《You, Me》Chapter 4 Escape


Mu Yuhan brought Xiaomi into his pagoda two story building high. Once they got back, he signal for Hei Bai to leave them already so now he is left with Xiaomi only. She still had on the hat veiling her face she did not take it off. She walks into the room and look around and realize this is Mu Yuhan's chamber. She backs away and was about to turn around to run out but bumps into Mu Yuhan who is now closing the door from behind. Her hands accidentally touches his chest and she quickly retracted her hands and walks backward further into his room to get away from him. Under the black gauze, she can see his handsome figure standing at the door looking straight at her. He was wearing a black robe with a silver crown on his head leaving hair parted in front of his face revealing his white skin. Although his almond eyes are calm and cold, he had an aura of a powerful being that no one can defy. His looks give him vibe of a handsome demon prince and it was hard to take away your eyes off of. If they say looks can kill, then he definitely has the look with one look, so heavenly handsome but also so devilish that can make you fall into an illusion and dream and you wouldn't know what ended your life.

She feel like he is an extremely dangerous entity especially being in the same room as him. She looks away as he slowly take one step at a time approaching her. She doesn't know what to do as she feel his presence getting closer and closer. She turn around and walks away. She feel extremely awkward and have nothing to say to him. He raise an eyebrow and looks at her sizing her up and down and found it strange how she is wearing a white robe instead of black, "So you left to go change? Why are you not removing the hat?" He stops as he approached and stood behind her not removing his lazy but deducting eyes off of her, but due to the darkness, no one can even see such pleasant face he had on. She had turn around and away so her back is currently facing him instead. She was trying to feel the wall in the dark.

She stood in silence and only reply, "Your highness, it is getting late, I should get going back to my quarter," she cannot stand being alone with him and it's improper for her to be in a room alone let alone with a man. If anyone knows, her reputation will be ruin. She walks away toward the window. She plan to jump down the window and flee, but to her surprise, he chanted a few words and uses his inner Qi force to close all the windows in all direction closed. Now the room is completely dark there was no light and she cannot see or make out anything in the dark. Her heart was being so fast in the darkness and if you listen carefully, you can hear the heartbeats faster and faster.

Her heart was trembling in fear and it was beating so fast. She did not know what he was planning or how she upsetted him. She keeps herself calm and sigh. She slowly raise her hands in the darkness trying to aim for the wall so she can feel her way to the window to open the window. As she slowly make her way to try to find a wall, her hand was seize by a large hand and her hand was yank to his chest with a tight clutch not allowing her hand to break free. She shivers as she feel the tight clutch and was pulled closer to his chest she was surprised he made such approach. Her heart beats faster but she calm herself down saying with a calm manner, "Your highness, it is inappropriate please keep your distance," she tries to break free from his grasp, but he held onto her too tight that the more she struggle the more he squeeze her wrist.


She cannot see him but he can see her clearly in the dark. She breaks his weird awkward approach, "My Lord it is late, Xiaolian should get going," she said as she tries to break free from his grasp once more, but the more she struggles the more he held her wrist even tighter. He could not stand her indifference to him and could not control himself he yank her into his arm and carries her into the center of his chamber where his bed in red gauzes dropping from the ceiling are. He was so quick in his action that Xiaolian did not have time to react. He sets her down into the bed and command, "Sleep... I told you already this is where you will sleep from now on or did you forgot already?" He said calmly and tries to calm himself down as well. He have never cross the line with any woman, but at that moment he couldn't control his anger in his heart. He have been searching for this cold hearted beauty for a long time. He was even almost tricked by her acting earlier. The way she is now is definitely different from before as if she is back to being the cold beauty who treats him indifferently. For her, he could not keep calm, for her, he killed the people whom tried to harm her that night already not leaving a trace of mercy behind, but now the person whom he tried to protect still treated him coldly and indifferent, how could he keep calm? His brow furrows but he stood in silence.

Xiaolian was stunned, she thought to herself, 'When did I agree to this?! How great... Wang Xiaomi...' she breathes deeply in in a helpless way. She could not believe Wang Xiaomi would agree to such thing that can ruin her reputation. She backs away from Mu Yuhan and said, "Uh-... My Lord you sleep I will stand guard." She was going to get up from the bed when he stops her saying, "I will only leave when you fall asleep. I will not cross the line." He tried to reassure her he does not have a bad intention. She feel very helpless and can only sigh in surrender. She takes off her gauze hat and slowly lie down on the bed to sleep. She pull the blanket over her body and turn the other side to sleep avoiding the direct glare and stare from Mu Yuhan. Even though she cannot see in the dark, she know he can since he is different from her.

When Xiaolian pull down the hat, her appearance had caught his attention. He stare at her in the dark room until she fall asleep. He caress her face and found her extremely pleasing to the eyes. He love to watch her beautiful face and he wants to be the only one whom admire her beauty and he does not want another man to ever see her face that is why when she go out for a mission, he always tells her to cover her face with a red red plated mask covering her half of her upper face. He feel like she has been gone for so long and tonight was the day she had just come back to being herself and he does not want to lose her again. He cannot tell how long he longed for her. He was so afraid that if he lose sight of her then she can disappear the next moment and he will have a hard time finding her again.



Xiaomi visited her master at the palace with Yanyan. She bow and pay respect to her master, "Shifu! Your disciple Xiaomi is here!" She gallop happily. She have been gone for so long and was so surprised to wake up to find herself home. She cannot believe it that god was helping her to be back home. She cannot ask for more. She really wants to tell her family about her situation but on the contrary, she didn't want to say anything since to them, she have 'never' gone missing. She hurried to see her master instead. She heard of the situation at Prime Minister Li's Residence and wants to comfort her master.

Lan Shuixin was in the wheel chair downstairs with Hu Yi behind him. Lan Shuixin found his disciple extremely in a good mood today compare to other times and he ask, "What brings you here? Why are you so happy?" He just find his disciple even more unpredictable thought he cannot explain what it is.

Xiaomi chuckles, "Shifu, I am here to comfort you. Please do not be too sad about last night. It is Li Huahua's loss that she cannot see your pure heart. Ummm... Shifu, you're the best!" She exclaims happily. She sat next to his master on the nearby chair drinking tea. She looks at his condition and saddens, "Shifu... it's because of Xiaomi that you're like that, Xiaomi is sorry... Please forgive Xiaomi. Xiaomi is willing to stay to take care of you Shifu." She feels extremely guilty hearing the situation with Lan Shuixin. She feel like she wants to do something good to repay him. She feels guilty and felt like it was her fault that caused trouble to Lan Shuixin.

Lan Shuixin shook his head, "We talked about it. It's okay, Shifu deserves it." Xiaomi wants to tell him it is not her, but she hold back her tongue. She was confused but she thought back to Xiaolian and swallow her spits back. She wanted to see this girl named, Xiaolian so much since Mu Yuhan mistaken her for Xiaolian. She refrained from disclosing such secret. She want to witness it for herself before doing anything. In this world, she does not believe anyone can look like her so much to the point of confusing people.


Xiaolian woke up and disappear to her medicine room. She decided that she would help Lan Shuixin recover from his crippled and blindness to get back at Li Huahua as he saved her life. She pitied for him to be a laughingstock of the Heavenly Realm. Such a young and handsome man but have to be made into a joke all over the Heavenly Realm. He needs to reprise his crown prince title to get back at his enemies. She have made up her mind she cannot do much for saving her life but this much shouldn't be too hard for her to do. She started to brew her medicine and concoct medicine pills that she did not realize someone was monitoring her from afar.

As Mu Yuhan look at her from afar, he started to get curious as to whom she is making the medicine for since he is not ill. He feel a little uneasy as he watches her in silence. He feel a slight pain in his chest. He needs to find out who is the scoundrel she is brewing the medication for. Hei Bai bows down to him saying, "My Lord, Empress Wan Ning summoned for you."


Mu Yuhan greeted, "Mother, you're looking for me? What do you want?" He get to the point right away. He knew what kind of person his mother is and does not want to waste time. His mother, Wan Ning, looks at her son with a bright smile. She smiles showing her teeth saying, "Ah Han, mother has been thinking you're becoming of age and you should get marry soon." She added exclaiming, "I've already consulted your father and we've chosen General Wan's daughter, Wan Qinqing as a consort, what do you think?" She question him thinking he will be happy to hear such a happy news.

Mu Yuhan looks at his mother and said cold, "Mother I do not like her. I will choose my own consort, mother does not need to worry." He was not happy or excited he was displeased hearing this upon his mother's lips. "If there is nothing else then I shall get going." He walks off not staying another second. Wan Qingqing walks in and heard the whole conversation. She was displeased to hear everything. Mu Yuhan ignores her and walk right past her. He didn't even take once glance at her and that upsets her from within, but she suppressed her anger and just smile gently as he passed her by. She hurries to pay her respect to Empress Wan Ning with a hurtful expression. She had a sad look on her face feeling like she was wronged in this situation and is embarrassed.

Empress Wan Ning comforted her, "Do not worry Qing'er ah, I will see to it that he agree to the wedding. Right now he is in a bad mood," she smiles stroking Wan Qinqing's hair. She was a beautiful girl but fell short compare to Xiaolian. She wears a yellow robe showing her slender waist. Her hair was put into two braided bun on the sides leaving side bangs in the front. Her beauty is like a sun beaming to the world giving hopes and dreams to people when she smiles showing two deep dimples on both side of her cheeks. She have fair white skin and with one look, when she smile, she definitely look like a virtuous and fulfilling sight. However, in Mu Yuhan's she is nothing like she looks and he know. Her beauty cannot reach the eyes of his makes her mad. Although she looks good on the outside, her inside was full of thorns and plots.

Soon, news fell over the palace that the Emperor will bestow a marriage upon Mu Yuhan with Wan Qingqing. This news reached the ear of Wang Xiaolian. She only listens and half smile thinking deep inside. She knew she is a nobody and is powerless in this kind of situation. She shouldn't resist and should disappear soon from Mu Yuhan's sight to prevent him from future problems. She thinks deeply and said aloud, "I should leave soon... in this world, there is no place for me... Lan Shuixin... Mu Yuhan..." She sigh, "Even though I am back home, it doesn't feel like home... I should leave..." She takes out a ring and started to put all her medicines and useful ingredients into the space of her ring. She will need all her medicines for future uses. She wanted to open a clinic in the mortal realm and be free of all stress. She knew the Empress always hated her for no reason. People always plot against her and she is tired of dealing with everything she just want to live peacefully. She was a assassin whom was trained to protect Mu Yuhan, but then last time they plot against her almost having her kill. She does not fear death, but she cannot stand the Dark Realm any longer and wishes to be free.

As night approaches, she head back to the building and rest on the bed. She will leave as soon as she get the rest she needed. She already planned her escape. She already packed all her belongings and stored them in a space in her ring. She thinks of everything in her life in Dark Realm and a tear trickles down her eyes. She has always been suffering in that place and was treated unfairly since little. She thinks to herself that she shouldn't stay there any longer. She should go out there to pursue herself a dream she never had and do the things she always wanted to do. She always feel unwelcome in the Dark Realm and was always despised as she is not the same as them. Nobody knows who or what she is, but she is also not human so all demons look down on her even though she is the most talented person in the Dark Realm. She was known as the cold beauty killer because anyone whom she was sent out to kill, she always kill them successfully with one scoop without batting an eye. She was trained to be a cold killer but anyone whom saw her face was amused by her beauty and thus started calling her cold beauty killer. This name was known to the Heavenly Realm, Human Realm, and Dark Realm, but not many have actually seen her face and survive to tell the tales, but somehow, the story of her was still able to spread far and wide. She wants to live for herself and not under anyone's rule. She does not want to be anyone's weapon anymore. She thinks she have suffered enough and it's time to let things go.

As she fell fast asleep, in the middle of the night, she feel a hand caressing her face. His hand was so cold that shook her awake. She groans and be on guard, "Who is it?" She ask in the darkness. Mu Yuhan answers, "Mu Yuhan..." His voice sounded like he have not rested the whole day and full of distressed. He removes his hand from her face and sat on the ground leaning against the futon. He looks away in silence. Everything was so gloomy, he was giving off a distressed vibe and seems like he does not want to speak out his thoughts. He kept quiet and stare off into the space in the dark as if he had lost hope and is troubled by someone or something. He lightly ask, "Xiaolian... you can disregard the news earlier. No edict was pass yet I will not marry Wan Qing Qing," he felt like he just had to explain to her to get rid of the heavy knot in his chest.

Xiaolian sat up on the futon in silence. She bit her lips and looks at him in despair. She only reply, "Your highness, that has nothing to do with me you do not have to explain to me." She lie back down and stare up to the dark ceiling and only said calmly, "It is also a great thing if you marry Wan Qing Qing so Empress Wan Ning can stop targeting me." She did not keep her pretense now that she was alone with him. She wanted to make it clear to him that she is tired of being targeted by the Empress. She is tired of the life in the palace she does not want to live by the rules anymore. She have been dealing with them for so long that the constant plot against her can be read even before they acted out. She just thinks maybe he should give in for once and let her live peacefully. She have grown wary and worn out and does not want to be part of the scheme anymore.

Mu Yuhan chuckles evilly, but sat in silence. No one can read his mind and he is unpredicatable. Nobody can read his true intention or what he had in mind. His cold handsome face slowly turn to look at Wang Xiaolian in the darkness and was going to reach his hand out to touch her face, but then slowly stops himself in the darkness. In his mind, nobody had ever treated him sincerely. Only she treats him sincerely and have always protected him from all dangers. He stare at that beautiful face of hers in the dark silently and said, "Only you treated me sincerely. From now on I will protect you, you don't have to protect me anymore."

Wang Xiaolian turn away in the dark, although she kept silence, a tear drops from her eyes. She is no longer that naive and silly girl whom believed in goodness and love. She used to be pure and innocent before she started killing people on her missions. Since then, she learned martial arts to protect Mu Yuhan. She had stopped the silly dream she had when the Empress brought her to reality of how different their status is. She was also severely injured and tortured since young that Mu Yuhan did not know of and those incidents have shocked her and made her completely changed her attitude. Since then, she had grown wary of everything around her and she got smarter to be vigilant around her. She can see clearly of all the plots in the palace and knew what to do and what not to do. She hold everything in and never said a word to Mu Yuhan. She just thought it is better this way. She wanted to drive him away from her because the price is too heavy she cannot take it. She can almost remembered the clear image of the Empress ordering the maids to tortured her ten fingers by squeezing them with wood and strings. It was pieces of woods hold with strings the tighter you pull the tighter it squeeze the fingers. Her fingers bled and was heavily bruised in that incident. Not only that, Wan Qing Qing also whip her when she was tied to the pole, her body had scars all over. So to avoid all kinds of tortured, she volunteered to learn martial arts and stay away from Mu Yuhan for 8 years. She saw him here and there but stays far away from him protecting him in the darkness. He never knew of this until later she was injured by taking an arrow for him that he started to change his mindset and started to cultivate powers. He wants to be powerful enough to protect her in return. He have heard from people of Xiaolian's success in her missions, although he knew there was a difference in her when she kept her distance in those 8 years, he always knew that she would always treat him differently and kindly especially when he is in danger, she would be there each and every time.

In the dark, he clenches his fists tightly as he feel useless and powerless. He cannot even do a thing for Wang Xiaolian in return not to mention protecting her. Dissatisfaction shown on his face but then no one can see his handsome face in the dark. He only had one thought in his mind and that is to not let Wang Xiaolian down again. As much as she wants to push him away, he will not allow her to and would not let go easily. Wang Xiaolian act as if she did not hear that. She slowly closes her eyes and said in calmly, "My Lord, no matter what happens, you must live happily only then will I be at ease." Even at this time she still cares for him. They grew up together though she does not know her origin, she have always lived in the Dark Realm and grew up with him. She always have a soft spot for him from deep within.

The next morning, Mu Yuhan woke up and found Wang Xiaolian missing. He searched high and low for her, but her footstep cannot be seen. He ordered Hei Bai to search everywhere in the palace and the whole Dark Realm for her. His heart feels restless and deep down, he had a feeling she should be gone by now. He feel so restless. He panics inside but kept calm on the surface to not show his true emotion out. She is so heartless, she didn't even leave him a letter. He feel deep distressed and empty like a part of him is gone. He really have no one in the Dark Realm that he can trust beside his subordinate. Hei Bai informs that all the herbs from her place are gone then he knew she had ran away. He stood in the quiet room feeling dejected. He looks like he just got dump by his lover. His dejected face turn to a cold smirk and he chuckles evilly, "This is definitely my woman." He should have known she would run away again, but somehow this time, he had a bad feeling like he will not be able to find her again, but that did not bother him. He will search the whole world for her regardless whichever realm she is in, he will definitely find her.

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