《Slaughtering God's Legacy Inheritor》Chapter 2: Manifestation.
One afternoon in the Longinus Kingdom's Palace. Count Guillermo bowed to King Luis and said "Your Majesty, It seems like someone has already obtained the divine artifact we longed for, Since It's arrival. Even seven star mages and warriors weren't able to pull the sword, But this morning. A youth pulled the sword." His voice carried a hint of excitement. Still, It was solemn
"Hmm... A youth, huh? Is he from our kingdom? " King Luis clutched his hands together. Patiently waiting for Guillermo's reply.
"Not just from our kingdom. He's the third prince. Robert Longinus. " Guillermo glanced at the King with steeled resolve. The king widened his eyes in shock.
"Robert, eh..." Luis said in a wary voice.
"How unfortunate for him." Count Guillermo said to himself, and sighed internally.
"Summon Robert Longinus at once!" King Luis bellowed and Count Guillermo immediately retracted his posture and said.
"Well then, Your majesty. I bid you goodbye. " Count Guillermo paid his respects and exited the throne room.
"Eh? What's that? Is that supposed to be a divine artifact?"
"Yeah, right! A broken ragged sword as a divine artifact? Hell, no! " Several spectators around shouted in dismay. Robert also froze and glanced at the arm he pierced through the skies.
"This is..."
"A broken sword?!" Robert scrutinized the broken sword, and as expected. It was a normal ragged broken sword that you can find in any soldiers around the area. Even it's handle are similar to the soldier corps sword. The only difference was the transparent gem embedded between blade and the handle.
"Young Master! Let's go home for now! I can't keep these curious onlookers!" Sahhad's voice rang as he was being pushed by the audiences who wanted to see a glance of the alleged divine artifact. Beaded sweats formed on his forehead as a sign of fatigue.
"Let's go!" Robert weaved through the pile of people and ran towards his carriage.
"Back to our manor!" Robert leaped and rolled on the carriage.
"Faster, Sahhad!" Robert glanced at the frantic Sahhad. Sahhad just smiled and said "Heh."
With a blur. Sahhad instantly appeared inside the carriage. The dumbfounded Robert shook his head and shouted "Sahhad!"
"I'm here." Sahhad tapped Robert's shoulders from behind. The astounded Robert's eyes widened and said. "How the hell did you get here?"
"Hahaha. That's a secret." Sahhad winked and Robert just laughed. He didn't know whether to laugh or to cry.
"This old man." Robert sighed to himself and signaled the driver. "Let's go!" With a bellow. The carriage immediately rocked and left.
Year 6997 of the Fallaciae Calendar. James City of the Longinus Kingdom.
"Where did Prince Robert go?!" The frantic Guillermo angrily walked around the surroundings. He even shoved his servants to the ground.
"That fucking kid! Find him!" Guillermo howled to the seven star mage that was on standby.
"Y-Yes!" The mage arranged his posture and frantically poured his battle qi in the basin.
"What the fuck are you doing?! Are you supposed to find him with that! Go use your flying wings, you lazy bastard!" The enraged Guillermo slammed his foot on the ground. His foot left deep marks, and some shockwaves of the impact flew to the spectating audiences, knocking them back.
Even though he didn't look like it. Count Guillermo was a nine star mage. He's a double expert. Although his rank as a warrior was only six star. His strength was still indomitable. Which explains the huge explosion he created by venting his rage on the ground.
"S-Sorry sir! But this is most effective if used when the target is already far!" The mage worked himself up to explain, Though he stuttered midway, His panic stricken body smiled as he finished his explanation.
"Huh?! So are you saying that water mages trash like you are useful for scouting?! Okay then. If you'll not succeed in finding that kid. I'll fucking turn your head to meat pastes!"
"Y-yes!" The mage's face was filled with dread and he poured all his might towards casting a particular spell.
"Eyes of Omni!" The magus shouted and a faint light filled the steady waters of the basin. The faint blue hue scattered around the waters creating a small mirage of white light. The white light transformed to a faint figure of a brown eyed boy.
This figure was definitely Robert Longinus. Upon seeing this. Guillermo sprang from his rage and rushed towards the basin.
"Ohh! You're competent after all! Here get this and scram!" Guillermo clutched a small pouch from his chest pocket and threw it to the magus.
The magus snatched it in mid-air and said. " Thank you sir! " The magus' dread filled face was replaced with mirth.
"No problem, no problem. Just scram! I'll handle things here." Guillermo's rage already dissipated and his voice returned to neutral.
The magus solemnly bowed, sighed and left the tent.
"Hahaha! Your mother managed to protect you, But now that she's not here. Who will protect you?! " Guillermo revealed a grim smile and shouted. "Pursue! To the Range of Living Plants!" The soldiers outside immediately relayed the messages from one to another. By the time when Guillermo left the tent. The soldiers are already ready.
The range of living plants. As the name says. It's a mountain range filled with carnivorous plants! Though barricades to prevent the encroaching danger to approach merchants are placed. Some plants are still able to escape the barricades and pierce through.
Though the area is dangerous. It's still the best shortcut for someone inbound or outbound to James City. Robert chose this area since for him, It doesn't contain much danger.
"Young master. We're approaching the middle section of the mountain range. Expect a bumpy ride. " Sahhad smiled to his master. His head is overlooking the outside area.
"That's no problem. We've been here countless times already." Robert returned the favor and also stuck his head out to see the outside world.
"Hmm... Ominous plants and some living rocks. " Robert's voice didn't have a hint of worry. His face was filled with excitement.
"Hahaha... This Oracle powder really is useful sometimes. " Sahhad snatched a small pouch from his bag and sprinkled the red powder around the carriage. He did this all in just ten seconds.
"Finish already? You became quite fast." Robert waved his hands towards the approaching Sahhad.
"Hahaha. I'm not really that fast. " Sahhad revealed a small smile and stood beside his master.
"What's wrong master? Are you still doubtful about that divine artifact?" Sahhad glanced at his worry stricken master. His master's gaze was fixed on the broken sword.
"I wonder if this really is a divine artifact. " Robert's tone had a hint of worry in it. If this artifact is fake. He would be shamed. His recent actions in James City wasn't befitting for a Lord Mayor. If his father found out about this. He would be penalized.
"What's wrong, Young master?" Sahhad followed his master's gaze. There they saw a small carriage being attacked by small living plants. Screams of women can be heard, and a bloodied old man desperately fended off the plants.
"That's a Flesh Eating Bone Shattering Plant! Damn it!" Robert immediately jumped and rushed towards the small carriage.
"Master!" Sahhad also followed and with a blur. He vanished into thin air.
The driver of the carriage also stopped and jumped off. He didn't look like it but he was a five star warrior.
"Careful!" A small snaring plant whipped towards Robert. Sahhad just voiced in time as Robert blocked the snaring plant's attack.
Sahhad immediately activated several protection spells and Robert leaped off and slashed the snaring plant to oblivion.
"Eat this!" The two jumped at the same time and used their spells. Sahhad used his Fireball while Robert utilized his divine artifact.
"Guasagh!" The Flesh Eating Plant shrieked and glanced at the two with killing intent. As If scanning who's weaker. The Flesh Eating Plant dived towards Robert.
"Master!" Sahhad just watched as his master wasn't able to move due to the shock. But to his surprise. His master disappeared to thin air and appeared in the air above.
"You fucking bastard! Eat this!" Robert utilized the broken sword and slashed downward. The Flesh Eating Plant's head broke open and brain matter scattered around the area. Even drenching the sweat filled Robert's face with green stinky blood.
"Damn it." Robert slightly cursed and said "I'm sorry Sahhad." Robert gestured to the nearby Sahhad. Sahhad just nodded and said "Cleanse" A faint blue light covered Robert's body. Sahhad was a seven star mage of the water element, and so. spells at this levels were easy to instacast.
"By the way Sahhad. How high did that monster ranked again?"
"Six stars, Water Element."
Robert nodded in acknowledgement and said. "I see, I see. But it looks like that Flesh Eating Bone Shattering Plant is not the only enemy. " Robert smiled as several Flesh Eating Plants revealed themselves. Their eyes filled with killing intent towards the two.
Robert gestured and said. "Sahhad, Protect those people. "
Sahhad nodded and said "Yes master, Be careful."
"Now, you bastards! Come! " Though filled with worry. Robert smiled and provoked the Flesh Eating Plants. Hearing Robert's provocation. They immediately sprang to action and wildly attacked at Robert.
"Gravity Down!" An earthen yellow aura formed from elemental essence and increased the gravity around Robert by ten times. The Flesh Eating Plants were caught unguarded and fell to the ground. Robert revealed a grin and said "Now this job will be easy."
Several flesh eating heads flew across the skies as Robert casually hacked them with his broken sword. Robert sighed and to his amazement. He found out that the broken sword was as sharp as sharpened swords. Even though it's broken. It still had insurmountable durability.
"Is this really a divine artifact?" Robert said to himself and revealed a smile. "I'm really lucky. "
"Young master!" Sahhad called from behind. As Robert turned. He saw that Sahhad was tied with a knot. Same goes for the people they helped. Behind them were several sturdy looking soldiers.
Robert was able to ascertain from their auras alone that they shouldn't be offended at all cost. Robert was just a six star warrior. Due to his weak battle qi comprehension. He wasn't able to advance to seven star and failed the age of coming ceremony. But still, He was grateful for his benevolent father that handed him a piece of land to manage.
Though this signifies that he wouldn't have any chance for the throne at all. Robert was already satisfied by what he got. Still, Robert thought. "Why did this strong guys come here? If my memory serves me right, I haven't offended anyone." Robert wondered to himself before shouting.
"What does milords need of me?" Robert respectfully said. He knew that this people and the person behind them should not be offended. How could he be so disrespectful in front of a supreme expert?
"Hahaha, Robert Longinus! My cute and sweet third prince! How well are you doing?" A familiar voice rang from behind. Just hearing his voice made Robert's eyes widened.
"Count Guillermo?! That bastard! The nerve of him to show himself to me!" Robert slightly cursed before saying.
"I'm quite well Count Guillermo. What business do you need of me?" Robert smiled still he used a respectful intonation.
"Hahaha, No need to be so tense. I just need that small broken sword in your back. " Guillermo smiled and walked towards Robert. He opened up his hands as if trying to predict Robert's answer.
"This bastard! Not only did he sent my sister far away. He even wants to acquire this artifact?! " Robert internally brimmed with rage. Still, He put up a facade and said.
"But, Count Guillermo. I'm the one who obtained it through my efforts. I should be the one to keep this." Robert protested and at the same time. Guillermo's face became ugly to behold.
"So what?! I already gave you a fucking chance you fucking kid! Since you didn't acknowledge my benevolence. Prepare to surrender your petty life!" Count Guillermo finally revealed his cards and howled at Robert.
Robert's face also turned grim. and said.
"Do you dare act like this to me?! If you choose this path. Be ready for the consequences!" Robert thought of his mother who gave him a medallion of protection, and with a wave. The medallion appeared in thin air.
"Just try!" Robert proudly raised the medallion high in the skies.
Upon recognizing the medallion. Count Guillermo's face twitched. The medallion of immunity. As the name says, Gives sufficient protection and favorable circumstances for the owner,But it can only be bestowed by the King or the Queen itself.
Count Guillermo still remembered of how King Luis bestowed Robert with this medallion.
"Third Prince of the Longinus Kingdom, Robert Longinus." King Luis adjusted his posture and a familiar sound creaked from the throne.
"I, with my name. King Luis Longinus, Hereby bestow you this medallion of immunity." King Luis smiled as he placed his palm onto Robert's head. Robert could feel the warm touch of King Luis' palm and furthermore respected the King's charisma.
On the sidelines. Count Guillermo's teeth chattered with anger. "How could the King bestow such a precious item to that brat?! Damn you Sofia, You left your son with such a convenient article!" Count Guillermo clasped his hands together in pensive thinking.
"Nevertheless, I'll find an opportunity to end your measly life. When that happens, Don't blame me. Blame your stupid mother for that year." Count Guillermo sighed and he regained his normal calm.
Count Guillermo slightly regained his composure, and his face turned an arc. With a grim smile. Count Guillermo proudly announced. "The Medallion of Immunity, Such a wasteful article to be used by you! Well then, Here's the news. The Medallion of Immunity only works if the benefactor still considers it as in effect or if the benefactor is still alive! Then, News Flash! Your benefactor is dead! Your mother is dead!" Count Guillermo even amplified his voice using water type magic and his voice sounded like a thunderous roar.
Robert was hit in a gut with a punch, But immediately regained his composure and said. "And why the hell should I believe someone who tried to kill me? You bastard! If you try to attack me while I have this medallion, I will ensure that you're gonna regret your decision for the rest of your life!" Robert howled to the grim smiling Guillermo.
A deafening silence ensued. None of Count Guillermo's soldiers attacked, and Robert didn't flee. They patiently waited each others reply until.
"Hmm... Kid. You really are persistent. Don't haunt me from the netherworld. I hate ghosts." Guillermo grimly smiled and shouted "Attack!"
"Ououhhh!" Several soldiers on standby immediately stood in action. Their target, The stupor Robert Longinus.
"Mother... Mother..." Robert's mind was still recalling the events with his mother.
"You really are helpless, Kid." The broken sword mentally reached out to the pensive Robert, and as if a lightning struck. Robert's pensive mind was brought to reality. The broken sword reacted with his emotions. It also contained the pent up emotion Robert had. Hatred, Vengeance, and all kinds of strong emotions. It was all mixed in the broken sword.
"Wh-What the?! I-impossible! A kid like him... A kid like him was able to awaken the artifact?!" Count Guillermo's face became filled with dread, and a strong white light emanated from the broken sword. All of the soldiers around Robert were turned to ashes.
"Let me take over you a bit. By the way, My name is Asmodeo, I'm your divine artifact." The broken sword didn't wait for the dumbfounded Robert's reply and immediately manifested his presence. He took over Robert's body and in that instance. Robert's figure change.
His eyes changed from brown to scarlet red, and his hair turned from black to blue. A draconic tattoo was scribbled across his left cheek and his battle qi exploded around the area.
"Guillermo, I know what you did to Sofia. Now, I'll revenge my master. I wonder how fast can you run? " The transformed Robert grimly smiled at Guillermo. His gaze alone made Guillermo's heart sink.
"Timer starts. Now!" With a blur, Guillermo disappeared to thin air.
"As expected. You really are a fast runner, But you cannot escape me! Nothing escapes me, Asmodeo!" The transformed Robert also disappeared into a blur.
TheAdventurer- Signed Out.
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