《You, Me》Chapter 3 Evil Plan Successful


Li Huahua sat down angrily and breaks down crying to her mother's lap. She could not stop crying. Her cries were so loud that shook Prime Minister Li. His heart aches for his daughter. He rushes to Moonlight Courtyard, Li Huahua's courtyard, and saw Li Huahua crying in his wife's lap. Li Furen, Gao Huan, was his official wife and Li Huahua was his eldest daughter and only di daughter that he was always proud of. He rushes to sit and comfort Li Huahua, "Hua'er, what's wrong?" His expression had a sad face. He couldn't stand to see his favorite daughter cry to the point of going to faint out.

Li Huahua could not say a word. Gao Huan turn to her husband and pour out her grievance to him, "Husband, you must not blame Hua'er for crying!" A tear trickles down her cheek and she cries, "She is going to marry a crippled and blind man as a husband! I pity Hua'er so much! I do not want to see my daughter's future to be ruin!" She cries with Li Huahua making a scene like it is the saddest moment ever in their life as if they were going to see Yama in hell.

Li Huahua added, "Mother! If I have to marry a man who got no future and is also a blind and crippled man then I'd rather die! I can't stand people to look down on me and mock me! I know a lot of people are laughing at me right now! I am so beautiful and yet will have to marry a disabled man!" She continues grieving in unfairness, "God is not fair to Hua'er!"

Prime Minister Li see through the situation and he sigh heavily. He could not help in this situation as it is Heavenly Emperor whom bestowed the marriage and it is approaching sooner than he thought. He does not know why the Heavenly Emperor rushed the wedding to the end of the month and it is approaching fast. He could not help but sigh heavily and powerlessly as he cannot help his own daughter in this kind of situation. He was powerless.

Prime Minister Li left the room cannot bare to see the scene as his heart ache for his daughter in this situation. Li Huahua looks up at her mother and cried, "Mother! Hua'er does not want to marry a crippled man!" She thought of an idea and ask, "Mother, is it possible for me to marry Crown Prince Lan Moxin? I know he liked me in the past but I always ignored him for Lan Shuixin because back then Lan Shuixin was the crown prince but now time has changed. I am sure Crown Prince Lan Moxin still love me very much!" She said in a desperate tone believing in her statement. She thought that as long as she can get Lan Moxin's affection, she will be able to change her fate.

Gao Huan looks at her daughter and thinks deeply. She had an idea, "I do not think it is possible but... what if you only get to be a concubine, are you willing?" Li Huahua nod her head instantly as in she was willing to be anything beside marrying a crippled and blind man. Gao Huan slowly wipes off her daughter's tears and smile calculatingly, "Alright, do not cry anymore... Mother have an idea and your future... depends on you." Li Huahua took a few moments to think and finally realize what her mom was thinking and she slowly show a secret smile as if she is already out of the dark situation.



It was time for the appointment to pick up the wheel chair. Xiaomi take Yanyan back to the craft shop to pay and pick up the wheel chair. After paying Boss Ma, he walk off happily with the big bag of money he just obtained in his hand. He even urged for further business next time if she needed him to make anything feel free to reach out to him and he will surely do his best.

Xiaomi got to the Heavenly Palace and requested to see First Prince. Seeing that she was so persistent, the Empress Dowager finally allow her to see First Prince Lan Shuixin. She head to his courtyard in a hurry with the wheel chair. When she got to his headquarter, she forgot and just realized that he was upstairs and cannot come down. So then she ordered Yanyan to wait downstairs for her. She ran upstairs and found her master almost the same pose as last time she saw him.

She calls out, "Shifu, your disciple is back today to deliver her gift for you!" She exclaims going into his room forgetting about etiquette. She went to comb his hair and tidy his hair neatly. She wanted to remove the white blind, but he turn his head away not wanting the blind fold to be remove. She thought if that makes him comfortable then it is fine to leave it. She ask, "Shifu, can you walk?"

Lan Shuixin shook his head. He still looks pale and had white fair skin with no blemish. He show no emotion or expression. He shook his head calmly, "Master cannot walk yet. I do not know why but I still feel very weak on the leg." Xiaomi turn her back and patted her back, "Shifu, let me carry you!"

Lan Shuixin was taken aback by her words, "I... cannot have you do that. It's inappropriate!" Xiaomi ignores him and grabs his hand and puts it around her neck and said, "Shifu, my gift requires you to be downstairs I cannot bring it up here. I am your disciple it's fine nobody will see me carry you at all." She whispers childishly. And pull his arms above her shoulder and said, "Hold me tightly Shifu." Then she pull his legs and thigh and piggyback Lan Shuixin heading downstairs.

She sets him on the wheel chair and exclaims, "Shifu, this is my gift for you! I personally instructed a craftsman to make this wheelchair for you please do not refuse my gift." She fix his hair neatly. She thought he'd be happy and thankful, but the look on his face was blank, expressionless, with a little sadness. He ask, "So... do you also think your Shifu is a disabled man and also pity him?" His voice sounded empty. She could not tell if he was happy or being sarcastic.

She knows he misunderstood her intention and slowly back away, "Shifu, i-its not that-!" She stops, "I'm just worried about you! I do not want you to always be coping up in your room not seeing anyone," she explains, "It is not healthy for your body." She went silence and turn away thinking, 'Beside... I am leaving soon so... it doesn't matter if you appreciate my intention or not...' She sigh.

She thought of Li Huahua and knew Lan Shuixin will marry her soon so she thinks it's the best time to push him to think of Li Huahua. She looks at Lan Shuixin and found him extremely quiet. She breaks the silence, "Shifu, you will marry Li Huahua soon and with this gift, I'd be rest assure when I'm gone."


"You're leaving?" He suddenly ask upon hearing this. She keeps herself calm and lied, "Leaving back to... my home? Beside, when you're married I cannot come here as I like. I won't be able to visit you often. Shifu, with this wheel chair, Li Huahua can still take you anywhere." She looks at his legs and feel regrettably that she cannot stay any longer to help him cure his legs and weakness. She can heal his dan tian and help him recover his Qi and martial arts skills, but she is leaving soon.

"What are you planning after I marry?" He ask. She thinks carefully, yet did not reply.

The Empress Dowager suddenly came to visit Prince Lan Shuixin's Heaven Dream Palace. She entered and was shocked. She hurried to Lan Shuixin and calls out, "Erzi! You're finally out of your room!" She exclaims with excitement and happiness in her tone. Xiaomi bow and greets the Empress, but was ignored as if she was not present. She did not think much of it and turn around to start cleaning Lan Shuixin's headquarter main hall and leave the Empress Dowager and First Prince some privacy.

The Empress Dowager looks at her son. Her eyes were fill with love, pity, sadness, but a little happiness seeing that her son's condition has improved. She said calmly, "Xin'er ah... Prime Minister Li is going to hold a banquet and would like you to be there. Seeing that you're much better, you must attend the banquet. Li Huahua will be so happy to see you!"

Lan Shuixin slowly nod, "Yes mother, I will go... beside... we will be one family soon." His voice was calm and sounded so exquisite and pleasing to the ears. The Empress Dowager smile upon hearing how sensible her son is. She still see Xiaomi in the room and was very displease seeing her. She said with a colder tone, "Xiaomi, why are you still here?" She turn to look her way.

Xiaomi bow and lower her head as she reply, "Answering to Empress Dowager, Xiaomi was here to delivered Prince Lan Shuixin's present that I promised." The Empress Dowager got upset and looks at her yelling, "If you're done you can leave!" She stood up in anger and threw her temper at Xiaomi, however, to her surprise, Xiaomi did not shrink away in coward at all. Xiaomi stood her ground and show no expression. She did not budge.

Xiaomi calmly reply, "Yes, your highness," then she bow in respect and turn around to walk off not caring how Prince Lan Shuixin will get back up to his room. Since she was driven out, might as well leave while she can. She just shrug her shoulders and order Yanyan to lead the way out of the palace. Yanyan walk in silence observing her miss how eloquent and quiet her presence were. Her presence was also cold, quiet, and mysterious she dare not make a sound.


He slowly gets up from his bed and calls out, "Hu Yi!" Suddenly, a man jumped into the room through the window wearing black outfit covering his face leaving only the eyes. He bow in respect to him, "Yes, your highness!"

Lan Shuixin ordered, "Look into Wang Xiaomi's situation and monitor her. Tell me everything she does daily..." Then he look dead serious at him, "Better not leave out details..." This voice was cold and calm and sound like a warning tone to his trusted servant. Hu Yi nod and disappear into thin air in an instant. Lan Shuixin, whose look like a weeping celestial being in white, whom also looked weak and like he was mourning, sat in silence thinking in the middle of the night. He could not help, but thought of the past Xiaomi whom was so weak and obedient. He could not help bringing a smile to his face.


In Dark Realm, lay Xiaomi on the ground. She was still held in captive not seeing any moon or light. She bangs the door shouting loudly, "Mu Yuhan! Mu Yuhan! Set me free! I'm bored!" She cannot believe she was only there for a few days and she felt like she have aged. She did not have a cosmetic products with her and feel so incomplete without all her belongings. She misses her home so much. She could only reminisce about her residence.

The door open and walk in Mu Yuhan bringing her food. He handed her the plate of food and sit by watching her eat the food. She took the food and started eating. She was upset but she still needed to eat if she want to have the strength to escape. Mu Yuhan watches her eat and said, "Xiaolian... you've changed. You talk so much now and lost all your previous abilities..." But then he thought and smile, "At least, this time I can protect you in return to all those years you've always protected me. You're much weaker now that means I can protect you." He recalls of previous events when she take the knives for him, arrows for him, get blamed for his actions, and was tortured for endangering his life at one point.

Xiaomi was listening and ask, "Can you tell me of some events in the past? See if I can recall it?" She asked as if she lost her memories. She thought to herself, 'This man is quite pitiful... he always thinks I am his lover Xiaolian so maybe I should pretend to be her until she return since he did saved my life...' She made up her mind and decided not to talk about her home anymore. She does not want to owe him anything she will just wait for Xiaolian to return then when that time comes, she will leave.

Mu Yuhan begins, "Xiaolian... when we were young, we went out to play in the mortal realm and was caught. You took the blame for it and was whipped 20 times but in reality it was me whom forced you to take me out to play. When we were a little older, you took an arrow for me when my uncle tried to kill me. You also blocked a sword knife for me when we were surrounded you almost lost your life for me countless time. You never asked for anything..." His eyes became red and seems to get watery, "The only thing you always tell me is... It is your duty to protect me," he breathes deeply and continues, "Ever since that day, I dedicated myself to learning martial arts skills and refining my inner Qi so that one day I can protect you." He then smiles, "Do not worry, I will not let mother harm you again. This building is the safest place for you and my place is the safest place for you. From now on, you'll be living in here just please don't try to run away from me."

As Xiaomi listens to his story, she find him quite pitiful. She decided to pretend to be Xiaolian since he did saved his life. She nod, "I won't run away. I will try to recall the past memories, but I hope you don't force me." She pursed her lips in awkwardness. Mu Yuhan looks at her cuteness and laughs, "Force you? I've never touched you or forced you in any kind of situation. You always distant yourself away from me." Xiaomi was quite happy that Xiaolian can be such a reserve girl. She just have a feeling Xiaolian is a good girl and she does not have to worry about being her for the time being.

Hei Bai, Mu Yuhan's trusted servant walks in and bow, "Your highness..." Mu Yuhan signal for him step out. He walk out the door and close the door and signal for him to speak and he speaks, "There is indeed such a person, but... she is not missing. She is currently in the residence so therefore..." He did not continue. Mu Yuhan shook, "I understand..." He smirks thinking that Xiaolian is a good liar but he will continue to play that game with her. It is something new and is quite interesting. She is always very naive and innocent at the moment and actually likes to see the her right now because she speaks more and seem to smile more. Hei Bai added, "Lan Shuixin is now a crippled and is blind... he is to be wedded the end of the month. As of right now, Prime Minister Li is holding a banquet feast."

Mu Yuhan was quite surprised hearing about Lan Shuixin's situation, "Crippled and blind?" He laughs, "God must be helping me." Hei Bai ask, "Shall we pay Prime Minister Li a visit and bring a gift?" Mu Yuhan thinks and smirks. He chuckles, "Why not? Go get a gift ready and we shall go right away I cannot wait to see their faces!" With that he opens the door and went back inside the room. Mu Yuhan looks at Xiaomi and ask, "Xiaomi, would you like to visit Prime Minister Li residence?"

She was surprised hearing this. She quickly nodded her head because it was so close to her home, "Yes!" Mu Yuhan continues, "Dress into this black outfit and make sure you put on this black veil hat and without my permission, you are not allow to take off the hat. In an instant, a black robe was formed in his palm. He handed her the outfit and the veil hat. She quickly agree to it as she cannot wait to go there she might see her parents and maybe she can ask them for help, or at least she thought.


Prime Minister Li's Residence was booming with guests and presents. The day of the banquet arrived and there are many important guests. Relatives, court officials, and princes will be showing up at the residence. Wang Xiaomi did not want to go, but instead, she changes her mind. She want to use this opportunity to run away without anyone knowing. With only this big event can no one know of her disappearance. She take a separate carriage from the other ladies in the residence and her mother. The Great General Wang's family arrived at Prime Minister Li's Residence. Everyone got off the carriage and walk inside the residence. The servants and maids led them to the main hall courtyard where many others were present. General Wang took off to socialize with the men and Madam Wang took off to the ladies' s side. As Xiaomi walks in, all eyes were on her but she did not realize such attention. To her, attention does not mean anything and she does not want or care for it. She was in white robe like a celestial being. Her long black lustrous hair can be seen. She had on natural cosmetic because her maids insisted on it. She took the limelight away without knowing it.

Li Huahua saw her and went up to her, "Ah Mi meimei you're finally here!" She pretends to put on air and grab her hands politely, "I was waiting for you! Come, come sit with me." She led Xiaomi to her table. She knew Li Huahua was pretending, but did not care. She follows Li Huahua calmly and sits with her. Suddenly, the servant quickly call out, "Prince Lan Shuixin and Lan Moxin is here!" Everyone stood up and bow in respect to Lan Shuixin and Lan Moxin. Xiaomi looks at the man in the wheel chair observing not removing her eyes off from the blind folded man. Deep down, she truly pities him.

As the greetings come and go, people drinking left to right as if it was a wedding day, Xiaomi had quietly left the crowd without anyone noticing it. Not just her, Li Huahua and Crown Prince Lan Moxin was also missing. In the garden of Li Huahua's Moonlight Courtyard, was her and Crown Prince Lan Moxin. Lan Moxin looks at Li Huahua up and down and swallow his breath as he sees a beauty in front of him. He was trying to hold himself back as he knew he was quite drunk already. Li Huahua speaks, "Your highness, why have you come to this one's courtyard? It is inappropriate..." She acted so gently. Her acting was so good she act like a really good, gentle, and good person but in fact she was the opposite. She stands up and was about to walk off but purposely full into his lap acting like she sprain her ankle, "Ah!" She yell in pain, "My feet!" She cried in pain, "Your highness, I am so sorry I did not mean it. I-I'm just... it's my feet," she wanted to stand up but acted like her feet was in pain.

Lan Moxin lost his patience and lost himself, he quickly picks her up and walks off to her chamber and lock the door. He sets her on the bed and got on top of her. He kissed her lips wildly losing control. She pretends to struggle and hit him. He held her hands and forced her. He undo her waist string and undress her. They kissed wildly and then she pretended, "Please stop your highness! You can't do this!" She think now is a good time so she started to yell out very loud, "Someone! Help me! Please stop your highness!" She cried out as if in pain of being forced to being intimate with him.

Suddenly, a servant bust into the main hall where the party was held and yell, "Master! Please help miss! Something happen!" Prime Minister Li was shock. He turn to the crowd and said, "Everyone please wait! I will be back," then he turn and follow the servant out. Gao Huan then hurriedly urge people, "What can be so important? Let's all go check!" Then she lead the way and people started following her thinking maybe something serious happen and cannot ignore it.

When everyone got to Moonlight courtyard, the moan and cried can be heard. They could hear Li Huahua's voice yelling to stop, to stop what?! Prime Minister Li was furious, he kick the door open and saw on the bed, he daughter was being forced into action by the Crown Prince Lan Moxin?! "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Suddenly, as if a queue for Lan Moxin to come back to reality, he stops and look around and saw all the guests in present and Prime Minister Li in shock. He looks at Li Huahua and feel very embarrassed and was ashamed of what he have done. He could not explain anything to Prime Minister Li. Li Huahua started crying and covering herself up with her blanket. She cried so loud as if she was the victim. Gao Huan ran to her daughter and cried, "Hua'er what happened?!! Your highness, you must give us a satisfying answer to this! Did you know she was going to marry Lan Shuixin soon?!" She yelled at Lan Moxin.

Lan Moxin went silent, he did not answer. He dressed up and said to Prime Minister Li, "I will give you an answer shortly," with that, he took off not giving him any face. Prime Minister Li was so furious. Many people were gossiping behind Prime Minister Li's back. A lot of people witnessed the situation and pitied Li Huahua even more but some said its good if she can marry the crown prince that will save her from having to marry a crippled and blind man. Good and bad gossip can be heard.

Lan Shuixin heard the gossip from the servants and maid servants at the main hall. He did not go as no one cared to take him around the residence. He finds it weird how Xiaomi did not came by to talk to him at all then this hits him. He knew she was taking this chance to flee. He panic inside. He can hear footsteps coming back to the main hall. Prime Minister Li was in a bad mood and he wanted to end the banquet as he entered the main hall, but when he got in, a voice reverberated, "Such a lively event, I can't miss it!" Then walks in Yu Muhan, Xiaomi in black robe and black veil hat, and Hei Bai. Mu Yuhan smirks, "You're not married yet and yet... she already made you wear a green hat I'm impressed." He laughs joyfully.

XIaomi looks at Lan Shuixin, whose in a wheel chair and pity her master so much. She wanted to run up to him and embrace him and pay her respect to him so much, but she couldn't as she promised Mu Yuhan not to do anything. Even though Lan Shuixin was being made fun of, he did not care to answer Mu Yuhan. He knew who he is without having to ask who it was. Prime MInister Li yells, "You are not welcome here! Please leave!" He was pissed he knew this situation was getting out of hand. Now, his daughter's reputation will definitely be ruin.

Xiaomi slowly step away and walk out the room without Hei Bai and Mu Yuhan realizing her disappearance. She wanted to find her parents. She missed them and wanted to see them. Suddenly, she was hit on the back and fainted. Then the person took her hat and use it and head back inside to the main hall of Prime Minister Li's residence. Mu Yuhan noticed Xiaomi walking in and reached out to grab her hands not letting her leave again. "Today, I'm here to deliver a gift. I am not here to challenge a crippled or blind man or else people will say I take advantage of you." She give a signal for Hei Bai to hand the gift to Prime Minister Li.

Mu Yuhan sat silently as if he was enjoying a show that he cannot see, but nobody knows what he was thinking. He did not care of Mu Yuhan's visit or provocative. In that moment, all he thought of was Xiaomi's disappearance. A servant walks in and said, "Great General Wang family had left they found their daughter taking a nap outside and took off in a hurry stating they are sorry they weren't able to let you know," then the servant walks off. Lan Shuixin half smile, 'As long as she is ok...' Lan Shuixin smiles and thank Mu Yuhan, "Thank you Mu Yuhan for your kind gift. Me and Miss Li is definitely impossible at this point but her with my brother should be fine. Thank you for your concern, but it is not needed. If you're done with your business please leave." He stated kindly.

Mu Yuhan looks at Lan Shuixin and find him boring and does not want to provoke him any longer. He smirks, "I will be waiting for the day of your recovery so we can finish our battle!" With that, he open a portal and left through the portal pulling and dragging Xiaomi along. The banquet ended and everyone left. The next morning, gossip fill the whole Heaven realm of the mock of Lan Shuixin wearing a green hat. The Heavenly emperor was furious of Lan Moxin's indecent act, but had no choice but to make him take Li Huahua as a side concubine to make the gossip die down. Lan Shuixin was mocked throughout the realm. Li Huahua was very happy she was contented to be Lan Moxin's side concubine. She and her mother was actually celebrating in victory secretly. They were rejoicing over this victory now no one shall look down on Li Huahua. No one shall mock her in the future.


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