《World of swords: a new beginning.》Leaving the capital 2


Chapter 5

Walking outside my room I decided to take note of all I saw, as it could be important later on, it may also be the last time i see this palace or city. The walls of the palace had a similar marble sheen as the columns, every door or archway had lion heads adorning them. The doors also did not lack in architectural beauty. Each door had a different lion mural painted on the frame. I Friezer had saw me looking intently at them and told me this:

“Each color represents a different meaning, the eyes represent the floor that you're standing on, the lowest floor has green, then blue on the second and orange then red on the fourth floor. The gold on the face represents the royal family. The manes color represents what the room is used for, no mane represents a servants quarters, a dark mane represents an empty room or a guest room and a vibrant gold mane represents a royals room. There are also nuances to the dark mane aswell, such as if there is red it represents a storage and green represents a laboratory.”

After exiting the palace we entered the courtyard where my carriage is waiting. The courtyard was split into 4 sections: the poisonous section, the edible section, the medical section, and the alchemical section. Separating each section was a smaller wall of harmless flowers. Some of the flowers were other worldly as we passed by them. One such flower was the tyr-gu it was a flower that rose up with a purple stalk until it was waist high, then turned into an almost mosaic stalk as it dawned a variety of colors ranging from red to violet. The petals were sharply triangular and had a vicious metal looking sheen, a hook stemmed off each petal taking on an extremely colorful and gothic look.


Just past these flowers had other common flowers. The only flowers that was common through each of the separators was the dandelion and sunflowers. Finally reaching the carriage, I was pleasantly surprised at what I saw. The bulk of the carriage appeared to be like a mid western stage coat adorned with steel lining and silver lion heads on each corner. I was feeling a little sick of seeing so many lions.

Once the driver saw us he gave me a distasteful look, then quickly yelled out some orders. After which opened the door and let me board the carriage.

“I am afraid this will be the last time I can see you. The king gave me 2 things to give to you.”

Friezer pulled out a short stick out of nowhere and began casting a spell shortly after a white light flower on my body, only to quickly disappear.

“What I cast on you was the ritual spell: blessing. It has different effects on different people hopefully the Goddess may bless you.”

This surprised me as not only was I raised Christian, I had not met anyone else with a different religion. Secondly I had never seen magic before so these two things gave me quite a shock. The last thing that surprised me was that blessing was a spell that had many different effects, which was against what I was taught when I was taught about magic.

After Friezer cast the spell he quickly pulled out a bag that jingled and handed it to me along with a lion badge the size of half dollar coin.

“The bag is filled with a variety of coins it totals 10 gold lions, or 1 gold dragon.”

Not knowing how valuable that was I gave a confused look.

“Knowing that forgot to teach you currency exchange rates, a conversion table is also in the bag don't worry.”


Friezer gave me a smile fitting of a father, and patted me on the shoulder.

“the lion badge is a symbol of the kingdom. It represents the fact that you helped the king, just as much as it symbolizes you also owe1 the king. The importance of this badge is that it can help you get out of trouble, should it arise. Only those with authority have the right to carry one. These also have magic imbued within so only the owner may cause it to shine.”

Friezer then takes out a badge of his and gently rubs it, causing it to shine a vibrant blue.

I grow worried as I fear I may never see this good man again.

“Friezer thank you for all you have done and for teaching me so much”

“No worries my student. You have earned the knowledge I have taught you.

Saying my last goodbye the carriage started to roll moments after closing the door leaving me with a sorrowful and lonely mind. I let my ears sink down from the Perch that was my head.

-after a short while-

As I had never been out of the palace, so I decided to rid myself of my depression and look out into the streets.

The first area I was in appeared to be a Noble or merchant residential area. The street was well cobbled and a solid raised sidewalk was built. The buildings appeared to be carefully crafted with both wood and stone.2 the carriage quickly approached a wall and soon it slowed. Very quickly the surroundings changed.

The new street gave me an almost medieval feel, the street was well used dirt with occasional stone. The dirt faded away to the left and right with compact tall wooden buildings such as inns or shops appearing, as wells as a few street stalls.3 looking forward i could accurately see the wide stone wall quickly approaching.

My life will soon change the moment the carriage leaves the city. Just like the gate in front of us, I will experience many changes, along with ups and downs.

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