《My Ordinary Life》Chapter 6 : The Ordinary Village Elder's Request


--- Village Elder's House ---

"Hey, Taka. We've been waiting for you."

as soon as I open the door, Gareth welcome me. There are only two people inside, Gareth, and the other one must be the village elder.

"Hoo, so this is Taka. Are you sure he can do the job?"

He has a rough voice, but he doesn't sound intimidating, it might be because he looks old (around 40 maybe).

"You don't need to worry, even Dan told me that he got a good instinct and eyes."

Eh? a job? good instinct and eyes? What did Dan told Gareth about me? What does he know about me?

"Taka, why don't you come sit here."

Gareth offered me to sit beside him. I still confused about the situation I am in, but it might be rude of me if I don't sit right now.

"Let me explain what we were talking about."

"So, sir Daren requested us the Silver Sky to escort his daugther to Kain City, the one we told you in the forest before. But, unfortunately we still have another quest to do tomorrow, and since you said that you want to go to the city, I thought this might be a good chance for you too."

Huh? escorting someone? I don't even know whether I can stay alive by myself on the way there. Wait, I've got to say it clearly.

"umm, I'm sorry, but I'm not strong. I might not be able to protect someone if something happen."

"Gahaha. You don't need to worry about that, the road to Kain City usually has no monster, and your job is not to guard someone but to sense any danger closing in to the carriage. Dan noticed that you have a sharp eye and can sense nearby monster, so you should be able to do this."


Huh!? a sharp eye? can sense nearby monster? why did Dan say that about me!?

Wait, does his daughter need to go to the city by tomorrow? won't it be better if we wait until Gareth and the other finished their quest first?

"Taka, what's with that worried look? You don't need to be worried, I have prepared a suitable reward for this request."

Sir. Daren suddenly talked to me to convince me to take the request. But the thing I'm worried right now is not about the reward, it's about my life!

"Sir, does it need to be tomorrow?"

"My daughter need to take a test which will be held in Kain City, and we only have 5 days left before the test. Since we are using carriage to go there, we will reach Kain City in about 2 days."

A test? Is she applying to a school in the city? I want to decline it, but it might be an important test. And it's not only about the escort, it's also about my worth to stay in this Village.

That's right, if I want to be able to stay alive in this world, first I need a place to stay safe, which means I should stay in this village. And to gain their trust, I've got to take the request.

"Hmm? You don't want to take the request Taka?"

"Ah, nothing, of course I want to take the request."

Other than gaining their trust, I will also have a chance to take a look at the city. It's not that bad.

"That's good to hear. Then I will excuse myself, I still have some preparation to do."

Gareth excuses himself from me and sir. Daren.

Huh, wait. What should I do for tonight? where do I sleep? I haven't thought about it.


"Taka, I heard that you have nowhere to stay?"

". . . yes"

Did he read my mind?

"Then, why don't you stay here for now? I do have some room prepared for guest to stay."

Whoa, so I've got a place to stay!

"If it's really allowed, I will take your kind offer."

"Follow me"

sir. Daren then walk straight to an empty room and tell me that this is the room I will stay at.

"Oh, right. Taka, do you want to eat?"

Now I try to remember, I only had that first bread since coming to this world. That explain why I got this hungry.

"ah, yes."

"wait here"

sir. Daren goes somewhere and come back with three slice of bread on a plate. And it seems that it is the same bread as the one I had before. Do they eat this bread every day? Well, it still a precious food for me.

"Then, good night"

so, they are saying 'good night' too in this world.

"good night"

It's my second day in this world, so many new things to experience here. It's the first time I met another human, but, the weird thing I don't understand is, why do they trust me? or, is it the ordinary thing to do here? The relation between human might be tighter here, since there are other races we need to fight to survive, or there might be other reasons.

well, it's no good to think about this right now, I need to prepare myself for tomorrow too.

"escort . . . huh."

Then, I close my eyes and sleep.

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