《Emperor》Chapter- 12


The Past few days had made John realized that he needs to be cautious of the world to stop himself from making the same mistake he made on Earth. This time he needs to make himself capable enough so nobody could trifle with him and to realize this dream he is learning about his capabilities that he was ignoring for last three years. He checked his status and looked at all the skills he has.

Name: John Saraman Life threads: 20 Class: Hero lvl1 Strength: 10 Sub-Classes: None Stamina: 6 Skills- Claws Lvl 1, Soul Roar Lvl 1, Basic transmutation Lvl1, Sleep, Nightmare lvl2 Mana: 50 Items: Ring of the Emperor, Blessed ring Title: Ruler of living beings

They were few, almost none. He asked Lara who was sitting on a chair beside him about the skill. She told that the skills are basically accumulation of experience and knowledge.

"When you learn something new and after you become good at it then it is shown on your skill tab as a skill and the better you become at that thing the more will be the level of that particular skill. I know a blacksmith who has 100 level in blacksmith and it's only an average level. The palace blacksmith most probable have skill level of around 350"

John heard what Lara said and then looked at his status making him sigh like an old man.

'It seems there is long way to go'

After getting over the depression of having low level. He changed his attention to the item tab that had two items in it. One was the ring of the emperor and the other was blessed ring that he kept with him so he never forgets what he has to do in future. For now, he focused on the ring of the emperor resulting in a new pop up over his eyes with the title "Ring of the Emperor"

Name: Ring of the Emperor Function: It contains Skill related to living Skills: Metallic body, Doppelganger, Enhanced body, Enhanced mind, Phase change, Shapeshifter, Heal

He read all the functions of the ring ranging from metallic body to healing. After looking at the healing function he was sure that this skill was the one which made his headache due to mental pressure disappear instantly. If this world has such an effect than there must be no problem if any accident ever occurs. He asked Lara about it which totally threw his hypothesis out of the window.

"Healing can only be performed by the peoples who are blessed by the goddess of life, Afra. If any child is found with the ability to heal he is taken in by the church and trained in healing magic but healing is magic is expensive so it is out of the common people reach. Only rich people and nobles are able to afford it."


And what are the highest level you can reach in healing magic.

Lara thought for a bit "Actually healing magic is a big deal so and all the healers are in the care of Church so nobody know what's the highest level of healing magic or level of any current healer and by the way why are you asking this and who told you about the healing magic?"

"My status shows that I have a healing magic"

Lara laughed when he heard this "Hahaha you really have very good hyper imagination little devil. First mind slaver and now healing magic"

Seeing Lara laughing he understood it's no use to convince her so he went back to analyzing his skill. Few the skills were grayed out most probably meaning he cannot use it so only a small portion of skill were available. He looked at all the skill that were available and the first skill that piqued his interest was metallic body skill. He opened its description.

Description: converts the skin into metal.

This skill was really interesting for John. If it really worked as it is saying than John can become invincible. Nothing could pierce his body. Excited John activated the skill. Strangely John felt nothing it was same as before. He moved around in the room, jumped up and down but it was all same.

"It looks someone is in playful mood," said Lara in a cheerful voice.

John looked at her feeling frustrated because of the useless skill.

"I'm learning to use my skill"

Lara said in a worry tone "You are just a three year old child act according to child of your age"

"What can I do If I'm smarter than the child of my age," said John in a slightly frustrated tone.

Lara chuckled when she heard John. She came near John picking him up in his arms but for some reason John was heavier than other days making it difficult Lara to hold him in his arms.

"Little devil why are you suddenly so heavy?"

"That's why mom always says you to eat breakfast every day but you never listen to her always dieting as if you are some young girl. You are 29, focus on your kids"

John's word shattered her fragile heart "Little devil speak carefully else you will never get a girlfriend"

"Who said I want a girlfriend I'm happy alone."

Lara placed John back on the floor and she again went back to sit on her chair while looking depressed. John felt bad for making her unhappy so he decided to show his one skill that he was sure will work.


"Lara do you want to see my skill?"

"No John I'm not feeling good" said Lara in depressed tone.

"Just look at it once you will definitely like it."

Lara sighed and nodded. As soon as Lara nodded John brought his hand forward so Lara could see them clearly and then he activated his claw skill. It worked as he expected. Lara was shocked and at same time mesmerized by it

"Where did you learn it"

"I never learned it. I just had it."

Lara was going to touch those glowing claws so John hurriedly backed up. He didn't wanted another one to get injure by this cool looking light.

"You can't touch them they are dangerous"

Lara pouted "How so?"

To show they were dangerous John asked her to bring a piece of wood so Lara went out of the room to search for a piece of wood. She was taking very long to find a piece of wood. John was feeling sleepy while waiting for her so he hoped on his bed and fell asleep.

When Lara came back with a piece of fine wood block. She saw john was asleep but his glowing claws were still activated. she tried to touch those claws but seeing few tear marks on bed sheet she hesitated to touch them so she gave up on touching directly with her and used the wood block to touch it. The wood block slides through the claw as if nothing happened but as she was going to touch them with her hand she heard the voice of wooden block falling on the ground. She looked at the wooden block on the floor then on the wooden block in his hand which was now half of its original size. She looked at the glowing claws with fear on her face. She was feeling grateful that she didn't touch them else she would definitely have one finger less hence forth. After getting over the fear of the claw an idea came in her mind and she started doing something with the claw and the piece of wood.

After an unknown time when John woke up he saw his claws were still on so he hurriedly deactivated them then he looked around him. First he saw bed full of tear marks and second Lara was lying below the bed. John freaked out seeing Lara below his bed. He thought he injured Lara so He quickly jumped out of the bed, landing in front of Lara.

"Lara wake up," said John while violently shaking her up.

"What happened John?" Asked Lara in sleepy voice while yawning.

"Are you all right?"

Lara made puzzled face not understanding why John was out of the blue asking her whether she is all right.

"Yeah I am but why are you asking John?"

After taking a sigh of relief John told her that he forgot to deactivate his claw so he thought something might have happened to her. When Lara heard it, she smiled and told him she was all right and showed him to two small statues out of which one was similar to him. He asked her how she made it.

"I made it with the help of your claw. They can come quite handy for a sculptor"

"They look great is that one me," John asked pointing his finger at one of the statue.

"Yes this one is you and this one is my daughter."

"You are a great sculptor"

"hehe well my father was a sculptor so I know a bit about it." Told Lara while feeling a bit embarrassed from John's compliment. She never showed her art to anyone fearing they will make fun of her sculptors.

In midst of this John tummy started grumbling so Lara went to kitchen to bring food for John. Lara came back with food but mom was also with her.

"how's my baby doing," asked mom to John.

"I'm good mom," replied John.

As it wasn't lunch time so servant hadn't prepare anything so Lara brought some fruits with her. The fruits were different from John's world but still they were good. John ate few fruits after which mom told him that tomorrow they will be visiting a friend's house.

"Can't you stay at home for once always going one place or other"

"Haha When you have nothing to do then this is the only thing you can do"

With that said her mom once again leaves to read poetry as always.

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