《My Ordinary Life》Chapter 17 : The Ordinary Test Result


--- Kain City's Leasdas Inn's Taka's Room ---

*rustle *rustle

*yawn . . . A rustling sound woke me up. The rustling sound is made by Cress, he is packing his stuff, which he put in the room. Is he leaving? . . . Nah, he might be doing it to organize his goods.

"Good morning, Cress."

"Hmm? Oh, Good Morning, Taka. Then, let's eat"

It seems he had finished packing all of his goods, and as usual, we go to the diner, while I go to call Minna first.

--- Kain City's Leasdas Inn's Diner ---

Today the three of us having the usual breakfast set.

"So, Minna, are you ready to see the result?"

"O-Of course, I am. Though, I don't need to see it, since I absolutely aced the test."

"Then, let's go to the city hall."

--- in front of Kain City's City Hall ---

There is a big board near the entrance of the city hall, installed on the wall. And there is a crowd right in front of the board.

"So, what's your number again, Minna?"

"*Uh... It's number 3."

"Alright, number 3 in group B.."

"Wait . . Wait . ."

"Huh? What is it?"

"I will see it alone... You know, since it's really crowded right there . ."

"Alright, we both will be waiting here."

--- a few minutes later ---

Minna finally come back, with a grin all over her face. Well, it must mean she passed the test.

"So, you passed?"

"*Ahem... Just like what I said before... I passed the test! it was a breeze for me!"

. . . Whoa, look at that smug and confident face she makes.

"Hoo~ congratulation then, Minna."

"Yeah, congrats for passing the test."


"we should go to the adventurer guild, then."

After Cress said that, we go to the adventurer guild.

--- Kain City's Adventurer Guild ---

When we reach adventurer guild, we can see that there are some crowds at the entrance and the hall, quite different with when I come here before. And of course, we go and talk to the receptionist as soon as we got there.

"Excuse me, Miss."

"Can I help you?"

"It's about the new recruit . ."

"Hmm? Oh, the young lady? What's your name?"

"It's Minna."

"Wait a moment . . ."

After taking a quick look at a paper...

"Alright, Minna, congratulation for being a new recruit!"

"Then, miss. receptionist, can I leave her with you?"

"I got it. Then, Minna, do you know where the training ground is, right?"

"Oh, yeah, I know."

"There will be some briefing about being a real adventurer, you should go there and learn a bit more about adventurer guild."



Then Minna goes to the training ground.

"That's right, Taka. Let's take a look at the market area. We should buy a present for Minna."

Ah, that's right, she just got accepted and all . .

"All right."

--- Kain City's Market Area ---

"Hmm.. we browse some stalls. But, I don't really have any idea what to give.. What about you, Taka?"

Eh? Me? Wait . . What do I want to have if I just become an adventurer . . .

"*Hmmm.. What about something to help her in her early adventure? Maybe a pouch?"

Well, an extra inventory won't hurt . . Right?

"Oh, if we are looking for a pouch . . ."

Then, Cress lead the way until we reach a stall selling all kind of pouch and bag.

"So, which one should we get?"

Eh? asking me again? Since Minna already has a shoulder leather bag, then . . .

"Something small and easy to carry should be good."

"Hmm.. small and easy to carry, huh."

"Welcome, sir. Seems like both of you are looking for a bag! If you need something small and easy to carry, I recommend this one! a waist pouch!"

Whoa, the one recommending the waist pouch is the stall-keeper, a man in his 40's with a strong and kind of loud voice.

"Take a look! With this strap, we can put the pouch at our waist, just like this."

The stall-keeper showing us how to wear the pouch.

"Hmm.. That looks neat, but, do you have something a bit smaller than that one?"

"I'm sorry sir, but, isn't it better to take this one? If it's any smaller than this, it should be hard to wear."

"I'm not the one wearing it, it's a gift for a young lady."

"Oh, if that's the case... Then, how about this one?"

"Hmm.. it looks just right, but, do you have it in any other color? I want to give her something a bit darker."

"Then, this one should be the one you are looking for."

"Hoo, I'll take that one, then."

. . . Whoa, it all happened so fast.. I should get used to this kind of trading...

"All right, now, let's go back to the adventurer guild."

In the end, Cress bought a dark-brown waist pouch, which may only fit 3 or 4 of my fist.

--- Kain City's Adventurer Guild ---

Once we get into the hall, we search for an empty chair, then we wait there for a short while.

"Oh, Uncle Taka, Cress-san.."

"So, how was it?"

"it's all about what I should do as a new recruit."

"Well, let's talk about that later.. Let's go back to the inn and have lunch."


--- Kain City's Leasdas Inn's Diner ---

"Barou, do you have any secret menu for a special occasion?"

"Hmm? Oh! So the young lady has become an adventurer! Of course I have one, what about the two of you?"

"We will have the usual lunch set."

"Alright, 2 lunch set, and a secret set."

Then Barou go back to the kitchen.

"That's right, Minna.."


"Here, a present for you."

"Heeh.. Really!? For me?"

"Yup, you have passed the test and become a real adventurer now."

"ah.. congrats for passing the test, Minna."

"Waah.. Thank you Cress-san, thank you Uncle. But, if it's a present, you should find something cuter."

"Hmm, have we bought the wrong present?"

"nope.. It's fine. It's the first present I got since I've become an adventurer. So, it's fine."

Then after we wait for a short while later.

"Here it is, the secret set!"


The secret set has a bit bigger bowl than usual, filled with rice topped with diced peach with some sweet cheese on it, stir-fried vegetables smeared with a dark-colored sauce, and cuts of smoked meat smeared with a dark-brown sauce.

But, well, I've got to eat the usual lunch set . . .

"Please, enjoy the food."

*om nom nom

. . . That looks delicious . . .

--- after finished eating ---

"Alright, since Minna has passed the test, my job here is done. I will start travelling again."

Eh? Travel?

"You have gone to the briefing, right, Minna?"

"Yeah, and they said all new recruits will live in the dorm prepared by the guild."

Oh, they have that kind of system here.

"And here for you Minna. This money is from Theo, he believed you will pass the test and ask me to give this to you."

"From father?"

"Yup, it's some coin to help you to survive the first two months. Use it wisely, alright?"

"Of course, I will."

"And, Taka . . Here is your reward, promised by Theo."

Huh? Reward? Oh, that escorting thing..

"Oh, I took some liberty and use some of the coin to pay the inn and meal we have."

. . . Well, I was planning to pay Cress back after I got some coin by myself, but since he already used my coin, I don't have the obligation to pay him then.

"Ah, Cress.. Where will you go next?"

"Hmm? I'm planning to go to Leon City, the capital of Friansh Kingdom."

Oh, the capital city!?

"And, where is the capital located at?"

"Hmm... we need to go to the south-east from here, and using my couch, I can reach there in 6 days."

6 days from here? But, to the east . . huh... I thought to ask for a ride, if he goes back to the west.. There is that promise with that goblin too.

"What is it? You want to come with me?"

"Ah, no, just asking."

"Well, then, I'll be going. See you guys at another time."

"Good bye, Cress-san."

"See you then, Cress."

Then Cress leaves. So that's the reason why he packed all of his stuffs this morning. But, yeah, whatever it is, I have made a promise, and my grandpa always told me to fulfill all my promises.

"Then, Minna will go to the adventurer guild again."

"Ah, yeah... Good luck, Minna."

Then Minna also leaves.

--- Kain City's Leasdas Inn's Taka's Room ---

As for me, I go back to my room, and packed everything I have, well, it's just some clothes and 2 knives. But still, good thing I bought this sac. And I also count the money I got from Cress, it's 62 Silver coin, enough to live for some days. But, living in Daren VIllage should be easier and cheaper than living in Kain City, not to mention I also have a temporary resident card.

--- Kain City's Market Area ---

Before going back to Daren VIllage, I should pack some food and drinks to eat on the way. Well, it might take 3-4 days to reach there. So, I used about 50 silver coin, 20 silver to buy some breads and fruits, and 30 silver coin to buy 2 leather water bottles. Water is much more expensive, but well, they might also count the container too.

--- Kain City's West Gate ---

I should be going now, there are 2 rest point in Kaine plain before I reach Meridien Forest, I need to reach the first rest point tonight.

Right now I should have a place to stay, and that is Daren Village. I should be able to stay for a while with this resident card, but before going to Daren VIllage, I should go and fulfill my promise to the goblin . . . Thocked wasn't it? If I'm not wrong, he gave me this map to his treasure. There must be something special there, since he entrusted them to someone.

Yup, that's the plan. Follow the map, open the treasure using this talon, collect the treasure, then go to Daren Village. Well, it was kind of hard for me since I got transferred to this world, but still, this might be the start of my fun and easy life in another world. I will finally able to enjoy my life here.

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