《My Ordinary Life》Chapter 17-2 : The (Silver Sky) Ordinary Day #8 [end of side Silver Sky]


--- Morning in Meridien Forest, Near Goblin Settlement ---

"Hey, Dan.."

Once morning come, Graim come to wake me up.

"Are you ready?"

". . . Yeah, I've prepared for this time to come."

"That's good. We are about to have a short strategy meeting before we go attack it. You should go and prepare to go too."


"Come meet me when you are ready."


Then Graim go to discuss the strategy with the others, while I go to pack all the potion, medicine, bandage, rope, food and drink which I have prepared.

Once I finished, I go and meet Graim

"Oh, you finally here. We just about to go."

All the other groups have already on their position and ready to go.

"Dan.. Henry and Brett have investigated the surrounding of the settlement, and they saw nothing like another goblin or human. If you want to search, you should go a bit further from the settlement."

"Ah, alright."

"Oh, and this. . . Use this . . . in worst case scenario."

Graim hand me a small bag.

"What's this?"

"Open it when you thought you need something."

" . . . alright."

"Hey, Graim! Are you ready!?"

Since the battle is about to begin, Baurm called Graim to help them as vanguard.

"Then, Dan, good luck..."

"Yeah, you too."

"I'm coming Baurm!"

--- Meridien Forest, Goblin Settlement's surrounding ---

Once Graim and the other start to fight the Goblin, I too, start moving deep into the forest. First, I go check to the east and west side of the Goblin Settlement, since there are village and city if we go further to the east or west. But, I can't find any trace about goblin or captain. After making sure the east and west side is safe, I try to go deep to the north, the place which still unknown to us.

--- Noon in Meridien Forest, North from Goblin Settlement ---

It's getting already noon, but when I pass through the goblin settlement, they are still fighting. That goblin is really strong, but from how it looks, the goblin is in trouble and taking a defensive stance.

After walking a bit deep into the forest, I can smell a weird scent, it's stink like a rotten fruit but there is a bit sweetness in it. I got curious about it, and got closer to the source. When I finally reach the source, I found out that it's actually come from a human body, a dead body at it.


" . . . it can't be . . Right?"

Then I come even closer to the body, to see the face. The moment I see the face . . .


I vomited, lose all my strength, fall to my knee, drop all my item, and start crying loudly. . .

I can't believe its captain. But, I've been adventuring with him for a long time, it's impossible to mistake him for others.

"cap - captain . . ."

In my grief, I move around and found out the small bag from Graim is open, and what inside are . . holy water, warm-breeze grimoire, mini-shovel, and a small light-ball. These are . . the item needed to perform a ritual, a ritual to send the soul of dead warrior.

". . . Graim . . So, he expected this..."

That's right, the least I can do right now, is to give captain a proper ritual, so he can rest in peace. With that in mind, I prepare to do the ritual. I sprinkle the holy water onto captain's body, dug a bit of dirt and cover captain's feet, and place the small light-ball on captain's chest. Then, I hold the grimoire, and pour all of my power and feeling into it.

"|O, Hestia, God of spirit.. The deity that will look after us ... Show us the way, and lead us to our Home ... Give us a place to reside in your Home ... I hereby ask Thee to look after this man soul . . The brave soul of Gareth ... Guide his soul and give him your blessing ...| [Gift of the Death]"

Once the spell took effect, captain Gareth body slowly disappear... And here I am waiting with tears on my eyes until captain's body has disappeared completely.


When captain's body disappear completely, his wrist-card and adventurer tag fall to the ground. They will be placed at the building called graveyard in his hometown. This is the custom we all know, to give a proper burial to those who have gone.

*Step *Step

Huh? I can hear a loud footstep getting closer. I immediately take a look at where the sound originated, and the one I see are ogre . . . 4 ogres.

Ogre is a strong monster, much stronger than the goblin. And that's why I left all my item there and start running to the goblin settlement, to warn the other that there are ogres nearby.


--- Afternoon in Goblin Settlement ---

When I reach goblin settlement, they are still fighting, but the goblin is almost finished, seems like it has lost one of its leg and can't move at all. But, the thing I should tell everyone is about . . .

"Everyone!! Ogre! There are some Ogre nearby!"

"Huh? Ogre?"

"Rabbit Foot, hurry up and finish this Goblin already!"

"I'm on it, you meat shield!"

Then Dale from Rabbit Foot give the goblin a finishing blow, using his sword to stab the goblin chest. But, while facing his death, the goblin is grinning, and to our surprise, it activates a skill...


Almost all of us stop moving, those who still able to move are Dale and Grantz from Rabbit Foot, Baurm from Rock Stone, Rena and Dina from White Silk, and Graim from Silver Sky. As for the goblin, it seems it already lost its life.

"Hey, Dan, is that true!? About the ogre?"

Even in this kind of chaos, Graim come close to me and ask me about the ogre.

*nod *nod

I didn't notice it, but it's even harder to speak.

"That so? Then, we need to run. Everyone! let's go back to the rest area in the forest for now!"

"My group members are unable to move, retreating is a sound option right now."

"Heh, an ogre is nothing for Rabbit Foot.. but we should retreat and recover for now."

"Let's go back."

Then, all of us go to the rest spot.


"What is it, Graim?"

"... Nah, it's nothing. I might have a problem with my eyesight."

Huh? what is he talking about?

--- Night in Rest Area in Meridien Forest ---

Once we reach rest area, all of us take a rest.

"Hey, are you sure there are ogre coming?"

Baurm asks me once we finally have a chance to rest.

"Ah, yeah. I saw them just north from the goblin settlement, and they are coming closer."

"Hum, even though we have beat the goblin, there will be a lot more trouble if there really is ogre coming."

"Hey, Baurm! Let's think about that later.. The thing is, we beat the goblin, and we will get 1 gold once we come back."

". . . Hah! You are right, Dale! We might as well think how to spend the reward. Hahaha."

"Hey, Dan!"

"Hmm? What is it Graim?"

Come to think about it, Graim has looks a bit off after we come back to rest area.

"When we run to rest area . . Do you see . . . "

" . . . ?"

"... Nah, it must be my imagination. Forget about it."

He also talked about this before, just what did he saw in the forest?

"Then, how about Gareth?"

"Captain was . ."

"It's alright... You have done your best."

"... Yeah."

"We should keep moving forward for Gareth, too."


While we talk about captain, I got some tear coming out from my eyes. I finally able to see captain again, but I never thought it will be the last time. I hope he can rest in peace . . .

But, yeah, I too should do my best, so the group called Silver Sky can be known all around the country as a strong group.

--- Short side-story - What Graim Saw - ---

All right, we finally avenge you Gareth . . But, ogre, huh. It's just one trouble after another. We should get out from this forest as fast as we could, and notify Kazu-san about it. This time we might need to ask the Military Order for help.

First, to the rest area . . I carry Dan and Dia, then go straight to the rest area.


To my surprise, in the middle of the forest . . I saw that man..

"What is it, Graim?"

But . . . No, he should be in Kain City right now. I might got tired from fighting the goblin.

"... Nah, it's nothing. I might have a problem with my eyesight."

Yeah, it's no way, that man, Taka, is here, in the middle of the forest.

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