《Emperor》Chapter- 1


“No matter where I am I'll come back, and take what is mine! You just….”

“Hahaha. That’s why I’ll make sure to send you far, very far from this place that even if you want to you won’t be able to. Hahahahahaahaa,” said the man, laughing hysterically.

He opened a portal and threw the man along with a chair he was tied to into the portal.

“You Will Pay For It!” The man yelled.

Earlier that day

In midst of screeching and beeping sounds of machines, a man was sitting on a chair. Looking at his computer screen, and typing at a speed that made his fingertips blurry.

He is working on a project that could change the world, and if he succeeds his name will be remembered along with great geniuses like Newton and Einstein.

Suddenly, he stopped typing. His index finger is hovering over enter button, and large beads of sweat is forming on his forehead. It’s his last chance.

He checked over and over for any mistakes, and when everything looked fine he finally, decided to do it.


He stood up and moved near a certain machine.

It was a machine with two arc placed at a fixed distance from each other. Occasionally, sparks would fly from one arc to another and that was it. There was nothing else in the middle of two arcs however if you observe closely you could see refraction phenomenon while looking through the empty space between the arc like when you see through the area above the high temperature fire.

He threw the pen between the arc and looked behind at his table. He clenched his fist.

“Yes! I did it!”

‘After all these year I have finally succeeded.’

He ran out of his lab dodging his way through people in corridor, occasionally colliding, but he didn’t stop. People were cussing at him, but he didn’t stop.

“whoa! slow down man.”

“He finally gone insane.”

“you spilled my coffee asshole.”

“Hey watch it!”

He ran until he reached at front of a certain door. He calmed down his breathing, relaxed his body and knocked at the door.

‘Knock! Knock!’

“Come in,” the man inside the cabin said.

He entered. An old man was was sitting on his chair behind the desk, smoking a cigar.

“If you are here to beg for funding John, then forget it. I don’t have any more –”


“Haha. You don’t have to worry about it anymore Mr. William,” said John, interjecting William.

“Hah? What do you mean?”

“Haha. I’ve done it Mr. William,” John said, unable to suppress his excitement.

William with an expression of annoyance on his face, “Just Stop Laughing Like a Maniac, and tell me what you came here for.”

“As you know that I was working on a very ambitious project of making teleportation machine and today when I was thinking over what I was doing wrong, I came up with an idea. What if I increase the frequency of alternating curen…..”

“Just cut to the chase.”

“Mr. William, I’ve succeeded”

“On what?”

“On creating a first teleportation machine. This is the biggest day in the history of a mankind”

“Are you certain? Are you sure you are not hallucinating”

William was still skeptical about what John was saying, after all he wasn’t the first man to try making a teleportation machine, many man had tried in past to achieve this impossibility, and William was also one of them.

“Let’s go to your lab. Let’s see if your claim are true or another hoax,” William made his decision to watch a live demonstration instead of arguing here.

“OK then lets go”

John and William went together in the lab.

They reached at the lab where John demonstrated teleportation to William. William was rooted at his place with his mouth agape when he saw what really transpired. He couldn’t believe it. He asked John to do it again. And this time he couldn’t hold his excitement.

“It’s Unremarkable,” William said while looking at a teleportation machine with fascinated eyes as if he was looking at the God himself.

John mesmerized “Yes it is. I will be remembered in history as a person who changed the world”

“Sorry John I can’t let that happen”


Out of nowhere, John was smacked with a rod behind his head.


John held his head and looked behind him.

“You!! Why?”

John walked toward the man, but tumbled. His head felt dizzy. He gripped the arm rest of a nearby chair and tried to stand with his wobbling feet.

In the meantime the man walked behind John and once again smacked his head before he could stand. John felt his consciousness fading. His eyelid felt heavy and at last he fell on ground with ‘thud’.


A while later John woke up. Blood was oozing out from the wound behind his head. His back hair had turned red from all the blood and his white lab coat was dyed red from behind. He tried to look around him but was assaulted with an unbearable pain form his wound.


When he tried to move his body he realized that he was tied to a chair with a tape. He tried to break free form it but it was too tight.

“Haha. Don’t make funny faces John. I’ll die from laughing you know”

“You!! William. Why are you doing this?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” William questioned John.

John was confused “What obvious?” he said, frowning.


William was amused from John expression. He couldn’t help but chuckle.

He pulled a chair in front of John, sat on it crossed legs. Lighting a new cigar and shooting its smoke on John.

“Oh John. You are such an intelligent man. A man who invented a teleportation machine but you still don’t understand human nature.”

William said while looking at something.

John followed the direction of his eyesight. He was looking at the teleportation machine.

John’s eye widen in surprise.

He realized why William did it.

First it was surprise, but later it changer into anger. Anger that came from his soul, he wanted to strangle William to death.

But it was not a mere anger that came because he wants to steal his invention. The anger came because it triggered his distant memory. The memory of his childhood he wanted to forget.

It was about a time when John was 9 years old

His father used to run NGO. NGO for those women who were physically and sexually assaulted. He was a good man, had a good reputation in the society too. He was a model husband on how men should treat their wife. He was a model father on how they should educate their child.

He was the perfect man.

But it was all a bloody facade.

He never treated his wife gently. He never loved his children. He never even treated them as a living person. His wife was his tool to please the other, from whom he wanted favors, and the children. They were his slaves, slaves that only needs a bit of food and they will work for you all day.

His mother couldn’t take it any longer. She committed suicide.

Her two sons saw her hanging from the ceiling. They called her mother several time but she doesn’t responded.

The children were staring at their mother’s corpse, sulking while holding each other. They have no energy to even cry anymore.

But this incident was never known. How could that hypocrite man let the people know that his own wife, in his own home committed suicide.

So, he framed a man from his neighbor. He was sentenced to imprisoned, Nobody cross examined the evidence, nobody investigated. It was just an another open and shut close.

However, you have to pay for what you did, and his time to pay has come.

A year later he was murdered by the son of a man he framed as his wife’s murderer.

He was going to kill his two child too, but when he saw them he wasn’t able to muster his courage.

How could he kill those two boys who themselves were in no better condition. The children condition even increased his for the man by several notch. He stabbed the corpse of that hypocrite man 200 times to satiate his thrust for blood.

He turned himself to police for murdering that asshole and the two kids were taken in by foster parents.

In the present

“I will not forgive you William,” said John, eyes bloodshot and the veins popping on his forehead. He desperately tried to break free from the captive.

He sneered.

“Who needs it.”

John was still trying to break free from his captive, but his action were futile. The more he struggled the blood he loss. His eyelid started to become heavy, and his movement become sluggish.

In mean time William started the portal and dragged the chair to which John was tied to near the teleportation machine.

“No matter where I am William I'll come back, and take what is mine! You just….”

“Hahaha. That’s why I’ll make sure to send you far, very far from this place that even if you want to you won’t be able to. Hahahahahaahaa.”

“You Will Pay For It!”

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