《My Ordinary Life》Chapter 5 : The Ordinary Arrival in Daren Village


--- Daren Village's Gate ---

It seems that the village is circled by a wooden wall, and there is an entrace to the village.

"Hey Dan, what brings you here today?"

One of the two guard at the gate called out to us.

Both of them got a similar figure, but the one called out to us looks rather old with his moustache.

"Hey, Nera-san, you sound healthy as usual don't you."

"Nera, we come here to deliver these herbs and medicine, as requested by the village elder."

Gareth explain the situation as if it's the normal thing to do

"The elder request? Thanks for always delivering them Gareth."

"No problem, it's the right thing for us to do."

"Wait, is that a new face? So, you guys found a new member?"

"You mean Taka? We just met him in the forest, not a new member."

"I know, as an adventurer, you guys need to help each other in need, but, can we trust him?"

Oh, that's right, I don't have any explanation about my life. Even I explain my situation, will they believe it?

"You don't need to worry about him, Nera-san. He is a good guy, you have my word."

Huh? I don't know why, but Dan is helping me.

"Well.... Let's just do the usual procedure. Any misdeeds will be exposed in the detection stone after all."

Detection Stone?

"Ronnie, show them the way."

"Yes, sir."

Oh, the younger guy is called Ronnie.

"Please come this way"

Ronnie is bringing us to the small post near the gate, and told us to come in one by one, starting with Gareth.

This must be the standard procedure they do in every village and city, should I ask what we need to do inside there?


. . . . .

Wait, it might looks weird if I ask about this procedure, I hope they will tell me how it's done inside there.

While I'm still wondering what to do, it's my turn already.

"Taka, isn't it?"

Ronnie is coming to show me the way.

"ah, yes"

"This way"

I follow him and get inside the post.

--- Daren Village's Detection Post ---

it's a small space, the objects I can see are one chair, one table, and a big stone planted on the table. And there is a muscular man sitting on the chair.

"Put your wrist-card over here"

The man instructed that and points his finger at the stone.


Without much thinking, I move my hand and put my wrist-card on the stone.

When the wrist-card touched the stone, the stone become bright for a moment, and it shows some kind of writing.

Name Taka Affiliation - Guild - Main Class Strategist Main Profession - Crime Punishment Status - - -

So the stone is used to scan the wrist-card and show the history of the wearer. But, how do they decide something to be counted as a crime?

"The detection stone show nothing wrong, you can come in"

He shows me to the door behind him.

"Oh, and if you have some time to spare, why don't you go to the Cheking Building and register your affiliation to Daren Village for now?"

That's right, I don't have any guild nor affiliation registered into my wrist-card as of now, it might be a good idea to fill all the blank in my wrist-card.

"Thank you, I will think about it"

--- Daren Village---

So, this is Daren Village.

The road is unpaved, all the houses are built by wood, and the air is fresh.

"Hey Taka! Took a while, huh."


The one called out to me is Dan.

"The captain is waiting for you, you should go to the village elder's house. Here, come with me."

well, it's not like I have any other option, rather it's a good opportunity to find out what I can do in this village.

"Here we are"

Dan brought me to the biggest house in the village.

Well, it's not that different with the other houses, but this house is a little bigger than the others.

Just when I want to get in, Dan walks away.

"Dan, you're not coming with me?"

"Ah, me? Nope. I have another job to do."

They really are busy, these adventurers.

"Oh, good luck on your job then"

"I'll be fine, you should think about yourself first"

Then, I open the door to the village elder's house.

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