《The Holy Dark Dragon King's Resting Place》Chapter 9 Let the Battle BEGIN!


Chapter 9: Let the Battle BEGIN!

more boring chapters because im a boring person writing a boring story and failing my boring exams T_T i literally got below 50 on my last midterm....


“All students, please assemble in the colosseum behind the school building, I repeat, All students, please assemble in the colosseum behind the school building. Today’s the day for the Combat Tournament!”

Oh right! Today’s the day of the combat tournament! Well… I don’t know how to fight so I’ll probably drop out early.

A knock sounded on the door, “Hey Yang, come on, we’re gonna be late!”


Yang quickly wore the school uniform that was sent to her room and got out of the room. The school uniform was a blazer and skirt school uniform, with an emblem of a of a dragon on the left. The top was black coloured with golden linings and the skirt was black with white stripes.

As Yang opened the door, she was met with two astonished faces.

“Um, big sis, am I colour blind or?”

“ I see it as well…”

“Ehh? What’s up with that reaction? And why do you two have red blazer and skirts?”


“… Yang, do you know what the colour means?”

“Um sorry Miu, I don’t”

“This school’s rules are based on meritocracy. If you aren’t skilled, and a commoners, you get brown uniforms, and nobles get yellow ones. If you have intermediate rank knowledge or skills, you get a green one. Blue for advanced rank, and golden for master rank. We’re special because we’re the king’s children, we get a red one. And as for you… you got a black one, which is master rank or above and it means, you’re a teachers.”

“Ehh? Wait, that makes sense, I will be teaching here.”


“Hmm? Oh right I forgot to tell you two, I’ll be teaching math here.”

“Ohoho, as expect of the one I want to follow”


“What’s wrong Miu?”

“All the teacher’s here are at least master rank, some are even mystic rank, how knowledgeable or strong are you!?”

“I don’t know, let’s talk about this later, we’re gonna be late!”

“Wait! At least change before you go!”

“Why Miu?”

“The first part of the tournament is a battle royale between people of the same age until only 8 people are left standing. You’re going in there wearing a black uniform, as a teacher into a student’s battle royale!”

“Eh, then what do I do?”

“We could get you a different coloured uniform”

“Or you can go in wearing that and A MASK!”

“Um, Yue I don’t think a mask will make it any better, there’s still going to be a person with an teacher’s authority in a student’s tournament.”

“But masks are cool!”

*sigh* “we could get a different coloured uniform.”

“Eh? That’s allowed?”

“Yes, the brown uniforms are accessible to everybody in case someone wanted to go out incognito.”

“Ok, let’s go with that”

“I still like the mask idea…”

“You can buy a mask on the way Yue, as for Yang, wait here, we’ll go get a brown uniform.”

“Thanks… sorry for making both of you late too…” Yang looked down depressed

“Don’t worry, what’re friend’s for”

“Hurry up Miu, let’s get the coolest mask ever!”

Yue dragged Miu out and they ran off. Yang shut the door and lied on the bed, waiting for the two, and after a few minutes, she heard a knock on the door and “Yang! We’re back, and I got you the coolest mask ever!”


Yang quickly opened the door to Yang holding a smiling mask with sharp eye sockets and a line going down from the middle of the eye socket to the bottom of the mask making it look like it’s crying. The mask was evenly bisected in the middle with one side white and one side black, which made it look like a white and black demon.

“Quickly, put this uniform on Yang”

“This mask too!”

“Is the mask necessary?”


“But, I won’t be able to… “PUT IT ON!” fine…”

Yang quickly changed into the uniform and wore the mask.

“Is this really necessary?”

“Yes! Now come on, we’re already late!”

Yue happily dragged both Miu and Yang to the back of the building with the colosseum and as they went in the main entrance that leads to the fighting area, they saw Kazuki leaning against the wall, waiting for them.

“You guys are really late, the speech is almost done!”

“How long is the speech…” (Yue)

“Over an hour, after the speech they talk about the important rules and take attendance as well, hurry!”

As the four of them rushed through the long tunnel, they arrived in the middle of the coliseum with many students standing around looking like they’d collapse at any moment.

“… and with that LET THE TOURNAMENT BEGIN!”

“Phew, just in time”

“I know right bro, we didn’t have to listen to the boring part”

As the students started to chat away, a booming sound filled the coliseum “Now, would all the students please stand in your groups with students of the same year. I will begin to explain the rules shortly after.”

Every one quickly got into their own year groups.

“I’ve been wanting to ask you this for a while now, why’re you wearing that mask?”


As Kazuki was trying to hold off his laughter, Yang gave him an angry face, but she forgot the mask was in the way which made him laugh even more.

“Now, I’ll explain the rules of the tournament. Today, the first, second, third and fourth year students will battle it out until 8 people are left and tomorrow the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth year students will battle it out. There should be 64 people left, which will become a 1v1 tournament on the last day until there is only one winner. Everything is allowed in this tournament and there’s a magic set in place so if you die, you’ll be immediately teleported to the audience zone alive and restored to before you entered the tournament, so go all out and have fun!”

As the announcer finished his speech, the teachers led the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth year students to the audience stand which was filled with people from the city, even the king was there.

Then, the ground shook and the scenery changed. The arena split into four different settings with a big wall in between each splitting the coliseum into four semicircles with the settings forest, mountain, desert and plains.

“Students please enter you’re respective battlefields and when there are only 8 people left, they will be teleported out into the audience stand. The battle begins in 30 seconds.”

I quickly ran into the forest and separated from Kazuki, because this is a free for all.

“Let the battle BEGIN!”

“Found my first prey. This’ll be fun!”

I heard the voice and turned to my right to see a young boy with green eyes and short green hair. He was wearing a golden armour, a blue uniform underneath and had a very sharp longsword. The boy smiled and instantly, it changed to dissatisfaction.


“What’s with that mask and where’s your weapon? Well, whatever I’m going to cut you down anyways.”

And he jumped at me. The speed was fast, but not so fast that I can’t see his movement. As he swung his sword down, I jumped to the left to avoid the slash, and at that moment, I saw him smile, he turned the sword slightly and bounced it off the ground to aim at my neck. Instantly, I ducked down to avoid it and jump to the side out of range.

I know there’s a spell that prevents us from dying in the tournament, but HE SERIOUSLY WENT FOR MY HEAD!

“Not bad, not bad, you’re able to avoid my slashes this well, I’ll consider hiring you to my servant. Be proud, you’ve just been scouted by Jarin Aeris Raimund!”

“Um who?”

“That voice… YOU’RE A GIRL!?”

“… Yes…”

“EH!? I thought you we’re just a really short boy, who knew you were a girl with tiny…”

Before the boy could finish his words, he was sent flying with a hand mark on the side of his face and hit his head on a tree. “Say it and you die!” Yang said narrowing her eyes filled with bloodthirst.

Jarin slowly sat up and muttered “Ugh… Alright, I deserve that one, you win the first round, so let’s go for round two!”

Jarin got up and jumped at Yang with his sword, but this time, the sword and his body had a faint glow of green. He leaped and swing down with both hands, and Yang jumped to the side once more, but this time, she noticed. His speed was different, it was much faster than before. She quickly tried to open up the distance, but Jiran bounced the sword off the ground faster this time, giving her almost no time to react. She quickly jumped up to avoid the horizontal slash, but Jiran turned his sword and bounced it towards the midair Yang with a wind bullet making a horizontal slash at her waist. Yang couldn’t avoid in midair, so she moved her legs up and arms in front to brace the impact and tried to gather all of her strength into her knees, to try to block the sword and at that time, she felt it. The feeling of things inside of her moving, gathering at her legs, making the rest of her body more vulnerable and light, but making her legs stronger and sturdier.

*Clang* The sword and her legs collided, a metallic spark went off and sent Yang flying. She agilely landed on her feet, while Jarin blew himself back a few centimeters as well from putting all his force in that swing.

“What was that?”

Yang did not know what happened either, but she did know whatever happened, saved her and she also felt her body turn hot. A burning sensation erupted from within her body. This was no time for words, it was a time to fight!

Yang quickly leaped to confront Jarin, but this time, her body felt strange. She leaped farther than she had anticipated and her body felt light everywhere, except her legs which felt heavy, sturdy, but strong. Not giving Jarin a time to rest, she sent a flurry of kicks at him, which he blocked with his sword. And he sent slashes back, which Yang tried to dodge and block with her legs, but Jarin was faster and more experienced. He did avoided all the kicks, but Yang could not avoid all the slashes. The battle dragged on and cuts slowly started to appear around her body, but no blood came out and the cuts slowly, but surely started to close themselves.

As the fight dragged on Yang slowly got used to the speed and was able to dodge more and more, but on the other side, the green glow on Jarin’s body slowly dimmed and he was breathing heavily. Both sides did not notice the change in Yang’s hair, as time passed, the hair slowly started to darken from the bottom up. Seeing the green aura dim and the speed start to drop, Yang took this opportunity and landed a kick on Jarin’s chest and used the force to jump back. Jarin staggered back and fell to one knee supporting himself up with his sword with big beads of sweat dripping down his forehead.

“How *pant* are you *pant* not tired? Also *pant* where’re your wounds?”

Seeing Jarin in that state, Yang calm down and decided he is no longer a threat, but with those skills, she doesn’t want to kill him either.

“My wounds? I guess they healed, and I’m not tired because I’m not. I guess I’ll go find others to fight, I have an urge to battle right now and I don’t know why.”

And with that Yang ran off into the forest trying to satisfy her urge to fight. Inside of her normally emotionless body right now is only the urge to fight, not kill nor slaughter, but to find worthy opponents to fight, which was something the old her could never do. But just as she ran off, a bell sounded and instantly she felt the area around her distort.

“And with that, the fourth grade’s battle royale is over! The Contestants remaining are, the ‘Sad Girl’, the ‘Wind Fang’ Jarin, the second prince Kazuki, the ‘Dark Shield’ Huali, the ‘Frost Witch’ Rosi, the ‘Hunter’ Alwin and the twins Shira and Lira!”

Eh!? It’s over already? And why does everyone have cool titles!? No fair mine’s suck I mean what kind of title is the Sad Girl!?

Yang was disappointed that it was over so fast, but nonetheless, she did have fun facing Jarin, so she calmed down and her hair slowly changed back.

Looking at the big screen with people fighting, Yang didn’t even notice the announcer beside her.

The announcer who was a handsome man in a tuxedo suddenly asked “Little girl, what is your name?”

“Ah!… um Yang” she muttered quietly because she was really embarrassed seeing the camera focus on her and an image of her appeared on the big screen beside the announcer.

“And there you have it Miang!” (Author Note: she says um and yang really closely and quietly, so he misheard)

“Ah NO!” Before she could correct him, the announcer already ran off to the other audience section.


“Nice, you made it Yang”

“Oh, you’re here too Kazuki”

“What do you mean “Oh, you’re here too”? I’m the genius prince of course I’d be victorious, did you think I’d lose?”

“well, you don’t look strong to me”

“Neither do you, but hey you passed and you’re here right now”

Yang puffed out her cheek and glared at Kazuki, which only made him laugh and call her cute and that earned him a stab on the sides.

“Um, do you two know each other?” (Jarin)

“No!” “Yes” Yang turned her head away emphasizing the o in no

“aww don’t be like that” kazuki said in a playful voicing poking the side of Yang’s mask


And Yang walked off back to her dorm.

“Hahaha, she’s cute when she’s mad”

“Who is she? To be so strong while only being a beginner”

“Oh you want to know?” Kazuki turned to Jarin with a cold smile making the temperature instantly fall.

“…Yes…” Jiran mumbled silently. Although he was scared of enraging the prince, his curiosity got the better of him.

“Then go find out” Kazuki said in a cheerful voice making his previous act seem like a lie and walked away.

“Who is that girl really…”

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