《[CANCLED] Erwin Siegmar [First Draft?]》Chapter 6.1 : Character Sheets as of the end of chapter 6
The Man Himself: Chester Von Sebastion!
Character Name: Chester Von Sebastion Career: Rogue Trader 1
Career Skills:
All Basic Skills
+1 Ranks in: Charm, Command, Commerce, Common Lore (Imperium), Evaluate, Literacy, Scholastic Lore (Astromancy), Speak Language (HIgh Gothic), Speak Language (Low Gothic) Career Talents: Air of Autrhority, Pistol Weapon Training (Universal), Melee Weapon Teaining (Universal).
Profit Factor:
Starting : 35
Current : 35
Purchased Skills & Talents:
Purchaced Characteristic Improvements:
Experience Points:
Available: 50
Spent: 4950
Next Career Rank at 7000 XP spent.
Origin Path
Homeword: House Von Sebastion, Oasis, Riptide system
Child of Dynasty: -3 Toughness, +3 Inteligence, -5 Willpower, +5 Fellowship (Included).
+2 Ranks in Literacy and Speak (High Gothic)
Has the Honor Amongst One's Peers and Unseen enemy Traits
Bithright: Savant
+3 Fellowship, -3 Toughness (Included).
+1 rank in Logic (Int)
Lure of the Void: Archeotechnologist (New Horizons)
+3 Inteligence (Included).
Gain an herloom item: House Von Sebastion Ancestral Seal.
+2 Ranks in Forbidden Lore (Archeotech)
Trials & Travails: Dark Voyage
Things Man was not Meant to Know: +1 rank in Forbidden Lore (Archeotech)
Marked by darkness: +2 Insanity
Motivation: Prestiege
Has the Peer (Dannan Navigators) Talent
Lineage: Proven to be Pure (Witch-Born)
Has the Resistance (Psychics) Talent
Characteristics Weapon Skill (WS) 36 Ballistic Skill (BS) 31 Strength (STR) 35 STR Modifier: 3 Toughness (TGH) 37 TGH Modifier: 3 Agility (AGL) 40 AGL Modifier: 4 Inteligence (INT) 42 INT Modifier: 4 Perception (PER) 35 PER Modifier: 3 Willpower (WP) 33 WP Modifier: 3 Fellowship (FEL) 48 FEL Modifier: 4 Skills Skill (Atribute) Rank Check Modifier Awareness (PER) Basic (1) -17 Barter (FEL) Basic (1) -24 Carouse (TGH) Basic (1) -18 Charm (FEL) Trained (2) +0 Climb (STR) Basic (1) -17 Command (FEL) Trained (2) +0 Commerce (FEL) Basic (1) -24 Common Lore (The Imperium of Man) (INT) Basic (1) -21 Concealment (AGL) Basic (1) -20 Contortionist (AGL) Basic (1) -20 Decieve (FEL) Basic (1) -24 Disguise (FEL) Basic (1) -24 Dodge (AGL) Basic (1) -20 Evaluate (INT) Trained (2) +0 Forbidden Lore (Archeotech) (INT) Advanced (3) +10 Gamble (INT) Basic (1) -20 Inquiry (FEL) Basic (1) -24 Intimidate (STR) Basic (1) -17 Literacy (INT) Advanced (3) +10 Logic (INT) Trained (2) +0 Scholatic Lore (Astromancy) (INT) Basic (1) -20 Scrutiny (PER) Basic (1) -17 Search (PER) Basic (1) -17 Silent Move (AGL) Basic (1) -20 Speal Language (High Gothic) (INT) Advanced (3) +10 Speakl language (Low Gothinc) (INT) Basic (1) -20 Swim (STR) Basic (1) -17 Traits
Honor Amongst One's Peers:
+5 Fellowship when interacting with high-ranking Imperium officals and Imperial nobles in official settings.
Unseen Enemy:
An unknown Nemisis stalks this character. Gain the Enemy Talent aganst this Nemisis.
Air of Authority:
Effects 1d10 people per Command test.
Can attempt to Command people outside one's own chain of command at a -10 modifier.
Enemy (????):
-20 to FEL tests with (????)
Melee Weapon Trianing (Universal):
Can use all Imperial melee weapons without penalty.
Peer (Dannan Navigators):
+10 to FEL when dealing with Dannan Navigators
Pistol Weapon Training (Universal):
Can use all Imperial Pistol-type weapons without penalty.
Resistance (Psychics):
+10 to all tests to resist Psychic powers
Movement Half Move: 4 meters per round Full Move: 8 meters per round Charge: 16 meters per round Run: 24 meters per round Base Leap (Horizontal): 3 meters Base Jump (Vertical): 0.6 Meters Carry limit: 36 kg
Currently wearing & carrying 22.1 kg Lift limit: 72 kg Push limit: 144 kg Health
Wounds (HP): 6 / 6
Fatigue: none
Critical Injuries: none
Insanity: 2 / 100
Degree: Stable
Disorders: none
Corruption: 0 / 100
Degree: Tainted
Malignancies: none
3 Total Fate Points
3 Current Fate Points
Mutations None... Gear and Acquistions Item Effect Weight House Von Sebvastion Ancestral Seal - Vox Microbead in-ear vox set, limited range. - Void Suit soft space suit with attached life support, tether kit, and magboots. Allows survival in space. 8kg (STORED) Fine Clothes It's fancy clothing. suitable for Rogue traders. Fasionable(ish) and practical. - (WORN) Carnodon Pelt Cloak Formal Hose Von Sebastion apparel for a Ship's commander - (STORED) Enforcer Light Carapace Armor (House Von Sebastion, best quaility) Armor: because flesh is squishy.
Provides 6 points of armor to all locations. 7.5kg (WORN) Weapons Name, Type, and Range Damage, Rate of Fire, and Ammo Weight and Special Qualities
Wrath pattern Plasma Pistol
Type: Pistol
Range Brackets:
'Point Blank' 0-2m (+30 to hit)
Short: 2-20m(+10 to hit)
Normal: 20-80m (+0 to hit)
Long: 80-120m (-10 to hit)
Maximum 120-160m (-30 to hit)
Damage: 1d10+8
Damage Type: Energy (Plasma)
Armor Penitration: 6
Rate of Fire: Single shot only
Magazine (plasma flask): 8 shots
Reload time: 3 Full rounds
Carried reloads: 3 flasks
5kg + 0.6kg of carried ammo
Overheats: This weapon overheats instead of jamming. Whn it overheats, wielder must either drop the weapon or suffet 1d10+8 E damage at Pen 0 to the hand using the weapon. The weapon must spens one turn cooling down after overheating before it can be picked up or used again.
Accurate: additional +10 BS when aiming. +1d10 damage per two degress of sucess on hit
Mordian pattern Power Sword
Type: Melee
Range: 1m
Damage: 1d10+5
Damage Type: Energy (Disruptor Field)
Armor Penitration: 5
3 kg
Power Field: 75% chance to destroy weapons without the Power field, Natural, or Warp Weapon qualities on a sucessfull parry.
Well Ballanced: +15 to Parry checks
Archeotech Mezoa pattern Power Ax
Type: melee
Range: 1m
Damage: 1d10+7
Damage Type: Energy (Disruptor Field)
Armor Penitration: 10
6 kg
Power Field: 75% chance to destroy weapons without the Power field, Natural, or Warp Weapon qualities on a sucessfull parry.
Unbalanced: -10 to Parry Checks
Steady (Unbalanced): +3 to armor penitration (Included).
Dogged: No matter the circumstances, this item will find it's way back to the owner eventually.
The Ship:
Ship Name: Erwin Siegmar Hull Type: 'Universe' Mass Conveyor, Modified Class: Loki II 'Armed Merchantman' Speed (Real Space): 3 Void Units (VU) per turn Manuverability modifier: -23 Detection modifier: -5
(+15 while on an Endeavor) Point Defense Turret Rating: 1 Void Shields: 1 Armor value: 13 Hull Integrity: 65 / 65 Crew Population: 102 / 102 Crew morale : 128 / 128 Weapon capacity: 1 Dorsal, 1 Port, 1 Starboard Space: 101 available, 91 used Power: 75 available, 70 used Inherent Hull and Class modifiers: 'Universe' Mass Conveyor: +2 Speed (Real Space), -20 Manuverability modifier, +5 Detection modifier, maximum Hull Integrity 65, +100 Crew Health, +100 Crew Population, Armor value +12, Point Defense Turret Rating +1, +94 available Space, +1 wapon capacity (Dorsal), +1 wapon capacity (Port), +1 wapon capacity (Port), +94 available Space. Oversized Monstrosity: Speed (Real Space) cannot be increased by components. Secondary Power Genatorium: Unique inherent component. This component can not be removed. Cargo Hauler: The ship is equipped with four inherent Main Cargo hold components. These components do not cost space, but do require power. These components can not be removed. Loki II Modifications: +5 available Space, Hidden Predator. Hidden Predator: Additional Ship backgrond: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing. Ship Origin and History modifiers: Origin: Age of Rebirth: +1 starting Archeotech component. Hisotry: Wrested from a Space Hulk: +1 Armor value, +1 Speed (Real Space), +3 Manuverability modifier. Disadvantage on Misfortune checks. History: Wolf In Sheep's Clothing: -2 Power available. All weapons appear as disabled when scanned unless in use at time of scan. Ship Complications: Adeventurous: -10 Detection Modifier when not on an Endeavor, +10 Detection modifier when on an Endeavor Essential Components: Slot Component Modifiers provided Plasma Drive Lathe Pattern Class 1 (Good quality)
+40 Power available
+11 Space used
+1 Crew Morale
Warp Engine Strelov Class 1
+10 Power used
+10 Space used
Gellar Field Generator Belecane 90.r (Good quality)
+10 to Navigation (Warp) tests
-20 to Wap Encounter checks
+1 Crew Morale
Void Shield Generator Standard Singe Shield Array (Good quality)
+4 Power used
+1 Space used
+1 Void Shield
+1 Crew Morale
Bridge Bridge of Antiquity (Archeotech)
+1 Power used
+1 Space used
+10 to all Command tests
Life Sustainers Clemency Pattern (Good quality)
+4 Power used
+4 Space used
+2 Crew Morale
Lifeline: All losses to Crew Population and Crew morale due to depressuization are reduced by 4 to a minimum of 0.
Crew Quarters Clan-Kin (Good quality)
+4 Space used
For Hearth and Home! : +5 to all Command tests to defend against boarding attacks and hit and run attacks. All sources of crew Morale loss are reduced by 1 to a minimum of 1.
Augar Arrays Mark 100 (Good quality)
+3 Power Used
External: Can only be damaged or destroyed by Critical Hits.
Supplimental Components: Component Space and Power Modifiers Other Modifiers Secondary Power Genatorium (Good quality) +11 Power available
Inherent: Component cannot be removed or permanently destroyed.
+1 Crew Morale
4x Main Cargo Hold (Good quality)
+8 Power used
+4 Space available
Inherent: Component cannot be removed or permanently destroyed.
Stowed and Secured: +500 points towards the completion of a Trade Endeavor.
+4 Crew Morale
3x Sunsear Laser Batteries
+18 Power used
+12 Space used
3x Auxiliary Plasma Banks (Good quality)
+24 Power available
+12 Space used
+3 Crew Morale Spacedock Piers (Good quality)
+6 Power used
+14 Space used
Mobile Spaceport: Up to four vessels may dock. Each muist have less space available then this ship. +10 to Aquisitons Tests for repairs. +100 points towards the completion of a Trade Endeavor. may not mount weapons with the 'Broadside' quality.
+1 Crew Morale
Salvage Systems (Good quality)
+5 Power used
+2 Space used
Salvage Operations: This ship may clamp itself to the hull of a Hulk or Space Hulk to salvage componets. -5 manuverability modifier.
+1 Crew Morale
Ship's Stores (Good quality) +10 Space used
Spare Parts: May store un-mounted ship components totaling up to 10 Space used. +2 Hull integrety restored when making repairs
Storage Space: 10 available, 0 used
+1 Crew Morale
Asteroid Mining Facility (Good quality)
+6 Power used
+9 Space used
Mining Rig: +200 points towards the completeon of a Trade Endeavor.
+1 Crew Morale
Observation Dome (Good quality)
Engraved Star Charts: +50 points towards the completion of an Exploration Endeavor.
Cure for Claustrophobia: +2 Crew morale.
Medicae Deck (good quality)
+2 Power used
Diagnostics and Treatment: +20 to all Medical skill checks. one character can treat up to three times their Inteligence Bonus.
+1 Crew Morale
Arboretum (Good quality)
+2 Power used
+1 Space used
Replenishing Supplies: Double the time the ship may remain at void without suffering Crew Population or Crew Morale loss. +2 Crew Population.
+1 Crew Morale
Crew Reclamation Facility (good quality)
+1 Power used
Recycling: Reduce all losses to Crew Population by 3 to a minimum of 1. Increase all losses to Crew Morale by 1.
+1 Crew Morale
Vaulted Celings -2 Space available +5 Crew Morale Weapons
Dorsal Mounted
Firing arc: Forward, Port, Starboard.
Sunsear Laser Battery
Salvo Strength: 4
Crit Rating: 4
Damage: 1d10+2 per hit
Range: 9 VU
Port Mounted
Firing arc: Port
Sunsear Laser Battery
Salvo Strength: 4
Crit Rating: 4
Damage: 1d10+2 per hit
Range: 9 VU
Starboard Mounted
Firing arc: Starboard.
Sunsear Laser Battery
Salvo Strength: 4
Crit Rating: 4
Damage: 1d10+2 per hit
Range: 9 VU
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