《Art of Betrayal》Chapter 20.
The air was warmer than normal, but only by a fraction. Though not noticeable or problematic for most, it caused some panic in Maddox and he ran up the stairs of Mal’Dyr to Her. He felt Her when he was halfway up the stairs lower than where he was currently. Much lower. He turned and sprinted the other way, back down the winding steps. The air shifted again, to near freezing once he reached the lower floors and dungeon.
Summer. How could he have forgotten? Summer in Arcturus was coming, and it was getting warmer each year, since the downfall of the Aesirians. The insulating ice was melting, causing floods and avalanches.
His body felt warm, far too warm considering the temperature of the lower levels of the fortress. He took another step, then collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath. He called for Her, but his body was too warm to feel the shift of cold indicating her direction. She did not respond to him with Her cold nor with her voice.
Where was She? It was colder there, but too warm still, and growing warmer. He looked at the ice slicked stone beneath his hands, and saw that it was wet, melting under his touch. He had to get to Her, yet the heat seemed to attach to him, causing his skin to steam.
He stood, took a step, and then fell once more. He stood again, and the world tilted. Sudden cold from within brought the world back into focus, but it paled in comparison to Her normal cold. But with it, he could tell where She was, and that She was not well.
His time was up, he could not afford to wait. She could not afford for him to wade through more war, to wait for another with his blood to return to her. She would perish in his lifetime, unless he returned to her, with Varia and his demon in tow.
“Soon!” He called into the dark depths of Mal’Dyr. “I am coming! I will come find you soon!”
“Coming… where?” A male asked. Maddox pried his eyes open. He felt heavy, sticky, too warm, though the air biting his flesh told him that he was not burning, not truly.
“Water…?” He croaked harshly, trying to turn his eyes towards the voice, but it was painful and he closed his eyes against the light in the room.
“Where is it that you are going, and to see who?” The voice, which, now that Maddox thought about it, sounded like Brom asked.
Maddox scowled, though he did not open his eyes. His mind was returning to him, finally. “Death, to meet my fallen comrades at this rate.” He grumbled. He tried to think about what he last remembered, and realized that it did not involve Sabre, Brom, or shelter. He cracked an eye to gaze across to Sabre, glad to see his friend safe. Brom stood nearby, arms folded across his chest.
Maddox was in a bed. It was not a comfortable bed, but a bed none the less. He was in a small room, with open windows. Sun filtered through them, and he squinted around briefly.
“You’ve been asleep for three days.” Sabre said, far too casually. Maddox was surprised by that, slowly sitting properly in the bed.
Three days? Was he wounded that badly, or was She so weak that She could not heal him quickly as usual? He frowned, a hand moving to his left side, where he was wounded. The pain was less, almost gone completely, he realized.
“Where are we?” Maddox directed his question at Sabre, but his eyes moved through the small home. Varia was not there, and Maddox felt his heart thump painfully in his chest.
Where has he gone? Did he abandon us? Did he abandon me?
Panic swelled in his gut, and he drew a deep breath to calm himself.
No. Brom is still here. Brom would not let Varia leave without him. He must be around.
“Once we left the Graves, Brom and I waited for you lot. You did not show, and once we heard the Tree monsters leave, we began to look. We found you and Varia sitting together under a tree, you were passed out, and Varia was…. The same as usual. We carried you to this village, next to Oajwe.” Sabre explained.
Maddox looked out the window once more. In the distance he could make out the shadows that the Graves cast, but they were far enough away to not be an immediate threat. The smell of water and fish hung heavy on the air, and Maddox briefly grimaced, but his stomach rumbled at the thought of food. The river… Oajwe. It was a wide river, and long. It cut through the entirety of Er Rai, South-east to west, emptying in the Sea of Silence to the east, and the Leguii sea to the west. Leguii was a small sea, separating Nihal from Er Rai. It had peaceful waters, warm even, and many large ports littered the beaches of Nihal. More importantly, P’helle was near the mouth of Oajwe, perhaps a few days sail on a smaller vessel. They were somehow still on course.
Sabre smirked to Maddox when he winced and began searching for water. Sabre reached for a mug and poured water from the ewer into it. “Perhaps we should throw you into the rapids. Cut our losses. We’ll move much quicker without you as a burden.” Maddox snorted at Sabre, waving a hand dramatically out the window.
“If our destination is Nihal, I would prefer you threw me over. Nihal is far too hot, and I am far too weak to bare it any longer.” He said, taking the wooden mug with crisp water to his lips. The water cooled him, snuffing the fire that burned on his skin from his dream.
He finally turned his eyes to his side. There was some sort of green, odorous paste spread against his bruise, though the swelling and color had significantly gone down. “What the fuck is that?” He asked, offended by the smell, and suddenly wondering if that was why Varia was gone.
Brom rolled his eyes at Maddox’s reaction, nodding his chin towards the window. “One of the villagers made this salve for you. It is meant to assist with pain, and to accelerate healing.”
Maddox snorted, but did not respond right away. She would be able to heal him as well, She seemed to have made an attempt. They shared a bond, and She would not see him die. She already healed him a bit, though not as much as she could normally. Besides that, She kept him asleep for three days, with intention of healing him… But when he saw Her, She did not appear well. No, She was sick. She was dying. Her attempt to heal a superficial wound put a massive strain on Her, and She seemed unable to complete her task.
How long does She have left? I cannot abandon Her… I need Varia, and we need to leave.
“Where is Varia?” Maddox asked suddenly. Brom immediately bristled, scowling at Maddox. If Brom were a more expressive man, Maddox thought he would have bared his teeth, hissed at him. But the anger was unusual. Brom was annoyed by him whenever he spoke of Varia, but he was outright angry then.
Maddox, looked to Sabre, eyebrows raised. “Did Varia die while I slept?” He asked, half joking. Sabre shrugged a shoulder, not seeming concerned with Broms reaction and clear agitation. “We aren’t that lucky.”
Sabre looked to Brom briefly, then back to Maddox. “The village has been plagued by wolves, not normal wolves either. These wolves allegedly began stealing their catches, but they quickly grew tired of fish and began to attack children. They have apparently drug off several, never to be seen again. In exchange for shelter, Varia went to hunt the wolves.”
Maddox did not know how to feel about that. He was angry, initially, then saddened. Varia was being used, once more, for his prowess in murder. He never was offered anything without being expected to kill for fight on someone’s behalf. How would he show Varia that there was good in this world when everyone still continued to use him for their own gain? Even here, in Er Rai?
Maddox felt his shoulders slouch, and his brow crease.
I am also using Varia for my own gain…
Maddox was not one to feel guilty, about anything. He was unapologetic in every aspect of his life. He never second guessed himself, never doubted himself or his own ideas. But Varia changed many things when Arcturus destroyed Emeriss in an attempt to kill him. Varia changed Maddox, and continued to change him. He was scared of that change, and what it could do to his quest.
“How long has he been gone?” Maddox asked, taking another drink from his mug, before placing it back on the small table beside the bed.
“He left last night. It’s midday now, and he is yet to return.” Sabre answered, filling the mug once again, then returning the ewer to the table beside the mug.
“Varia will not be killed by wolves.” Brom hissed. “He is likely enjoying being away from you, from all of us.” Despite Broms shit tone, Maddox agreed. Varia was stuck with not just all of them, but Maddox in particular, for several months. Maddox was clingy in an odd way, and Varia was not. They were opposite in many ways, and Varia likely needed space from him. The idea that Maddox would unintentionally annoy Varia until he left made him feel any terrible. He didn’t want to chase Varia away. He wanted him to stay, always.
Brom was right, anyway. About all of it. Maddox himself was considered by many to be the most powerful man in the world. Those that did not consider him that, considered Varia to be the stronger of the two. He spent almost half of his life trying to kill Varia, and he was not able to, despite his best effort. Varia was difficult to kill, and a formidable and terrifying foe to face. A pack of wolves would not concern him in the least.
“Have the elves been sighted?” Sabre shook his head, and Brom responded, saying, “No. They will not follow us beyond the trees. We are through with them, and we should not concern ourselves with them any longer. We have others we should be worried about.”
Maddox did not agree with that, but did not say so. Sabre stared at him, and he knew Sabre could tell what he was thinking. The elves would not let their insults go to pass. He saw what Varia did. He saw him do what was meant to be impossible. Varia’s shadows maimed several trees in his attempt to escape from the Guards, and he should not have been able to use them at all. It was terrifying.
He was not sure if it was Varia’s own pool of power, if that pool did not have a bottom and his powers were endless, or if it was the effect of the demon. Either option was concerning in its own way. The thought that Varia could have virtually unlimited power, even without a demon inside of him, was concerning for the same reason that anyone having that sort of power was. If the demon was the cause, that told him that the demon was more powerful than they originally thought. The demon, so freshly bound, should still be sleeping. It should have no influence on Varia, besides healing him on a subconscious level. Varia was the demons host, and even asleep the demon would be working to assure its own survival. Keeping Varia alive was a part of that survival.
He needed Varia to be here regardless, not just because he wanted him there, or because of his quest. He needed Varia to be there, because he was certain that they would have elves launching attacks on them soon. Varia wounded trees with his powers, and his demon killed many elves during the binding. It was a bloody affair, and the elves were frightened and angry. He expected them, and knew that the elves would aim to prevent them from leaving Er Rai. He was uncertain how many men the elves commanded, or how many they could raise against them, but there would be more than their group of four. Sabre was not a combatant, and Broms strength was subterfuge, not fighting against a man in any fair manner. Varia was needed, especially now that he was out of the Graves and had full control over his own powers once more.
Though, he was concerned. Concerned that Varia, who already showed that he was not opposed to killing elves, would not show any mercy to any elf that marched on them. Varia would certainly kill more of them, he would not offer them mercy. He would not take prisoners, he never was the sort to put more burden on himself by keeping prisoners of war. But what concerned Maddox the most was that he did not want Varia to show any mercy. He wanted Varia to seek revenge for how the elves treated him, even before the binding went awry. Viansola was the only one who saw Varia as a man, not a monster, and Maddox would allow Varia to wipe them from history if it meant Varia could grow. He thought, for a moment, that he wished Elder Zeale would be with the men she sends, so that he could watch her die.
He shook himself from his thoughts, then scowled to himself. “How long does it take Varia to kill some mangy wolves? He should be back by now.”
“Varia is not there alone. He is likely slowed due to the others who joined him on his hunt.” Brom responded, but in such a manner it sounded like he was on edge and would attack Maddox at any moment. It was surprising, in a way, seeing the normally stoic Brom so angry with something so trivial.
“What could I have possibly done while I slept to have angered you so, dear brother?” Maddox could not keep the venom from his tone, nor could he keep the ice from his eyes. Brom did not respond, instead he pushed from the wall he was leant on and stormed from the home.
Maddox held his hands up after him, sighing heavily when Sabre shook his head. “He is angry with you because of the attention your little demon gives you.”
Maddox snorted, rubbing a hand over the sore muscles of his shoulder. “Aye, he does give me attention. But I have been his enemy most of our lives. It would be strange if he did not keep an eye on me.” While that was true, and a lot of why Varia stuck close was due to his distrust of Maddox, there was another reason he believed Brom was angry with him.
“I believe he is in love with Varia.” Maddox spoke. He thought of it before, but never spoke it into existence. He did not blame Brom, he too was seeing things in Varia that drew him in. But he would not stop in his pursuit of Varia’s affections for the sake of a brother who saw him as subhuman.
“I agree. I think your family is inexplicably drawn to the little demon, but for what reason, I cannot say. He is awful.” Sabre agreeing with him surprised Maddox a bit. Brom was guarded, and though he was often forced to spend time with Sabre because Maddox stole Varia from him, he didn’t think that the two would speak on such sensitive and private matters. But Sabre was intelligent, and he could read people quite easily. A politician through and through, and one who always had the upper hand against his rivals. Maddox’s surprise faded quickly, knowing that Sabre saw a great many things about a great many people that were left unspoken.
Sabre told Maddox to love Varia. He wondered if he told him that because he saw something that Maddox was not fully aware of yet…
Do I love Varia?
He was not sure. He was fond of people in his life before, but it never lasted. Varia was different. He was prickly, aggressive, hard to speak too. But there was something else, as well. Something that made Maddox want Varia to look at the ring Viansola had made as something other than what it was. He wanted Varia to see it as a gift from Maddox, a physical representation of his fondness for him. Perhaps Maddox would have a ring made, not to marry the commander, but to show him with something physical that he thought of him. He looked to the bed, and then around the room. Their room in E’letaesi smelled of Varia, showed evidence he was there, books strewn about, armor and weapons always on the table. This place did not have that, and he felt lonely all of a sudden.
He would not be opposed to loving Varia. But Varia would never love him in return.
He wet his lips, the pain in his chest unable to be ignored, but he was desperate to move on from that. He could not speak his fear to Sabre, the fear of being rejected by Varia. To love him so desperately only to meet a wall. To never know what it felt like to have the Demon of Arcturus love him in return.
“Who went with him on the hunt?” He asked, his voice not as steady as he wished it could be. Sabre shrugged a shoulder, picking at a piece of bread on a small plate on the table next to the bed.
“Several hunters and men from the village who are seeking revenge for killed or mauled loved ones. No one impressive, but Varia allowed them to come.” Sabre said casually, though a smirk pulled at the corner of his lips. His eyes flashed with mischief and Maddox was already annoyed.
“What’s so damned funny about mauled babies?” He asked.
“One of the hunters who joined Varia seems quite fond of the little bastard. He has made a point to speak with him any chance he gets since the moment we arrived. He was the first to offer to join him.” Sabre answered, his molten gaze lifting to linger on Maddox, no doubt wanting to gauge his reaction and laugh at him.
Maddox instantly felt himself grow jealous. That was concerning, he was not the sort to be jealous. He was not the sort to stay with one person, or to expect a lover to only be with him. He should expect that other people would look at Varia.
Varia was very attractive, and to assume others would not see him the in the same manner was ignorant. But the thought of others able to speak to him, able to lay with him made him uncomfortable.
“I suppose that’s to be expected… Varia is attractive. Though his shit personality will chase any interest away from himself.” Maddox spoke, and spoke truthfully. The idea that Varia’s attitude and general demeanor would ward off many potential suitors made him feel better, and amused him all the same.
Sabre laughed a deep and hearty laugh. “Aye, that is true. He is a shit.” Sabre said, then cocked a crooked, toothy grin to his friend. “Though his personality was not enough to keep you away. Suppose it’s because you are a shit as well.”
Maddox smirked, happy for the banter to distract him from the unusual jealously he felt. “That is true. Though I have seen a side of Varia that no one knows is there. You have not seen it, and I think if more people see the man that I’ve begun to know, more people would ask to go with him on hunting trips.”
Sabre shrugged a shoulder, though he did not seem keen to observe this side of Varia. “True as that may be, I don’t think you are the only one who knows of this elusive and possibly imaginary creature. Brom has likely seen it as well.” Maddox nearly dropped his smirk at that, unhappy with the idea that Brom could have seen the side of Varia he knew. “You need to be careful around him. He is your brother, I know, but plenty of brothers have murdered their own for less.” Sabre warned.
Maddox nodded. “Aye, he would do me harm if he felt it would assist Varia. If he felt that I was going to do Varia harm, I assume he would do anything to prevent me from doing that, including sliding a dagger into my belly. He would also likely attempt to kill me if he thought I was no longer of use to Varia.” Maddox slapped his own thighs, wiggling his toes for a moment. “I do not plan to become useless to him. I intend to make certain that Varia will continue to need me. The demon alone should be enough to keep him near.”
Sabre’s brow creased briefly, and he did not respond. Maddox glanced to him, and realized that Sabre did not believe him. He likely thought that Varia would listen to the demon if it woke, and flee in an attempt to appease it. Maddox knew Varia better than that. He was a hard sell, the demon would need to do something extreme to convince him to trust the demon over even Maddox.
Maddox was pulled from his thoughts, and distracted from the conversation when his stomach rumbled again, loudly and painfully. He groaned, then turned to throw his feet over the side of the bed. Sabre stood and offered him an arm. Maddox’s head spun when he finally put his feet on the ground, and if Sabre hadn’t held him up, he would have surly fallen. His legs were weak, and had no feeling in them. He grumbled and moaned in childlike agony for a while, and Sabre, the saint, stood there and allowed it to happen.
“All there is to eat is fish and more fish.” Sabre said once Maddox was steady enough to begin searching for his clothing.
“I don’t give a single shit what food I’m given, so long as I’m fed.” Maddox retorted, pulling his shirt on over his head. Sabre slapped his shoulder, then led him from the home.
The village was small, and just seemed dirty. The homes and dock were made from the same, dark and old wood. Many of the homes were draped in old fishing nets, adorned with shiny rocks or wilted flowers. Some homes had tarps draped over holes in the roof. The dock was missing planks, but it was long and sturdy enough to do the job it needed to do. Along the outward portion of the dock and dotted along the lake were several small boats, with old sails that probably used to be white. They were now spotted black from mildew and stained yellow and red from the water and sun. There was no grass inside the village, though it was nestled in a lush forest. The ground was mud, nothing but mud, indented with foot-steps of humans and dogs and even the odd cat. There were a few ramshackle fences around, containing a few hefty cows and even two horses. The animals looked to be well kept, and the people seemed happy despite the condition of the place. The smell of fish was strong, but while the fish smell alone was not particularly pleasant, it did not smell rotten or old. The dock nearest the homes was dotted with small shops along the length of it, with food and fabrics for sale.
Despite what Maddox considered to be an awful condition for the village, there were children running through the mud playing. There are women that work the shops, gathered with one another while they descaled fish, laughing and whispering among themselves. On the far end of the dock, there was even a group of older men, bearded and tanned, their feet dangling into the water. Maddox thought it odd that he was so surprised to see older folk. Where he went, the elderly often didn’t survive, and the children were never this happy. Seeing the people made him think that he could stay in a place like this, and would likely never be found.
The pair made their way to the dock, and the group of women greeted them with smiles. Some giggled and whispered to one another while they inspected both men. Sabre flashed a charming smile to a cute, young brunette, and Maddox rolled his eyes. He hoped she owned a home far from the one he would be staying in. He did not wish to hear the pair.
“M’lord, you are so exotic looking. Shala was right.” One of the women cooed to Sabre, and the brunette turned her face as she flushed. Maddox wanted to punch Sabre right in the neck. He didn’t even wait to see if he was alive before he spread his seed about this small village.
“I imagine most of my country men do not travel this deep into Er Rai. They are missing out. This small, humble place has the greatest food, and the most beautiful women.” Sabre responded, smooth as silk. The women burst into giggles, and Maddox wished he was dead.
“My friend has finally risen. What was that dish you served me last night? Could we procure two of those today?” Sabre asked to an older woman. The woman did not speak to Sabre, instead holding her wrinkled hand to him. Sabre fished into his pocket and placed two silver coins into her palm. The woman smiled widely to him, despite the missing teeth she had. “You are most generous, Lord.” She croaked to the pair, then waved a hand to another pair of women. The two women moved into the small shack behind her, and began stoking a large, stone stove.
Sabre led Maddox away to sit on an over turned log situated under a tree with a large canopy. It was not hot, but the sun still needed sparing from. Maddox stretched his sore legs before him, then leant over his legs. “You are quite popular, as usual. I predict you will have several bronze bastards running about this place next spring.”
Sabre smirked, chuckling to himself. “Perhaps. I’m creating my own army. You should be excited, you will not need to protect me once my army is complete.” Maddox chuckled as well, but remained quiet, glancing over his shoulder towards the woods.
Where are you? What could you possibly be doing?
Maddox found his mind wandering to the man that Sabre spoke of, that seemed fond of Varia. He wondered if he was attractive, if Varia found him attractive. His gaze shifted, and landed on Brom, who was also sat, back against a home, gazing off into the woods. He frowned, the thought of Brom awaiting Varia in the same manner he was did not sit right.
Maddox was snapped from his thoughts when the pretty brunette approached with two slabs of wood. Sabre thanked her, and she curtsied and scurried off. Maddox was always impressed with how Sabre could easily charm so many. He chuckled to himself, considering that he too fell victim to that charm, and now Sabre was stuck with him.
The meal was beautiful. Juicy, fresh fish cooked to perfection. The skin remained on, crisp and salted. There were various types of berries and slices of apples surrounding the fish, and where the fish had been sliced to be gutted was some sort of nutty sauce, soaking into the meat. Maddox barely gave himself time to breathe while engulfing it. Even if he wasn’t nearly withering away with hunger, he would have enjoyed this meal immensely.
“I don’t hate elven food, but Gods, I missed meat.” Maddox said through a mouthful of his meal. He never ate fish this good. Sabre nodded, but did not respond.
The two ate in relative silence, and once finished they placed their plates to the side and gazed out on the river. A small ship slowly coasted along, it’s sail drawn half-way. A net dragged behind it, and even from their distance they could see the water splashing with fish. It was mesmerizing, watching the ships sail back and forth, zig-zagging and crossing paths to gather their catches. The day seemed lucrative, but Maddox felt this was likely a standard for this village.
The sun began to lower, the water shimmered gold and pink, and the two continued to sit even while the ships moved into port to dock and unload. They would have sat for longer, but a commotion at the edge of the village drew Maddox’s attention.
Maddox and Sabre both stood, and Maddox, though calm, thought for a moment it could be the elves coming to attack. But when they drew closer, they saw that it was Varia and his hunting party returning. Maddox must have sighed in relief, because Sabre elbowed him.
Varia looked less than amused, as was his usual, but unharmed. Maddox knew wolves would not harm Varia, but he felt relief that Varia was returning to him, once again, whole. The party behind him seemed unharmed as well. There were five others, all but one carrying pelts on their back, or woven baskets full of meat. As the party drew close, Maddox gave Varia a wide grin, and as expected he did not receive one in return.
Varia stopped before Maddox, his arms folded over his chest. Women and children moved past him to greet the other hunters, except one man. “You’re alive.” Varia said, blasé as usual.
“I see you’re absolutely thrilled to see me alive and well, as always.” Maddox responded. A smirk ghosted over Varia’s lips, and Maddox felt a familiar tightness in his chest.
Varia turned rather than continue their conversation. He gestured to the pelts the hunters handed off to several older women, who ran their hands through the bloodied fur and remarked on how well they would work for blankets during the winter. “We killed the wolves, all of them. We have brought their pelts and meat back for the village.”
Maddox would have spoken, but his gaze was now locked on the man who followed Varia over. He was a large man, with a thick, brown beard. He was young, and fit. His arms were like tree trunks, and he seemed exceedingly powerful. His eyes were dark, but crinkled in a smile, though Maddox could not see his mouth. His hair was long, but pulled back into a bun at the back of his head. This was the man Sabre spoke of, certainly. The man gave Maddox a nod, but turned his attention behind Maddox and Sabre.
Brom pushed past the both of them then, moving right to Varia and stopping very near to him. He leant in to whisper to him, and Varia grunted in response to whatever was said. Maddox was torn then. He was not sure if he should continue to try and stare down the large man, or to bristle at Broms closeness to Varia. He did both.
Sabre seemed to sense his jealous anger, and nudged his foot with his own, pulling Maddox’s gaze away from the mans and back to Sabre briefly.
The man smiled to Maddox, his lips stretching back to reveal remarkably nice teeth, despite living in this shit hole. Maddox wondered if Varia noticed that as well. “I am Halan. I’m glad to see you are well, and awake finally.” His voice was deep, low, but there was an unmistakable kindness there. Maddox would try to hate him, convince himself that the man was likely not all that kind, and he would need to watch him.
“Those who usually enter the elf forest never emerge again. I was surprised to see three healthy people and one person with minor injuries leave that place.” Halan continued, seemingly urged on by Maddox’s eyes on him. “We’ve been praying for the wolves to leave us, and I believe you and your group came upon us in time to help us. Those damned beasts have been terrorizing us for many moons now. We should no longer have an issue with them. We thank you.”
Maddox sucked his teeth, but plastered a convincing, but fake smile on his face. “You should be thanking Varia. He came to you seeking help, and was kind enough to handle your issue in exchange for your hospitality.” Halan raised bushy eyebrows, opening his mouth to speak, but Varia scowled to Maddox, clearly listening to them.
“They did not ask for our help. I offered to help. I did not want Halan to give up his home for us in exchange for nothing, and he refused coin.” Halan chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck as if he were some innocent and pure maiden.
“Aye, I’ve got no use for coin, lord. We make more than enough on our catches.” Maddox met Varia’s gaze and realized that Varia’s eyes were leveled on him, and he seemed angry. Angrier than usual.
Perhaps he was being a shit, a jealous shit. He chewed his lip for a moment, then ran a hand through his hair. “Then I thank you, Halan, for opening your home to strangers. It is not often you find kindness on the road.”
Halan waved his hand dismissively, then gestured to Maddox’s side. “Is the salve working? It’s been a while since I’ve had to make it.”
Guilt seized Maddox then, realizing that Halan, not Brom, or some old woman, had tended to him as well. He felt himself shrink, and his eyes shifted to Brom. Brom’s expression, smug and condescending, reignited his anger.
“It is working fine, thank you. When can we leave?” Maddox asked, turning sharply to Varia. Varia glanced to Halan, then gestured to him. “Halan agreed to sail us to the port city, where they unload their catch to sell. Once there, we can procure a ship and sail to Nihal.”
“It will be a day or two trip down river, without issue of course.” Halan added. Maddox nearly sighed in frustration, realizing he would not be rid of this man who looked at Varia much like Brom did for at least several more days.
“We make the trip once every moon. We will not be alone on the river, there are many of us who make the trip. It is that time, and I am not put off by taking you. I would be making the trip regardless. We will leave tomorrow, if you feel well enough to travel.” Halan explained.
Again, Maddox felt guilty, yet his suspicion grew. Perhaps this man was a spy for the elves, or for the blood mages who were likely still after them. He could sail them into an ambush, and they would be trapped on a small barge and slayed. Maddox looked to Varia, tried to convey his concerns through his eyes, but Varia’s gaze remained hard.
What was a nice, cloudless day became dark with night, and heavy clouds moved in from the south. Thunder rumbled around them, and Halan looked upwards towards the darkening sky. “We should go inside and get settled. I will build a fire, and I’m sure I have an old bottle of ale somewhere. I’m not sure how it will taste, I cannot remember the last time I opened it.” He said.
Sabre chuckled and slapped his hand harshly on Maddox’s back, making him flinch. “It does not matter how it tastes. What matters is how well it works.” Sabre finally commented, though Maddox could hear in his voice he was a bit uncomfortable.
Uncomfortable because of my newfound jealously? I don’t blame him.
Halan laughed, and led the group back to the home that Maddox woke in. When he stepped in, he realized then he never really took time to look at the place. There was only one bed, but many blankets and pillows strewn on the floor. It was small, but not terribly small. There were several chairs, small tables, and a fire pit in the center. Halan likely built this place by hand, he seemed the sort to do such a thing.
Halan moved to the center, pulling logs from his small pile and lighting his kindling. The others joined Halan on the floor around it once the fire began to crackle. The rain began outside and beat against the wooden roof. It was oddly comforting.
Varia did not sit with the others, instead he moved towards another, smaller room to disrobe. Maddox stared after him, wanting to follow him, to remind him of their time together in the Graves. He turned his head once Varia was out of sight, and met Broms eyes. He held his gaze until Brom turned to the fire.
Halan procured the ale in question, and Sabre sampled it first. “Gods… where did you get this?” Sabre asked, lifting the jug to scowl at it, looking for who knew what. He passed it to Maddox, and gods, Sabre was right. It burned, it was clearly old, but he immediately felt warmer.
“It’s good.” Maddox said, holding it to Brom, who waved his hand to pass it. Maddox handed it back to Halan, and watched as Sabre grasped the large mans shoulders and shook him. “You are a Gods send, my friend.” Sabre praised. “How is it a man like you is unmarried?”
“Ahh…” Halan said with an awkward laugh, taking the ale and knocking it back. “I was married once.” He explained with a wince at the ale. “We were both young, and she was beautiful. Hair the color of the purest gold, her laugh sounded like a bubbling stream. She loved more than she should. She was too good for me.” Halan said, handing the bottle to Sabre again.
Sabre cocked an eyebrow at Halan. “You are quite the poet, Halan. Where has your beautiful, young bride with golden hair and a bubbling laugh gone?”
Halan was quiet for a moment, staring into the fire, before he looked to Sabre, rather than Maddox who sat across from him. “She grew heavy with my child, but the burden of birth was too great. She passed, as did my child. This was many years ago. I miss her terribly, but she would not want me living my life feeling sorry for myself.” Sabre allowed his hand to rest on Halans shoulder, and the group was quiet for a long moment.
“Enough about me. What about you, Sabre? Do you have a woman? Don’t all Nihalians have a woman?” Halan asked, breaking the silence.
“Aye, many.” Sabre said, and the two men burst into rich laughter. Maddox also cracked a grin at the exchange, always amused by Sabre, and knowing that if his friend ever found a woman who he could love, he would never leave her side.
“And you, Brom?” Halan asked. Sabre snorted, which caused Brom to scowl across to him. He did not answer out loud, but shook his head in response.
“Ahh… someday maybe. Women are a gift, and should be treated as what they are. Precious creatures, but dangerous.” Halan said, and he and Sabre chuckled together once more.
Maddox remained quiet, and for a moment wondered if Varia mentioned that he and Maddox saw each other. Halan did not ask him if he had a woman, though he wished he did. He would tell Halan that Varia was his precious and dangerous creature, though Varia would certainly fight him on it.
Varia returned then, in only his leathers. His armor was left in the other room. He still wore his sword at his side, but Maddox felt another pang of jealousy stab into him at the thought that Varia did not feel the need to wear his armor while in the company of Halan. Varia settled next to Brom, leaning back on his arms.
Maddox finally turned to him, scooting across the floor to sit closer. “How was the hunt? Why did you take nearly an entire day?” He asked. Varia shot an annoyed glare in his direction, though Maddox was aware that was his natural expression when speaking to Maddox. It was amusing.
“Some of the men who went were there for revenge. They are not hunters, and they are unused to moving quickly or quietly. I had to compensate for them.” Varia said simply.
Maddox chewed his lip, unsure how to ask if Varia used his powers in front of these people. “Are…. You the only one who fought the wolves?” He asked, his voice dropping lower. He could hear Sabre and Halan chatting among themselves across the fire.
“I killed several on my own. Most were felled by the arrows from the others. All in the party downed at least one wolf. Those who came for revenge received it.” Varia said, looking to Maddox and giving a slight shake of his head.
Maddox let out a breath, relieved that Varia seemed to understand his questioning. Varia was not stupid, he would not give away who he was so easily. He likely would have used his shadows only if he were alone.
“The little lord moves like a monster. All of his arrows flew true, and once the wolves moved in on our position, he hacked with his sword and slaughtered the beasts. We could barely salvage any pelts, the beasts he killed we had to leave behind. There was not much left of them.” Halan spoke from over the fire, a proud grin stretched on his face.
Maddox looked to Halan, disturbed by how casual Halan acted about Varia’s knack for killing, yet attracted at imagining Varia covered in blood and gore. That was the Varia he knew, the one that haunted his dreams for so long. That was the Varia he craved below him.
Would you be so full of praise if it were a human you watched him butcher?
Despite himself, and his wants, he kept a distance between himself and Varia. He knew Varia’s boundaries, and needed to show Varia he respected them. If he acted too clingy, too much like a desperate maiden, Varia would not allow him to speak to him that night once the others fell asleep. He needed to speak with him, to thank him for not abandoning him when he had yet another chance to.
The group drank and spoke over the fire into the late hours of the night. Maddox found that even though Halan continued to give Varia eyes, he seemed to be aware, at least a bit, of the relationship between the two. He was not outright calling upon Varia, and could easily be seen as only friendly, if Maddox didn’t know any better. The drink calmed his jealousy as well, and once it was gone, he found he rather liked Halan. He was large, brutish, but funny. He was aware of how large he was, but insisted he was gentle and kind, wouldn’t kill a bug. He had a great many stories, about the village, that were amusing.
Soon, the group began to drop, one by one. Brom went first, climbing under a pile of blankets on the floor. Halan went next, and lay in the bed Maddox was in when he woke. Again, guilt pulled at Maddox when he realized that Halan gave his bed to Maddox. Varia went next, and left Sabre and Maddox to the ale by themselves. Sabre soon began to slur his words, and Maddox insisted he sleep.
Maddox remained awake, watching the fire burn to embers, listening to the snores of Halan and the deeper breaths of his other companions. Once he was sure the others were deeply asleep, he finally crawled to where Varia slept under a heap of blankets on the floor. He gazed down at him for a long moment, then pulled his shirt from his body. He pressed his palm to his side, testing his reaction to the pain. The pain was minimal, and was workable. He slipped under the blankets behind Varia, nestling himself to fit the contours of Varia’s form. His arm slipped around his small lover, and breathed in his scent. Gods, it had been far too long.
Varia was a light sleeper and immediately began to stir when Maddox shifted the blankets. Maddox leant inwards, pressing his lips against Varia’s neck. “What are you doing?” Varia grumbled under his breath, though he did not move away, nor open his eyes.
“I am reminding myself that we are both still alive.” Maddox murmured, grazing his teeth against that perfect flesh. Maddox slid his hand down Varias side, disappointed at how clothed Varia was.
“The others are in this same room, you disgusting creature.” Varia whispered, though he still did not pull away. Maddox had a theory why.
“I will make sure you are quiet, then.” Maddox purred, biting at Varia’s ear lobe. His hand slid lower, then pressed between Varia’s legs. He felt firm, hard flesh there, and smirked against Varia’s ear. “You don’t care that they are here either.” He growled, rolling his hips forward to press his own erection against his lovers backside.
Varia hummed, and a smirk ghosted over his lips. He still did not turn, nor open his eyes, but Maddox knew how to read his lover by now. Maddox slid his hand upwards, and pulled at the ties on Varias trousers. He pushed them down, along with Varia’s small clothes. Varia shifted on the floor and lifted himself enough that Maddox could slide them down to his thighs. Maddox drew a heavy breath, and slid his hand up Varia’s shirt, feeling his flesh and pulling him flush against himself. Varia’s backside was exposed to him, and he rubbed his covered cock against him, his lips moving to his neck once more.
Varia reached back, pulling at Maddox’s pants. Maddox assisted to loosen then, but his hands returned to Varia’s body, feeling him, touching every dip and curve of his muscles, every rise of his scars. “I was not sure this would continue once we left the Graves.” Varia whispered, his hand sliding down Maddox’s hip, pushing his trousers and small clothes with it.
Maddox’s hand slipped from Varias shirt, moving down to grasp his hardened cock. His thumb brushed over the moistened tip, and dragged that moisture down his shaft. The shuddered breath that Varia gave him then was mesmerizing. “Did you truly think that I would stay away from you? Did you want me to stay away?” Maddox whispered against Varia’s neck.
“No.” The breathless whisper turned Maddox to mush. His hand worked over Varia’s shaft slowly, lips and teeth grazing the flesh of Varia’s neck. “Good.” He whispered.
His other hand freed itself from under his own body, and while he worked to free his cock from the confines of his pants, he glanced over his shoulder, assuring himself that the others did not wake. His fingers pressed his shaft between Varia’s cheeks, sliding the length of it up and over his heat. He could feel Varia quivering for him, eager for him to claim him once more, every single time he pressed his tip against that sweet opening. He would never be able to lay with another ever again. Varia was made for him, no one could ever make him this hard again.
“Are you jealous of Halan?” Varia asked suddenly, tearing Maddox from thoughts of conquering Varia’s body. He stopped for a moment, his hand stilling over Varia’s cock, and his own cock stilling while pressed against him. He was quiet for a moment, pulling his head back from Varias neck, before he glanced down, watching his own hips work once more to slide his cock against Varia again. His hand moved from Varias erection and grasped his lovers chin.
“Should I be?” He whispered, pressing his lips against Varia’s ear. The way Varia’s breath hitched, the way his heat trembled in anticipation with every slide of his cock… Gods, yes, he was jealous. He didn’t want anyone to feel Varia this way.
“No, you should not be.” Varia whispered, his eyes opening and flickering to the side to watch Maddox, though Maddox kept his grip on his chin.
“You are mine. I claimed you, all of you. We are bound in many ways, my little demon. Halan could not take you from me.” Maddox whispered, leaning his head back to get a proper gaze of his lover. As he spoke, his fingers slid up, pressing against perfectly plump lips. Varia watched him, but opened his lips to allow Maddox’s fingers entrance.
Maddox stopped his movements, sitting up on his arm to watch Varia proper. Varia closed his eyes, sucking on his finger. Maddox added a second to his mouth, then slid them into Varia’s mouth further, before pulling them back out, then back in, repeating his motions. “You have the most perfect mouth. I would kill anyone in this entire world just to feel your lips around my cock. I would slaughter thousands just to hear you choke on me.” He whispered hotly.
Varia opened his eyes, and his lips twitched upwards. Maddox chuckled, raising his eyebrows to him. Varia was at least amused by that. He likely did not realize that Maddox would do many heinous things for Varia, for all of him. Varia leant forward, taking Maddox’s fingers further, and Maddox wanted nothing more than to replace his fingers with his cock. Not tonight, they could not.
Maddox pulled his fingers from Varia’s mouth, moving his now slick appendages lower, circling his lovers heat. He kept his gaze on Varia’s face, and slowly pressed on finger inwards, into Varia’s hot body. Varia drew a sharp breath, his eyes closing, but he did not make another sound. Maddox pressed his finger in deeply, loosening his lover as best he could, and as quickly. He added an additional finger, curling them inside of Varia, feeling his walls tremble and squeeze. Varia kicked his trousers off of one leg, and bent his knee over Maddox’s hip, spreading himself wider for Maddox. Maddox reach under him with his free hand, grasping his stones and gently rolling them. He leant forward again, pressing sweet kissing along Varia’s cheeks and jaw.
He was aching for Varia. He so desperately wanted to take him right then. “This will be more painful than usual…” Maddox whispered, pressing his lips against the corner of Varias lips.
Varia turned his head again, giving Maddox an odd look. A lustful look, even playful. It was rare to see this Varia, and Maddox was always thrilled when he did. “I do not care. I want you to fuck me into the ground.” Varia whispered, snapping his teeth at Maddoxs lips.
Maddox breathed a soft chuckle, but felt his pulse throb between his legs. “Do you now?” Maddox growled, leaning his head back down and biting at his neck. He pressed his fingers into Varia deeper, scissoring them, and then pulled them free. The soft whine in protest nearly made him burst then, but he lifted his hand to his mouth, spitting into his palm and slicking his cock with it. His hand moved to one of Varia’s ass cheeks, and grasped it in his hand, squeezing it then pulling it apart from the other. Varia’s leg moved from Maddoxs hips, and Maddox moved his own leg over Varia now, positioning himself behind Varia. His hand moved to grasp the base of his cock, his other moving to slide up Varia’s shirt, pulling him closer and holding him firm.
Then he pressed in, his broad cockhead pushing against that tight little hole, and he was denied entry. He hissed in frustration, and tried again, then again. Gods, he was so fucking tight. He needed to be in him, needed to give him his load, to hear Varia beg and call for him. He pressed his cockhead against Varia’s hole, and slid his hand upwards, pressing his fingertips against the tip. Finally, he popped inside and buried into the hot, soft inside of Varia’s body.
He nearly moaned out in pleasure and gratification for finally breaking that barrier and feeling his lover squeeze him once again, but his moan was swallowed by the flesh of Varia’s shoulder. Varia whimpered under him, and Maddox was floored by the sound. It was the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard.
Maddox pressed past the double ring of muscles, and his slide into Varia’s body became easier once he did. He pressed in, then pulled back though he was not fully sheathed yet. He pulled his head back from Varia’s neck and gazed down at their joined bodies. He was intoxicated by the site of Varia’s body swallowing his cock, watching the resistance play out between Varias tightness and his girth and length. Every time he pulled back, Varia’s body clung to his shaft. He would remember this sight in his dreams, in his every waking moment.
He fully buried himself in his lover, pressing himself flush against Varia’s backside. Varia’s chest heaved with heavy breaths, and sweat reflected the light from the dim fire. Maddox leant forward again, pressing his lips against his temple. He could not remember if Varia was this tight the last time, if the sensations were more than they were before.
His hand moved from between the pair, and wrapped around Varia’s hip, holding him steady. His other hand moved up Varia’s shirt again, groping and grabbing at his flesh. He did not move besides that for a moment, allowing Varia a moment to adjust to his penetration, and soaking in the sensations that every pulse and tremble sent through his own body.
“Are you alright?” Maddox whispered, unused to not seeing Varia’s face so clearly, or to hear him be so silent.
“Y-yes…” Varia responded, his eyes fluttering open to gaze up at Maddox, icy eyes locking with emerald ones. “Hurry.” He urged, and Maddox complied.
Maddox moved his lips to Varia’s neck, his hips began to work themselves back, then forward again. He was still so tight, even with Maddox forcing him open. Maddox wanted so badly to fuck him hard, to fuck him into the ground, but could not while they continued to share a room with three others.
As if thinking the same, Varia’s hips bucked backwards, fucking himself on Maddox. Damn him, he nearly blew their stealthy love making right then. Maddox dug his teeth into Varia’s shoulder, preventing himself from groaning at the eagerness Varia had for his cock.
“Gods, you love my thick cock… Your body doesn’t want to let me go...” Maddox whispered huskily against Varias shoulder, smirking at the shift in Varia’s breaths. He met Varia’s backwards thrusts with thrusts of his own, snapping his hips forward, ignoring the sounds of his stones smacking against that perfect ass and those muscular thighs.
Varia’s body responded, and Maddox moved his hand over Varia’s cock. Varia trembled, and his cock twitched, leaking from the tip. “You are ready to burst and I have barely touched you…” Maddox whispered. The hand that groped Varias chest slid down from his shirt, then up to grasp Varia’s neck. He yanked his head back and pressed his nose into his hair, breathing deeply. Varia groaned, and Maddox leant his head down, dragging his tongue along the length of Varia’s sharp jaw.
“You are not allowed to spill yourself yet. We have not laid together for weeks, and you will savor this.” Maddox demanded, though his hips continued to snap forward, taking Varia deeply, hard, just how he knew he liked it.
“I-I cannot stop myself…” Varia hissed, his head leant back. The hand Maddox kept around his neck held tightly, feeling the vibrations as he spoke.
Maddox knew that he was right, and knew he wanted to spill with Varia. His hand moved from his neck to clasp over Varia’s mouth, and the hand on his hip tightened. He stilled his own thrusts, but instead yanked Varia’s hips backwards, impaling him with each thrust. He bit into Varia’s shoulder to muffle his own groans and grunts, and took Varia’s gasps and moans in his hand. Maddox bounced Varia over his cock for a long moment, before he pushed forward, pressing his chest down against Varia’s back and forced Varia onto his stomach.
He straddled his hips, buried deep inside of him still. He rolled his hips forward, sitting up proper and grasping Varia’s ass with both hands, spreading him and gazing down at his work. Varia was a mess, wet for him, his body still trying to resist his trusts, yet swallowing his entire cock eagerly. He pushed deeper, harder, ignoring the sounds that were now leaving his lips, Varia’s lips… ignoring the sounds of skin meeting skin, the sound of his cock stabbing into him over and over, quicker and harder.
He rode Varia hard. His eyes flickered up, watching Varia fist the blankets under him, watching him bite that fucking pillow to try and muffle his moans.
Gods, he’s fucking perfect.
Maddox could feel his climax burning in him, and he flopped down to cover Varia’s body with his own once more. He shifted them again, resuming the position they were in initially, with both on their side, though Maddox remained buried in him. He grasped Varias chin, turning his face to his, and pressed their lips together. His thrusts remained hard, and his hand moved to grasp Varia’s cock. Each hard thrust of his own cock pushed Varias cock through his palm, stroking him, encouraging him to spill.
In an instant he felt Varia’s body collapse around him, and felt wetness spreading over his hand and fingers. He swallowed Varia’s desperate moans, and allowed Varia to swallow his. He did not break the kiss, and continued to fuck his lover. The seizing walls bombarding his cock finally trigger him, and he jerked forward, his hips snapping harshly against Varias as he too spilled. He pressed on, fucking through his climax, fucking it into Varia’s body. He could feel it going deeper, pushing out around his cock and dripping down Varia’s thighs.
His thrusts slowed, and he felt Varia sigh against his lips. Varia’s hips still bucked back against his own, milking him, demanding every last drop of his seed. Their tongues meshed together, and Varia slid a hand upwards to tangle in Maddoxs hair, keeping their lips and tongues connected. Maddox slowed his thrusts to a stop, but did not pull from Varias warmth. When he stopped, Varia released his lips and gazed up at him in the dim light.
Always such a change in the way he looked at him when they reminded each other of their bond. He looked upon him so tenderly whenever Maddox spent him. He wishes he could spend him every single moment of every single day so that he could have that look upon him.
I love you.
Those dangerous words nearly left him, but he swallowed them. He could not, would not say it. It would ruin the moment, whatever moment Varia allowed him from here on out. He still didn’t know if he even felt that yet, though perhaps he too was frightened of the answer.
Maddox closed his eyes, pressing his lips against Varia’s again, before he slid his hand up Varia’s cock, squeezing around it to collect as much of his seed as he could from it. He brought it to his own lips, and tasted it, smirking at Varia as he did.
That tender look vanished, replaced with annoyance. Varia snorted, rolling his eyes. “You are a foul beast.” Varia grumbled, rolling over so his back was to Maddox again.
“Aye, and this foul beast is the only one who can make you climax as that.” Maddox teased, leaning down to press his lips against Varia’s cheek again. Varia grunted, but does not speak. He did not agree, but he did not disagree either.
Maddox’s now soft cock slipped from Varia’s body, and he pulled Varia closer to retain the warmth between them, keeping his arm wrapped around his lovers chest. Varia shifted his hand down, pulling his trousers back up, but did not pull away from Maddox. He wass used to this by now, thankfully.
“Put your pants back on.” Varia grumbled, though he seemed too tired to actually argue about it. Maddox chuckled and did as he was told, but returned to his position behind Varia, with arms around him once more.
“Are you worried that the others will wake and find us like this? Covered in each other’s seed… and snuggling?” Maddox whispered, half in jest.
“No one will see our seed.” Varia grumbled, then snorted. “I will certainly wake before the others and I will remove you from around me.” He promised.
Maddox chuckled, nuzzling his nose into Varia’s hair. He did not believe that for a second. Varia acted as if this were the worst thing to happen to him, but he never pulled away from him.
“Sleep, my perfect little demon. I will be here when you wake, always.”
- In Serial484 Chapters
Digging To Survive: I Can See Hints
After being awakened from their slumber, billions of people found themselves dispersed in various sealed crypts. Surrounded by earth, they each had only a shovel. They had to dig their own tunnels in order to advance to the next crypts. Nobody could predict whether it was a crypt full of supplies or monsters ahead! Klein was also forced to join in the digging, but he could see hints. [Dig further and you will end up in magma.] [It’s not a bad idea to dig to your right. After you enter the crypt, dash for four meters and stab the underground creature in slumber to death with a spear.] [A baby lamb is awaiting you on your left.] While everyone else was still exploring cautiously, Klein was already loaded with supplies and was dominating the underground world. While the rest were still stressed over their next meal, Klein was already trading with others with his leftover food…
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Tales of the Path to Godhood
ON-HOLD / PAUSED!! I decided to write a new novel where I put more research time into than here. I already posted it. It's called "A Celestial's Wrath": https://royalroadl.com/fiction/18519/a-celestials-wrath ================================================ The apocalypse started and monsters began devouring the human race, chewing and chomping on their meat.As for me, I was one of the few survivors. But one fateful day, everything changed.The entire apocalypse turned into a big game. Suddenly, I was able to level up and gain monsters' abilities from their genes. Watch me as I climb the rankings and gain the power to become a God!
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The Last Transmutator
Transmutators - beings with unimaginable power who use the power of the mind to Transmutate the world around them to their liking. Beings who can polymorph the world around them to fit their needs - and their desires. The Transmutation War left the world ravaged and deformed, an utterly chaotic world left with no two mountains alike nor a plain kilometric space. Both Transmutators died at the end of the war, but power... power never truly dies. Through centuries, the Transmutators' legacy survived, living in hiding as to not wreak havoc on the world again. A young Transmutator, the now only member of the family line, thinks he has what is needed to become a hero and break the stereotype people have of the Transmutators. But, if he is to overcome the challenges the hateful world of Gartaena has to offer, he will have to fully master the Transmutation, or die trying. Fiction completed
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Liberum Mundi
2800 years has pass since the Liberation Era. Where the Hero of Freedom liberated humanity from extinction, pushing back and beaten down the unimaginable horrors from the past. Now the world as they know has change through out the unforgiving nature that cannot be stop. Many countries, nations, empires and kingdoms has risen and fallen. Chasing after faith, power, greed, even love. Through out all of this, some stands tall while some crumbles down. Many see this world as unforgiving and cruel. Yet some see this world as kind and caring. Many monsters roam uncheck across the world as frontier villages and city’s fall victims. Humans as the dominant species with their different view of ideology, kill each other and destroy them self from both inside and outside. They can never unite as one except that one time with him. While having the constant fear that particular horror might ever arose once more. Kingpin of the Ibiros continent. The Southern United Rucina's Confederation. Simply known as Xin. Is where the story of a certain boy that will force the gears of the past and furture fates and destiny to turn once more. Now we follow the story of a young boy on his journey forward in this war-torn world.
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Goblins :Rising
Gablin serves as Chief-of-staff to a troll. A TROLL of all things. But she is sick and tired of her job. She also wants to be a boss and have minions too. And when the troll orders her to pack his shit, she loses it and swears to herself to become the best overlord ever. She will take over all the civilized nations and rule as supreme overlord. And woe betides anyone who gets in her way. For she cares for nothing but getting and keeping power and will crush anyone who bars her chosen path. All shall bow before the true master race, Goblins!!!!
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Primordial Origins
All the power in the universe, amounts to shit when you've fucked up, and there's no way to undo what has already happened. Even if your the creator of the fucking universe and all its laws and whatnot, those below you must conform to the natural laws that bind them. Even when you want to say 'fuck you' to such laws and break them, you can't because that is how you made the universe and those below you must follow it or they cease to exist in it.I'm tired of having things taken from me because of my mistakes. I've only wanted to live with those I love, but somehow in the universe I created, it decides to fuck me over. I only hope that this time it goes better. Everything seems to be going swell at the moment, but I just can't shake off that feeling that I'm about to get fucked over by myself. I hope when I get the chance to start anew amongst others, everything goes well. _____________________________________________________________________________________________Hello, this is my first time attempting to write an original story on Royal Road. I hope you'll enjoy the story as much as I will while writing it. Sorry for any plot holes/ plot armor/ cliche shit because it happens. Anyway there will definitely be foul language and probably some mature scenes, sexual or not. No idea what the release timings will be. Probably whenever I finish a chapter or two and attempted to proofread them.
8 164