《History's Strongest Disciple Fanfiction》11 Nine Fists of Ragnarok


Before I knew it it was summer vacations at school, probably should have counted the days better, dropping from school just before summer vacations and my speech made it all sound rather stupid.

(For those who don't know school in Japan starts in April, so don't be confused by this seemingly weird and out of place thing)

Everyone was working hard for this one month, before returning to school, Only I didn't go back, causing the teachers to inform my parents, whom in turn informed the police of my disappearance, saying that I had run away.

Of course I was just hiding, but there was nowhere a regular person could find me and I highly doubt any martial artist would go looking for lost children and here is where I was proven wrong.

The summer break was really boring, Kisara was doing her best to and finaly came to the estate real happy one day wearing the IX gauntlet on her arm, I didn't know what's to be so happy about it.

-I'm now one of the Nine Fists!


-Now you're no longer my boss!

-what did you say kitten?

-Stop calling me Kitten, my Nick is Valkyrie and I've just started to get the hang of that Mind's eye you talked about, although only slightly, but my abilities have grown

-Well I'm happy for you, how do you wish to celebrate

-You bastard, you're too cocky, we're now on the same level, I might even defeat Odin once I master Dou

-Then how about a spar, don't worry I'll go easy on you

-You bastard you never go easy, every time you will touch weird places, I won't play with you, if you won't do it seriously

-Alright, alright then how about I first give you a small demonstration about what level I have reached and then you will demonstrate what you can do

I didn't even wait for her reply, My whole body vibrated as if I was flash, I felt my body cutting through the wind, I could feel everything in a wide area, surrounding her, to her eyes however it appeared as if I had become ten people, instead of just one, she went to touch one of what she though was illusions, but to her surprise it was real, she kicked another, only to feel her kick hit something solid akin to a wall, every kick found a target, it was as if all Ten of me she saw were real, to me however her kicks didn't even tickle, it was as if I was hit with a feather or something.

"You know Kitten"

My voice vibrated as if there were ten of me talking at once the source of the sound also came from all around her.

"I think you need some training"

I said while completely disappearing from her view, she looked around but couldn't find me as I was moving outside her vision, so silently that even I myself couldn't hear my own footsteps.

I put my hand on her shoulder.

-Relax, we're a couple, I would never hurt you


-Sure, what was that, how do you do it?

-You have to use Dou to enchance your speed and power to an out of this world level, that's also the reason why you also have to get stronger, Kisara do you trust me?

-I...I don't know, at times you're so easy to talk with and a swell guy, but othertimes you're like an ice cube and a large asshole

-What can I do for you to trust me

-Trust is built not acquired

-You are wrong Kitten, everything can be acquired as long as you have real power, in the last month that is what I have discovered

-Then you haven't search enough, some things need patience and hard work to acquire, you might be talented at some fields, but you are really bad at others, like reading people

-I don't believe that, I think that I read you like a book when I first met you, you were pretty, both outside and inside, you are so kind that even if you try to hide it, people will still find out, so kitten, don't lose yourself, both for you and for me, because I'm a big idiot when it comes to some things

What followed was a kiss, followed by a seemingly reflexive slap!

I however wasn't as disappointed as she was, In the last month we hadn't interacted much, she had been avoiding me, it was as if our relationship had gone all the way back to step one, It was as if our relationship had been destroyed the moment we moved to this estate. I don't know why but I came to hate this estate and everything it stood for, wealth, corruption, greed, the real world that at my age shouldn't have really bothered me.

It's like the symbol of adulthood where all the naive ideas of breaking social order disappear and cruel reality strikes your door, you understand that you're not invincible, but only a drop of water in the sea of life.

During Dinner Kisara told me that there will be a meeting of the Nine fists and she wanted me to join, only problem is that I didn't know how to get there, so she told that she would get me there, all I had to do is meet her at 7 outside of school's north gate.

Well I didn't know what to say, but suddenly a though hit me real hard, school was really big, it had four gates and three buildings one for each grade, It's no wonder I never noticed her at school, since she was probably using another gate to come and go and never worn her school uniform, it's to be expected to make wrong assumptions. Although I couldn't tell why her father, whom had so much money couldn't enroll her to some private school.

I met her at the School's gate, I was wearing a rather stupid ninja outfit, with a rather pathetic Hannya mask which I bought just for dress up parties, but didn't get to use it like ever in my life.


In the middle of the road we met with the other fists of Ragnarok, we walked all the way to to a bridge in the middle of nowhere, I really doubted that a meeting would take place here.

As we came from under the bridge, we heard a voice.

-What? Just one bastard?(Punk A)

-No...It's Nine!(Odin)

-Stop your insolence, what you gonna do with just Nine? We have over 50 people here, you said we're gonna settle this tonight!

-Don't misunderstand me, for punks like you, all nine of us won't ne necessary


-Today we came to test the abilities of our newest member, Loki, Hermit help her

-You bastards! looking down on us, guys let's kill them all!

I couldn't even imagine Kitten losing to these weaklings, but there was another person that caught my interest, under the bridge I saw someone I knew, well I don't really care about him witnessing this and it's a good thing that I'm wearing a mask, but it's highly probable that everyone already knows who I am, I should have used it during my debut as well, what a loss.

Well at least my face has gone through so many changes that it's really hard to tell who I am, I've already cut my hair sort and made sure to not leave any clue of who I am when doing favours for Mr Nanjo.

After the fight, Kisara was overexcited and she couldn't sleep, she went to my room not only for sex, but also to talk.

-You know It felt so well to be badass!

-You were alway badass Kitten!

-Shut up Tiger or I'll bite you down there!

-Kitten, Can I be your Shadow?



-Give me some space you asshole, girls need room to breathe

-But I feel, that every time I let you breath you try to run away from me

-That's only your imagination


-No buts, go to sleep, tomorrow I've a lynching to organize

-Mind if I come?

-Yes I do, you always ruin everything, there's no fun when you come, you're like a block of Ice when you try too hard, just relax and let me show you how it's done.

I don't know why, but this night was probably one of my best, the girl had learned some new tricks and I'm not sure if I had the qualifications to judge if she was good or bad at them.

The next evening she came home really angry, the Lynching didn't seem to have gone too well, she kept shouting something about killing a cow, as she threw her frustration at me. I love it when she's angry, she gives out her best self, both in training but especialy in bed.

Today she asked me to train her, she wanted to become stronger, she had partialy understood Dou and her Mind's eye was open, but she could only use it for short moments, at those times her pupils had a weird transformation, appearing like those of a cat's.

I never knew how hard it was to awaken the Mind's eye, it just came naturaly for me, I just copied what Master Ogata showed. At the time I thought that it was simple, see and analyze how it's done, listen to an explaination how to do it right and simply do it while fixing any flaws I find on the way.

Thus the best way for her would be by experiencing it, the problem is that Dou Ki isn't easy to see through and my mastery of Dou is probably too high for her to see through, thus I try my best to not use the best of my abilities, but that's really hard, it's like trying to run with 1KM/H on a Motorcycle.

This however discovery was the final step to my path of becoming a real Master, since now I was beginning to create something that was my own. Kisara wasn't however exactly happy when I said that I was trying to go easy on her, she begun to curse at me and stopped talking to me the whole night. Is the process of earning power losing something precious to you? Or am I just overthinking it.

There is a thing in the world called Tai Chi that focuses on the slow movement in order to make your body remember, there are many types of tai chi like many types of karate. I personaly don't believe Tai Chi to be a martial art, it's too elegant and too superficial, that's because most people think that because it helps them feel the energy it will also help them learn to use it, if what they say is true then people would be flying and shooting fireballs out of their asses. Never the less, Tai Chi is really good in some aspects rather than others, the aspects of Tai Chi is regulating breathing, relieve stress and feel one with Nature.

This was what Kisara and Me should probably be doing, but that was not the sort of strength we were seeking, we were looking for the power to destroy our enemy not the inner peace of mind.

Dou and Sei were just like that, Dou was violent and swift, while Sei was calm and deadly.

Using Dou for Attack and Sei for defense in logic sounds perfect, but how about using Sei for attack and Dou for defense.

Then rises the question what's more exhausting, running for an hour or trying to concentrate on one dot for an hour. Both are practicaly as bad, the first however isn't as difficult as the second. People tend to lose focus when they have to do a simple thing for an extended amount of time, this happens either because they begin to feel bored or because the environment around them applies some force upon them, distracting them from their target goal.

For running it's mostly gravity, for meditation it's mostly sound. Both of the problems cannot be solved, unless you're either in space or in an unechoic chamber without any air, in both situations you will probably die before achieving the desired effect.

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