《The tale of an undead armor (rewrite)》CH 2 the great wilderness


It has been a couple of days since I have come to this land and I have finally have figured out where exactly I am and all I will say about this place is that it is the great wilderness.

The great wilderness is not a place that people like me are supposed to be in. first, let me tell you what exactly I am. I am something known as a world hopper.

In brief, I am a creature that can jump between worlds. Well, it is more accurate saying that my soul is the thing that is doing the jumping.

That is why I have to possess local bodies and use them to move. In that matter, I am quite similar to a ghost. I have been hunted due to it many times too. People don't like a ghost and a ghost does not have a ability like mine.

Every world hopper has his own ability and mine is relatively simple one, devour. It allows me to absorb materials to gain additional abilities. For example I can control fire if i have absorbed fuel or harden my body if i have absorbed some kind of a metal.

Anyway, returning to the great wilderness, many argue on what is its origin. Some consider it to be some kind of creature that attempted to devour a world, who failed (or succeeded) and began to devour all the worlds surrounding it.

Then some believe it is some kind of a world will that has mutated and has begun to interfere with the worlds around it. In the end, it does not matter. All we know is that it is an amalgamation of worlds. One thing that everybody knows of the great wilderness is its legendary greed.

It will not allow any being to leave it's lands. It will absorb everything that a foreign soul is, destroy anything that could resist it and finally rebirth us a soul of this world. Any being that enters here once will end up becoming a being of this world.

That is how I have ended up in my present state, losing my abilities and becoming a creature of the great wilderness. The process is not complete at the very least. Some part of me will always be a world hopper.

At the very least, I don't think I will be helpless. We have the legendary evolution system, something that it grants to every creature that is a part of its lands. I have heard many wondrous things about the magical evolution system that can produce the massive armies of the great wilderness. Time to test it.

me - status.

Species - undead armor

Mana - 10/10

Abilities - bone king - lvl 1

Skills - Mana sense - lvl 1

Basic weapon mastery - lvl 1

I can see the function of each ability. The voice of the system gives me a basic understanding of each of my abilities if I ask about it. I am certain that the system has been somehow implanted in my soul. I can tell because my previous ability, absorption gave me A very similar feel.

Bone king - this ability allows its user to control the bones of the deceased. The given creature must be an organic creature Also, even the system does not know the exact limits of this ability and how powerful it exactly is.


Mana sense - this skill allows the user to sense the mana present in the ambient atmosphere and is what is acting as my present sight. This armor only has a sense of touch, which is not a very useful sense to have.

Weapon mastery - this skill is the most understandable skill that I have. It boosts my mastery of my ability to use weapons. This particular thing is what I find most mysterious of the system. How does the system even have the ability to even interfere with my mind?

No world will I have seen is ever able to directly cause any change in the soul or minds of its inhabitants.

The nearest analogy that I can think of is using an atomic bomb to get rid of a single bacteria. Even being close to a world will should make you nearly crazy.

It must therefore mean that the world will is somehow physically granting me the ability to use my abilities, with some kind of a law may be(gravity, magic all could be considered an example of such a law). No wonder the great wilderness has yet to fall even with the number of wars that it has become a part of. It can instantly train tens of thousands of powerful soldiers way faster than any of the other worlds can even try to attempt. Why waste your time to let a sword god appear when you can create your sword god.

Anyway, rather than guessing the capabilities of an entire amalgamation of worlds I should focus on surviving first. I want to test my ability first of all.

Right now in front of me is the corpses of the enemies that I had killed a couple of days ago. Well, time for me to activate my ability.

Me - bone king.

Suddenly, I can feel external knowledge in my mind. That is honestly a very creepy feeling. I could not even sense from where I got that knowledge, but I do need it in this case.

Anyway, I point my finger at the corpses as I feel the bones in their body. I feel like I can do whatever I want with those bones.

Almost on instinct, I pull the bones closer to me. As the bones fly from their position, hitting my severed arm. The shape of the bone begins to change, acquiring the shape of a hand.

your mana has reached ten percent of your present capacity. Ability has been forcefully deactivated.

How the fuck did I even do that. Is the system again helping me out in some manner. How is it even interfering with my? I know that most of my abilities are gone, but I am still not that helpless that I can't sense the presence of the world will. How the he......

I am sorry about that rant, but I am a world hopper. The one thing that we fear more than anything is the world wills. They are like our natural predators. A world will that can mess with my mind so freely is the most terrifying enemy I can have. There is only so much that fear can be pushed to the back of my head.

Regardless, I am calm now. The world will of the great wilderness is the weirdest will I have ever seen. The moment that a world will come to find me in any other world, I am hunted. They send legions of enemies to come and kill me. After a certain limit, they tend to manifest and try to kill me directly. This one does nothing like that. It is like a creepy stalker, who knows everything about you, and while you know it is there, you don't know where it is and even if I did, I can't do anything about It. It is a nerve-wracking feeling for me.


Anyway, now that I have calmed down, I look at that new arm of mine. It is not like the one that I had before, this hand of mine has claws. Well, calling it a claw is a bit of an exaggeration but it is still pretty claw-like. Well, this new world is leaving me with many things to ponder about.It is clearly not my handiwork, this is the world wills work. This is not a world will i should resist. I am sure that we can come to a deal. We world hoppers are useful.

Anyway, now comes the messy part of the entire thing. While the bones have been absorbed by me, the mutilated flesh is still there. Thankfully, I am in a graveyard. I do not have a shovel, but I can make do with my great sword. Shoving it into the ground should not be that hard.

(After a few hours)

Turns out digging in the ground is not an easy affair, especially with a great sword. I just dumped the corpses in a nearby grave. Whichever person picked this place as a graveyard was an idiot or was physically very strong. Regardless, I will have to practice using my sword. It is not a weapon that I use too much.

(After a few hours)

One thing I have noticed during my practice is that I can wield the greatsword more easily with my left hand, the one that was created by the bone king ability. It could be a matter of the base material or maybe that the system was somehow strengthening that piece of bone.

Well, I can't tell until the enemies come to attack and provide me with new bones. As for the remains of my previous hand, I have tried to fuse back with it but I have yet to succeed.

The rules do not make too much of a sense to me. The only way to understand them will be if I have more raw materials and that can only be acquired by leaving my present position and fighting. I do no want to take such a risk. Right now I am at a disadvantage. I would rather spend some time here, growing my power.

Time to get to work I suppose

(Meanwhile at the village.)

Goblin soldier and goblin mage are sitting in the council room. This time they are the only ones here poring over maps of the surrounding region.

Goblin knight - when are my reinforcements going to be coming, mage. I am barely able to hold the northern front lines.

Goblin mage - I know, but these soldiers are needed in the south too. I can't give you too many named soldiers. You can have your pick of the nameless ones, though.

Goblin knight - the nameless ones are useless. You think that I would be wasting my time with those bastards. Now, I will need a troop of at least a hundred named ones. Any of them are fine.

Goblin mage - what do you think you are asking for. I have roughly only 400 named ones in the field and the wave has never been strong enough in the north.

Goblin knight - the humans are sending their troops into our land. You cannot expect me to hold them back on my own with only a hundred named soldiers even if I have a thousand nameless ones. Not even I am that powerful or capable.

Goblin mage - it is only the best slaves of the humans, if you can't even handle that much then you should not be called the strongest of us.

Goblin Knight - fine I shall not ask any more from you, but I lay claim over the next batch of students from the training grounds.

Goblin mage - sixty percent, I can give that much to you, since you seem to be struggling so much.

Goblin knight - ninety percent, any less and I will be forced to fight you.

Goblin knight holds his sword and proceeds to pull it out of his scabbard, but before he could pull it out, elder bone appears in that place touching the knight's head.

The knight suddenly falls to the ground screaming in pain. This continues for the next five minutes as the knight keeps screaming his heart out.

Finally, the knight gets up.

Goblin knight - elder, when did you come here.

Elder bone - where else will I be. You are supposed to be fighting the enemy not yourself. How many times have I warned you both about this. Anyway, what is the problem for you both this time.

Goblin mage - he is making unreasonable demands from me.

Elder bone - what did he ask this time.

Goblin mage - he is asking for all the new students from the training ground this time. I can barely handle the southern borders. I have already lost about fifty soldiers, I need to replenish that damage.

Goblin knight - I need reinforcements more than her, my lord. The humans have been pressuring me with a pincer attack. Their slaves are attacking me in the northern walls and they are somehow redirecting the wave to the northern city. I have been barely holding them back. I need fresh blood more than the mage.

Elder bone- well, you are certainly correct about that. The humans are messy enemies to deal with. I think eighty percent of the students from the training grounds should be perfect for you. Any problems, mage

Goblin mage - no problem, elder bone. I shall agree with your decision.

Goblin knight- thank you, elder bone.

Elder bone- well, now both of you must stop your childish arguments, right now and focus on the battle. You are supposed be to fighting the enemy, not each other. I had come here to inform both of you that I am going to be taking a trip up the mountain, so you don't need to worry about that place. I would also like it if you waited here. I have something that I need to show you.

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