《Emperor》Chapter- 5


This world is dangerous. King want to kill me, a baby. I was fortunate that old man and queen voted against it.

However right now everything seems well and good except the face of a man in my view.

His face is not scary but still his all time forward looking eyes and serious face makes me feel like I am going to be killed any movement if I make even a tiny bit sound so, I am making sure my lips are sealed all the time.


It felt like our carriage went through a speed breaker and driver didn't decrease the speed. This already suspension less carriage was giving pain all over my tiny body and now this speed breaker. Either this general is poor or this carriage driver Is rude.

'Oh god!'

It wasn't a speed breaker, it was a woman. A woman is rammed by our carriage and this ruthless man does not even bat an eyelid to that woman. He just ordered to remove the crowd and move on. Previously, he felt grateful to old man and, queen but now it felt like it was all an act.

'they conspired against me. Shit!'

He didn't wanted to go through the same kind of hell twice.

While he was felling depressed, his eyes were playing their own trick. Even though he didn't wanted, his eyelids were still trying to close themselves as if someone was intentionally trying to force shut his eyes. He tried his best but still, in the end, his eyes closed and, consciousness dimming with every passing moment and before he could realize he was in deep sleep.

In his sleep, he saw a dream. The dream which felt as if it was true.

"Whoa! did I came back," said John after looking around him. It was an empty black space like the previous time.

"No," a lady voice came from behind him before he could think any further about his situation.

John heard a sound of a woman behind him. He turned to look at the source of that unfamiliar sound.

He saw a woman with white hair, wearing white robe. Her voice was somehow echoing in that empty space.

"Find demon king and make her your ally."

"Wait what?"

Before John could process her words, she vanished, leaving him alone in the darkness, however that doesn't last for long. Humans need to blink and that is their involuntary reflex so even John has to blink his eyes so he closed his eyes but when he opened it once again it wasn't the same dark empty space. It was filled with colors as if aurora seen in Antarctic and, With next blink it changed to quite scene with a view of a woman's face.

She was dressed in maid kind of outfit about John wasn't much knowledgeable about and was holding him in her arms and trying to speak with him in baby like voice. He assumed she must be nanny.

“baby want to drink mealk. Open your mouth aaaaa yum yum yum.”


John saw childish behavior of nanny. She was holding a milk bottle and flying it like a rocket whose target was John’s mouth. He wanted to say that he was a baby and no matter how much she’ll speak He won’t know he has to open his mouth but John could understand her intention and knew what she wanted so instead of ignoring her, he opened his mouth wide. John could see surprise on nanny's face. Now he realized, he shouldn’t have opened his mouth but now no result would come over thinking about spilled milk. He started to think about time when he used to do same thing with his daughter however she was a bit crying type but still he liked her. On the second note he thought what is the big deal if he don’t act like a baby afterall, why should he act like one when he know he could do more.

He thought about it for long time and he couldn’t think of any possible problem that could come from it so he decided not to act like a baby and hint her that he can understand everything. By this time milk also finished and the nanny took the milk bottle out of his mouth and placed it on table. In meantime John took the cloth lying on his side and checked if it was clean, and after checking a bit, he wiped his mouth to remove any spilled milk around his mouth.

‘Hey don’t look surprised again’

Nanny was once again surprised with his actions. She stared at baby intently and baby also stared at her. They stared each other for long time. After a while nanny put the baby on cradle and ran outside.

John was totally confused

‘I thought it would take more than that.’

nanny didn't came back for long time. In meantime John started thinking about what the goddess said. To make demon king his ally and even if she was saying king, the king was actually queen because godess said 'make her you ally' , 'HER'.

'I don't think goddess would make grammatical mistake'

And also during his college time few of his friends were in this type of demon king and hero novel and they were mostly killing demon king in the end and living happily after. Why did I have to make friend with her.... or him.

'Should I feel regret for not reading those novel? Well anyways I don't think hero life will be hard after all I am a hero'

And after sorting out his feeling about being hero. John thought of taking a nap once again. He was feeling dizzy.

'Child's mind is not meant for thinking I believe and what's this text in front of my eyes'

John waved his hand around the text and rubbed his eyes but it was still there. Now that he thinks about it he realizes that it was there from starting but he was too focused on all the drama going around him that he doesn't realized it and now that he had peace of mind he notice that text however before he could focus and think more about it, a crisis came in.


John needs to go to washroom.


John tried to call nanny but he wasn't able to speak his voice wasn't developed and himself he couldn't go to washroom.

'What to do?'

His childish body couldn’t take it any longer. He tried to endure it as long as he could but his undeveloped urinary bladder muscle were giving in.

'no I can endure it'

Assurance was not working and no other way could be seen. John was ready for launch but before he could do it, nanny came back with an old man.

"Believe me Mr. Valus he is not a normal baby," said the nanny to old man but old man was having an expression of being bored. Old man was skeptical about whatever she was saying. If not for the constant nagging of Lara he wouldn't have came.

"Show me."

"Ok. Hero if you can understand me raise your left hand."

He wasn't able to understand what nanny was saying or in other words he was not in the condition of being able to understand.

John raised his little right arm and folded his all fingers expect little finger and waved it in front of nanny.

"#@**&#@**&"(Take me to bathroom)

"Aww little baby want to say something?"

He focused all his energy on waving his tiny right hand with even more tiny little finger raised.

'Oh no!'

All doors for redemption were closed and flood gate broke open. Creating a warm sensation between John's leg and all the water of flood gate was getting absorbed by the blanket on John which was spreading its warmth to whole middle region.

It took a bit of time for Lara to realize baby has peed.

"Little devil you peed on bed."

Lara held the baby and ran toward bathroom followed by old man running behind them.

Inside bathroom Lara poured warm water in a small tub designed for babies and gently put the baby in it for a while after which she took the baby out of it and cleaned his whole body. While Valus, standing on side was observing all this.

"Lara instead of making nonsense take care of baby seriously. To get you this job I had basically lied to my master. He asked me for experienced nanny and by no means that how experience nanny works. I don't want to get in trouble because of you."

Lara heard Valus till end. She was really grateful for Valus help but what the baby did earlier was clearly something other wouldn't be able to do, not even dreams so, how couldn't she get excited but for Valus sake She needs to be more professional even if she is not.

"I'm very sorry Mr. Valus. I assure you it won't happen again."

"it mustn't." With that said Valus left for his own work.

John was taken back to his room and put in his cradle. If he would be a grown up he might have ran away with embarrassment but his baby body saved him some trouble in this matter.

He remained depressed for few hours and once again slept. This time no lucid dream though.

He woke up at night, lying in cradle. Nanny was sleeping at the bed beside him. Unable to move his body, neither able to sleep he started to think about all the things happened earlier. He decided to act according to his age else if people knew he was aware of what he did at young age they were going to taunt him for that and, he didn't wanted that. He was thinking of other things when he realized the hovering text over his eyes. He tried to touch it again but he couldn't it was somehow embedded into his retina and even when he closed his eyes he could see it. In his mind he said written word.



Name - None

Class- Hero

Sub Class- None

Skills- Claws Lvl 1, Soul Roar Lvl 1, Basic transmutation Lvl1, Sleep

Items- Ring of The Emperor

Title- King of living beings

It was something he was quite certain would happen. A table opened showing his name, class, skill and other various stuff. He had vague idea of what it was from the conversation of his college friend who were in this kind of boring thing but it was long time ago so for most of the part he was clueless. He went through the whole status window once.

He had no name and his class was hero. Whose description was given as the one who would defeat demon king and bring peace to the land. Description instead of helping him increased his confusion. At one side he is meant to defeat Demon king and on other side goddess told to make demon king ally. After that he went through the skill part. He saw a skill, interesting and at same time useless, it was sleep. What is the use of having sleeping as a skill, isn't it something that occur on its own. He concentrated on that skill to know its description.

[Description of sleeping skill]

A skill that can be used for sleeping.


Options- Nap, Half Sleep, Deep Sleep

By the short description, it was understood that the skill was useless but he still thought of trying it. He chose the deep sleep option with a time limit of 10 hours and with a mere thought of activating the skill it activated and before he could understand anything he was in deep sleep.

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