《Emperor》chapter- 7


Jake pushed the door open, painted in golden and carved with exquisite pattern all over it surface. As always Big round table at the center and same four people were sitting around it. Jake walked toward the only seat which was unoccupied and sat on it. It was time for a monthly meeting of high priests of Ronait empire with the archbishops of Ronait, appointed by the pope.

The eldest man who was the archbishop sitting on the biggest chair and resting his hands on a golden colored stick, holding underneath his palm and other end lying on the floor glanced over four peoples sitting inside the room and signaled with his head to the man sitting beside him to start the meeting.

The order of speaking was according to the seniority so, Jake was last. He was youngest among them but that doesn’t meant he was any weaker than others. He was the most talented if ranked according to abilities in magic. He had an innate ability to control three elements and before he reached twenty he mastered all of them which was a great in itself. People like him were very few and far across whole continent Who don’t only have ability to control three element but also are able to master all three.

Jake loathed all these people rather than being a monthly meeting it should be renamed to monthly beggars meeting. Yeah right instead of stating their achievements they states their weakness and not once, every time its same. If he was the bishop he would have already thrown them out long time back.

It was Jake time to speak now. He rose from his seat looking directly in the eyes of archbishop.

“In previous month there has been a significant increase in the church followers, about 5000. I have specially rallied all over my region attending peoples with need and showing them the correct path. I regularly holds a function which help our god’s follower to connect with the god. I had-”

“Jake lets stop with telling what you have done and tell us more about the summoned heroes,” interjected a man sitting on the opposite side of the round table.

He furrowed his brows on that man. His name was Sahaal. Jake despise him because Jake thought he was here by latching on the thigh of bishop and becoming his right else that man has no talent to be considered a high priest.


“Yeah. I even heard that some kind of incident occurred in the church of nobles”

Jake smacked the table with his both hand creating huge thud sound. All persons looked at him.

“You don’t even dare to speak. You are the last from whose mouth I want hear this. Acting all inncocent when I know that you already know all about the incident” Jake bursted on that woman like a thunder storm.

Jake calmed his breathing and tried to take that manipulative woman out of his mind. He would have thrown her out if not for archbishop.

"They were just a minor problem. Not worth mentioning"

Archbishop sighed and spoke "Heroes are not from our world and they do not follow our religion and if summoned heroes ostracized us anywhere in future it could lead to discords among our followers," said the eldest man.

Jake would agree on what the elder said this time. They could lead to future problem if not handled properly. Demon king is not the only person they need to be defeat. What if after defeating the evil, good also becomes an evil. It won't be a situation you would want.

Jake finally spoke about the summoned heroes and the summoned hero who was a baby also about the accident that happened at the church of nobles at the naming ceremony of summoned hero baby.

"We might get a great believer if we nurture him properly," said one of them.

"Yes I agree."

After a bit more discussion meeting was declared finished and all left for their respective places.

When Jake was living he heard the voice of a eldest man. He turned around to look at him. He was still sitting on his chair. Jake approched him. He told him he was doing a great work and one day he will become the most popular person whom every person will know about him. He was on cloud nine after hearing the eldest compliment, its not like he like the eldest but still felt good when someone higher than you acknowledge your work.

"I know you will do a great work in future and will make the church proud."

Jake was happy after hearing the eldest compliment. All the way to the home he kept smiling all the lady who saw him were smitten by his charm but two bad for them a priest cannot have reltionship with anyone and if anyone is found having a relationship. They both will be killed and their corpses will be fed to beasts. What can be more agonizing than not getting peace even after death.


somewhere in west of Ronait

"Get lost twine don't show me your face until you have money or at least a big leg between your useless legs."

An old looking sober man was thrown out of a room by a woman wearing a revealing dress but, her face couldn't be seen clearly because of the different colored lights they have installed. Only the outlining of her figure was visible, however, even that was enough send you in a fantasy world where you are having fun with her.

"I think I will have to get someone from street hiccups"

The sober man crashed into a hooded while muttering something. His expression can't be seen because of the hood but his clenching fist were enough to show his displeasure but that sober man was not in the mood to read the atmosphere and further insulted the hooded man.

"watch it twat your daddy walking"

The hooded man was ready to pummel that man with his fist but was stopped by a sweet voice of a lady.

"Hey you shy guy. Wanna have some fun?" It was the same lady who threw that sober man out of the room. Inviting him for a fun night.

The hooded man decided to approach that lady instead of beating a crap out of that sober guy.

"What a bitch?"

The sober man walked away with these last words leaving the anticipating crowd utterly disappointed—some were busy like rabbit to even notice this commotion though.

Inside the room hooded man was sitting on the bed that was overly cushioned if meant for sleeping but that’s not what it was meant for and lights around kept changing their color. The man was annoyed by the lighting. He snapped his fingers creating a spark out of his hand. Those tiny bits of spark flew toward those light and they all stopped changing their color leaving a room filled with white light as if it was a day.

The lady who was showing his alluring figure to pubic was now bowing to a hooded man but that figure was making it hard to focus correctly.

The man lifted his hood and commanded her to rise.

"This unworthy self greets you high priest Jake"

Jake smiled and nodded.

"Is there any news"

"Yes your highness"

It was hard to believe that it was same the lady who was just a moment ago acting all high and mighty but now acting like a faithful dog wagging his tail to Jake.


"Yes your highness. A noble working for prime minister who came here mentioned about declaring the summoning of a hero and there was a news that Amanda, niece of present queen is going to replace the sword hero till the real sword hero grows up and is able to command other heroes and also after the incident at the ceremony the rumor is going around that the baby is a monster summoned by the help of demon king hence there is some discord among public about it"

Jake heard all that the woman said. An evil surfaced on his face after hearing the news. He was hatching a plan that can't be considered good.

"You have done well my child. Now it is time for your purification my child" Said Jake with his arms opened wide and giving a pure smile.

The woman was happy after he heard Jake. She was not happy living here but she will do anything for his highness. She would prefer to be purified daily after all it was hard to tolerate the bastard who looks at her with perverted gaze.

She rose to her and came near to Jake. Sitting on his lap while facing him. His breasts touching Jake chest-- getting pressed even more harder after she tightened her grip around his chest.

"Don't worry my child I will purify your soul," said Jake having a sneer on his face. Yes, this is the place where all woman belongs to, under my crotches with that said Jake gripped her buts and ripped of her pant. Signing the beginning of purification ceremony.

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