《This Troublesome Adventure》Chapter 17: Operation Reveal


On the night of the plan.

“Tonight is the night Daami.”

Daami simply nods.

“Are you ready?”

Another nod.

“We spend the past two days preparing for this plan to go well.”

*Nod nod*.

“Do you remember everything I told you about the plan?”

*Nod nod nod*

“So what is it you have to do?”

*Nod nod nod nod*



I smacked Daami across the head.

“Owww! Ok ok i’m sorry, it’s just, you kept explaining it on and on and I got tired and bored…”


This dumbass…

“I’m only explaining it multiple times because knowing you, you would totally make a mistake.”

“No I won’t! I understood everything, just leave it to me!”

“Agh fine, we don’t have enough time for this, ok check all your equipment and lets go!”


Returning to the night Aras and Daami had just gotten to the Inn.

“Ok, so listen Daami, the plan is…”

Making sure I had her utmost attention, I continued to explain.

“Operation Scare Tactic! We will pretend to be ghosts and haunt that fat Noble, we will scare him so badly he will be traumatized from the events and never capture a slave again.”

“How will scaring him make him release the slaves?”

“Well, we will pretend to be ghosts of the slaves that use to live in the mansion, we will disguise ourselves perfectly and infiltrate his mansion with the help of the slave girl we saw today.

Afterwards we will interrogate him, you just simply have to move about and act like a ghost monster and don't speak a word ok?”

“I kind of understand? So just pretend to be a ghost/monster and not make a sound. But not making a sound won’t really be scary you know? Also the undead are real monsters, what if he yells for his guards to hunt us down instead?”


“Don’t worry, he will never ever have seen these types of ‘ghosts’ in his entire life. Muahahaha.”

Ignoring the useless joke of a laugh I added, not that Daami would understand because going through the knowledge from the other world, it appears a pass time for some people is to watch these things called movies, a system that allows slides of pictures to be played smoothly as if capturing an event. A type of movies that the man from my memories have seen often is Horror. Movies dictating made up stories or maybe even real stories/events of monsters, ghosts, criminals, murderers and other supernaturals wrecking havoc and terrorising humans.

“I will explain more on the day. Now let’s get some sleep we got plenty of things to do in the morning.”

I think I will have Daami dressed as this girl from this movie called ‘The Ring’, the ghost of a girl with long black hair emerging from the wells. For me I will dress like the crazy murderer from the movie ‘A Nightmare On Elm Street’.

“Well if you say so, I just hope everything works out and we can save those mistreated slaves.”

“You and me both.”

And so we decided to get ready for the next two days before the night we carry out the plan.


The next morning we asked around the city for information on the noble Sir Bellado and his residence. People on the street readily gave away information along with some bad mouthing such as, his lazy, ugly, ruthless, perverted and etc.

We also found out he was a relative of the city’s Governor, the highest ranked Noble in this city. It is possibly due to this he is drunk on a life of indulgence and power knowing he had someone influential behind him.


After gaining as much information as we needed, we arrived at Bellado’s mansion in the upper rich district. The area had a wide street featuring broadened sidewalks, lined up with flowering trees with thick trunks, surrounded by more shrubs with flowers. The street was actually very pretty if it were not for Bellado’s mansion. It was audacious, sticking out like a sore thumb, even other mansions around it were not showing off as much as this.

The three storied stone mansion isolated itself with three sides of stone-brick fencing towering one storey high and blocking off their surroundings. The front of the mansion are lined up with shiny iron fencing with intricate designs embroidered in various sections. The gates towered above the rest of the iron fencing, closed to form an arched outline in the centre, with spear tipped spikes spanning across the top of the entire fence.

With two fully armoured guardsmen guarding the gate, it seemed impossible to infiltrate, however I came up with a brilliant infiltration idea during the observation, to which the iron fencing would prove to fail its security.

After the scouting mission, we went back out of the city gates to the forest. The aim is to hunt some animals and monsters for their materials to be used in our costumes.

After hunting for a few hours, we hunted a Bladetler Deer and caught two small Bush Rabbits, we kept both rabbits alive for later.

After returning to the town, we quickly grabbed lunch of sandwiches and went onto different shops to procure other props we needed for the costumes.

The shopping lasted until the night and we finished with having all resources ready before the day of the plan commencement.

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