《Emperor》Chapter- 11


It was full moon night and its view from window was as always mesmerizing for Valus. It doesn't mean he was some kind of romantic guy who writes poetry, neither it was anything like he had any happy memories related with the full moon. It's just that it gives him a sense of security and hope and, it's largely influenced by his mercenary career that he started at the age of 14 because of his family condition however, being a mercenary isn't as easy as it may seem on surface. He has seen many, many comrades fall during a mission for various reasons. You think of a reason and you will find at least one guy who had died for that reason love, betrayal, greed, jealousy, few of the many reasons and, being able to survive for sixteen years in that kind of environment is a miracle in its own right and even bigger miracle is becoming a butler in a palace of Yonait but, this past has also given him many sleepless night and still giving. Being in a constant threat of being attacked by your own comrades has trained his body in a way that he can't fall asleep easily so he uses this time to think about some random stuff that comes into his mind and are forgotten by morning as always but tonight was different he wasn't thinking about any random things. It was about the accuse that young master, John made on church.

Young master believes that the ring had mind slavery option but it is something that requires an expertise in mind magic who are very few in Yonait but, Valus knows a person who is expert in it and he has even visited their home. It was Jake, the high priest. All Yonait know he can control three elements and mind magic is one of those, which is also a reason of him being chosen as high priest at the age of twenty-one which is first in church history and no other high priest come close to it.


And also, Valus himself don't have any good image of church in his mind. According to him they are official bandits nothing more than that and if possible, he would like to get rid of them but they aren't just any bandits. They are bandits who use innocent people as their shield and supported by the country itself in it.

He had decided to get to the root of this problem starting with high priest Jake. He will hire a spy to spy on high priest and find out their dark secret that could hopefully help him uncover the true face of the church.

Valus changes his clothes into something looking old and torn, and sneaked out of the mansion from the secret entrance that only few were aware of. He passed through a market which was as lively at night as was in day time mainly because of The daisy's tower also called brothel by common peoples where even nobility's, men as well as women come—secretly though. At the end of the market was a blind beggar. He walked toward the blind beggar and dropped one copper coin in the bowl and two copper coins in the beggar's pocket and then again two coins he dropped in the bowl one by one and then again putted one copper coin in his pocket. The beggar checked the coin and after checking he walked in a certain direction. Valus followed him till he stopped at certain place devoid of any living souls. From there beggar went back to where he came from. Two big burly men came out of the shadow one holding a cloth other different kind of weapons. Both men stood there without moving an inch from their place. Valus took a needle out of the pocket of a man holding a black cloth wrapped it in needle and place it in the pocket of other man. The two menn signaled and other man came out of the shadow.


That man asked Valus to follow him taking valus to a door, camouflaged by bushes and sand. Inside there were many men and few women present. That man once again asked Valus to follow him, taking him to a certain room. He gestured Valus to go inside. Inside an old man was sitting when he saw Valus his eyes lit up.

"Vally my friend you are back"

"No. I am here for a business"

Old man looked depressed when he heard this but Valus was certain it was nothing more than a façade.

"I thought we could have a good chat like in old days"

"I prefer not."

"Oh man your job has really made you with stiff," then with a grin "Say what why don't we do something like before again"

Valus looked at his grinning face with contempt who despite being old was full of energy and deviousness.

The old man sighed "Allright tell us how can we help you"

Valus didn't wanted to be there anymore so he also get to the point "I need to spy on high priest of this region"

Old man frowned "You mean Jake?"

"is there anyone else?"

The man laughed " no no its just you are the first to request us spying on someone from church"

"Will you take it or not?"

"Of course I will" said the man.

After finalizing the money to be given and giving some important instruction on what the spy needs to find he left that place.

Valus was once again at the mansion looking at the full moon, waiting for sleep to come.

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