《After being reincarnated as the strongest hero I decided to open a tavern and wait until I have to save the world!》Chapter 9: That Time I Prepared For The Long Haul


"You lied to me when you said you never played chess, didn't you?" I asked, lightly ticked off

"I have picked up a few hobbies since I was imprisoned here. It's not like I have nothing." Yuma replied, a little smug

Could've been more honest about the chess thing. Damn puppy eyes and puppy lies.

"How goes your journey?" she asked

"Were about ten or eleven days away from getting to the Elven border. After that...well...it gets difficult I suppose. What am I trying to find again?"

"An ancient pillar."

"How old is this world?"

"Older than me."

I rub my face and sigh heavily.

"You know you aren't helping me much when you say ancient pillar, there has to be thousands of ancient pillars." I say

"This one will stand out."

"Can you say anything else besides that? Any more hints?"

"Anything more would get me punished."

"Fair enough, I guess."

I lean back in the seat and look up into space. Honestly I didn't expect her to call me this soon. I also didn't expect her to beat me at chess 37 times. So to recap I have to find a pillar, that is somewhere in the Elven Kingdom, which is one of the largest countries in this world and that will lead me to the Hidden Kingdom and therefore Yuma.

Easy, right?

"So, besides freedom is there anything else that you can't have here? You're sleeping in all technically, correct?" I ask

"Magical sleep yes, but I can mostly have anything here, why do you ask?"

"Why the gothic lolita look?"

She glances away, her pale face turns a little red.

"I..I just like it okay?"

I chuckle at that.

"Fair enough, black isn't a bad look, though to much black in the wrong sense can be a bit bad."

I shudder at the memory of a 14 year old edgelord Dantes, those were dark times.

"It's cute!" she says

"Yes, yes it is." I reply

I suddenly fall out of my chair.

"You're waking up soon." Yuma says, a little disappointed

That's a pretty uncomfortable way to wake up isn't it?

"Is it always going to be this violent?"

"No, someone is shaking you."

"Oh, well that isn't bad I guess."

Oh shit it's Allia, I overslept!

"Alright then, well, suppose we'll meet again soon enough?" I ask, a little hurriedly


Yuma nods.

"Thank you playing with me."

I nod before everything turns black and wake up to the scene of Allia trying to pull me off my bed with Kua trying to pull her back from pulling me down.

"I'm awake! I'm awake!" I yell

The angry look from Allia's face vanishes and she lets go of me. She clasps her hands and looks at me with a weirdly creepy smile.

"Morning, Dantes! Ready yourself as we leave in half an hour!" She turns around and walks out with Kua still clinging to her

"Morning, mentor." Kua says as she is carried out of my room

Is this what my life is going to be? Surrounded by beautiful and terrifying women? Why does that remind me of School Days? Oh god, now I remember the ending as well. I'm so glad that was such a dumpster fire.

I roll out of my bed, seems Tyra left a little earlier, wonder what Ailla would have thought if she was here. Or did she take her out beforehand? Why am I suddenly a theorist? I slap my face a few times, I can bathe later.

I get out of bed and head to my closet, throw on some clothes. I step outside and a sudden stench hits my nose. Holy shit that is terrible. Where the fuck is it coming from? I look to my right, but it doesn't seem to be coming from downstairs.

I glance to my left and do a double take. Can I see the smell? The hell? I make my way towards the kitchen and sweet buddha what the hell happened in the kitchen?

It's a mess!

Who did this to my baby?!

My knees begin to shake, but I move forward. Step by step I move deeper into my once clean kitchen.

Then I hear the moaning, its sounds like pain, not pleasure. I rush out into the bar ready to yell before I see Tyra, Kua and Nyllie looking like they're going to puke and die. Three bowls in front of them emitting the same smell.

Ailla stands in front of them, she notices me and grabs a bowl from beside her.

"It's about time, Dantes. Come on, have breakfast."

I gulp.

The three girls look at me, glaring, I think begging me to suffer with them. I don't really want to honestly.

Wait, am I shaking suddenly? But I'm moving forward?

Stop! Stop! Stop! Body, please! I'm begging you! For the love of anything holy, please stop!


I soon find myself next to Tyra, the three girls gazes still on me and the bowl in front of me.

Am I going to die? Right before my epic journey? Are we being cancelled? Is the series done?

Or am I just entering a world of pain? A new kind of pain?

I hear a snap and look up. Ailla hands me a spoon. I slowly take it and look down into the bowl.

This.....this does not look like soup or anything, it almost looks black.

"Um..Ailla...what did you use to make this?" I ask, nervously

She thinks for a second.

"I found some fruit, meat and did some mixing together." she said

My eyes are wide as I look at the bowl.

"...alright..." I say

My shaking hand lowers and the spoon enters the...goop soup....

I raise it, it has some...other bits in it.

I take a deep breath and place it in my mouth and swallow quickly.

A second passes, nothing.

Another second passes, nothing.

Oh hey I might just be-


I grip the spoon and crack the wood. I use every ounce of power I have to not throw up. I can feel myself sweat heavily. My face probably looks like some pornstar about to ejaculate, but in a bad way. Oh god this is bad.

The horror goes on for another minute before it ends.

Now I just feel like throwing up.

And dying....

I place the spoon down. I guess I have the same dead face as the other girls.

"Kua and me will cook every meal from now on." I say

"Are you sure?" Ailla asks


She nods and taps the bar.

"I'll give you all another thirty minutes." she says before heading out

We all watch her go, the moment she steps out of the Outlander we all fall off our seats and lay on the ground as if we've been killed.

We all manage to get up about 15 minutes later.

"I'm so so so so so sorry..." I say lightly

The three nod, but speaking is still surprisingly difficult. What the hell did she put in that?

I manage to stand and just wave my hand around.

"Let's get ready to go..." I say

I can hear them scatter and I head for the front door. I stumble out, my stomach about to commit suicide. But before I do anything I hear a devious chuckle.

"That was entertaining." Ailla says

I glance up at her.

"No, you didn't..."

"I certainly did." she broke out into a laugh

"What poison did you mix into that?"

"None, I was honest. I mixed together some things."

I chuckle as well, be it lightly. That devious woman. I'm both impressed and a little angry for attempted murder.

"So, was there a lesson to this or was it just for shits and giggles?"

"Well, there will be shits later, giggles very much, but mostly I just wanted you to promise to cook and as much I don't get along with Kua. She does make great food."

"You know you're a bit sadistic right?"

"Most elves are."

"Oh...good to know..."

She walks over and helps me up.

"If you get some water you'll be fine, but I was serious about the shits part."

"I..see.." I gulp "I'm suddenly more afraid of you."

She laughs, a little menacingly

She lets go of me once I'm standing still. Alright, I nod at her and head onto the road we....I suppose I can call it parking. The road we parked next to yeah.

"You guys get ready, I'll be back in a few minutes."

Ailla nods. I walk across the road and walk into the sparwling hills. It takes a few minutes, but I reach a specific hill that I saw just from a glance before. There are no trees for quite a distance, but that isn't a problem. I was getting a little bored of forests.

I sit down on the top of the hill. Some wind picks up and the grass looks like waves. It's oddly satisfying to say. I take some deep breaths.

I feel calm. I'm ready to fight. I'm ready to save this world.

No, not ready, but wanting.

I want to do good.

I have ideas of what I'll face, but I guess I can never prepare for stuff like that.

I stand up and slowly head back.

On my way back I do see the flash of the Oulander going into present mode. Guess they're ready. I pick up the pace and soon enough I'm back.

The carts are ready, this time Nyllie is with Kua and Tyra and Ailla are with me. I hope they discussed it in a civil manner.

I hop into the empty cart.

"Let's go!"

    people are reading<After being reincarnated as the strongest hero I decided to open a tavern and wait until I have to save the world!>
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