《Vampire's Beginnings》Chapter Three
“Leah, it’s time to get up,” I heard Jake’s voice say as he jumped on my bed. I let out a small groan as I looked at the clock. Jake stopped as soon as he saw movement that I didn’t usually make while sleeping. I tried to focus on the clock, but I was still too sleepy-eyed to get a clear picture, “It’s almost ten in the morning, you sleepy head.”
I let out another groan as I covered my head with my blue comforter and attempted to go back to sleep. I'm pretty sure that I almost slept twelve hours yesterday. When did I even fall asleep? Nothing was clear in my lazy sleepy mind. But Jake was soon lying on top of me trying to pull the comforter off. He was very determined to wake me up.
“You are not going back to sleep, Leah. It’s time to get out of bed. Your dad is starting to think that you died,” Jake said as he figured out that it was best to just push me out of my bed. I struggled to stay in my comfy spot, but Jake was stronger than I thought. Next thing I knew I was laying on the floor with him on my bed staring down at me like a small excited puppy, “Morning Sunshine.”
I ended up cracking a smile from ear to ear, shaking my head after he said it, because it was so unexpected even if it was something he would say right after pushing me out of bed. Plus, he had the biggest smile on his face when he said it making him seem as adorable as a little kid. I then realized that when I fell out of my bed, my blankets didn’t come with me. How did Jake manage to do something like that?
That’s when Jake realized I was still in my clothes from yesterday and a concerned look took over his smile, making it disappear. He came down onto the floor and sat next to me as I sat up and leaned against my bed for support. He sat across from me with his back against the wall. It was only then that I could take in his appearance for the day. He was in his brown plaid sweater and light blue jeans, meaning that either the temperature had either dropped or it was raining out. Jake stared at me with a look in his eyes that said he wanted me to tell him what happened after he had left that made me end up in the same clothes today.
Pieces of what happened came back to me slowly; I couldn't even remember falling asleep, let alone covering up with my blankets. All I could really remember were those almost glowing golden eyes staring at me. I wasn’t even sure if that was just a dream or not. There wasn’t anything to tell Jake, if I couldn’t remember anything clearly.
“Leah, you can tell me anything,” Jake said with concern in his voice after I didn‘t say anything for a while. I wish I could tell him but it's kind of hard to bring up seeing a figure standing in your room and not sounding crazy. But I could see how much he cared when I looked into his eyes. He was acting like my twin brother or at least something similar, it felt like sometimes her knew exactly what to say. Especially during times like this. So I gathered up all of my courage and told him anyway.
“I don’t know if it was just a dream or not, but I saw this guy yesterday, standing in my room,” I began. I pointed to the corner of the room where I saw that mystery man, “He was standing in that corner. All I can really remember were his eyes, and he said something to me.”
Looking at Jack, I saw shock in his eyes. He was trying hard to hide it, but it was there. He knew something that he wasn’t willing to tell me. I stared at Jake, waiting and hoping he would say something. After ten minutes, he finally said something but it wasn't what I was hoping to hear, “What did he say?”
“Something like, ‘You’re the one that shares my connection,'" I said in a very dramatic voice. Jake ended up giggling a little bit, losing the serious face, “I know it’s kind of stupid. Its so much like me to dream up something as lame as that.” I hugged my knees and stared at them. It made me feel so stupid telling Jake about this. But I needed to trust my best friend into not judging me. Even if the whole entire time he looked as if he was keeping something from me. Jake had that look in his eyes that said he wanted to say something, but he didn't know if he should. Something was holding him back.
I could feel Jake’s eyes focused on me as I stood up from the floor. I stretched my arms above my head as I let out a small yawn. Walking for my bathroom, Jake started to stand up. Still watching every step I made as if I were his latest science experiment that needed to be observed closely. Right before entering the room, he said the words that gave away why I was being so closely watched.
“Leah, you haven’t been taking your pills again, have you?” Jake asked with concern thick in his voice. He was acting like the big brother, which was a rare moment in itself. It was only because he knew that I had weird dreams whenever I didn’t take my pills. That was probably why I had that one dream the other night. It was something I never thought about it until he had brought it up. I swear I’d loose my head if it wasn’t attached if it weren't for Jake being around.
“I’m fine, Jake. I promise,” I told him before closing the bathroom door behind me. Leaving him alone in my bedroom. Walking to the mirror, I placed both hands on the sides of the sink. Making me stare at the girl looking back in the reflection. She looked different today for some reason. Everything was exactly the same as yesterday, but something made her look older. More mature even. It was weird seeing how much older I was actually starting to look. It was about time that started happening. I hated looking like I was no older than eighteen.
For some reason I had hoped to see the little girl that I once was when I looked in the mirror. Maybe around the age of five because during that time, life was so much easier. I knew that it was too late to even wish that because time had already taken over my life.
I let out a sigh as a tear escaped from the corner of my right eye. It slowly trailed down my cheek before I could wipe it away. I wasn't sure why I wanted to cry, but the tears just wanted to come as a large lump made its presence as I tried to swallow. I’ve been so much more emotional lately. I’ve even been feeling alone, like there was no one out there for me. I know I had Jake to be my shoulder to cry on and Jack to be my protector. Sadly that wasn't what I was craving. What I was needing to feel the emptiness of being alone was to have someone love me and hold me. A companionship that my two best friends could never give me.
Also I never really had a chance to grieve over my sister’s death. The thought was just now crossing my mind. This sudden urge to cry could just be the depression that was sure to take place during the grieving process. Part of me wished I could go back in time and try to convince my sister to stay. Maybe then she’d still be alive, because she would have had me by her side. Willing to protect her from anything that wanted to harm her. But, what’s done is done. There was no turning back time and there was no way of bringing back my sister from the dead. No matter how much I wished for it to be possible.
“Leah?” I heard Jack’s voice come from the other side of the door, breaking into my dark thoughts. I could hear the concern in his voice. If it wasn’t Jake checking on me, it was Jack that acted like my big brother. He was more serious then Jake. He always felt the need to protect me from anything that could cause me harm. If only he knew what I’ve been putting myself through. But the memory of him beating up bullies in school surfaced, the reason I had thought he did that was because he was in madly in love with my sister. He seemed to have taken her death the hardest. He ended up making it his responsibility to make sure I didn’t share the same fate as her.
“I’m fine, Jack,” I heard myself say in response to Jack’s voice. I didn’t need him to worry about me, but I knew that since Jake was worried, he would be too. My eyes trailed to the small skinny orange bottle sitting near the sink. It was almost full and I refused to take the small pills inside. Not because I was defiant. It was something I really didn't need but someone else put me on it thinking I needed fixing when really I just needed to adjust to the life I had now. I went from having the perfect family to having a life with just my dad and me. The pills were just something my counselor is making me take because she thought I was borderline crazy, ready to kill myself at any moment.
I turned my back on the bottle as I headed to the bathroom door. My head rested against the door as a small voice inside me told me to not open it. It screamed at me that it started to have fear build up inside of me. What was with this sudden fear that I was starting to feel? I just couldn’t understand it. Holding my breath and ignoring the voice screaming at me, I slowly opened the door.
When the door was fully open, Jake and Jack stood near the doorway with concern in their eyes. But my attention didn't say on them for long. Instead my eyes and attention went straight to the doorway to my bedroom. Now I knew why the small voice told me desperately not to open the door.
There he was leaning against the doorway, one leg propped up against the door frame behind him. His arms were crossed over his chest and his eyes were closed as his head tilted downwards making him face towards the floor. He wore a plain black sweater with black jeans. His head was covered by a forest green beanie with some of his hair sticking out at the edges. His shoes were the kind that the skaters in town wore with the colors of red and black covering them. From what I could tell, he was very attractive. But that wasn’t what struck me. It was him. I was sure of it.
Jake must have noticed what I was looking at because he looked over his shoulder at the guy in my doorway. He made an unsure smile as he looked back at me. As my eyes connected with his, I could see what he was thinking. The person standing in my bedroom doorway was someone I shouldn’t go after unless I want to be in a world of heart ache.
Jack knowing was was going on between Jake and me, walked over to him and whispered something to him. Making me wish I had super hearing because I really wanted to know what was being said. Sadly, Jake gently grabbed my arm and guided me to my bed away from Jack and the mysterious figure. Jack ended up leaving with him then, not even bothering to introduce me to him or explain who the hell he was. The moment they were gone, the pull I didn't know I was feeling was released and I was able to focus on my best friend. Jake looked like he knew what was going on the whole entire time but didn't say anything about it. Instead he did Jack's job in explaining how the stranger was.
“He's Jack’s brother,” Jake explained, “I don’t know why he’s here, but I know he’s probably up to no good.”
“Jake, I think I’ve seen him before,” I said making Jake look at me worried. He quietly looked at the door and then back to me. I stared at him, taking in every bit of his reaction. The way he was acting was as if he knew something that he wasn’t supposed to. Like he over heard something he shouldn't have and was scared that they would find out about it. “I think he’s the guy from my dream.”
“You really need to start taking your pills. Pretty soon you‘ll start thinking you can see the future and my death,” Jake said with a tense slight smile. He was trying to change the subject or at least playing it off like it was nothing. Sadly it wasn’t working since his eyes were pretty much telling me that there was much more to what he was telling me, “Don’t pay attention to David. He is only going to hurt you, so he’s not the best choice of fish in the ocean. He flirts with every other fish in the sea.”
That last comment took me out of where ever I was in my head and made me laugh. He always said the weirdest things, but they made so much sense in some odd way. I guess that’s why he has been my best friend for so long. But my mind still wanted to keep going back to Jack’s brother. Now the face had a name, David. For some reason the name fit him well and fed more into my curiosity.
“Tell me about him. I’m curious about his relationship with Jack,” I said trying not to blush. Just one glance and Jared went out the door. Man, I’m a shallow girl. David was probably just as good looking as Jared, but something about him pulled me more towards him that I have ever been attracted towards Jared.
“There really isn’t a relationship between them. They know they are brothers, but that’s about it. David was abandoned when he was a little kid just like Jack was. I guess their mother just didn’t want to be a mother. That’s all I know,” Jake told me as he laid on my bed. He let out a sigh as he stared at the ceiling. I stared at him wondering what was running through his head, “Jared is engaged you know.”
What Jake had just said struck something deep inside my heart. I felt a small break and a sudden feeling of hurt. Well so much for forgetting about Jared ever existing. I didn’t even know he was seeing anyone. I fought the tears to stay hidden as I pictured Jared and his emerald green eyes. I had a huge crush on him since middle school, and we dated at some point during high school. Sadly to Jared, I was just another girl. But to me, he had been everything.
“Who is the lucky girl?” I asked trying to hide the tears and the need to cry. I feared to hear who it was, but I was going to find out soon enough since my father was friends with Jared‘s. If Jake wasn’t going to tell me, my dad was for sure going to eventually.
That was shocking news. I was actually surprised that the girl decided to calm down, but she also could have been doing it just to piss me off. We have always hated each other for as long as I could remember. Also it doesn’t help when she is known as the school slut, and now she’s with Jared. What did she do to win him over? I bet she paid him with her hooker money. Jared just didn’t deserve someone like her. He was so much better than that.
“Jake, Jack told me to tell you we are leaving,” I heard the most amazing voice ever. I turned to see Jack’s brother, David, standing once again in my bedroom doorway. I was literally just melting at the sound of his voice. My heart raced and my stomach did little flips as if is suddenly grew legs, jumping with joy just by the sound of his deep voice. I just wanted to squeal like a little kid when they have their first crush notice them for the first time. Boy, do I have it bad after only five minutes with this guy around.
“But, you guys just got here…”Jake complained, “Can’t I stay longer at least?”
“Well Jack doesn’t want me anywhere near Ms. Innocent,” he said with a small smirk on his face as he stared at me. I actually got offended by that and my little childhood crush feeling was gone. Now I just wanted to slap that smirk off of him. Who was he calling innocent?
“Who are you calling innocent, you jerk?!” I yelled with more anger then I intended. Jake looked at me surprised by my sudden outrage. Jack’s brother just stood there still smirking at me. I just wanted to wipe that smirk off his face with my bare hands, maybe disfigure his good looking features while I was at it. I was really starting to hate him now. I don’t care if he is hot or not. What was with this guy to make me feel like I was bipolar towards him?
“I’m calling you innocent,” he said as he crossed his arms and leaned against the doorway once again. He was still looking at me, smirking. It was really making my blood boil. Jake looked at me hoping I wasn’t going to go punch the guy and I'm sure I would if he continued with that know it all smirk, “Judging how much you are being protected by my little brother, you haven't participated in the horizontal tango yet.”
Jake pretty much sat up as quick as he did to play his game yesterday. He gave Jack’s brother a warning look but he just stood there smirking. He struck a chord and he knew it by the reaction I was giving him. I was practically standing up and giving him the eyes of a killer. I wanted to murder his ass for that little statement. Jake made sure I stayed where I was by holding me by the shoulder.
Jake was trying to calm me down as Jack’s brother started to walk towards me. He was really asking for a fist in the face by coming closer to me. But, for some reason, the closer he got the more the childhood crush feeling came back. I never had a good look at his eyes, and they were a dark brown, so dark they almost looked black. And, those eyes just stared deeply into my ocean blue eyes. As if he was learning everything he needed to by looking into my soul.
Jake looked at us as Jack’s brother came to a halt just a few inches from me. My breaths were caught up in my throat as he stared at me with the most intense stare. I could feel small droplets of sweat forming on my forehead as my heart turned into a humming bird’s wings. I was melting into non-existence the more he looked at me. I knew I was going to start to fall hard for him and bad if this kept up. The smirk was finally gone but it had been replaced by the intense look of desire in his dark eyes.
“David, that’s enough,” Jack’s voice broke my trance. I turned to the door way to see a very unhappy Jack standing there. Now that I had a good look at Jack and his brother, I could really see how much alike they were when it came to looks. They both also had that feature that I couldn’t put my finger on that made them very attractive to the eyes. Did looks run in the family or something?
Jack’s brother just smirked at me as he walked towards his brother. He acted like ha had accomplished something. I watched in complete amazement as they both left the room, Jake staring at me wondering what my next move was. I guess he just wanted to make sure I wasn’t going to draw blood today. Honestly I didn't know what I wanted to do.
I wanted to chase after Jack’s brother, but I don‘t know if it was to kill him or kiss him. Part of me just wanted to stay on my bed and try to process what the hell had just happened in that short amount of time. Right now all I could do, or all my brain could function doing, was stay where I was and just stare at the door. Things had just gotten a little more interesting in my life if David was going to be around.
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