《My Ordinary Life》The (Un)Ordinary Summary


--- Soul Queue Room C ---

“Sera, where is the documentation?”

“wait... Here, this week documentation”

“Hmm… Seems like it’s just the usual”

“Are you waiting for something unusual, Rain?”

“Well, it’s already a long time after the last unusual happen after all”

Suddenly there is a young woman with a bright red hair come flying really fast into Rain and Sera

“Rain! Rain!”

“huh, Clear?”

“a patient opened his eyes by himself!”

“Are you sure it’s not your imagination?”

“Hmph, just come with me!”

“Wha - -“

Clear then drag me into Soul Queue Room B with an amazing speed

--- Soul Queue Room B ---

“Rain, this man here is patient no.38802”

“ah, you’re back already Clear”

“hoo, did he really open his eyes by himself?”

“yes, I saw it with my own eyes, right Arte?”

“yes, it seems he can even control them”

“hum, interesting, how many days left for him?”

“from the schedule. it should be 2 days”

2 days? Then it might be fine to transfer him out.

“So, can we transfer him?”

“He will be transferred, right?”


"Alright, alright, go meet Darke and tell him the situation”

“right away!”

Clear fly away to tell Darke about this man

--- 3 hours later ---

“so, what is this about?”

An oldman who dragged by Clear asking for some reason as to why he got dragged

“hey, Darke. You look scary as always”

“it’s my face Arte! You looking for a fight!?”

“well, well, don’t go and fight on your own. We’re not calling him here to fight right?”

“that’s right, Rain, what is this about?”

“we are planning to transfer this patient over here”

“hmm? What so special about him?”

“his eyes was open not too long ago”

“are you sure? He looks just like the others if I say so”


“it’s fine, I will be the one taking all the responsibility about this one”

“hoo, are you sure Rain?”

“well, we don’t have any of the unusual for some time. It will be a good distraction from work for everyone”

“hmm.. if you say so. Then, I will discuss about this with Father”

“we are waiting for the good news”

--- The next day ---

“I have discussed about it with Father, and Father said he is allowed to be transferred”

“So, where will he be transferred to?”

“about that, Father said that you three will be the one who decide on the place”

After saying that, Darke give some papers with worlds to choose to the three of us

“okay, let’s discuss about it!”

“Then, if it’s about where to, it should be here right! This place full of robots!!”

Arte take the initiation and point to the world full of robot

“wait Arte, won’t it be better to transfer him to this place?”

Then Clear respond and pointed at world full with many giant animal and monster

“what are you talking about Clear, that place is a traditional one! He might not survive”

“wait the two of you. The best place to transfer him is this place right?”

I responded and pointed at the world full of many races

“hmm? Why you suggest this place Rain?”

“eh? Take a look at this, it’s full of interesting folks, I just think where will be the most interesting place for him to be”

“wait, this place with robots will be the most safe one right? Just let him go there”

“what are you talking about Arte, it won’t be fun if it’s a safe place”

“Rain is right, which is why he should be transferred to this traditional place”

“Darke, it seems we need a little time to discuss about this first”


--- discussion room ---

“before we start an endless discussion, let’s start with the reason why we choose the world”

“Arte, you go first”

“well, he was a programmer in his last life right. Then by transferring this world, won’t he become some genius”

“Clear, what about you?”

“he is a human right, the old human in his world is capable to live together with those mammoth and dinosaur right? Then he will be fine transferring into this world!”

“then, now is my turn”

“the reason why he lost his life is because he sacrificed his life for others right, then, won’t this world will be interesting? By transferring into this world, he will need to struggle with all of his might.”

--- after a short discussion ---

Finally we decide on the place

“so, It the place will be my choice right?”

“yeah, after some consideration my robot world won’t give us a long entertainment, and he will lost his life fast if we let him transfer to Clear choice of world”

“well, as long as he will do some action, Clear is OK with it”

“Now, let’s create a book to give him the basic information about the world he will be in”

“Rain, Rain, can I write a letter to him?”

Said Clear who come to me with a bright expression in her face

“ah, well, be sure to at least give him introduction about his condition”

“yeah! Clear will do that!”

“then Arte, come help me write the book”


--- after the book and letter finished ---

“Darke! We have decided!”

“So, which will it be?”

“here, this place suggested by Rain!”

“Then I will transfer him right away.”

“Wait Darke, can you transfer this book with him?”

“we have prepared the book to help him out”

“it will be possible, then let me take the book too”


“then, Clear can you bring him to that room?”


Then Clear push the bed to the transfer place.

“ah, over there should be alright”

“okay! is there anything else I can do to help?”

“Clear, you really sound so excited about this aren’t you?”

“hehe, this kind of thing is a rare occurrence right!!”

“Then, I will start the transfer right away”

“wait, can you also take this with him?”

“a letter? Fine, then is there anything else?”

“that’s all!!”

“Let me begin the transfer”

In an instant, the patient disappear

“the transfer is done”

“eh? That’s it!?”

“what are you expecting?”

“well, I thought we will bring him personally there, hehe”

“what, you want to go there? Have you forgot? we are not allowed to come directly to any world without Father permission. We might distort the world fate if we do that”

“yes, yes, I know. ah, I will report to Rain and Arte about the transfer”

“well, my job here is done, I’ve got to do the other work”

--- Soul Queue Room B ---

“Rain! Arte! The transfer is done!”

“well, with this we should not be bored for a while”

“will he be able to entertain us though?”

“don’t worry Arte, you saw it with you own eyes right, his eyes is full of will to life”

“but, isn’t it better to send someone once the last one not entertaining us? Father is really strict”

“what are you talking about? Father will only adjust their fate if we send one everytime.. transferring someone will not have much effect if that happen”

“I know, I know”

“well, Now, let’s see how entertaining this man is”

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