《A Gamer But I Also A Realist That Do Not Believe Anything That Not Disprove》Chapter 8 Gaze



Chapter 8 Gaze


POV ???

This world is really damn. The life of people is the same as the pebble at the side of the road. What? Why? How did this happen? Just a moment ago we were in a peaceful environment without this kind of violence. How our world was turn upside down just a moment ago?

Right now I am looking at one of my friend. Even though I have feeling of dissatisfaction toward him for everything that happen he is still my best friend. How can this be?

I still remember what happen before this carnage happen. There no way I can forget about it because it leave a really big impression to me.

At that time I skip a class and hanging around the stair outside. That time I lament on the past that happen before this. I do not know why was the reason that suddenly I remembering about the past but it really leave a bad after taste.

When I was hanging around one of my childhood friend came reprimand me. I really hope that she just take care of herself. It really not good to delve into someone else problem.

The moment all of this happen began after that. It right as she left me to mop around. Some guy was hitting the gate like he was trying to get into the school. A few teacher saw this and move to the gate where this all happen and began.

Tejima-sensei tried to stop him and resort by the means of violence by holding the collar of that person across the gate and then that person bite that hand. All the teacher surrounding tried to stop the bleeding but no one move. Tejima-sensei stop moving after that.

Seeing it like that I feel a really bad premonition especially when I saw that the moment Tejima-sensei move again. That the moment that this nightmare began and the moment that we were also plunge into this never ending nightmare.

The massacre began and saw that I began to ran from there. In that time I group up with my childhood friend and also my friend. Rather than ran to the gate we goes to the roof top as that place situated and more secure than this place right now.

This was because of the single announcement that get people to panic and began to ran so that they will be able to get out of here as fast as possible running toward the staircase and to the gate. A lot of people must had died during that time for they had been kick by the stampede of people when they slip.


My friend had been bite on the way to the rooftop. Now on this moment I decide to do it. All of this feeling that bottle up inside me feel like it will burst out the moment I saw that he turn into them. All of this feeling that I had right now I will let it be buried with you as to respect you my friend. My friend Igou Hisashi.


The first life that I had taken in this world was the life of my friend. World can you be this cruel to me. He is also the boyfriend of my childhood friend, Miyamoto Rei.

Then both of us, me and Rei move from the rooftop and meet more fellow survivor. The other were also a student with the addition of one female nurse of our school that called Fujimi Academy. The other name is Busujima Saeko, Takagi Saya, Hirano Kohta and the only adult here also the school nurse Marikawa Shizuka. I also introduced myself to everyone here, Komuro Takashi.

POV (update) Komuro Takashi

After all of us group up we move to relocate ourselves to the staff room. Here at this place we take a breather for a while. During this time we discuss on how to move out from this place and then we decide to use the transport that the school own that is a mini bus.

Done with the discussion we move out to the direction that the mini bus was located. We assume the formation with me and Busujima-senpai at the front while Hirano, Rei, Saya and Morikawa-sensei. We arm ourselves differently with me using a bat, Busujima –senpai used the wooden blade, Hirano using make shift gun using compressor with nail as bullet and Rei using a makeshift spear from the broom.

During the move out we meet a few student that survive the outbreak and right now all of us hiding behind a shoe rack. We stop here to test the theory that Saya said that them react to sound.

As no one want to volunteer themselves I feel like it my job to go. Walking to the center where the zombie moving around by slowly moving there as to not making any sound. It confirm. Saya theory was confirm that them do react to sound as them do not attack me when I walk past them. This was then be more true as I use the shoe that lying around and throw it to the side where it was the opposite direction of us and them move to that direction.


We take that chance to move out to through the front door but something happen during that time. One of the weapon that was used by that group before hit the front door and the sound of it echo through the surrounding.


The moment I shout that all of us run to the direction of the mini bus located. The distance was farther than I thought it to be. Usually it only took only a minute for us to get there but now with so many of them here it take a few minute to reach.

With me and Busujima-senpai as the vanguard while Hirano and Rei deal with the one that stray from blocking the path we move straight to the car park clearing all of them in front of us in the meantime creating a path straight to the car park where the mini bus located. Then we reach the mini bus all of us hurriedly enter it.

Some of us do not manage to reach the mini bus and get eat by them. We cannot do anything for the one that been attacked far away from us and the one that got infected because we know that the moment it taken a bite into you it sure that you will become them.

Unlike the moment before this that I need a lot of energy to swing the bat and hit them. Now the energy consume to hit them reduce and my body feel like it become stronger than before. Is this because we kill a lot of them?

Nothing can be found right now so I must push it aside to make a route here.

During the time that all of the other enter the bus, us that able to fight stand at the door and Hirano secure the perimeter from the window using his makeshift gun.

Sometime after all of us get into the mini bus me and Busukima-senpai move into the bus. The moment that the door begin to close there a group of people that come to our direction.

Seeing that there are still some people coming toward us then we got off and stand guard at the door again. When that group of people get on the bus minus one people that stumble and eat by them. The same as before it too late to save him and I can only look at him being attack by them without able to put up a fight.

After all of them enter the bus and followed by both of us. Morikawa-sensei speed up to the front crashing all of them that blocking the route to the gate. Seeing that scene I feel like all of this really feel surreal.

Looking to the side that Busujima-senpai place I saw that senpai looking to the school with a sharp eye. It like she was looking for something there. Then she begin to look at the front again. Is she miss the school or there something that she left there?

Mowing every of them that blocking the route Morikawa-sensei control the bus really was splendid and then the bus crash the gate. It cause the gate to open wide making the door of the gate to bend.

After we got out of there I ask Busujima-senpai what on my mind.

“Busujima-senpai, is there something that you want to find at school?”

“Um… it not I want to find something but a moment before the bus began to move out I thought that someone was looking at us for a moment”

“It must be someone still trap in there. I hope they can get out of there. Even we forcing ourselves beyond the usual to get out of here”

“Yes… you was right. But it also must be my imagination. We already make too much noise before, it weird if there no one come to us with that. So, it must be my imagination”

This is the start of the day when everyday has become a long day that we have to survive here.

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