《Emperor》Chapter- 2


John gazed around him into the eternal darkness, however, nothing came into his sight not a single shred of light. The darkness was terrifying. Not because he could hear terrifying sound around him or something like that.

It was a complete opposite of it. There was not the slightest sound of any living being.

He understood that William has sent him very far but that doesn’t meant there would be nothing around him. However, reality was different. He was somehow alive but couldn’t see or hear a thing.

John has never been in such a situation. He couldn’t help but feel terrified of unknown.

On top of that, he couldn’t even feel his body.

Theoretically, he should be dead but he wasn’t at least not completely.

He drifted far and far in never ending darkness.

When nothing happened for a long time. He started remembering his family. His wife Marie and 3-year-old cute daughter Daisy who he might not be able to meet again.

Will Daisy remember him when she grows old. Marie will have to take care of Daisy alone.

He remembered his good memories that started after he met Marie. Marie was his lucky charm.

She was his neighbor when he first met her. He thought how weird that girl was after all if you meet someone first time and greet them with a kick on their guts you won’t have good image of that person. He remember. He was angry at her but slowly steadily they fell in love and married a year later and by next year Daisy was born. She was second best thing happened in his life. He took one month leave to be with Daisy. When she smiles it feels like she is a mini version of an angel.

But now he will never be able to see them again, but he could not accept it easily that he will never be able to meet them.


While John was looking over his memory. The scenery around him changed.

The change around him caught John by surprise. It felt like someone suddenly switched on the light in a dark room.

The scenery around him was a landscape filled with greenery.

But before he could be mesmerized by it, he encountered another serious problem.

He can’t see his body to be more accurate he was not having a body. It was like an air with a consciousness.

He realized that by thinking he could move from one place to another however even though he doesn’t have a body but he still couldn’t pass through solid object.

When he has experimented a bit and thought of looking around, he realized that this place was very beautiful. A place that can only be found in paintings and poetry. Where they describe the landscape in an exaggerated manner. But the landscape in front of him was just like that exaggerated painting. He wanted to sing a song.

“Are you thinking of singing a song”

Out of nowhere, John heard a sweet voice of a lady. But that sweet voice terrified him out of his wits.

“Wha! Wha! Where are you?”

“Hmmmmm everywhere”



John was confused from that unknown lady reply however he still decided to accept it as magical world and ignored it.

“Who are you?”

“We don’t have names but if you want to compare us with someone from you world than we will surely be called God.”


“Yes there are many others”

He wanted to ask how many? But he remembered something else which was much more important. At least for him.

“If you can be compared to god then can you please send me back to earth”

“I can’t”



“It’s a rule of the Emperor.”

“Oh! so there is God above god.”


“please let me meet Emperor. I will request him to send me back to earth.”

“He is not present and even if he was he won’t do it, but I can send you to another world at least it will not be lonely there”

“But I have some unfinished business on Earth.”

“I know what business you have but I can’t. But if you will go to the world I am sending you to, then there is a chance of you returning to your world.”

After a long bickering finally, John agreed to go to another world, but after he agreed there was another condition


“Yes, ring. You have to take it with you.”


“Because it is meant to be this way.”

“You have just met me today and there are already things that are meant for me.”

“Yes, you can say it like that. You were destined to arrive here John and when you arrive I have to give you this ring and send you to the other world”

“You are saying all the suffering that I went through was already decided by you”

“No you are misunderstanding your coming here was destined but how you will come here wasn’t”

John could only sigh when he heard this.

“OK send me to another world”


The space in front of John distorted and a portal to another world opened.

John went inside the portal and vanished.

When John opened his eyes. He saw very high ceiling decorated with different colors gems and stones. The floor beneath him was cold, very cold. When he tried to look around him he saw people sitting on a large chair. Four people were standing around him and he was in the dead center around them.

“Welcome heroes you have been choos….”

A person was going to say something but stopped in midway.

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