone is different. A child can't get the same doses as the adult. This means if I even dump in the river it could kill the children and elder.

Kai:Getting everyone to take the medicine even thought it isn't known is the biggest problem.

Kai:I have the Nanite but I can't get them inside of there bodies.

….... 4 hours later Kai was lying in his bed again still trying to find a way to save everyone without losing anyone before he realized something.

Kai:Wait Wait that's it.....

Kai was overjoyed run towards the batroom with the infected water.

Filling the Bathroom with water he started to call his nanites.

Okey nanite come here I need to test something.

Kai:try to move.

Nanite where moving but slowly.

Kai:Okey they can move in water so perfect.

Kai started to drink the infested water.

Kai Nanites kill the infestation with my body immune system.

While Monitoring the progress of his body he notice the Immunesystem of the human didn't realize that the Virus was harmful and didn't even consider it as threat.

Kai:ughhh the nanite aren't good they need practice.....

Kai repeated the procedur until the Nanite learned the efficient way to destroy the virus while not straining the Body to much.

Kai:ughhhhhhhh it's finaly done. I should have used eliz instead of testing it on my own body.....

Kai infected himself over and over again using his own immune system. This drained the energy of kai.

Kai: I wish the Nanite wouldn't make so much mistakes.......

Kai:Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh atleast now they can do it perfectly....

Kai saved the data from his body.

Kai:Nano will do the rest this should work. One nanite should be able to cure 1 person......

Kai is now on his bed resting and thinking of his next steps.

Kai:I use the same route the virus used to infect the people and sending the nanites the same route.

The problem is I don't have that much nanite...... actually that doesn't matter because Nano can produce a lot when she have parts.

Well we can buy the parts from the money she earned from the part time jobs........

Kai:The nanite don't need to stay in the body.

Kai:After they cleaned up they exit the body (toilet) and go back to the system …... since it's connected It will be a cycle of nanites.

Kai:3-4 days. I want the children and elder to be safe. The health adult should have a bit more time.......

Kai's feeling more sleepy and can't concentrate since his body and mind were exhausted by the experiment.

Kai:..... they …. can walk in the water.

I need to consider people outside the city...

I save the city then the rest.....

Kai rested for a long time until he waked up.

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