《Vampire's Beginnings》Chapter Two
I sat at the round patio table with my elbow being the support for my head resting in my left hand. My fingers tapped on the green plastic as I listened to the boring stories of how great Mr. Aaron’s company was. I was sitting across from his one and only son, and heir to the company. I never imagined my summer day listening to such a boring conversation. Making a mental note, I told myself that my father was going to be sent to a cheap yet decent nursing home when the time comes. It would be pay back for throwing me in this situation the moment we had gotten here.
At the moment, I really wanted to change into my holey dark blue jeans and black tank top. I had changed my mind on packing a short sleeved shirt when I saw how hot it was going to be later on today. It would actually be really great if one of my crazy best friends would come and save me right now. Maybe even leave town due to the fact that my father would hunt me down for ditching Mr. Aaron’s son. It would defiantly be something he would highly disapprove of.
Anyways, Mr. Aaron’s son was named Henry and he was the stereotypical rich boy from the movies, at least the nerdy rich boy. Hair slicked back, flashy suit, and a personality that would be considered stuck-up. I couldn’t decide what was bigger, the boy’s glasses or his ego. He was bragging about his father’s company like it was the best thing in the world. He would be so proud to take on the role as head of the company someday. I applaud you, Henry, but I just don‘t give a crap. Not even a little bit, so just shut the hell up, I thought to myself as he continued on and on. Even if I wanted to talk, Henry wasn’t about to give me the chance to.
I let out a sigh as the stories continued. I was really getting bored with this one sided conversation, and I just wanted to leave. You have no idea how relieved I was to see my father walk out of the building with a smile on his face that was from ear to ear. I’m glad he was happy, and I was too now that I was free from boring Henry.
“Leah, let’s go get some lunch,” my father told me as Henry continued to talk. There was just no end to this boy‘s talking. My father ignored Henry as he picked up my back pack for me and then headed to the car. Quickly I told Henry goodbye before following behind my father’s footsteps. He must have seen the look on my face when we got to the car, because as soon as we were inside, he mentioned, “Didn’t like Henry much, did you?”
“I don’t understand why you keep throwing these rich boys at me,” I complained as I put my straightened hair up into a messy ponytail. I could tell that something was bothering my father, but I didn’t say anything. It wasn’t like he was going to tell me anyways. “So how did the meeting go?” I asked instead.
“It went pretty well, Leah. Thank you for asking,” He told me as he started the car. I watched him as he pulled out of his parking spot and exited the parking lot entering the street. The whole time he was focusing on the road with a big smile on his face once again. The whole sight made me glad that he was in a good mood.
Our destination for lunch was the restaurant at the edge of town. It wasn’t really a busy place, but that was something we liked about it. It was like it was our own little place that had employees that pretty much saw us as part of their family. I’m sure the restaurant had been around since the fifties. It was like stepping back in time every time we walked in and it was the one thing I cherished about the place.
Pulling into the parking lot of the restaurant, I noticed a familiar car, and so did my father judging by his sigh. It was a beat up, rusty, poop brown with duck tapped windows and a cardboard tail light. There is only one person I know that owned such a crappy car in town. He even drove it around with complete pride. Even if we keep telling him to get a new one, but sadly his hair was more important then getting a new car.
“When is Kale going to get a new car?” my father asked as he turned off the car. He kept staring as if the car had a magnetic pull for your eyes. I was staring too, feeling sorry for Kale. Maybe that’s how he gets girlfriends. They just feel bad that he has such a horrible car, they just can’t say no to him. Also they probably take their cars on dates because I can’t picture a sane girl ever stepping into that death trap.
“Your guess is as good as mine,” I responded to my father’s question. My father and I both shook our heads as we started to get out of the car. With our luck Kale would walk out and notice us if we continued to stare at his car. My father didn’t care for Kale due to the crazy hair styles that he ends up showing up with. I was kind of scared what the style was now, I hadn’t seen him in a month. Kale has been pretty busy with some family stuff that kept him away from being in contact with me.
But, luckily my father didn’t see Kale and neither did I. I didn’t want a lecture about my selection of friends again. Kale was a nice guy and he looked out for me, but we weren’t close friends like my childhood friends. I just met Kale at a concert with my ex-best friend, Katelyn. I call her ex-best friend since she changed and became a complete slut. She stole my boyfriend, Don, a few years ago and that was it. I guess that’s what happens when you become friends with Jesse.
“You are awfully quiet,” my father pointed out as we headed into the restaurant. The familiar environment making me smile along with the smell of freshly baked goods and home cooked food. I really liked this small restaurant because the food was cheap and the pancakes were amazing. I was really looking forward to some cinnamon pancakes with strawberry syrup. Something that made my father look at me as if he couldn’t believe I was even his child. It must be something I must have gotten from my mother.
“Sorry,” I apologized as I picked up the menu after we were seated by our favorite hostess. She was a middle aged woman that knew exactly what we always got. I wouldn’t be surprised if she already know what we were going to order and was putting it into the computer. I just glanced through the menu just see if I had a feeling for a change as the waitress walked up to us. She had a big smile on her face as she recognized us. If I remembered correctly her name was Kathy, I could be wrong. Kathy had dark brown hair that was put up in a nice bun. She also had milk chocolate brown eyes and hardly had any wrinkles around them. I would guess she was in her late twenties, early thirties. I also had a feeling she had a big crush on my father. I didn’t blame her, he was pretty good looking for being in his early fifties.
“Hey you two. How are things going?” Kathy greeted us. She didn’t even bother pulling out her pad to write down our order.
“We’re doing pretty good,” my father said with a small wink making Kathy blush, “I’d like the usual cup of coffee with a cheese burger and fries, please.”
“The usual for you too, Leah?” Kathy asked. I just smiled as I nodded and handed her my menu. Only because the pancakes were calling my name.
As Kathy walked away to put our usual orders in, I gave my father a disappointed look for his little stunt flirting with the waitress. I swear he only does it to get on my nerves. I just got an apologetic look from him in return. It’s like he thinks he did nothing wrong. It kind of makes me feel like the parent instead of it being him.
I grabbed my backpack, that I had brought in with me, as I stood up and headed for the bathroom. It was about time that I got out of this stupid dress. I had enough being little Ms. Perfect for today. When I got in the bathroom, I hung up my back pack on the bathroom stall door, kicked off the sandals and pulled on my jeans. The dress was the next thing off and I threw it in the bag, wishing that it would just burst in to flames and burn up so I wouldn’t have to wear it again. I put on my black tank top and slipped on my purple plaid shoes. I really did love these shoes. I checked myself out in the mirror, touched up my make up, and returned to my father with my backpack.
By the time I returned to our table, our food had arrived. My father glanced at me and then returned his focus on his food not even fazed that I had changed out of the dress. I guess he kind of knew that I was going to do it eventually. I also knew what he was thinking. I should dress more like a lady, than someone who was more like the guys. He wanted me to be more like Sally, and less me. He was comparing me yet again to his picture perfect daughter who died. I hated it when he did that. Sometimes I don’t even think he knew that he was doing it in the first place. As if it was some kind of habit he had developed over the years.
“I liked that dress on you,” he stated as he popped a fry in his mouth as I sat down. I let out a sigh as I took a bite of my pancake, “Sally would have loved to wear that dress.”
“Well, I’m not Sally,” I snapped back as I threw down my silverware, “why do you always have to keep comparing me with her?”
“I’m not trying to compare you with your sister,” my father said calmly. I was pretty close to a boiling point. I hated being compared to someone as selfish as my sister. Of course, according to Mom, I was the one who was supposed to die. Those words that my mother had said cut deep back than and sometimes I feel like she may have been right.
I ended up getting far more upset than I should have but I got up with my backpack and left the restaurant. I felt my father watching me as I left him behind. Not saying a word when I wish that he would just apologize for even comparing me to Sally. But he never would because she was the favorite and I was the disappointment. I think I was just hurt by the fact that my father would have the nerve to bring up my sister like that. I missed her a lot. Why did someone like her have to die?
Five minutes hadn’t even passed since I left the restaurant and started walking home when a black car pulled up next to me. I didn’t bother looking because I didn’t recognize the vehicle. There were enough news stories about girls like me going missing because some good looking guy decided to pull over to be a knight in shining armor. But then I heard a familiar voice call out of the window, making me pause, “Leah!”
I looked towards the car and saw my best friend Jake nearly hanging out of the passenger side window. It was nice to see him and I knew why he suddenly appeared. My father probably called him to give me a ride home. But there were two things wrong with this picture. One of them being that this was not his car and the other was, who was driving the car if he wasn’t?
“Your dad called and told me that you stormed off because of something he said,” Jake felt like he had to explained, “I just so happen had to be with my brother when I got the call and I was just down the street. Hop right in.”
“Is this Jack’s car?” I was doubtful that he would have a car like this. It was a model that I was pretty sure they didn’t make anymore and was probably impossible to find these days.
Jack’s voice came from somewhere within the car, “No. It’s my brother’s. I’m just borrowing it to pick up your pretty ass.”
It was no secret that Jack had a crush on me. I wouldn’t mind dating him either. Actually either brother was pretty much the ideal boyfriend. They both were good looking, but you could tell that they were half brothers. One had striking green eyes that were as bright as two emeralds while the other had dark chocolate eyes that always appeared to be happy.
I ended up entering the car because I was more curious about the brother, who this car belonged to. Part of me hoped that Jack would explain more, but he stayed silent during the car ride to my house. To be honest, it wasn’t that long. My house was at least five minutes away from the restaurant. It was a house my father designed himself when he was about to marry my mom. It was his wedding gift to her and a place where they would grow old while raising their children together. So much for that vision to last.
Nearly jumping out of the car when we arrived at my house, I turned and offered for the brothers to come in to visit. Jake was more than willing to come in and reunite with my game system. Jack declined, saying that he had to return the car and meet up with his father at the shop in town. He mentioned that he would stop by later though.
We watched him pull out and drive off before heading for the house. At the corner of my eye I thought I saw the shadow again, but this time it was standing at the edge of the side of the house. I tried to get a better look at it, but it was gone once again.
“Everything okay?” Jake asked as he noticed my behavior.
“Yeah. I just thought I saw something,” I answered as I unlocked the front door and entered with Jake right behind me.
This was growing to be such a strange day with the shadow appearing and disappearing. The whole situation was making me feel like I was going crazy. Jake didn’t even bother waiting for me to allow him to go on my game console. He went straight for my room the moment the front door closed.
Peaking out of the window, I tried to see if I could see the shadow once again. Because if I saw it again, it was real. It would be the motivation I needed to go outside and try to find the cause for the shadow. But this time I didn’t see the shadow, instead in front of the neighbor’s house across the street was a full figure of a young man. There was no way I was making it up, but he was gone within a blink of an eye. Making it impossible to process any details on what I had just seen. Instead of trying to find him once again, I ended up going to my room before Jake came looking for me. He would think I was going crazy if he caught me looking for make believe things.
The whole entire time I sat in my room staring at the ceiling, Jake played video games on my Xbox. I guess I could have told him about what I had seen outside. He was the type of friend that I could tell anything to. But this was something that you weren’t sure how some people would react. So I was pretty much keeping it to myself. But he probably knew that something was up with me. Then he would try to pry everything out of me because he understood me and how I felt about certain situations. I guess that’s why he was considered my best friend. He was always there to listen to me and knew me better than I knew myself. I was kind of glad that he stayed mostly quiet but his reason was because he was very focused on playing his game.
“Jake?” I broke our silence suddenly while Jake shot some zombies in a game he brought over a while back. He left it here just for this very reason. He tends to complain about my game selection for my X-box, but I don’t really play it that much anymore. I haven’t since my sister left for college. I used to play with her all the time. So it was Jake’s job to give it company every time he came over. I swear he would marry it if he could.
“Yeah?” Jake said, never having his eyes leave the screen. He knew I was thinking of something, I could tell by the way he answered me. He has been my best friend since we were in diapers, so he sort of learned how to read my mind. But I just like to blame the fact that I was an open book most of the time.
I rolled over to put my head next to his. My chin was practically on his shoulder. I was able to see how far he had gotten in his game. If I played it, I would have nightmares for a week. Just the sight of it made me forget what my original question was as I asked a different one, “How can you play these kinds of games?”
Jake struggled to kill some kind of plant looking zombie, “F.Y.I., I play these games because they are way more interesting than those stupid girl games of yours.”
“Well sorry for being a complete girl when it comes to video games!” I defended myself as I sat up on my bed. I kind of felt bad for Jake and Jack. Mostly for their father. After Jack’s mother gave birth to him, she left him in his crib one day and just disappeared. Rumor had it that she was still married to this one guy out in New York, and she went running back to him. Shortly after, Jack’s dad met and remarried the sweetest woman ever. She was like my second mother, but she died of cancer when Jake was three. Talk about worst luck ever. I was even surprised that I remembered the woman since we were so young. My father said it was because she made such a huge impact in my life that I ended up remembering her.
“If you were a complete girl, you wouldn’t have video games to start with. Also you’d still be wearing that pretty dress,” Jake said as he paused his game to just give me that famous little smirk of his that made all of the girls at our old high school just stop in their tracks. It also made me completely forget him mentioning the dress he never saw in the first place.
Jake was a very good-looking guy. He had chocolate brown hair that was styled as if he was a famous pop star. His eyes were the perfect shade of dark chocolate, and his skin was flawless on his baby face. He could even wear anything and make it look amazing, which made me a little jealous. But today he wore his favorite band tee with light blue jeans and black flip-flops. I swear he was the only guy I knew who wore flip-flops. I still couldn’t see why he never had a girlfriend. If he wasn’t my best friend and like a brother to me, I’d date him, “Maybe you should wear it to town someday. I’m sure Jared or Jordan would find it very pleasing to see.”
“Oh shut up!” I said as I hit him in the face with the closest pillow to me. I’d had a crush on Jared and Jordan since middle school, and just hearing their names made my cheeks turn into the color of a red apple. Jared and Jordan were best friends and were the two hottest guys in school. I wasn’t sure what they were doing now, but Jake had a tendency to pick on me about it. He said that I was acting like all of the other girls around town. Jake was laughing as he pulled the pillow out of my grip and started hitting me with it as if I was an annoying bug that wouldn’t die.
“Look at Leah, her cheeks are the color of red roses,” Jake taunted me, “She just can’t stop thinking about Jared’s amazing green eyes, or Jordan’s amazing body.”
I knew he was just picking on me, rubbing what I’d told him right back in my face, just to see how red I got. I struggled to get the pillow back as Jake braced me back with his right arm as he held the pillow in his left hand, still hitting me. It kind of felt like we were ten years old again, instead of our early twenties. Moments like this made me love the guy more and happy that he was a part of my life.
But the fun ended when I accidentally resumed Jake’s game. He flew for the controller like it was on fire or being stolen. I guess that’s the only time you’ll ever see him move that fast. I stood up as he focused in on his game, and that’s when I noticed Jack leaning in the doorway of my room. Making me wonder when he got back from whatever he was doing.
Jack looked a lot like his father, with the broad shoulders and narrow face. His hair style was like Jake’s, but shorter. But the one thing that got everyone’s attention was his emerald green eyes. They added some mystery to him, you could get pulled into their depths and just get lost forever. Girls just went crazy over him for that very reason, but my sister was the only girl he wanted. They dated for a while until my sister left for college and he stayed to help with his father’s business. He’s the only other one besides me that knew the reason for my sister’s death.
I walked up to Jack with an innocent smile on my face. His eyes followed me, as if he was studying my every move. I didn’t even encourage the reason why he was doing that. He probably only liked me because of the fact that we shared the Sally situation. As I got closer to him, I didn’t want to make eye contact. They always put a chill through my bones with how similar they were to Jared’s eyes. Also I didn’t want to be one of those girls that always got lost in their green depths. Also they reminded me of what I could have had in high school, but failed to realize it.
“So what‘s new?” I asked, stopping just inches away from him. I could smell his cologne as it burned into my senses and memory. It was a scent I just couldn’t describe. But if someone was to spray it in an unknown area, I’d think of Jack.
“Nothing you should be concerned about,” his expression was cold and hard to read. Making it kind of out of character for him. Sometimes I wished he was as easy to read as Jake during times like this. Something was troubling him. Making me want to help him in any way I could. I made contact with his eyes then, and saw worry within them. One question popped in my mind when I saw that, and I was dying to ask about it. But I kept my mouth shut as his gaze fell to Jake. Of course, Jake was far too focused on the game to even notice that his brother was here.
“Jake, we have to go,” Jack said, still leaning in the doorway.
“Hold on, let me get to a save point first,” Jake said, not looking away from the television. I let out a small giggle as I notice how into the game he really was. It was only a matter of time before he started talking to the thing in hopes that it would make him play better. Jack cleared his throat to show his displeasure towards Jake’s addiction to the game. I could also feel the irritation that was building up in him. Something had him tense, and I was afraid of what that something might have happened. All he did was drop off his brother’s car. Nothing happened during that time, did it?
“Jake, I will unplug that game if you don’t get moving,” Jack threatened. Knowing fully well that it would work on him. But it didn’t appear that he was going to be moving any time soon.
I didn’t think it worked since Jake didn’t move a muscle. After about ten minutes of Jack glaring at Jake, Jake purposely died to end the game. Clearly not happy about it and got up to leave with Jack. I could tell that Jake wasn’t happy about leaving his game behind, but he didn’t really have a choice. I’d offer to have him take my Xbox with him, but I know I’ll never see it ever again if he did. So he was just going to have to suffer.
“Bye, Leah,” Jake said giving me a hug before he followed Jack to the front door. I watched them walk down the hall and open the front door. There I got a glimpse of someone standing outside waiting for them, but I couldn’t get a clear view on who it was. Then they said a few words as I heard my father walk up to them. He must have just been returning from the restaurant.
Not wanting to have a serious talk with my father I lied down on my bed and stared at the plain white ceiling above me as I tried to think of possible answers as to why Jack had a sudden mood change. It kind of felt like that time when my sister was acting strange a few days before she died. Sally was so secretive and never told any of us what was on her mind. I guess that’s one of the reasons why I was so angry with her. She kept something from me when she had promised that she’d tell me anything.
I turned over onto my right side as tears formed in my eyes. It still hurt to think of my sister. I’ve been through so much since the day the police officers came to our door. I couldn’t believe it then, and I still can’t believe it now. My best friend in the whole world was gone, and was never coming back. I heard my father come into my room, his feet shuffled against the carpet as he walked.
I listened to him, pretending that I had fallen asleep. I heard him walk to the window and slide it open. It must be cooler today than it was last night. The wind rushed in, making it sound like we lived by the ocean. I smelled the crisp, fresh, cool summer air with a hint of rain fill my room as my father let out a sigh. He then mumbled something that I couldn’t make out before leaving my room.
The day was only late afternoon and I was already drained from the day’s events. Most of my morning was full of a boring conversation with someone that liked to talk about himself. Then my lunch consisted of me storming out after one bite of my pancake. I hope my father got that packed for me to enjoy later. Then one of my best friend’s mood changes to the extreme in a matter of a few hours. The whole thing left me tired and confused. Also it felt like I was being watched, but I knew that it was because the window in my room was open. I always kept it closed no matter how hot it got in my room. I ended up getting up to go close it, but froze. What I saw made my heart race as fear filled my mind. I couldn’t believe my eyes.
A figure dressed in all black stood in the corner of my room that was closest to the open window. For some reason I knew that this was the shadow I had seen earlier through out the day. It was in fact a young man and he was staring at me with eyes the color of golden embers. Those eyes really amazed me because they looked like they would glow in the dark if the lights were off. Thinking that it was just my tired mind playing tricks on me, I rubbed my eyes to wipe some of the sleepiness away. But he still in my room, a little closer to my bed.
Studying him I saw that his skin was pale and flawless, making him look like he was just a ghost. Was he even a ghost? He had to be if he just magically appeared in my room. But I don’t recall our house being haunted, of course there is always a first for everything. He also seemed to be around my age, and his hair covered a little bit of his eyes. A solid black mask covered the rest of his face, making it hard to see any other features he might have. I stared at him in amazement, not sure if I wanted to scream or try to talk to this young man. He stood at the foot of my bed staring at me now. Making me realize that he had moved without me noticing. He looked at me as if he couldn’t believe that he was here looking at me.
Then he spoke, making my heart race and my stomach turn with nervousness. I was practically melting at the sound of his voice, “So, you’re her. You’re the one that shares my connection.”
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