《World of swords: a new beginning.》Time flys


Chapter 18

I have been training with the bow for about one year now. I have learned how to shoot pretty well. Though unfortunately I have minimalistic talent and even being able to shoot at an average level took way longer than anyone expected. So instead of focusing on shooting the bow they decided I should instead work on my ability which was the other major portion of my class. There appeared to be a prebuilt course for agility so they just made me run through it. I felt I did pretty good running through it. That is, up until I was hit by a log from somewhere. Right now I was resting. Kina walked over to me with canteen.

“Hey, would you like some water?” Kina asked politely.

I always felt she was a bit stiff around people. Maybe she just doesn't trust other people? Is it because of my race? I didn't dwell on my thoughts very long, as I answered her.

“Yea water would be nice” I said while I reached for the canteen she offered. Cool water flowed from it. Never thought water would taste so good…

“Hey kina, how did you end up here?” I asked.

Unlike her usual stiffness she answered me without much trouble. Does she not like starting conversations?..

“My father brought me here, he didn't like the strictness that Shuz Kai Wa government had, so he too me here to train me and so I could grow up in peace. Sadly… when I was 15 he died fighting a monster with the wyvern knights. After that the guard captain, who was a friend of my dad, took me in. He trained me in fighting a bit, but I learned most of my skills from my father.”

Kina said this with a somber tone. Well I hate to see her sad but mad is better then sad…


Bracing myself for whatever agony I may face I ask her a dreaded question.

“Hey kina, how old are you anyway?”

“Hmm? I am 24. What about you? Took you awhile to ask.” She chuckled slightly at me.

Was it not a dreaded question here? Well a girl with her good looks shouldn't be ashamed by age at all I guess?

My thinking was interrupted by kina blushing. Did I say that out loud?

“Well I was 21 last I checked… it's been a long time since then so I am pretty sure I am 22.” I never actually counted the days so I really have no idea how old I am.

Kina gave a wry smile showing off her canines at hearing my age.

“So I am older than you” she said

I guess that's true. It doesn't really matter to me though. If they look good they look good. I gave a nod at the thought.

Kina wanted to ask a question then but Louis spoke up then.

“Break times over sam, I have you two love birds more than enough time to chat. Get back to work!”

Kina blushed at that. I tried not to. But that soon faded anyway, the training started.

-at the wailing rocks-

Tsahnizh was with a small team this time taking a small distance away from the ‘rift’ taking caution as they monitored the rift. Throughout the year they noticed that the rift started developing patterns followed by some randomness here and there.

“Tzhethur about how long will d’you think it’ll take for the pattern to repeat itself?”

A dwarf with black hair and a lot of stubble on his face looked at Tsahnizh.

“Oh, I don't know. Give it ‘bout 2 years an a few months.” He said with a gruff voice

“Great. Now we don't know if it’ll blow or even when it’ll blow up.” Tsahnizh said, with a tad bit of sarcasm.

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