《The Holy Dark Dragon King's Resting Place》SS2 Dark Horse


SS2: Dark Horse


When the tiny Yang woke up, she was really different from before. The mysterious dark attractive her was gone and what remained was a bratty, but cute smaller version.

At first I thought she was ungrateful for slapping me when I gave her a lap pillow, but seeing her red puffed out cheeks, just made her look cute and bratty.

The surprise came right after, the person who came to greet us. IT WAS THE FAMOUS ARCHMAGE HIMSELF! Uskius Dirgestone, the man who is famous throughout history for his creativity. He created tons of different magic both good and bad. He’s even know to have caused a zombie apocalypse in a noble’s house because they insulted his magic. I have to keep up my guard around him.

After going through the gate, I got to see a different side of little Yang. The sparkly eyes she made looking around like a country bumpkin was very entertaining and since I still had stuff to do, I quickly left them to go to my dorm.

I got the guards to unpack my stuff to my room for me and went to meet with the principal.

We struck a deal, he doesn’t tell anyone about me, Yang and my littler sisters and helps us in turn for information on Yang. I don’t know how, but she caught his interest. We signed a soul contract that will kill me if I don’t tell him all the info I have on her or lie and kill him if he tells somebody about us, or try to hurt us in some way.

After striking the deal, I gave him the information, which left him flabbergasted, it’s not every day one gets to see a few hundred year old archmage with his jaws dropped, it was quite entertaining to be honest.


I left the principal’s office and went back to my room. I started researching the students to see if I can create my own spy network in the academy, which might come in handy someday, but just as I was researching the students, my little sister came with Miu and a red eye’d Yang. At that time I knew, I wouldn’t be able to get away.

For the next 3 days THEY HAD ME CARRY EVERYTHING! I swear for three days straight they worked me to death! When I find the guy who invented the stupid puppy eyes or shopping I swear I’m going to rip their eyes out and feed them to the dogs!


On the hero side, the hero and the first princess are in a dungeon with three body guards a little farther away ready to jump in when they’re in danger.

They’ve been training in the royal castle and now they’re having their first real life training by trying to clear a beginner dungeon.

“A little help would be nice you know”

“Sorry, I have a leg cramp”


“Because slimes bring fine art, I mean look at that partially melted clothing revealing the big chests that feels like it will rip through and pop out at a moment’s notice and that silky smooth leg, revealed through melted holes also that slimy goo covering the body hinting what it could possibly be. Don’t you three agree.”

The guards instantly avoided eye contact, but all nodded a little.

“I’M GONNA MURDER ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


On the tournament side,

“Now then ladies and gentlemen, please watch the big screen! We’ll be broadcasting fights in the arena through these four big screens floating in the middle. It’s designed so that we’re able to see the most exciting fights!”


“Let the battle BEGIN!”

The screens were showing fights between the first years, but they just all jumped at each other and were randomly slashing, while some were done in by the desert’s quicksand, so it wasn’t really entertaining, and the switched to the second years.

The second years was a massacre, a single student massacred everyone, wearing a black cloak and black mask, one slash of his dagger across the throat was all he needed to kill somebody. He hunted them, one by one, until only eight were left and luckily, Yui never met the black cloaked figure and was able to move onto the second round just from wandering around in the rocky mountain.

The third years were better, they had small skirmishes here and there on the plains and the fourth years as well in the forest.

The odd thing was, whenever the camera switched back from the third years to fourth years, there would be many people dead, with their heads cut off and lying on the ground.

“Here we have the Famous son of Duke Raimund the ‘Wing Fang’ Jarin known for his high speed and endurance, who is predicted to be in the top 8, who is facing against a mysterious masked girl who looks like she’s crying!”

The audience watched the fight, excited for the outcome, but it soon just turned into a one sided attack from Jarin’s side and everyone thought the girl would lose, so they got bored.

“Here is another contestant who is predicted to be in the top 8, the famous ‘Frost Witch’ Rosi! Known for her Ice magic as well as always wearing a pointy hat gave her the name Frost Witch, since the title Ice Queen is already taken!”

The audience watched as she strolled through the forest, freezing everything close to her indiscriminately.

The matches continued and everyone was watching the fights that occurred, no one noticed the black hooded figure from the second year quietly leaving the stand.


In a dark, small room,

“How is the plan going?” An old plump man said in a deep voice full of stress,

“Everything is in place, so it’s sure to work if she does her job right.” A soldier replied

“SHE BETTER, that bitch better complete the job perfectly if she knows what’s good for her.”

“Boss, calm down”

“Calm down, you telling me to calm down?”


“How can I be calm after those dam bastards betrayed us, if I didn’t threaten them I’d rat them out too, they would serve my enemies my head on a silver platter.”

“I swear, we lost an army and our best assassins, we’re too deep in to back out now! and she is our last card! go double check everything, no triple check!”


And the man ran out of the room.

The old man sat there frustrated, biting his nails,

“I have to win, I must win, for all that is rightfully mine…”

He did not even notice that behind him, a young man walked out of the shadows. With red eyes the colour of blood, black long hair as dark as the night sky and dark red skin. His face slowly stretched into a smile, “you’ll do just fine”

And with that, he disappeared once more into the shadow.

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