《My Ordinary Life》Chapter 3 : The Ordinary Forest


--- Unknown Forest ---

Before I go deep into the forest, I confirmed that there is nothing else in the cave other than this clothes I'm wearing right now. Well, I forgot where I put the letter, but I can't find it when I searched earlier.

Then. first priority would be to find some food, and since I’m in the forest, that means fruit or vegetable.

Just after I walk a bit into the forest, I found a tree with some fruits looks just like a mango but has a blue skin. I do able to pick it, but, I don't know, whether it's safe to eat or not. But looking at this unique fruit, makes me realize that I might really have been in another world...

"I still can’t believe that I've already dead, but I also thought that no human would be alive after got hit by a train head-on"


It does resemble mango, but it's about twice the size and has blue skin. Is it safe?

That book from earlier is not really helping at all, it mostly only have information about this wrist-card and various races in this world, it should have great if there is a list of edible food. If I'm not careful, I might lost my life because of poison. And I heard that poisonous plant or animal are actually more beautiful than the non poisonous one. Yeah, I might need to find some plain looking one.

My priority is to find food, but since I don’t know what edible, that means I might need to find a shelter first.

Well, rather than find, I might even need to build one.

*step *step


I heard a footstep coming closer to my place, and I hide reflexively behind a tree right beside me.


When I try to look to the direction where the footstep coming from, I saw a weird creature.

It has the same feature as human with height about 130 cm, and a light green skin.

Is that . . a goblin?

It wears a simple yet complete set of clothes, and it has a club as a weapon on his right hand.

Wait… what should I do in this kind of situation?

Fight it?

No, no, I don’t have a weapon, do I really have to fight him to begin with.

Then, run away?

No, no, I don’t know how many goblins around here, he might not be the only one here. If I run away, I might get caught.

Then, keep hiding here?

No, no, I don’t know why the goblin coming here for, he might come because he noticed there is something wrong around here.

Huh? Then what should I do?

Ah! Start a conversation with it?

.....Wait, can we even understand each other?

But, there is no other way out . . . I’ve got to gamble on it. First, calm yourself....

*inhale *exhale

You can do this Taka!!

*drum sound

When I got up and try to call out the goblin, I suddenly hear a sound of drum being hit from afar.

It was so loud that I dropped my guard and lose sight of the goblin.

But then, I realize that the goblin run as fast as it could to the source of the drum sound, not only one but there are about 3, no, 5 goblins running to the same direction.

I don’t know why, but my body moved by itself and follow the other goblins into the same direction, it might because I want to speak with him? Or it might because out of curiosity to find out what's going on.


I’m getting closer to the source, but I stop myself when I can see a kind of settlement as the source.

Is that . . . the goblin settlement?

That means, the drum sound might be about a festival? emergency? ceremony?

Wait, I should not think about that right now.


I can hear a loud scream from the settlement. I don’t know what it means, but Isn’t this a perfect time to run away?

Yeah, since I still don’t know what the relation between human and the other races, and I don’t know the custom in this world, then getting away from a likely problem might be a correct choice now. Yeah, they come back running as fast as they can, it might be a bad news.

Then, without delay, I run as fast as I can to the opposite direction of the goblin’s settlement.

Huh? This place . . .

When I start following the goblins, I was lost. Now, I don't know how far I have run, but I am standing at a paved road. Which means, there might be a human civilization nearby.

"I might be able to survive"

Right then, the fatigue hit me all at once

I lost all my strength.... My body become heavy and my eyes are forced to close.

. . . . .


“Oi! Wake up!”

“you should not sleep here you know!”


When I open my eyes, I can see 4 people around me.

"are you alright?"

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