《Emperor》Chapter- 8


At the naming ceremony of John

The priest who was standing beside was stunned, tried to hide his face to protect himself from the shock wave not realizing it was harmless else covering his face won’t even help a bit. However can’t blame priest for his reaction because all the people present were doing same including John but due to his childish body he was late to react like others and the light from shock wave blinded him for a moment.

The sound of a shock wave was like a little explosion, alerting the guard outside the church. They barged inside the church, ignoring the cry of priest to move out of church. Don’t know why priest was persistent to kick them out? After all, they are the guard, meant to protect their master, isn’t it? But it doesn’t took long for John to know why.

Two men jumped in front of the barging guards. John was only able to see their back while both were facing toward guards. One of them raised his foot in air, forming a strange runic patterns whirl around his feet in a flurry.

Guard in front by now realised something was wrong and prepared his weapons for incoming attack but there expressions were telling a story in contrast to their action. It was an expression that was shouting they admit their defeat but it was too late for them to lament over it.

The man with his raised feet finally stomped his feet on the floor and the next second ground beneath the guards rose, shoving the guards into mid air and, the other man who was standing idly took a stance as if punching someone in front of him, similar to first guy his fist was also covered with a strange whirling runic symbols.


Finally he also launched his fist sending powerful surge of violent wind in direction of his fist—which was pointing at guards. The pressure from wind was so powerful that about 20 men who were in air were instantly thrown out of the church door—licking the grass on the ground. It all happened in a blink of an eye. John was astonished, unable to take his eyes off from those two men. He had some vague idea of how they did it but wasn’t sure if he was right.

Those men jumped in air, landing onto a pedestal placed above the church door on both side of it. John was surprised because when he entered inside the church, he saw those two men above the door but thought they were some kind of statue hence ignoring them but, now he realised that they were real human standing there like a statue and acting only when there is need to protect the church. However this time mistakenly kicking the ass of guards though.

The priest who was looking at the show finally decided to speak

"We apologize for this show of brute force but please understand this is not a place for weapons everyone inside is safe nothing could harm them"

John was asking a question to a priest in his mind

‘what if someone walk in with a bomb? Do you think everyone will be safe then?’

Few high class nobles walked out of the church with disgruntled expression but most of them stayed.

Some how John's naming ceremony came to an end and now all the peoples were leaving church one by one. Many unexpected things happened today to him. First those energy ball exploded and then that name changing option and most important of all was the fight between the guards and two guys. Two man fighting 20 soldier, ending with a defeat of 20 soldier and that also in a blink of an eye. It was complete one side victory. It sparked great curiosity inside John and he decided to learn it when he becomes a bit older.


3 years had passed from the day John was summoned. So now John was 3 years old. His nanny Lara was now officially certified caretaker for John. As now John was able to move around freely, he sometimes takes a stroll around the mansion. At first he thought that mansion wasn't as big as it looked but after taking only one round trip he was out of breath and also everyone looked bigger than him. It felt like they were giants and he was a dwarf, only when he looks at his sibling who are not that big he could feel good however, in last three years he had got used to his small sized body so he don't feel odd as like before.

His brother Jeff and sister Rina were now 8 and 12 year old. He had never interacted with them in last three years at most it was looking them moving around but they never came near him and he never went near to them sort of mutual understanding but that doesn’t meant he liked it.

After the incident with Jeff they both maintained a safe distance from him henceforth. Every time John tried to interact with them they tried to run away which made it difficult for him to interact with them especially with Jeff, He instinctively feared John but to John's surprise, wound that was inflicted by him was completely healed. Later he realised it was done with the help of healer who used holy magic. They were very expensive though but for Saraman household it wasn't a big deal. They could hire the best healer available in the empire.

One day Rina invited her two friends at the mansion they were her school friends. They were all from high class nobles family.

"Wow your mansion is big it cannot be compared to mine," one of her friend complimented.

Rina was totally swayed by her comment. She tried to suppress her bubbling emotion.

"Oh come on how could it be your father is a Duke of -"

Before Rina could speak any her other friend interjected

"Oh come on its nothing compared to my mansion it is filled with all the luxury you could imagine its so much that I had to sometime give away my jewellery to my servants but my case of old jewellery still doesn’t get empty"

Followed with Rina's defence

"Everyone has there own style of living you like to live in luxury and I like to live like a simple girl."

John heard their bickering from another room. He was surprised that even after living in such a place she is not corrupted by the authority it provided but it wasn’t true for her friend though. John strained his ear to hear more.

"Shut up Amira none of us want to hear about your family wealth. It was my mistake to invite you at home"

"no it was my mistake to visit such a lowly place," said Amira in slightly hyped manner.

John was quite surprised. At such a young age having a sharp tongue that could slice a man into half. It’s a talent in its own. However that young lad need some lesson on manner. A creepy smile surfaced on his face.

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